Masteries: x/x/21
Summoner spells: Ghost/Exhaust, Ghost/Flash
Runes: ArmourPen Reds, Manaregen/lvl Yellows, Manaregen/lvl Blues, HP Quints
Support bitch Doran's Ring x 2-3, Boots 1-> Boots of Mobility/Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Wardsx9999, Aegis, Kindlegem->Soul Shroud, Banshee's (optional), Stark's (optional), Frozen Heart (optional)
Solo mid/top ''I'm ownin' you with Janna''
Doran's Ring x1, Boots 1-> Tabi/Merc Treads, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Stark's, Aegis of the Legion, Elixirs when you can. (Red/Green/Blue in that order of priority)
*I recommend the first build. Second build is almost troll, but CAN work well if you're farming exceptionally well, have a solo lane, and are (is?) dominating early-game.
Skill order: EQEWEREWEW.... (pretty non-negotiable, you almost always want Shield maxed first. You might consider W or Q first for Level 1 teamfight, but that's about it).
Playstyle (for sidelane): Abuse your range / higher damage to zone the crap out of your enemies, if possible. But don't get too into it if your lane partner is totally crap at last-hitting or can't back you up when the enemies get pissed at you. Play safe, farm/zone/harass from Level 1-3, Level 4 is when you can potentially get a kill with W+Q. Don't be shy to B, since you come back significantly stronger with minimal amount of gold spent, (example, I B when I'm Level 4/5 with ~800 gold, and come back with Boots 1, 1 more Doran's Ring, and a ward for Dragon). Getting that ward ASAP (esp. before their jungler ganks) is pretty important.
Mid-game (Level 9 - 14 or so): Walk around with your carry, but be careful not to stick too near him/her. You want to be in range to support him/her in whatever he/she's doing, be it pushing/farming/Lizard, but you don't want to jack his/her EXP, since you pretty much hit your ''sweet spot'' at Level 9 with max Shield. If you still haven't gotten your Aegis, you might want to farm a little and try to get it up.
Ulti usage: Loco's definitely laughing if he ever sees this section. I suck absolute balls at using Monsoon. I think a key piece of advice is this: Don't be too eager to use it. Another piece of advice is to stand close to your ranged carry (like, almost beside) during a teamfight. That way when you press R you're pushing unfriendlies as far away from your ranged carry as possible.
Conclusion: GLHF peepz. Janna is OP.
Short note about her in current patch: Her E got nerfed from 10s duration -> 5s. Essentially this increases the value of CDR on Janna since it now makes her shield uptime longer. Ionian Boots were perfect addition for her (: New Soul Shroud item requirements were also good since she could get easy CDR (10% for 850!) and still have the potential to build into Soul Shroud later on.
United States47024 Posts
Summoner spells: Ghost/Exhaust, Ghost/Flash
No Clairvoyance? Seems like if anyone should carry it, it should be Janna.
Support bitch Doran's Ring x 2-3, Boots 1-> Boots of Mobility, Wardsx9999, Aegis, Chainmail/Negatron -> whatever
I see Zirun use something more like: Doran's Ring x2, Boots 1->Treads, Wards x9999, Doran's Ring x2, Banshee's Veil
Then again, Janna is item-independent enough that it really doesn't matter how you build her.
One thing to note: if you are in a duo lane with someone who needs farm more than you (basically everybody), let them take creep kills unless they can't reach them, or they suck ass at last hitting (I know you sort of say this in the OP, but it's kind of not that clear, lol).
I like BoM for flying. I only ever get Mercury if there's really a LOT of undodge-able CC.
Clair should be okay, but I'm lazy. Besides, I think Exhaust is alot better than Clair.
United States47024 Posts
On November 05 2010 14:25 nyxnyxnyx wrote: I like BoM for flying. I only ever get Mercury if there's really a LOT of undodge-able CC. I've gotten BoM all the time's I've played her, but at the same time I've never seen Zirun get anything other than treads (though half the time he doesn't even finish his boots and just gets more Doran's Rings).
That's because Zirun doesn't/can't last-hit.
United States47024 Posts
On November 05 2010 14:27 nyxnyxnyx wrote: That's because Zirun doesn't/can't last-hit. Presumably he can because he gets less-terrible cs on non-babysit champs. >.>
i once got raped by an attaack damage/attack speed janna
i was like level 18 or something and i think it was a lvl 30 but that janna was a beast
I have also experienced DPS Janna a couple times on both sides of the field and she has always done well. This coming from lvl 30 no ranked. On topic: Just played this build and did well. My earlier experiments with mobafire/leaguecraft builds led me to do RoA/Nashors crap builds. Love TL. Basically taught me to not trust any other group/site with LoL info.
DPS Janna is a troll build. Essentially Janna needs no items, so whatever farm you get can be spent on anything and you can be successful. This is the reason why when Utah posts Janna game SS, he always has like 4 CS in a 50 minutes game or some ridiculous crap like that, because he just ignores creep to let people who need items to get the farm, lol.
Why Armour Pen? For imba deeps in lane?
And tower pushing. It actually makes more sense than I thought at first. I think Utah runs something defensive on his reds, but 15 Armor Pen sounds really strong now that I think about it.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
cleanse is necessary on janna imo, being CC locked can prevent you from using monsoon
On November 06 2010 05:11 Brees wrote: cleanse is necessary on janna imo, being CC locked can prevent you from using monsoon This x 1000. Monsoon is the strongest ability in the game, but requires precise timing. The last thing you can afford when playing Janna is being disabled when you need to ult.
On November 06 2010 05:14 Mogwai wrote:Show nested quote +On November 06 2010 05:11 Brees wrote: cleanse is necessary on janna imo, being CC locked can prevent you from using monsoon This x 1000. Monsoon is the strongest ability in the game, but requires precise timing. The last thing you can afford when playing Janna is being disabled when you need to ult. Which is also the reason why some people get Mercs on her. Obvious when you don't run Cleanse, and imo a decent pair of boots even with Cleanse.
you could just get quicksilver sash right? thats what i do since i like having clairvoyance/ghost so much
yea, QSS is fine, but you better have it finished in time for teamfights then.
On November 06 2010 05:09 Mogwai wrote: And tower pushing. It actually makes more sense than I thought at first. I think Utah runs something defensive on his reds, but 15 Armor Pen sounds really strong now that I think about it.
I tried running the troll set but it doesn't work as well on SR as it does TT because her lane control just isn't very strong due to EotS nerf. In a ideal world I'd run the Soraka page (Flat AP Quints + AP/level everything else).
On November 06 2010 05:09 Mogwai wrote: [Why use APen runes?] And tower pushing. It actually makes more sense than I thought at first. I think Utah runs something defensive on his reds, but 15 Armor Pen sounds really strong now that I think about it. http://www.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=3510583#post3510583
APen doesn't affect towers any more unless it got changed again.
Armour pen is for zoning, and to a very small extent, last hitting.