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I own this skin. It is awesome. Be jealous. Be very jealous
Jax, The Armsmaster
Jax is one of those champions who has seemingly always swung from violently overpowered (dodging turret shots) to underpowered and weak at the whim of the balance team. At his hight, it was said that a Jax who could not 1v5 an enemy team and survive was a terrible Jax. His subsequent nerfs and buffs left him a place mostly ignored until a few short months ago when a couple of buffs helped pull him from the brink. Jax is still one of the most fearsome late game carries, and with decent peaks of power all throughout the game, he is still a force to be reckoned with.
Jax is a melee dps, blessed with ungodly scaling both offensively and defensively. He also is one of the few champions capable of dealing a tremendous amount of magical and physical damage, making him extremely hard to itemize against. With proper farm Jax should be nigh unkillable, while at the same time be able to jump to a target, kill them, and jump to another. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Patch Notes
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Leap Strike can now target wards again, but will now reveal wards for two seconds when used in this manner.
Leap Strike attack damage scaling reduced to 70% from 100%.
Leap Strike no longer locks Jax, allowing him to cast spells while leaping.
Leap Strike now prefers to target enemies over allies when your cursor overlaps both.
Leap Strike: cooldown reduced to 13/11/9/7/5 from 17/14/11/8/5.
Counter Strike now shows a brighter particle when Jax has recently dodged an attack and Counter Strike is ready.
Empower now properly procs Rylai's Crystal Scepter.
Recommended items updated.
Equipment Mastery: tooltip updated to show health gained from each source dynamically.
Leap Strike:
Ability power ratio reduced to 0.7 from 0.8.
Cast time reduced by 20%.
Travel speed increased by 20%.
Now only deals damage to a single target rather than to an area of effect.
Now resets Jax’s autoattack timer when cast.
Base damage increased to 75/110/145/180/215 from 40/60/80/100/120.
Ability power and attack damage ratios increased to 0.4 from 0.2.
Mana cost reduced to 20 from 35.
Cooldown increased to 9/8/7/6/5 from 5 at all ranks.
Tooltip corrected to accurately state it deals magic damage.
Fixed bugs where Empower incorrectly did less damage when used at the same time as Leap Strike or each 3rd Relentless Assault strike.
Counter Strike: base damage increased to 80/110/140/170/200 from 80/100/120/140/160.
Relentless Assault:
New Active: Grants 20/35/50 + Jax's dodge percent in bonus magic resistance for 5/6.5/8 seconds upon activation.
Costs 80 mana.
Cooldown of 60 seconds.
Buff icon now dynamically shows the number of Relentless Assault stacks which Jax is benefiting from.
Tooltip correctly indicates that Jax gains up to 10 stacks of Relentless Assault.
Counter Strike now has a buff that shows the duration of the effect.
Health per level reduced to 83 from 86.
Base movement speed reduced to 325 from 330.
Empower cooldown changed to 5 seconds from 7/6/5/4/3 seconds.
Base armor per level reduced to 3.2 from 4.
Fixed a minor tooltip typo with Empower.
Leap Strike is no longer castable while immobilized.
Equipment Mastery health gained from attack damage reduced to 3 from 4.
Leap Strike ability power ratio reduced to 0.8 from 1.0.
Counter Strike ability power ratio reduced to 0.6 from 0.8.
Relentless Assault ability power ratio reduced to 0.7 from 1.0.
New "Choose Me" voice over in PVP.net.
Equipment Mastery health bonus reduced to 4 health per damage and 2 health per ability power.
Base damage reduced to 40/60/80/100/120 from 45/65/85/105/125.
It now gains 20% of both attack damage and ability power as bonus damage.
Fixed an issue with Jax's Leap Strike that was causing the damage to fail in some cases when interacting with targets in brush.
Improved Leap Strike's responsiveness; you can now move much sooner after striking (but not attack).
Leap Strike cooldown reduced to 17/14/11/8./5 from 21/17/13/9/5.
Cleave increased to 60% from 50%.
Duration to power up reduced to 3 from 4.
Updated damage per second values to 25/35/45/55/65 from 20/25/30/35/40.
Ability positions were modified: Leap Strike is now Q, Empower is now W.
Counter Strike:
Increased Cooldown from 4 to 4.5.
Reduced Ability Power from 1 to .8.
Reduced Dodge% from 10/12.5/15/17.5/20 to 10/12/14/16/18.
Relentless Assault:
Reduced Attack Speed per Level from 8/12/16% to 6/10/14%.
