1/15 - 1/25
First week and a half of my new years resolutions were quite successful.
1. Read at least one book per week
"Republic, Lost"
-- by Lawrence Lessig
-- by Steve Wozniak
"The Giver"
-- by Lois Lowry
"Republic, Lost", a potentially seminal book on the subtle corruption in the U.S. government today. As a citizen of the United States, it is perhaps the most important book I have read in my life. I was always loosely aware of the power of "special interests" on our nation's governance, but never quite knew the details of its workings. Professor Lessig carefully lays out the manner in which money corrupts politics and offers possible ways to fight the slippery slope that we are on today. I recommend the book to anyone even remotely piqued by the subject.
"iWoz" is a great read for anyone interested or involved in the sciences or engineering. Woz's passion for engineering and his deep-rooted kindness for others knows few equals
The first time I read "The Giver", I was in sixth grade. It left a lasting impression on me -- I listed it as my favorite book for my college applications, even though I no longer remembered what the book was even about. I recently dug up my old school reading assignment books, and I decided to read "The Giver" again. It is simply written -- the book is written for a young audience after all -- but powerful nonetheless. Bits and pieces of the struggles and problems depicted in the book are strangely and eerily reminiscent of those of our own society today. Nearly 20 years later, the book did not disappoint me.
2. Write at least one (meaningful) blog post per week
I wrote one blog this week. However, it's become clear from the feedback that I need to spend more time explaining the context and background for these quite subjective perspectives.
3. Sleep before midnight
11 out of 11 days
Crossposted from http://www.hkmurakami.com/blog