On August 05 2011 16:45 sutureself wrote:+ Show Spoiler +I'm personally moderately to severely tired of people complaining about balance and all-in/OP race(s) and strategies. Do you honestly believe over the course of 10+ years, BW builds and strategies developed only to play macro games, I don't know, out of some intrinsic desire to play macro games among top tier players? Nope. Then why, at the highest levels, is this the vast majority of what we see? It is because the whole fucking point of BW/SC2 is to get more of everything than your opponent. The best builds are capable of cleverly defending timing attacks or all-ins (in the worst case scenario) using minimal resources and setting up for expansions and eventual domination. When the lead is overwhelming, attack and win. That is literally the basic plot in every fucking game of SC ever played. Whether it's at 5 minutes, 8 minutes, or 20 minutes, when your lead is overwhelming and the reward outweighs the risk, you attack and win. So simple. They certainly DO NOT evolve by 2 opponents saying, "OK, we're going to get to 3 bases each while sustaining some light harassment and gentle back and forth poking, then attack at 200/200 around 15 min. kk?" No, SC2 is a not a Christian summer camp where you are experimenting in dry humping and light petting. The goal is brutally fuck your opponent as quickly as possible. If they suck and can't deal with your 6 pool or 5 gate or MMM timing attack, SO BE IT.
There is no "standard" way to play. The only standard is winning. There is no good and there is no bad. There is only winning. When Joe Bag-O-Doughnuts cannon rusher gets to platinum league and realizes, "Oh gee, my cannon rushes really aren't working anymore," he will either give up and quit or learn more about the game and keep advancing (albeit more slowly). The point is, the buck stops somewhere. No strategy is unbeatable. If that were the case, every single pro would play that way, because they are playing for money, and last time I checked (let me make sure my calculations are correct here ... ... ... Yes it appears they are): money = good.
Do you think some gentlemanly agreement exists among pros that they will not all-in each other? Seriously? Do you think MVP and Nestea sit around swilling sherry in the ESPORTS parlor and giving each other knowing glances that no such shenanigans shall taint their games? NO. It's because they FUCKING DEAL WITH IT. The risk outweighs the reward. MAKE THE RISK OUTWEIGH THE REWARD. IT CAN BE DONE. I have faith in you, SC2 community.
I fuckin agree with this. FUCK ALL PEOPLE WHINNING ABOUT ALL-INs / OP / IMBALANCE. If you CANT deal with it, do it! if not STFU and deal with it! The goal for playing SC is to WIN! Macro games or cheese are ways to win so we players have options to choose from, stop making a CULT about we should be macroing and not do cheesy builds and All-ins because we are manly pieces of SHITARDS who are bad in this game and must and should do so every fucking single game in ladder. If you are Zerg and complain about Terran or Toss, STFU and change races. If you have infestors switch zerg or think of something, DONT whine for Bliz to nerf or patch it. WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE THINKING?!? Do you want to just have similar units to build??? do you want T Z and P all have Marines on their arsenal???!? FUCK UNIQUENESS then?! thats why it is zerg because they have infestor, thats why its terran cause they have marines and toss bcause they have colosi FF and carrier LOLS. SO STFU and play or innovate. DONT BE STUPID QQ babies!
+ Show Spoiler +I hate 2rax TvZ so much. If Terran builds 2rax, the zerg has to make units or else they risk auto-dying to a push...however if Terran decides not to push and takes a third, the zerg is instantaneously behind. Further the point, 2rax bunker is completely safe and has no repercussions. Watching MKP pull this 50/50 bullshit against poor DRG makes me rage! RAAAAAAAAAGE!!
ok I'm done
+ Show Spoiler + Yea! fuck em hard! those dirty dirty terrans...yea! I bet they like it like that don't they! those filthy terrans...so naughty....mmm..yea...
+ Show Spoiler +How the hell does MMA, the world's best player, lose to Protoss time and time again? God damnit!
+ Show Spoiler +Sometimes I just can't understand people. I was seeing this girl(well I guess you could say we were just hanging out) and she goes and ruins it all in the space of a few days. To be honest we had dated before in high school, and I just muck that up pretty bad. Yet, I can't understand how you can be flirting/dating someone and then turn around and date someone else and not tell me what's happened until I messaged her on Facebook since she wasn't answering her phone. The complete disregard to my emotions, is to much for someone with as much pride as myself. People wonder why I'm so shut off without emotions, and all I have to do is point out instances like this where all the rules of engagement are thrown out the window. She has yet to speak to me in person, and I'm not sure how much longer I can hold in the amount of rage I feel boiling inside me. All she does now is just meekly responds to my last few messages, saying she doesn't have time to talk because she's so busy with college and work, yet all I see are post with her new guy and them hanging out everywhere.
