On January 09 2007 12:52 funKie wrote: but Looks freaking pretty.
That's pretty much the moto of Mac nowadays. Ipods suck balls and they're a functional nightmare, but I'll be damned if it's not the prettiest little plastic box I've ever seen!
On January 09 2007 13:09 dronebabo wrote: the price is $499 and $599 with a 2-year contract. lolol
other than that it looks to be a pretty ambitious smartphone gandalf: does the k750 have the ability to run real applications and OS X? 2 megapixel camera is fine
No, of course not, I never implied the k750i was even remotely as good as the iphone. I was simply pointing out that a 2mp camera is a thing of the past now. With all these high tech features, maybe they could've squeezed in a better camera.
On January 09 2007 12:52 funKie wrote: but Looks freaking pretty.
That's pretty much the moto of Mac nowadays. Ipods suck balls and they're a functional nightmare, but I'll be damned if it's not the prettiest little plastic box I've ever seen!
ipods don't suck. there are as many ipod haters as there are fanboys, but to be honest, ipods give you good value in terms of storage space and portability.
i have a mini, and while i don't really like the interface (the touch wheel has lost its novelty) it was damn cheap back when i bought it, especially compared to the competition (education prices are also a good deal maker)
On January 09 2007 14:26 ZaplinG wrote: Only a 5 hour battery life when talking?
the 30 dollar phone i have now can last days with one charge, why would i want that?
5 hour talk time is plenty. i doubt your phone last days of talk on one charge. Unless your comparing talk time vs idle time, in which case you're talking about apples and oranges.
And a 300$ phone can be a 30$ phone after subscription rebate ~.~
Oh joy, it's patented! I'm so glad apple is the only one legally allowed to come up with 100% touchscreen phones now, or whatever the patent grants them.
On January 09 2007 13:18 BalloonFight wrote: I'll most likely get one a year after it releases, hopefully the price will drop and any bugs that it may have will be worked out
Apple products do not drop in price, FYI. They simply release new products and stop producing the old ones.
Anyways - I really see this thing having trouble catching on, the price is just insane. Then again, you can say the same thing about every other Apple product. *shrugs*