On April 21 2013 04:34 [OGN]Remmy wrote:The leader of IG already confirmed that Jim and MacSed registered nearly the same time in the same day, and IG teammates all checked in on time, but only to find that only MacSed are listed in the brackets. IG team leader got response from the Tournament Officials as followed Show nested quote +Concerning on the former game performance, though Jim, XY and Macsed are registered in the same day, Macsed is listed in the brackets. Jim and XY will take part in the Challenger Qualifier in 27th. I checked the official rules and it said if there are over 512 gamers checked in, top 512 ones will be selected considering the time they registered. It didn't say anything about the so-called performance. Jim, XY and some others are just kicked out of online qualifiers for Primier without any reasons. What a pity! And the officals made comforts just by seeding Jim and XY into the Chanllenger Qualifiers, which we Chinese fans cannot accept. It's just what it is all about. Hope officials will make a further clear statement about it. Ah, good thing they got seeds i guess...it's something
They registered when there were only 400 people registered and they checked in on time, so they didn't seeded into the bracket.It's really reasonable,ISN'T IT?
We want IGJim in the game!! not diamond amateurs!!!
At this point, it's probably too late to fix the bracket or anything like that. If what people here are saying is accurate, MLG will have to explain what happened and why it happened...
MLG dont limits the level of the players, Diamond and Gold player can also sign up. They will never be into Premier League. MLG should follow GSL. Player must be a Master at least.
yeah... if you're going to have ONE tournament with a player limit of ONLY 512, you should atleast make sure the right players are in, and not people from diamond and mid master
what a mess
On April 21 2013 05:02 nkr wrote: yeah... if you're going to have ONE tournament with a player limit of ONLY 512, you should atleast make sure the right players are in, and not people from diamond and mid master
what a mess I think that's why they had those 64 reserved slots, I assume. I wouldn't be surprised if MLG never even realized who these guys were and is why they were not given the reserved slots.
On April 21 2013 05:02 ayaka wrote: MLG dont limits the level of the players, Diamond and Gold player can also sign up. They will be never into Premier League. MLG should follow GSL. Player must be a Master at least.
Or at least make the qualifier a 1024 or 2048 man tournament, the weak players will get stomped without taking the spots of actual pros.
What a bloody mess this has been so far. ><
mlg so stupid
This is really sad news.
Suck for the entire chinese community.
I think whoever runs MLG tournaments like this needs to be replaced. I'm not just referring to this event. There is a pretty consistent disconnect with what everybody in the community thinks should happen and what they choose to do. Often it is marked up to restrictions that MLG can't help, but not always.
There is no reason not to have it masters+ only. There is no reason to have it this poorly organized (stream, downtime, game choice). They are STILL applying thought processes and design that they developed for games like Halo to Starcraft 2 events. We had to scream at them to get something other than replay casting. I'm pretty sure we had to scream at them to even see the brackets we currently see. They don't have a clue and they haven't given me any sign that they are ever going to get it right the first time in the future.
some B.S. right there.do you know how much exposure you'll get if you have 1 Chinese in your league? first you want register fee, now this, good start MLG.
Chinese community are not that well developed as EU/NA/KR 's and that's may be the biggest reason for the WCS nowadays. But they should care more for the Chinese Starcraft II communities. Though CN HotS servers are not online yet, there are still a large amount of guys in China playing WoL ladders everyday. Chinese progamers are enduring lags connecting to KR/NA servers to practise and make great effort in keeping tracks with progamers around the world in the HotS. They should not be neglected due to lesser games and so on.
This is a bummer. Jim was so strong in the ATC qualifier, beating lots of Koreans.
On April 21 2013 05:12 skyflyfish wrote: some B.S. right there.do you know how much exposure you'll get if you have 1 Chinese in your league? first you want register fee, now this, good start MLG.
to be fair, with a register fee, this would never have happened
At least MLG will feel the hurt when the don't have Chinese people taking an interest, and it hits their wallets.
Jim, is the number 1 barcode in KR League (seen it chat with Maru on Maru's stream)
Pretty disappointing. I always like seeing what Chinese players can come up with.
On April 21 2013 04:27 GizmoPT wrote: another hit to the USA - China relations