I get so sick and tired of people that disregard respect. I've begun to feel like the people that do this to me, are blatantly trying to extinguish my pride and happiness. Though if I were to get a message now about hanging out I have no doubt I would through my own pride away just to act civil towards her. I can't even hold my head high around her and yet my I don't mind even though my mind rebels against the idea of being brought low by someone I now consider inferior...
+ Show Spoiler +Oh yeah, i played Random for a few months, when i first started playing, i lost all 5 of my placements matches in purpose saying myself that it'ld be better to start from scratch and learn all the way. Now i'm platinum, i think i can get to Diamond if i play consistently for a few weeks, i'm not losing that much. When i got to gold, i picked Terran as my main race because there is a lot of pro players i like who are playing Terran and the race is so cool... I've a friend who's zerg. I don't like Zerg. Zerg is, for me, the biggest BS race ever. Not because of imbalance or shit but because i absolutely aborr Infestors and Mutas. I can't stand those unit designs. Mutas are crossing the map in the blink of an eye and you absolutely CAN'T kill them if your opponent don't make a mistake with them. You're supposed to spend as much ressources as the zerg is spending in mutas for your static defenses but guess what, your static defenses DON'T FRACKING MOVE SO YOU CAN'T PUSH WITH THEM YEAAAAH! That's so funny! Seriously...i hate this unit. But wait, that's not all. Infestors...oh Fing shit, the only units that can completely disable you ability to micro with ONE SPELL. Seriously? ONE SPELL. Forcefield is a good spell, it requires skill to be really good and if you fuck one up, you're fucked. Fungle...no way this shit is balanced. Seriously, how can you call that spell balanced? Terrans units are utter bullshits if you can't micro them, they die in seconds and fungle prevents your tank from sieging up WTF!!!! WHY? Why my tank can't siege but my medivac can loads and unloads, heals?? My ghost can EMP, my banshee can cloak but my tank? Oh noooo, he can't siege. Yeah that's funny too cause tank without siege mode is like a bunny in a fracking nuke testing field ffs! BUT. What makes me angry is this friend, playing zerg, telling me that zerg is imbalanced because they can't win and their units are so bad...oh yeah your units are bad you fucking moron? Why don't you switch race a little? See how bad are your units when they are against you he? The only match up you have a losing record against is zerg...yet you won't switch because you don't like Terran, it's too hard to micro, protoss is no good because you can't macro for shit with this race, omg...so you're telling me your race is BS because you lose against all in from the other races? Then you never ask yourself why 90% of the game you're losing are short games? It might be because your fracking race is unbeatable past mid game don't you think?
BTW, Terran is the three times as much race. Everything you do, you have to do it 3 times more than your opponent. Harass, push, macro, micro...everything is so fucked up with this race at my level...seriously Blizzard, fucking balance this game toward lower level players...make a new system where each level of play has its own balance! No way i'll be able to micro as well as MMA/MKP/MVP to counter Banelings, no way i'll be as good as MC to hold a 1/1/1 and i can't perfectly frickin' inject my hatch everytime! All those A-move builds are killing the fuck out of me...i playing for fun, i'm not trying to be MKP but i want to be better, i want to learn and shit, i don't want to be bored by fucking retarded strat you have to counter by being three time better than your opponent...seriously...
Oh wow, it's good.
+ Show Spoiler +Thank you variable FOV unknowns for making my brain hurt...extensively.
+ Show Spoiler + Why the fuck do I make the same fucking mistakes over and over again. Why the hell do I fall for this girl again that just used and played with me the last time. And why for fucks sake can't I just turn off that little voice in my head that tells me that this time everything will be different. Overinterpreting every small gesture, turning over every fucking sentence to find some clues that she will fall for me in the End. And I know it will hurt me again. It drives me nuts. I know all this and still I check my cell every few minutes for a message. And my stupid fucking heart jumps every time I see her. Why? Just why can't my head be superior here. The rest of the time i'm pretty controlled and logical but this fucking love shit just hits all the right buttons to reduce me to a nervous wreck. Why?
+ Show Spoiler + fuck 3 base zerg mass roach stephano style, so hard to stop as toss. man i wish i was squirtle!
+ Show Spoiler +I still cant fucking concentrate and study, but im really starting to not give a shit anymore! alL I FUCKING WANT TOD IS PLAY STARCRAFT FUCKING HELL
+ Show Spoiler +There is no way to beat Zerg tier 3. No way. I have been practicing nukes lately. So what? So motherfucking what? Zerg just attacks your expansion with 50 lings and ultras when you are trying to get a position in mid. How can someone say T>Z? I dont give a fuck about early game because i go 1 rax 3CC and insta leave vs cheese. You would think it would set me up nicely for late/end game huh? But no. fucking nonononopnononop. BECAUSE ZERG JUST MAKES WHAT FUCKING EVER. INFESTORS? BROOD LORDS? ULTARDS? ALL FUCKING OP. Oh i lost the fight why dont i insta remax on just about 7378638475 lings. Oh i have a fucking idea to. AMOVING. FUCK ZERG 15 min+ BLIZZ THIS IS FUCKING STUPID. The only part of Zerg that takes skill is holding timings. If you dont do a all in 4-14 min you are done goofed. And dont give me the shit "Switch to zerg and try. Why not? I have played about 2k games of T and 150 of Z. S o i rage at zerg and decide to trying them again. After 4 games of custom gaming on Daybreak i hit this rank 1 master. Take note here i am barely masters as terran. I fucking beat him. I go ling/inf in to ultra and fucking beat him. I dont want to play Zerg though because i liek TvT more then ZvZ and ZvP is quite bad too. If someone has any clue what so ever on how to beat the retarded op race PM me or some shit.