Can no longer crit.
Fixed an issue causing Empower to not proc.
Leap Strike:
Now gives Jax a slight speed boost upon landing.
Increased bonus damage from 30/60/90/120/150 to 50/75/100/125/150.
Counter Strike:
Increased Dodge% from 8/11/14/17/20 to 10/12.5/15/17.5/20.
Relentless Assault:
Reduced hits to proc from 4 to 3, Reduced Damage to 140/170/210.
Can now be held across targets for up to 2.5 seconds.
Increased Movement Speed from 315 to 325.
Increased base armor from 18 to 22.
Increased health per level from 78 to 86.
Counter Strike:
Reduced cooldown from 5 to 4.
Increased duration of Dodge proc from 4 to 7.
July 10, 2009 Patch:
Leap Strike:
No longer cause double hits.
Relentless Assault:
Fixed a bug with this skill interacting with Neutral Minions.
Now grows its damage on a per level basis instead of cleave %.
Leap Strike can now target wards again, but will now reveal wards for two seconds when used in this manner.
Leap Strike attack damage scaling reduced to 70% from 100%.
Leap Strike no longer locks Jax, allowing him to cast spells while leaping.
Leap Strike now prefers to target enemies over allies when your cursor overlaps both.
Leap Strike: cooldown reduced to 13/11/9/7/5 from 17/14/11/8/5.
Counter Strike now shows a brighter particle when Jax has recently dodged an attack and Counter Strike is ready.
Empower now properly procs Rylai's Crystal Scepter.
Recommended items updated.
Equipment Mastery: tooltip updated to show health gained from each source dynamically.
Leap Strike:
Ability power ratio reduced to 0.7 from 0.8.
Cast time reduced by 20%.
Travel speed increased by 20%.
Now only deals damage to a single target rather than to an area of effect.
Now resets Jax’s autoattack timer when cast.
Base damage increased to 75/110/145/180/215 from 40/60/80/100/120.
Ability power and attack damage ratios increased to 0.4 from 0.2.
Mana cost reduced to 20 from 35.
Cooldown increased to 9/8/7/6/5 from 5 at all ranks.
Tooltip corrected to accurately state it deals magic damage.
Fixed bugs where Empower incorrectly did less damage when used at the same time as Leap Strike or each 3rd Relentless Assault strike.
Counter Strike: base damage increased to 80/110/140/170/200 from 80/100/120/140/160.
Relentless Assault:
New Active: Grants 20/35/50 + Jax's dodge percent in bonus magic resistance for 5/6.5/8 seconds upon activation.
Costs 80 mana.
Cooldown of 60 seconds.
Buff icon now dynamically shows the number of Relentless Assault stacks which Jax is benefiting from.
Tooltip correctly indicates that Jax gains up to 10 stacks of Relentless Assault.
Counter Strike now has a buff that shows the duration of the effect.
Health per level reduced to 83 from 86.
Base movement speed reduced to 325 from 330.
Empower cooldown changed to 5 seconds from 7/6/5/4/3 seconds.
Base armor per level reduced to 3.2 from 4.
Fixed a minor tooltip typo with Empower.
Leap Strike is no longer castable while immobilized.
Equipment Mastery health gained from attack damage reduced to 3 from 4.
Leap Strike ability power ratio reduced to 0.8 from 1.0.
Counter Strike ability power ratio reduced to 0.6 from 0.8.
Relentless Assault ability power ratio reduced to 0.7 from 1.0.
New "Choose Me" voice over in PVP.net.
Equipment Mastery health bonus reduced to 4 health per damage and 2 health per ability power.
Base damage reduced to 40/60/80/100/120 from 45/65/85/105/125.
It now gains 20% of both attack damage and ability power as bonus damage.
Fixed an issue with Jax's Leap Strike that was causing the damage to fail in some cases when interacting with targets in brush.
Improved Leap Strike's responsiveness; you can now move much sooner after striking (but not attack).
Leap Strike cooldown reduced to 17/14/11/8./5 from 21/17/13/9/5.
Cleave increased to 60% from 50%.
Duration to power up reduced to 3 from 4.
Updated damage per second values to 25/35/45/55/65 from 20/25/30/35/40.
Ability positions were modified: Leap Strike is now Q, Empower is now W.
Counter Strike:
Increased Cooldown from 4 to 4.5.
Reduced Ability Power from 1 to .8.
