On May 29 2006 11:56 gacha wrote: omg they are not bad , if not better than a lot of us in here . Accept the truth , Testie is one of the best non-korea BW player and lose 0-3 even on BGH map , Fayth was raped badly @ Luna . Damn atleast they have really nice macro
Testie+idra went 4-3 vs them in 2:2 on bgh, testie + daze went 1-3 vs them on BGH, then Templargoon and uh something drex or something, they lost 0-3.
We should see more of these games. It will give a better perspective of the skill levels between low-map and high money map players on bgh. not just the top bghers like hdn. I have good bgh team and if any low-map players would like to challenge us we'd galdy accept. this is just to show hdn is not the only team that can beat low map players
BGH is pretty fun. It's a different type of game than, say, PGT type maps. It's not just all mass and attack. Macro is a big part of it but other general BW principles like scouting, timing, positioning do matter a lot. High level BGH players still micro very well, and it's less about individual capabilities and more about teamwork. BGH is virtually a juiced up version of hunters, which also allows for more advanced play like involving a lot of magic units.
I'd still say that PGT and non-money maps are much more difficult to play, and I suppose calling BGH'ers nubs isn't farfetched. However, just because you play BGH doesn't mean that you are nub. It can be a matter of preference.
The Golden Way : Play The Hunters instead of Big Game Hunters. In my opinion the more money maps were created long ago to meet the players' needs not to move out of the "main base" and not to have problems expanding/finding new resources to exhaust. It's much more fun to play on "low-money" maps for there are many interesting situations that can occur due to lack of resources.
After all its all about having fun with playing. And bgh with unlimited resources got its advantages. For better players, because its easier to build mass shit units. For newbies, because they can stay in the game for some time. For Massmakro fans because they can pump out of 60 warpgates. And honestly, a game that ends with ouf of resources on hunters is just stupid boring newbie shit. If it comes to people like hdn, it doesnt really matter anymore if hunters or bgh, just the same expect that you build more probes continously. I personally play everything really everyhing from 815 to fastest. But most time, i am spending on bgh or lowmaps. Hunters is just uninteresting. I cant outmakro 3 average bad public bashers, i cant mass shit units like Scouts, and i cant play serious because i wont find good opponents/allies for hunters games, expect freaky koreans that cant speak english. And by the way hunters gameplay is much closer to bgh then to low.