+ Show Spoiler +I am sooooooooo fucking distracted all the fucking time! Homework? NOPE. Up late all the time. Holy fuck. I need to get my shit together.
Haven't played SCII in a very long time, but I want to start again, but... ladder anxiety... and I need to do my work.
My mom is still bitching to me about getting a job (I'm 16) and yada yada yada JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP MAKING FUN OF ME I DON'T HAVE TO GET A JOB NOW. I don't care about money, I get plenty from birthdays, Christmas , and other events, I DON'T NEED A JOB. YET.
Fuck, I haven't worked on any of my SCII maps in a while, and MOTM April is going on right now but I'm not ready and am very distracted and don't have any time ffffffuuuuuuuuuu.
Gotta stop drinking this mountain dew or my teeth are going to fall out of my mouth. Dentist already warned me. I've never had a cavity before in my life, but I might wind up getting one soon.
I finally got over this girl. And now I feel fucking retarded, because I can now see clearly how BATSHIT INSANE that bitch was. And I'm trying to make a move on this other girl who I like, but she hasn't dated anyone before, and even though I think she likes me, she doesn't seem to want to date me, or anyone for that matter. Fuck.
On a happier note, I discovered a site that lets you take youtube videos and turn them into .mp3's. Where has this been all my life? I'm currently going on a downloading spree and am not going to get any work done tonight.
I wish I had someone to fucking talk to, I have plenty of friends, but I need some sort of mentor-ish figure in my life, someone I can go to for advice, and MY MOM DOESN'T EVEN COME CLOSE. I miss you dad.
I just read an article about Russia reposition its troops near Iran (I live in the USA) and I hate wars, why the fuck does this shit have to happen? The whole situation is really dumb, holy shit. And North Korea with their stupid fucking "satellite" launch, like, wtf?
Also, HotS beta. WHEN? And Halo 4 needs to come out ASAP I fucking love the Halo games like Pandas love bamboo.
+ Show Spoiler +Fuck all the fake ass PR bullshit when a forgiener player loses it's because they are worse then who they are playing. Fuck all the popluar pros that suck (relative) but still get the most sponsers and viewers because there popluar not because they have any skill (relative).
EG is so over rated it blows my mind there only player that can even compete at tournaments they stole and all there other players are for PR and will never win anything.
ANd fuck all you clowns in diamond that think you're going pro, you won because you played slightly better then a terrible player you're still not any good niether am I.
Oh and also fuck everyone that says im in x league but play in y league level you, don't and the fact you think that makes you worse.
OH OH and also fuck all the morons that say I'm in bronze but have great game sense I just can't put it to use.
OH OH OH and fuck the morn in plat that told me his macro and micro have nothing to do why he isnt masters, it's just his strategy
+ Show Spoiler +Wtf??
I've been playing more than I ever have and hit rank 25 master. Lose a few games, new season comes around,
WTF? Every other game im either facing a high master or a low diamond wtf is this shit. They either do random bullshit or they rape my shit so I just lose lose lose. On top of it, I havent faced another fucking terran in over TWENTY SIX GAMES. and 20+ of the games were z. No fucking wonder no one plays T, too easy with this map pool to go HERP DERP GG LORDS or wait you guessed wrong i went ultralisk instead!! COST EFFECTIVE AS FUCK DERP DERP
Dont even get me started on protoss
+ Show Spoiler + lol good game... fuck you US Airways! They ninja cancelled my flight to Phoenix at the last minute! Now I'm being placed on hold for over 23 minutes waiting to see if they can reserve a spot for me on another plane leaving for Phoenix. Got dammit... why the fuck do they wait less than 8 hours away from flight time to tell me this shit.
*edit* Hell nah! So the service rep answers at the 27 min mark and asks me if I would like to stay on hold or hang up. HELL THE FUCK YEAH I WANT TO STAY ON HOLD. I have an important interview that I need to get to. Why the fuck would you ask me if I wanted to wait on hold? I paid my money, now get me on a got damn plane to Phoenix!!!
It has been about an hour now. US Airways has pretty much officially fucked me in the ass. Never again will I buy a fucking airplane ticket from those bastards. I purchased this fucking ticket in February and why the fuck do they wait until the last minute to tell me the plane has "mechanical" problems.