This is so fucked up o.o You are lucky, but somehow you make this bad. I don't get it. Just ask her out or something >.<
''Basically she only sees me as a friend but I see her as something more, and I'm fine with it. Because otherwise its too risky...'' So somehow your plan worked and now it's not risky. Funny how things work out, but seriously why are you fine with seeing her as more when she can see you as more.
On September 29 2012 14:28 corpuscle wrote: I can't tell if you make this shit up, or you actually live inside some sort of bizarre sitcom alternate reality.
I vote all of the above. Seriously, the fake gay thing doesn't really work that well, and if it does it will end poorly. If you really try this stop it now, its not going to go well.
I'm just not sure, this is just as awkward, stupid and at least partially untrue as a lot of these other blogs (not including the unintentionally hilarious Halloween one, which was entirely untrue), so I don't know what to add.
On September 29 2012 17:31 TheKefka wrote: I'm convinced you and StateofReverie are the same person.
I mistake these two all the time. I get them mixed up and I think of myself as fitting into a group with them. I think we are a sub-species of the troll. We like to ironically exaggerate parts of ourselves that we are embarrassed of but find funny,
THe song selection is just incredible. too funny. You should make movies about guys with aspergers. or!! or write romance stories about guys with aspergers where you choose what songs peopel are supposed to listen to as they read! You won't make money though. it will be for the fun
Why do you pretend to be gay to get close to girls? Is your real personality so bad that you don't think girls will like you? I don't think pretending to be gay would change your personality such that girls will hang out with you because they think you're gay. I'd like to think most of your blogs are true, but I know they can't be. Nobody is this strange.
You didn't kiss hero, your mouths touched. This is really not a big deal, or even a small deal. Just move on with life like nothing happened, because, quite honestly, nothing did.
If you want something more to happen, then just let her know that you're not gay and dive right in. Like I said the whole not a kiss thing wasn't any sort of issue, so it shouldn't have any effect on anything moving forward. If she just assumed your gay that's sort of silly, and entirely her fault.