[Champion] Jax - Page 2
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Russian Federation4235 Posts
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United States3216 Posts
On August 16 2011 14:54 gtrsrs wrote: i disagree completely. part of jax's strength is his ability to outright win a lane at level 2 or even level 1 with the MASSIVE damage on Q and W. E is totally auxiliary and kinda gimmicky. also what's with people saying morde is a direct counter to jax? i've yet to lose to a morde or even get CLOSE to feeling threatened unless their jungler just camps my lane Going q, w, first gives you no followup after jumping on someone, and it leaves you very vulnerable to counter harass. You don't have anything to back it up like a stun like lvl 4 which is really late for jax to start harassing when you can do it earlier, and leaves you weaker in lane. E gives you a stun, lets you jump on someone, follow it up with dmg, and get a more reliable ms boost. I really don't see any way you're going to win most lanes when you have q first and all you can do is q jump on some1, maybe w at lvl 2, take a bunch of dmg, and be forced to back out. You also don't have the mana to be doing it reliably as someting more than harass but majority dmg. You overrate the dmg on q and w, jax's mana consumption, and the fact that vs most solo tops, you can't burst them down outright because they have pots, and they're usually tanky. | ||
United States13684 Posts
1- I have been able to harass them down significantly at level 1. Like below half health. If they are full, then I want w for extra damage. 2- They pushed the lane and have lots of minions coming at you. E is almost guaranteed to proc, and will also provide some damage mitigation from minions. | ||
Canada1214 Posts
On August 16 2011 19:53 BluzMan wrote: Jump at him at level 2 when the wave is thin and start autoing. He goes back, jump at him whenever he comes closer to creeps before he reaches them. Idk how could a mordekaiser deal with that. At level 4 it just becomes even funnier since you're now stronger in his creep line than in yours lol. At level 6 you can jump at him and ult and he either ults through your increased MR or ults when your ult is down and he's close to death, when he won't receive the whole amount of healing. I don't play much Jax or Mord but wouldn't Mord be able to selfcast the shield before Jax jump gets to him? Follow that up with a fat single target Q or a full targets Q while staying in Jax melee range and hes going to be hurting a lot. | ||
Canada5484 Posts
Morde's shield in particular is a huge factor so it's hard to say. After Jax gets level 6 and his first item though, he's just going to walk all over morde as soon as he gets enough space. | ||
United States3216 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
you take E at level 1 in case someone engages you. they do, the attack you twice, you attack them twice, and they back off. no stun proc. what did it do for you? you take E at level 1, someone engages you. they attack you twice and you get a stun proc from a creep. you attack them, stun them, attack them again, and they run away. i take Q at level 1. someone engages me. i attack twice, they attack twice, they back off. i jump on them and attack again. i'm 200 damage ahead. i've won the lane. i take Q at level 1. no one engages me. ok i just Q them when they go for a creep. i've opened boots so as soon as i land i run to the side/middle of the creep wave dependings on the matchup. they can't auto in return. if they try to harass with a skill they either waste mana or push the wave. win win. i run AD runes on him so my burst is fking huge at levels 1 and 2. W costs 45 mana (aka nothing) and jump costs what, 60? i've never run out of mana. QW doesn't leave you vulnerable because you always open boots which allows you to dart in and out of their range instantly. if they engage, boots open also allows you to pot up. | ||
United States3216 Posts
Leap empower doesn't offer a road to a kill. Sure, you can win the lane by getting more cs and stuff, but my goal is kills. I'm not going to say I use jax in some super serious tournaments or something versus super serious people, because I don't. I play jax for solo queue, and in solo queue, just getting more cs is not always the best option because kills are worth more than some cs adv. I play to get a kills lead and a major cs lead. Just some food for thought. You can get more than one dodge proc so e earlier on can lead to more than one stun. Early on, there's a long road to get to your tower top, and you also get a movement speed boost from the dodge proc. | ||
United States956 Posts
On July 21 2011 00:20 nyxnyxnyx wrote: i just got stomped in a normal by a tabi hog warmog atmas jungle jax i dont know how to feel about that. pro or no? Dyrus' troll build in action. | ||
Canada1214 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
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United States853 Posts
Then again, I also get banshees before Triforce, and after i pick up phage first. This means that i'm building "tanky" after i finish gunblade and rage blade. Oh and once you finish rage blade, the longer you stay in a fight, the tankier you become for two reasons. For one, you steal more health back with faster attack speed and increased damage and ap. Likewise, the increases damage and ap will give you an additional so much health, putting you up another 150 or so (don't know actual math). | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Most games should be over when you finish your gunblade and rageblade and MAYBE banshees. You have to ask yourself: Are you helping your team more by building so much damage items or being tanky enough to go in straight away and be in the fight longer AND hitting people who can't facetank you and will not be able to do damage for the duration of the fight. Fights can snowball so that if you aren't in there immediately your team will start dying before you even feel safe to start attacking. The main problem jax has is that it doesn't matter how much lifesteal and damage