Welcome to LiquiScoop, the #1 weekly newsletter for everything that goes on in the Teamliquid.net forums! Here you'll find notable threads, notable posters, and some fun original content as well.
A big thanks to IntoTheWow and dronebabo for their tireless help, as well as Oxy and Smurg who do all the great photoshop work for us. Without them, LiquiScoop would not happen. Enjoy!
It's Purge Week at the forums! In other words, less shitty posters, more bans. For those that haven't been keeping score, this week there have been 24 users banned with a combined 11957 posts.
Week of 11/06/06 to 11/12/06 [013]
Notable Threads
- Read the official Purge Week announcement, complete with Forum members' reactions to the purge.
- If the TeamLiquid forums were a high school, who would win the yearbook awards?
- My_Digital_Toss is at it again, check out his funny progamer pics thread.
- Before he was banned, Coagulation posted three installments of his "Just another day at TL.net" series.
- Sense of Star, the site maintained by instantbunz, has been updated with an article about Boxer!
LiquiScoop Comic
- "Legend of the Fall" by [angst]chraej:
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Image of the Week
- Legionnaire shows us why he is the manliest ProGamer:
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Funny Post of the Week
- In IloveOov radio interview:
+ Show Spoiler +On November 10 2006 16:32 aQ.bitchaRd wrote:
oov speaks french? oO
On November 10 2006 21:13 TaDa1. wrote:
if oov speak french, his nick will be oof
Funny Post of the Week #2
- In [H]Birthday present for 16 year old girl (a hilarious thread):
+ Show Spoiler +On November 11 2006 21:03 PuertoRican wrote:
Send him a PM, I'm sure he would know.
LiquiScoop Poll of the Week
- Please vote, we appreciate it!
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Forum Statistic of the Week
- All these statistics are 100% true.
+ Show Spoiler +For the month of October '06, teamliquid.net had roughly 390,000 separate visits, 2,400,000 page views, and 120,000 absolute unique visitors.
Crusade against Homework Threads
- This week, there was a Homework Thread that was correctly spared, one that we missed and two (here and here) that we successfully conquered.
- Triumphs: 1 2 3 4
Banninator of the Week
- This week's honor goes to Twisted, who banned 7 users who had a combined 7739 posts. Beyonder was a close second with 7 users for 2234 posts, including finally being the one to get Dark]N[exus. Another notable ban was PaSsionPinK, whooh was taken out by Rekrul. The bloodbath continues in the Automated Ban List.
LiquiScoop Fanmail of the Week
- Our fans seek the wisdom of Bubbles, the LiquiScoop Warrior Monkey.
+ Show Spoiler +Send your fanmail to liquid.scoop@gmail.com or PM Hot_Bid, IntoTheWow, or dronebabo.GrandInquisitor wrote:
Do you only play on maps with Jungle tilesets?
Bubbles TWM wrote:
LaZyScV wrote:
Are you related to the King Kai's Monkey in Dragon Ball Z, are you the actual monkey from it . . . or what?
If so, how did you become strong enough to withstand the high gravity (10x of Earth) on King Kai's planet? Also, how does Gregory withstand it as well? Crazy little bug that can fly very fast like it is nothing on that planet. . . . o_O
Bubbles TWM wrote:
so many words -_-
joohyunee wrote:
what does the hebrew(?) thing under the words Liquidscoop say?
Bubbles TWM wrote:
for you being guesses. who guess right bubbles give prize!
bubbles give hintings: elfish
(click to reveal)
Would you like to contribute to LiquiScoop? PM Hot_Bid with any suggestions or comments.
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