The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 538
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
Fucking dunked my lane early on, basically full HP to nothing. vi ganked early and blew everything top, then continued sitting top to keep him farming and in the game. Ping a billion times because vi has literally never left my lane, and when it finally pushed back it's like 3 waves of creeps built up, and I can't go into a vi+olaf who are both equal or higher level than I am because of the zone/campage. Ends up being the mid laner roaming up after like a minute straight of me pinging. Jungle still nowhere to be found. I don't even understand how that fucking happens. Like I fucking see him doing wraiths, SPAM assist me on him. and he still goes off to gank bottom for some stupid reason. It blows my mind that people are this fucking bad at the game. I don't know what to do at this point. Played 3 games tonight, every game it's just people getting caught or losing lanes before I even hit level 3 in jungle. IDK if I have reevaluate my play or just weather the storm of bad players because at this point I've dropped pretty much a whole division in terms of MMR. I can fucking dumpster people in lane, but it just feels like every single fucking game someone on the other team is carrying harder than I am, or one of my lanes just gets shit on so hard it's irrecoverable. | ||
16 Posts Maybe I'm bad, maybe it's my luck, maybe it's both. I'm about to quit for the same reason I quit in S3. I'm not sure if trying to improve and hope to attain rating is worth this grind. Think I may consider getting Riot to permanently disable my account so I don't get tempted to play anymore. | ||
Germany2073 Posts
According to my mmr is as low as silver 2 now. I tried to micro my teams with pings and chat, but they just do the exact opposite and keep feeding. "back, back, danger" -> LETS CHECK THIS OUT HUHEUHUEHUEHUEHEUH "gogo 5v3 they're split/low" -> nuh-uh, you're on your own. Why u 1v3? we're all full and need to go all the way back to our jungle to kill wolves now. I think i should take a break but i'm so mad at the random matchmaking i can't stop playing before it gives me a normal team again -_- | ||
France45622 Posts
Well, the 3rd and final game of the day saw me go from 2-0 to 2-3 in my promos to gold. Lissandra and Elise flamed each other for something like 45 minutes out of the 57 minutes of the game, Elise nearly threw by splitpushing (good thing the enemy team positioning was really bad, it let us win the teamfight 4v5 defending our nexus turrets somehow) because Liss called him out on being level 15 only. Then we kill Jinx in our base, losing top inhib, and the team doesn't push mid fast enough to get one of their two open inhibs, forcing us to recall to defend once she respawned (don't be so indecisive guys... ). They then proceeded to get caught on Nashor and fighting 4v5 (I was defending the nexus turret) instead of simply warding it then running. ... That's pretty demoralising. | ||
United States540 Posts
Damnit, why is it that after a losing streak, the one free win I get to break it is taken from me? | ||
France45622 Posts
'cept he never said anything in champ select (he started spouting a bunch of lies at the end of the game, pretending he's got a Plat account (his duo confirmed it a lie), or that he said he wouldn't play support in champ select, etc.). He was about to lock Nidalee when our jungler asked for some cc and he switched to Zyra. Starts claim's basic item and potions, doesn't buy any ward until around 18 minutes into the game, and tries getting kills on Ashe and Blitz. He ends up feeding 5 deaths, 2 of wish where running straight at Ashe+Bliz because they were half-HP and he was greedy for kills. Of course he dies without hitting a single spell. He rushes bootless Zhonya+tier2 claim, retorts "give me gold" when I asked him to get boots (to avoid the hooks a bit better), then "answered" our lack of vision with the blue trinket. Because of his total lack of presence except to feed Ashe kills, she was ahead around 3k gold from us, and the rest of their team around 1.5k, from towers and drakes alone she gave them (3 towers bot, inner and inhib top we couldn't defend as we had to cover bot, inner mid for the same reason). Fucking little shit, don't go and duo with a guy 2 tiers above you if you don't want to be last pick, and say you don't want to support if that's your intention. And don't ruin the game on purpose playing" chase for kills" alone in your corner ignoring us if you have to support. Dearly, go fuck yourself. | ||
Canada4267 Posts
On February 17 2014 18:35 Sufficiency wrote: I seriously doubt Gragas, Vi, or Mundo is worth banning. The rest I can understand. Gragas is okay. Any not-Leona support bans I don't understand, but rest of the list I agree with. Elise and Vi are always my first 2 bans. | ||
United States35076 Posts
Play an ARAM, afterwards ranked is enabled. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States10531 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
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Finland951 Posts
Game1: Mid Xerath dies 6 times in lane to AP malphite, top loses badly, we win bot, get first drake, but after that constant malph + jungle pressure makes it too hard Game2: 8/2 Kayle(played poorly though, but we managed to get the kills that got me going), we are sure to win the game if we dont do something stupid like try to dive under 2 turrets, or go in 3v5 while 2 guys are based, we can even do these things once or twice, but not 6 times. But who would throw 6 times in a row? Oh, us Game3: top dies to ganks 4 times, tells us he will troll because he is not getting any help. Our jungler says he will troll too because he does not care. Meanwhile we get FB on bot, 20cs up when we go base the first time. Fun times. edit: Next game i get top teemo, who yells for top at the start of champ select, picks it, and when game starts says he cant top, and comes mid? W.T.F. Topnivia new meta. edit: Lost next 2 ones too. Same diamond smurf duoq both times. Blah. Well, i sucked too so cant complain. | ||
United States8519 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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1166 Posts
if you have very imminent real life obligations, don't fucking queue especially if you are a duo especially if your favored roles are mid and adc signed, support | ||
France2198 Posts
What does he do ? Takes all blue, smiting them right as I (Diana) was coming to get them. He takes everyone's farm, takes every kill he can instead of feeding or lategame champs (Jinx for example, so she can trade with Lucian, but nope, Pantheon 1v5 npgg). Only does random engages 1v5, then blames team "omfg noob no teamplay why no engaging". DON'T BLAME YOUR TEAM FOR SOMETHING THAT YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT MEANS | ||
United Kingdom345 Posts
Why do I still play solo q? | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Germany11249 Posts
Also, mute people the second they write something retarded. That makes the game so much more enjoyable. You are no longer constantly being berated by anyone, you read 4 stupid messages in the first 15 minutes of the game, and afterwards blissful silence. | ||
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