Literally the first google result. You'll need a rom of white first though.
Anddddd now the pokemon urge is back. Damn it lol.
I just saw this blog. No pokecenter heal restriction? Ability to catch two pokemons in single area? What madness is this! xD
On August 02 2013 21:30 Hesmyrr wrote: I just saw this blog. No pokecenter heal restriction? Ability to catch two pokemons in single area? What madness is this! xD
Thought the same myself, but he is running a hacked hardmode so i guess you have to make allowances somewhere? Otherwise u just end up getting raped, charging yourself money is a good idea though, just waste 50% of ur money whenever u use pokecenter np
He's still a pussy though :D
EDIT: I was only joking :<
+ Show Spoiler [Part 2A] +Well, at least I have first pick. This water otter dude looks pretty good, so I think I'll go with hi — WHAT THE SHIT BIANCA I WAS GONNA CHOOSE THAT! WHATEVER HAPPENED TO ME GETTING FIRST CHOICE?? I know, right?! Why is this twat even our friend? ... Ah, well. The fire pig looks pretty good, so I'll choose hi — ... I guess I'm stuck with this asshole. He better be worth it. I'm going to clobber you for this, Bianca. Just so you know. Okay, let's do this. If I win, you need to give me all the money in your wallet, and if you win, I have to kill myself because I lost the run. *cue unnecessarily epic music*And now for the tried and true method of winning the first battle in all Pokemon games... TACKLE SPAM!! Suck it, Bianca! Now gimme your goddamned money. Wow, what a gyp. Do you not have a job or something? This won't even get me a Super Potion, for Chrissakes. ... Bianca. You're going to be paying me back for a loooong time for this. My poor TV... T_T That's right, Cheren, tell the bitch off! Well, I guess my room can't get in any worse shape. Bring it on, apple-head! (Hopefully the music from before is still playing. If not, do so again.) Cheren is such a tryhard. Look at this kid, trying to be all cool and shit. What a lamer. And now for the tried and true method of winning the second battle in all Pokemon games... TACKLE SPAM!! Suck it, Cheren! Now gimme your cash. Oh, sweet! Now I can finally pursue my dreams of making live-action tentacle porn movies! Maybe this dude will be more useful than I thought. Oh my God, he might be too into that idea. The last thing I need is an overly amorous snake-man trying to tentaclize people when the cameras aren't rolling. I'll need to throw ideas around some more. And after I kicked both of their asses, they just bounced. You guys realize my mom is going to friggin' kill me for this, right? Great friends you are... APOLOGIZE TO ME, YOU DOUCHECANOES!!
+ Show Spoiler [Part 2B] +Cheren, if you and Bianca weren't here, I'd be grounded for decades. Thank goodness for small kindnesses, I suppose. Fine, let's go see what the Professor wants. Maybe I can convince her to make Bianca give me the Oshawott she stole. Yeah, they made a mess of my bed. IFYAKNOWWHATIMEAN BOW CHICKA BOW WOOOOW~ *ahem* Good thing my bicycle can fit in my pocket. Gracias, madre. Bianca had to go to her house for some reason. I need to tell her off about her trashing my room. I don't know what you're arguing about, but I approve of anything involving the shaming of Bianca. I remain unconvinced of that. Okay, Professor, what's the deal? And stop being a condescending prick. I'm ten years old, practically an adult! Wow, Cheren, that was rude. Try and show some tact on such a formal occasion. I would have done the same thing, guys. Don't tell Cheren.Hell yes I would! I have the perfect name in mind! + Show Spoiler +SUCK IT, SEREJAI! HOW'S IT FEEL TO BE SUPPLANTED BY THE GODDAMNED EURO??? I dunno. I got stuff to do, like record that porn stuff. I'm not sure I have time for this. Sorry, Prof. I'm sure Cheren will be fine. You, not so much. It's called arrythmia. You'll be dead in several hours. GLHF. Yeah, I can't believe it either. Seems awfully irresponsible for some old lady I barely know to force me to leave home to finish this dumb encyclopedia that she's too lazy to do herself. My God. You were in on this? I can't wait till I'm 18 and I can stop listening to your bullshit. Great. Now Cheren and Bianca can find out where they need to go to get mugged and have their Pokemon stolen. ACTUALLY I THINK GOING ON AN ADVENTURE RIGHT NOW IS A FANTASTIC IDEA SEE YA MOM PLZ DON'T DISOWN ME RUN AWAYYYYY Man, I hate being manipulated like this, but if I go home now, Mom's going to flay me alive. Let's see what the good Professor wants from us now. No, that's stupid. What is this, a Disney movie? Stop co-opting me into your retarded ideas. This is so dumb...
