On August 21 2011 09:07 0123456789 wrote: How to lose lane vs garen.
Yeah this After 6 if he spins on you just auto him and build up stacks and kill him Before 6 either establish lane control with wq or go for last hits when his skills are down
Fucking laned against garen today that guy is a total douche to jax. Started cloth armor and was defense specced and still get zoned, jump on him and you get a spin to the face. Even past 6 i dont think you would win cause you will be shut down so hard early game.
As Jax v Garen you need some jungle help in the beginning to help you get your wriggles and after that, it shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as you don't eat his full duration cooldowns. Jax auto attacking to keep his stacks up with wriggles and then punishing an eager garen is pretty good.
On August 21 2011 05:29 Bulldozer wrote: I think his point was, why waste money on armor, when you will be dodging attacks anyway and taking no damage. Said money could be spent on more damage items which in turn give him more health. That's just my interpretation of it though
I personally do not agree
Atmas after rageblade and hextech sooo good though, plus the armor is super useful if anyone thinks and gets a sod.
Erhm. wtb tl;dr guide.
a) So when do I want 21 0 9 and when do I want 9 21 0? b) When do I want 3x Dblade -> Atmogs and when do I want Gunblade -> Tanky stuff?
(I assume it depends on whether your jungle is a tank or not, but hurpdurp. Teach me, TL!)
so i've seen dyrus run tele/revive on jax. does anyone know the reasoning behind this? is it like karthus. where after you die. you revive and tele back to the fight to basically clean up since jax does quite a lot of damage.
It's basically because Dyrus loves to just afk farm and not worry about getting caught while pushing lanes way further than you normally should. He knows he's gonna get farmed one way or another and a farmed Jax or Karthus is pretty much GG, no matter how many times they've died.
How does Atma's work with Jax and his passive? Is the health from his passive added into the Atma damage, or is the AD from Atma's added into his health?
it's an infinite cycle it convergates to zero really fast though
Huh. I just never really know where to go with him, so I thought it might be a good buy. After Tabi-Gunblade-Guinsoo's, I'm not really sure what to buy.
atmas is very good if you need armor. you also probably need a quicksilver sash along the way
a lot of high elo players just buy quicksilver / other tank items immediately after finishing gunblade, because you do a fuckload even without guinsoo. Applying the damage is harder though.
On September 16 2011 10:08 jtype wrote: It's basically because Dyrus loves to just afk farm and not worry about getting caught while pushing lanes way further than you normally should. He knows he's gonna get farmed one way or another and a farmed Jax or Karthus is pretty much GG, no matter how many times they've died. Also having to kill a farmed Jax twice is definitely not fun.
What champions counter jax these days?
Jax is my go to champion for Dominion so wondering if this build is ok.
Phage->Ninja Tabi->Frozen Mallet->Rageblade->Phantom Dancer->Atma's
I'm thinking of replacing Frozen Mallet with Rylai's and replacing Phatom Dancer with Lichbane. I get Phantom Dancer just to make sure I can get by rageblade stacks up faster, but I suppose it isn't need that badly. I should also get a Hextech sweeper when I face stealth characters like Vayne which I had trouble last night dealing with.
On September 26 2011 00:47 Crazazyasian1337 wrote: What champions counter jax these days?
in lane or late game?
in lane: everyone
late game: nasus and lee sin have ways of shutting down his DPS for a few seconds and your team can focus him and burst him down while that's happening... he can still nuke your squishy for HUGE damage with his Q W combo though
On September 28 2011 03:05 BlackMagister wrote: Jax is my go to champion for Dominion so wondering if this build is ok.
Phage->Ninja Tabi->Frozen Mallet->Rageblade->Phantom Dancer->Atma's
I'm thinking of replacing Frozen Mallet with Rylai's and replacing Phatom Dancer with Lichbane. I get Phantom Dancer just to make sure I can get by rageblade stacks up faster, but I suppose it isn't need that badly. I should also get a Hextech sweeper when I face stealth characters like Vayne which I had trouble last night dealing with.
I would prefer Gunblade still, since you can get it incredibly fast in Dominion and the stats from Gunblade are simply too strong on Jax xD
On September 26 2011 00:47 Crazazyasian1337 wrote: What champions counter jax these days? In my experience, top lane Jax will have a hard time vs. Garen, Panth, Yorick, Renekton, and Swain, to name a few. For a lot of matchups it comes down to player skill/jungler activity on either side. Jax can snowball an early lead into a big power gap, while falling behind early will pretty much shut you down until mid-game vs any solo with sustain. Fortunately going even on CS is generally better for Jax than the other guy. Also Morde is no longer a Jax counter now that he's gimp.
I'm still in Elo Limbo till this week of exams is over and I can mass games, so I don't exactly have a good gauge of what works atm. This thread definitely needs a lane matchup guide, I always feel like I'm playing on the razor's edge early-game, especially in unfamiliar matchups.
On September 23 2011 23:47 Requizen wrote: Huh. I just never really know where to go with him, so I thought it might be a good buy. After Tabi-Gunblade-Guinsoo's, I'm not really sure what to buy. I usually just go Tabi->Gunblade->Atmas/Banshee/QSS then when I feel Im tanky enough (which may mean I only get chainvest/negatron and don't upgrade) I get Guinsoo. Finish 6th slot with Triforce/Rylais/whatever the fuck u want cause at that point you should be raping 1v5 anyways. Altho if you get Tabis, there's a real case for getting Cloak and Dagger or getting Philo and upgrade to Miracle.
I always had the feeling that Rageblade doesn't cover Jax's need for attack speed. The thing is, since teamfights don't last too long, with normal builds and even with Rageblade his attack speed will be too slow (stacks will be low) thus making him more of a burst champion and less of a burst+sustained damage champion which I think he has potential at.
Wouldn't it be worth it to just buy something like a recurve bow right after hextech (or hextech+rageblade) and then proceed with normal ap/ad+tanky build?.
On September 28 2011 16:38 kemoryan wrote: I always had the feeling that Rageblade doesn't cover Jax's need for attack speed. The thing is, since teamfights don't last too long, with normal builds and even with Rageblade his attack speed will be too slow (stacks will be low) thus making him more of a burst champion and less of a burst+sustained damage champion which I think he has potential at.
Wouldn't it be worth it to just buy something like a recurve bow right after hextech (or hextech+rageblade) and then proceed with normal ap/ad+tanky build?.
Rageblade just gives him a good amount of AD and AP stats and the gold efficiency is just awesome for Jax. If you think about it, it breaks even at I think 1 or 2 stacks? In team fights you'll typically be using your skills alot, so you will get quite a few stacks right off the bat. For example you Q, hit, W (includes a hit), hit... that's 5 stacks right there, and you'll be using your E very often
Now I do agree that there are situations in which you would skip the rageblade. Gunblade is absolutely core but Wits end, for example, is still a nice item to have as it gives you MR and 40% AS right away... you do miss out on the health and AD/AP you get from GRB though, that's why usually GRB is still preferred unless the game really calls for a different AS item... You should also note that most AS items in the game do not provide good AD or AP for Jax... =(