Raise your hand if you're a typical gamer: sedentary lifestyle, crappy diet, over- or underweight, sleep a lot, and so on
33 days ago I'd have raised my hand. 32 days I would not have.
During a visit to my doctor in late October about serious back pain, I was told my weight. I knew I was overweight, but not as much as I was told. My doctor told me my bad back was mostly due to being overweight. After a few days of hard thought I said "fuck this noise" and decided to quit being fat.
October 23, 2012 - 270lbs
Yeah. Way too much. I spent the next couple months researching all kinds of ways to get in shape. Diets, exercises, about 3 dozen gyms around me. Everything. I picked out a ketogenic diet (oh dear god) and a simple C25k program. Set my start date: January 1st, 2013.
I decided to spend the first month adapting to my new diet. It's a radical change from how I used to eat, and adjusting the body's metabolism can be rough. In February I would start off my C25k.
So for those of you who don't know what a ketogenic diet is: 1. Next to no carbs. 50g per day is considered the absolute max, generally speaking. I went with a much more strict 20g. 2. No sugar. None. Nada. Zip. This is because sugar sucks donkey balls.
Sugar is the DEVIL
3. More protein! I'd not been eating enough protein 4. Way more veggies. Not usually my sort of thing, but I've taken to some of them. 5. Vastly more fat. Yes. Fat. A ketogenic diet is mostly about fat. Delicious, scrumptious fat.
I decided to start tracking my weight mid January. As of writing, I'm down to 239lbs, which is pretty damn good in my book.
Then just a little while ago I did something stupid: I decided to complete a Tough Mudder. This happened because some other people in the TL EVE group decided to do it for some reason, and I said "fuck it". So we picked UK South West in September.
the fuck was I thinking?
Tomorrow morning I start my running. I have about 8 months until the event, so I'm going to speed up the program. After a month or so I'm going to be starting something else, but I'll leave that for next time.
wow, quite an impressive undertaking. already lost 30+ pounds..congratulations! and best of luck getting in shape for/competing in tough mudder. i have some friends who've done it and they all seem to feel like its a great, rewarding experience. that said, i don't think i would ever do anything like that haha
I find myself fortunate to have a healthy BMI and have lifted weights since high school. Good luck man, what you're doing takes some serious self-discipline, but you can do it!
On February 03 2013 11:10 tofucake wrote: 3. More protein! I'd not been eating enough protein 4. Way more veggies. Not usually my sort of thing, but I've taken to some of them. 5. Vastly more fat. Yes. Fat. A ketogenic diet is mostly about fat. Delicious, scrumptious fat.
Have you tried making scrambles? I make them a lot. I usually make it with onions, bell peppers, tomato, spinach, and cheese, but you can put whatever in it.
1) put butter (a good amount) in pan. 2) chop up 1/4 onion 3) start cooking onion 4) wait a bit, and chop 1/4 bell pepper 5) add bell pepper 6) wait a bit, and chop 1 roma tomato 6) add tomato and spinach 7) chop up your cheese 8) crack 5 eggs into pan 9) sprinkle some salt on top 10) scramble and keep the eggs from sticking to the bottom of the pan. cook until it looks good 11) add hot sauce and eat!
It's not insane, it's a tangible mid-term goal to motivate yourself to keep working out and eating right other than relatively arbitrary goal of staying fit and lean. Even if you decide not to do it in the end, this sum of effort you put to attempt achieving this goal is worth something.
look up macronutrients man. bodybuilders have been bulking during the offseason and cutting 20-30 weeks prior to competition...how can they consistently lose a few pounds a week every year without fail? by tracking macronutrients and keeping their caloric intake under their base metabolic rate.
Tough Mudder? Niiiiice. I'm planning on doing the one in July 13th in Tahoe, CA. Other than my friend who's in a different group, I'm going to be alone. I planned on using it as motivational source to exercise but then this thing called college came and decided that I'm to do other things so more power to you. I'll be sure to let you know how Tough Mudder goes for me (if I should live).