Reduced Dodge% from 10/12.5/15/17.5/20 to 10/12/14/16/18.
Relentless Assault:
Reduced Attack Speed per Level from 8/12/16% to 6/10/14%.
Can no longer crit.
Fixed an issue causing Empower to not proc.
Leap Strike:
Now gives Jax a slight speed boost upon landing.
Increased bonus damage from 30/60/90/120/150 to 50/75/100/125/150.
Counter Strike:
Increased Dodge% from 8/11/14/17/20 to 10/12.5/15/17.5/20.
Relentless Assault:
Reduced hits to proc from 4 to 3, Reduced Damage to 140/170/210.
Can now be held across targets for up to 2.5 seconds.
Increased Movement Speed from 315 to 325.
Increased base armor from 18 to 22.
Increased health per level from 78 to 86.
Counter Strike:
Reduced cooldown from 5 to 4.
Increased duration of Dodge proc from 4 to 7.
July 10, 2009 Patch:
Leap Strike:
No longer cause double hits.
Relentless Assault:
Fixed a bug with this skill interacting with Neutral Minions.
Now grows its damage on a per level basis instead of cleave %.
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Passive: Equipment Mastery: Jax's prowess with weapons and armor increase his fortitude as he gains equipment:
Jax gains 3 health per point of attack damage received from items.
Jax gains 2 health per point of ability power received from items.
Pretty much the ability that makes Jax who he is. Build damage, get tanky. Self explanatory, never to be overlooked. Auras that effect damage (Sona, for example) will give him bonus health, but only increase his total health and leave his current health where it is. Moving away from the source will return his health to normal. If above his natural limit, he will return to full health.
Q: Leap Strike: Jax leaps towards a target. If it's an enemy, he smacks it in the face with his weapon, dealing magic damage.
Self explanatory. Leap in air, land on face, hurt a lot.
W: Empower: Jax charges his weapon with energy, causing his next attack to deal additional magic damage.
Again, self explanatory. If used before casing his q, empower will apply the buff on the leap strike damage directly, instead of waiting for Jax to strike the opponent.
E: Counter-strike: (Passive): Increases Jax's dodge chance.
(Active): Jax stuns surrounding enemies for 1 second and deals magic damage to them. Usable only within 7 seconds of dodging an attack
This is the other ability that makes Jax who he is. The only skill in the game that has synergy with dodge. When you are lucky, this skill is an aoe stun that can grab multiple members of the enemy team. If not, you are looking at a character with only 2.5 active abilities.
Ultimate: (Passive): Jax's basic attacks increase his attack speed for 2.5 seconds (max 10 stacks). Every 3rd consecutive attack deals bonus magic damage.
(Active): Jax's speed allows him to reduce incoming magic damage. For few seconds his magic resistance is increased.
While seemingly mundane, Jax' ultimate is one of the most effective in the game. It eliminates the need to build any meaningful attack speed items beyond a rageblade, and provides a tremendous increase to his damage. At the same time, the MR, combined with your massive health pool from his passive will usually be enough to keep you alive while you finish the offensive parts of your build. Plus its always a great way to prevent Karthus from sniping you with his ult.
Ignite flash. Flash for escapes and aggressiveness, Ignite for the kills.
21-9-0. Grab 3 points in Crit% and the Ap bonus on the first line. A full 4 in the cooldown reduction on the next. Next line sees improved ignite, Magic pen, full armor pen. Full 3 in attack damage, 2 in crit damage, 1 in Havock.
In the defensive tree, grab 3 in mr, 1 in armor, then fill out with dodge and nimbleness.
This set up lets you grab all the yummy stuff from the offensive tree, while at the same time grabbing the nimbleness that so helps your E proc.
Flat ad reds and quints, dodge yellows, mr/lvl or flat mr blues, depending on which you prefer.
Flat ad is for your early game burst, dodge is for e, mr is for living longer against burst. Simple and easy.
Skill Order
QWQEQR R>Q>W>E. This maximizes your damage, which is basically all you want to do as Jax.
If your lane opponent is a ranged carry, Id advise getting a point in E at 2 and W at 3, just to help ward off harass a little bit with a few dodge procs.