+ Show Spoiler [Part 2C] +Dude, we know how to catch Pokemon. Weaken it, throw a Poke Ball, and hold B. Same way we've done it since Red and Blue. So skip the tutorial, please? Wow, nice catch, Cheren. This Professor is obviously a sham, forgetting something so crucial. Anyway, it's time to catch our first two new Pokemon!! For the moment, yes. Mino's future is fairly grim, though. Oh, why thank you, individual of questionable gender. Time to catch some new slaves! OH SHIT A STARLY! This is a fantastic Pokemon to start the game with! Lucky~ So let's weaken it, toss the Poke Ball, and hold B... SUCCESS! Time for you to decide on a nickname, readers! You have twelve hours to come up with a good/silly/crass nickname. The one with the most votes will be selected, or in the case of a tie, will be the name I like most. Remember, no straight-up slurs or anything. Nicknames like "Faggot" or other clearly hateful words will not be tolerated. Now, to find the second Pokemon for this area... HOLY SHIT A LILLIPUP! Wow, this is the best possible outcome for this route! Both Starly and Lillipup are beasts! :D So let's get you started on your sex ed, Mino. You'll need to be prepared when we start filming. Okay, that's enough rape. Let's toss the ball and hold B, per usual... Excellent! This is a fantastic start! And now you get twelve hours to nickname Lillipup too! Okay, let's get to the Pokemon Center and heal up our new dudes so — OH MY GOD IS THAT MY MOTHER CALLING HOLY SHIT I'M SO DEAD Whew, it's only the Professor wanting to meet us in the next town. Dodged a bullet there... TUTORIAL SKIP ENGAGE Something in the plaza, huh? Let's go investigate, Mino. Well... this is certainly interesting...
Remaining time to vote for nicknames:
Yay another Pokemon thread~ I have no idea what the Pokemanz do after the "Gen 2" stuff (so that's up to G/S/C) so yeah... but tackle spam yes that's something familiar.
Clearly one of them needs to be named hagtron500
and the other must be failcas
He consents, starley is fagtron500
How do you postpone the naming of a pokemon? Can you rename at any time in these newer versions?
On August 03 2013 00:00 spinesheath wrote: How do you postpone the naming of a pokemon? Can you rename at any time in these newer versions? Since I'm running this game in an emulator, I can use a code to rename a Pokemon whenever I choose. This is the only situation where I will use any sort of cheat code in this run.
Very entertaining read, thanks !
Remember to submit nicknames for my new Starly and Lillipup, guys! Nicknames are mandatory in Nuzlocke runs!
And yes, I have officially condoned the use of the nickname "Fagtron500". Only because it's apparently tradition or something.
Poll: top 2 names are for pokemonfagtron500 (11) 65% serejai (4) 24% archassux (2) 12% failcas (0) 0% other (yousuck) (0) 0% 17 total votes Your vote: top 2 names are for pokemon (Vote): fagtron500 (Vote): failcas (Vote): archassux (Vote): serejai (Vote): other (yousuck)
Poll: other namesCoconut (8) 67% Pineapple (3) 25% chihuahua (1) 8% other (0) 0% 12 total votes Your vote: other names (Vote): Coconut (Vote): Pineapple (Vote): chihuahua (Vote): other
No polls are necessary. Just post a nickname you want for either Starly or Lillipup, and I'll pick the nickname chosen the most for that Pokemon. Any ties will be decided by the name I like better.
At least one of your Pokemon should be named ixmike322. I don't care which, but it should be something you can easily photoshop (or rather just use MSPaint) the face on to...
(dots included)
On August 03 2013 01:14 OpticalShot wrote: At least one of your Pokemon should be named ixmike322. I don't care which, but it should be something you can easily photoshop (or rather just use MSPaint) the face on to... or a Pokemon with a nice stache ^^
Okay, I'm thinking I need to standardize the nicknaming procedure for this to work at all. From now on, I will only consider nicknames that have been posted with the following syntax:
[b]<Pokemon original name> -> <Pokemon nickname>[/b] So, if you wanted to vote for Starly to be nicknamed Coconut, you would post the following:
Starly -> Coconut
Any nickname suggestions from here on that do not follow this syntax will be discounted. Sorry, but there's too much confusion for me here.