you have when simply 1 CC effect can reset your ultimate stacks and stop you from attacking, so it's not like you should unconditionally build rageblade/gunblade instead of atmogs. Atmogs will make you ridiculously hard to kill letting you sit in the fight all the time and that means your ultimate will be stacked faster and you're distrupting their team faster and doing damage faster so don't think more damage is always better because being tankier CAN give you more damage and CAN help by tanking damage for your other teammates. Remember, jax isn't a carry there is an AP and AD Carry much squishier than you who need someone else to go in before them to be safe. Unless you are doing some kind of tanky DPS team with jax as "carry" in which case feel free to gunblade/rageblade and hit their tanks until they are too crippled to kill you in your jump in. Everyone knows there is a point of no return which is enough people are dead jax is unkillable but it's about getting to that point in a standard teamcomp with a support/ad carry/ap carry and jax and 1 other guy. As long as you are playing in that teamcomp you have to have a plan of how you can safely keep your carries safe either by being too much of a threat or directly attacking anyone who tries to kill them. I played a game when I got gunblade rather easily and I was working away on atmas or something but we got raped every single fight by something like a morgana/jarvan/vayne/support/some jungler comp who just bursted so hard eiher I stayed alive but the rest of my team died before I could do enough or I died first and then my team was too weak. If I had build tankier that game I could jump in first without worrying about dying too fast. The way I see it is that AoE comps are countered by having 1-2 guys who are able to tank them and have 2 carries that can stay back and deal damage from a safe distance while the guys in the front can lock one guy down with slows/cc. It gets harder if you try to stick closer together because you die too fast if you stray too far from your team. | ||
United States853 Posts
Normally when i'm playing tanky DPS, I would grab one dps item then move onto more tanky items. However, because Jax becomes naturally tankier by buying damage, I can hold it off a bit more. If I were to change my build, I would probably just delay the GRB, but I would not lose the gunblade. The slow is the most reliable in term of items. Rylais doesn't slow as much, frozen mallet is too expensive without as much gain and phage is based on chance. Likewise, I don't get sustain from dblades like most people here. I have mpen and use revolver, which i can get by lvl 4 or so, and then i can stay in lane forever. When i'm in lane, i actually tank creeps as they come, grab an E proc while stealing health back with spellvamp. For the entire time i have E, i have lane control. Also, I don't expect kills until lvl 6, meaning that by the time i get there, i should ideally have revolver and soon to get what ever item it is that is a prereq to gunblade. From there, I rely 100 percent on burst damage. I'll play like an assassin, meaning I don't need any tankiness, just sustain for laning (which i get from gunblade). By the end of that phase, teamfights will start up and hopefully I'll have GRB. However, I can't engage as easily during this time. I can only pick and harass, but I can't go full in. This is no issue though, because of how cheap GRB is. With GRB, I can easily farm my next two items, which are ruby crystal and negatron cloak. With these items alone, i'll have enough tankiness to jump into any fight and still be able to kill their carry. Jax's biggest threat here is burst and CC, both of which can be minimized by his ult. Then again, I'm not the first in unless I see a good opening. However, once I'm tanky enough, I will jump on any oppurtunity I can find. This means proc'ing E, find a weak person, hextech gunblade proc, Q, E, W. If done properly, you'll get 3 or 4 stacks on both GRB and your ult. From here, if you chose the right target, it'll be dead from the burst and then you can Q onto your next victim. If not, you can finish the job or back up as needed. You should know if you have to back up by the time E wears off, because that combiniation should be done very quickly. If the waters are too dangerous, just back out, or if needed, flash out. However, with 50 percent slow, you should be able to pick off a person, initiating a teamfight in your favor or force a flash/ult. At late game, which is the point at which you can no longer safetly jump in, I start picking up more tanky items. But otherwise, like Mordekaiser, if you are falling behind with Jax, you're probably already too far behind to be super useful AND if you can't do damage, then no one (that knows what they're doing) will bother chasing you down. This means that if you're gonna go Warmogs, at least get something that gives you damage first. I can't tell you how much I hate seeing mordekaisers go FoN first and then do absolutely nothing in teamfights because everyone just runs around him. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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United States853 Posts
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Norway6070 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
On August 17 2011 04:27 [Agony]x90 wrote: No, but that's my objective. Like I've said before, Jax can't tank unless you can pull attention. Jax can kill any squishy with just base damage especially an AD carry who proc stuns off hits. You can't compare morde to jax in terms of damage output without items as morde gets kited and can't just jump onto their ranged ad carry and stay on him the way jax with 4 second jump strike and counterstrike can. And atmogs is FAR from "no damage" and its absurdly tanky because of the way that the atmas gives you AD which is giving you another free ~200 health or something as well as damage. (and slightly more AD from that bonus health). | ||
United States853 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
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