2-3 Dorans blades, Ninja tabi, Hextech Gunblade, Guinsoo's rageblade
Yes, this is only 3 real items after the dblades. You have options after you get your core of gunblade&rageblade. Banshee's Veil if you need MR. Deathcap if you want some ap damage and scaling. Blood thirster if you want to deal more ad and grab some lifesteal. Atmas if you want damage and armor. Trinity force is a good mix of both ap and ad, and the extra proc from sheen always helps. As stupid as this sounds, you need to feel out the game and decide what you need. Everything is situational after the core is complete. I typically like to get a BV as soon as my core is done. Spellblock is very strong, especially on someone with as much killing potential as Jax. You never want to be forced out of the fight for any reason, and BV will help with that.
Unfortunately, this is the difficult thing about Jax- completing the core items. Ideally, you want to have 2 or 3 dorans blades, Ninja Tabi (or merc treads if they have a ton of CC), a Hextech Gunblade, and Rageblade as soon as possible. The problem is getting there.
You have a couple ways to start. Boots+3 is the median, allowing you to have a decent ammount of sustain through pots, while at the same time allowing you to harass with speed. Dorans blade is the offensive option. You hit harder, but will be forced to back more often. Cloth+5 is pure defense. You can stay in lane, but you wont hit hard. In truth, none of these options are all that great. You will feel the pain of not having whatever aspect you didnt grab, either the sustain of boots or the offense and health of the blade. It is for this reason that you NEED to get whatever you dont have as soon as possible. This means grabbing one or 2 blades, or boots, or tabi.
The next thing you want is your pickaxe and cutlass. If you can grab it without having to get more than a single dblade, do it. If you need to delay in order to survive, buy dblades instead. But the instant you grab your cutlass and level 6 you turn into a lean mean killing machine. From there you just complete your gunblade, then finish rageblade. I prefer to go ad first on the rageblade as well, but it is users choice.
After the core, just buy what you feel you need. BV, Deathcap, Blood thirster, Hourglass, Atmas, Trinity, even tankier options like sunfire are acceptable. Realistically, any item in the game that has AD or AP or is a tank item is a good item on Jax. You are a melee dps. Your first thought is survival. If you dont need defense, then build offense.
Suggested Luxury Items: BV, Deathcap, Blood thirster, Hourglass, Atmas, Trinity Force, Void Staff, Rylais, Will of the Ancients, Guardian Angel, Sunfire, FON, Frozen Mallet, ect.
This is where things get REALLY tricky. At level 1 and 2, Jax is a beast. He will dish a ton of damage with leapstrike and empower, and if your lane opponent is lacking on MR or armor, your runes will make short work of them. Yet by level 3 and 4, most opponents are capable of fighting even, or even slightly ahead of him, especially ranged carries. This is where you start to notice the lack of sustain or damage and health, depending on what you started with. Do your best to farm, the ad runes really help with last hitting, so you have no excuse. Harass safely if you can, using w>q>auto to deal a frightening amount of damage. The instant you start to get pushed back, if you have the gold for items, go back and get them. The longer you stay HEALTHY in lane, the better. If you cant stay healthy, but stay in lane, you do no good to yourself or anyone else. Jax needs to be ahead or even with his opponent early on in this stage. You walk a fine line between harassing and getting a kill and setting yourself up to dominate the game, or dying and being useless for the majority of it.
By level 6 you should have at least boots 1 and 1 or 2 blades. It is at this point you become deadly. Your ultimate passive gives you an extreme damage increase, and you are one of the few champions happy to fight in the midst of minions, as that is the most effective way to draw procs on your e. w>q in, then stand there and hit. If the enemy is stupid enough to trade blows with you, kill them. Otherwise simply do what damage you can, then regen with pots and autoattacks until you feel safe to harass again. Again, however, your main goal is to continue to farm. If you can farm champions, do so. Otherwise, farm minions.
As soon as you get your cutlass, you can really start to dish out the pain. Just jump in, empower, stun, and hit things. Use the passive on the cutlass only to slow someone you might not have a stun for. The more often its up, the better chance you have of killing someone. At this point you should be able to drive your lane back. Roam if you can, killing champs whenever possible. Very few can take you 1v1. Take advantage of that. Focus on finishing your core and starting whatever luxury items you like.
Late game and teamfights are what separate bad Jax' from good ones. With a gunblade and level 11 you can take baron with 2 or so teammates. With 16 and your core, you can take it basically alone. In a teamfight, stay back until someone on your team engages. Play the anti carry role: wait for the enemy team to blow their cc and burst, then jump in, killing everyone from squishiest to sturdiest. Mash w and e whenever they are up.
Thats really all I have for now. If I forgot something, let me know. This guide is based on Dyrus' on solomid, tempered by what I have found to be the most effective.
Old guide here
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