Hello TL.
As the topic title already implies I am addicted to masturbation. On the web I did not find any useful informations on how to react to this. I am not sure what could help. Addictions are hard to deal with, I think everyone who once was addicted to something will agree with that.
I don't really want to talk about how often I masturbate because this topic is already emberassing enough. I just don't know any other place to ask, irl I won't aks anyone.. and online I don't know any decent place.
I was once at a phyoterapist but that was due to my gaming addiction, but it didnt really help either.
I don't doubt that my masturbation addiction is the only thing "going wrong" in my life, but it's a thing I want to change. It's no enjoyment for me at all, it's boring and disgusting.
I really appreciate any kind of tips
this sounds more like a blessing then a curse.
either this is a terrible joke, or, learn some self restraint.
Buy a can of pepper spray, and if you feel the temptation spray your hands with it
You simply have only two options here I'm sorry to inform.
A) Get a girlfriend. B) Chop off both arms.
So much for multiple choice.
Make shitty troll threads on TL..
Oh wait you've already done that...yeah idk
HMM...ehh..Okay...Hmm..Uhh..Okay...hm... Try reformatting your computer and installing an anti-porn addon on firefox, as there are some...I don't know what else to say...I think the best thing you could do, no offense, is get a girlfriend, though.
Glue sandpaper to the palms of your hands. You're welcome
umm get icy hot and some sandpaper
Not sure if trolling... Are you 15? its pretty common for 15 year olds.
I think esports is my antifap, I haven't done it all weekend with MLG and GSL finals.
There are some spaces on the internet that offer help. Some kind of medical forum or even a board, but all of that is useless if you dont have the power of will, to change something. There is no magic trick, there is no1 to take your burden, it is you thing, so get the f**** up and do something about it.
On August 01 2011 12:10 SentinelSC2 wrote: umm get icy hot and some sandpaper Icy hot feels good actually
Just... why... Don't fap if you don't feel like it? Some useful tips where already posted but I'd suggest a chastity belt.
Please someone deal with the trolls above. Thx.
-Sport. More sport. Easiest way to get rid of sexual energy. Just something where you can power youself out. -Social life. Part of that addiction is (usually) not having a girl to do the real thing with. Getting a solid social foundation is key there. Talk to random people. Go out if you're invite. Invite random people to just do stuff. -More sport.
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Honestly, any addiction can be overcome with 100% committing to an idea in your mind, and following through with it. Basically, pick something you can do in place of masturbation and every time you feel a craving for it, do your replacement activity instead, usually something tiring works best.
Try running, doing calisthenics or weight lifting. After you're done you'll most likely be too tired to masturbate and over time you'll just not consider it. Aim for one week, then one month, then just keep going.
is this trolling,are you serious?
OK,look at shit,you can't fap at shit.