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...well, great, now I have an urge to rewatch Madoka yet again lol Not like that's a bad thing or anything
Also, Gate of Steiner for god tier theme <3333 Kept listening to it over and over for days after I finished the VN
Now that I think about it, all my top favorite series have had strong OP/ED themes. I think music in general has a pretty big impact on me subconsciously when I watch stuff (band geek background yay).
Lol holy shit man, huge list. Song of Storm and Fire is so epic
I loved how in TC, they used that quite a lot. Then I realized it was getting used so many times and that affected me slightly. But then around I forget what episode, it stopped being used. It wasn't used for like 10-15 episodes. Then suddenly, during that + Show Spoiler +
episode where they go into the storybook, they used that theme again VERY surprisingly once Kurogane blew up and turned into a dinosaur
I thought that was just hilarious xD
Thanks for the list, gonna listen to them once i get time.
On May 02 2012 12:37 NationInArms wrote: 5 cm per second OST is amazing. I still get chills from listening even though I haven't watched the movie in years.
agreed, I listen to them sometimes and they are really moving
On May 02 2012 12:37 NationInArms wrote: 5 cm per second OST is amazing. I still get chills from listening even though I haven't watched the movie in years.
"One more time, one more chance" is such a beautiful song too. It fit that anime perfectly.
Nice AMV of it, has lyrics in the description too (even translated into Chinese...):
yeah sounds about right... at least metalheads fighting while singing would make sense xDDD i guess the show is not for me, but i knew that beforehand <.<
i watched it with nagi and echo for 5-10 minutes, i wouldve dropped it during the 1st episode. the entire premise is so laughable i cant take it seriously and the rest is so terrible
The thing is, you kindof already know what you're getting into beforehand .
yeah sounds about right... at least metalheads fighting while singing would make sense xDDD i guess the show is not for me, but i knew that beforehand <.<
i watched it with nagi and echo for 5-10 minutes, i wouldve dropped it during the 1st episode. the entire premise is so laughable i cant take it seriously and the rest is so terrible
The thing is, you kindof already know what you're getting into beforehand .
With that kind of show you never know, nothing wrong with giving it a go incase you might be pleasntly suprised. That having been said if you have enough on your plate already its best to stay clear.
Lesbo girl goes to all girl catholic school to pick up hot chicks. Falls in love with first girl she sees who turns out to be some fucked up cross dressing dude.
On May 03 2012 02:27 solidbebe wrote: Maria Holic, what the FUCK did i just watch?
Lesbo girl goes to all girl catholic school to pick up hot chicks. Falls in love with first girl she sees who turns out to be some fucked up cross dressing dude.
You couldve picked that up from the synopsis. Theres a fair bit more to it than that. The OP for the first season was pretty entertaining to.
The hentai shojo bashing gets a bit stale after a while though, Watch it for God and Matsurika.
Lesbo girl goes to all girl catholic school to pick up hot chicks. Falls in love with first girl she sees who turns out to be some fucked up cross dressing dude.
Dammit you spoiled it for me.
Nevertheless Im still gonna add this to my "to watch" list. ^_^
Back then I thought it was about vampires and schools. Idk why, just did.
Lesbo girl goes to all girl catholic school to pick up hot chicks. Falls in love with first girl she sees who turns out to be some fucked up cross dressing dude.
Dammit you spoiled it for me.
Nevertheless Im still gonna add this to my "to watch" list. ^_^
Back then I thought it was about vampires and schools. Idk why, just did.
Season 1 was ok, season 2 is pretty bad. Just pretend the second season never happened.
Am I reading this right? Claymore is over? like finally finished over? What happened to Pruscilla and Claire? Why let that new abysmal one walk away freely? What happens with the boy/guy and the 2 men (scientist and recruiter)? WTF I AM SO CONFUSE.
Oh yes, I've seen this one before. It's so good. The violin players are epic. I loved the part when the male "flicks" his bow and his hair flies around before the music resumes. So epic xD
As it seems,the Code Geass feud has calmed a bit.I don't want to stir it up,i just finished watching it along a few other anime's and i want to share my 2 cents with the folks.
I'll just add spoiler tags so people who didn't watched it won't have the anime ruined for them.
First of all,this is not a "OMG CG IS SO IMBA!!!!" argument.I haven't seen any other mecha anime's so i have nothing to compare it too.So i'll just state my opionion on it,no comparisons to other animes.
First of all,just a few thoughts towards the people who state that CG is having such a "fresh and unique story".I don't know why most people didn't see this,but CG story seems very similar to the Dune story of Paul Muad'dib Atreides.
They're both relatives to the ruling emperor,Lelouch being a son and Paul's Atreides line being distant relatives.They both have or receive above normal powers,Lelouch receiving Geass,while Paul being the Kwisatz Haderach with the power of foresight.Also,they gather they're own armies,Black Knights for Lelouch and the fremen legions for Paul.
And ultimately they realize the purpose that they have been fighting for,a better world for Lelouch and being the Emperor for Paul.
I don't want to take anything from the guy who made the CG story,it's just that the stories are similar.
Well,getting back to the point.CG strong points are the constant flip of events which keeps the viewer on it's toes,trying to guess what's gonna happen next.Some people call this a cheap trick,i personally loved it.
One of the things that i look for in a anime is first of all,romance.Don't laugh....for crying out loud.Some people seek mistery,others seek good battle scenes in anime's.I just seek good romance.It tends to compensate the blood and gore you find in most anime's these days.
But the amount of unrequited love, or every girl dieing after they confessed the feelings for either Lelouch or someone else it made me puke or literally spit my guts out. It just made me sick . The only good things that saved this "eradicate all love" stuff was the last scene where you see Ohgi and Villeta togeter with her being pregnant,also Tohdoh and his girl being alive.
So that means they will just make babies and multiply like rabbits.So hope remains.
The final conclusion.It's not as good as the hardcore fanboys see it,but not as bad as the elitist squad make it sound like. My opinion is this....it's a good anime and i enjoyed it.Comparing tastes in any matter is pointless,especially with anime.
Gustibus non discutandum.(Tastes are not something to be discussed).
On May 03 2012 06:33 Akash wrote: As it seems,the Code Geass feud has calmed a bit.I don't want to stir it up,i just finished watching it along a few other anime's and i want to share my 2 cents with the folks.
I'll just add spoiler tags so people who didn't watched it won't have the anime ruined for them.
First of all,this is not a "OMG CG IS SO IMBA!!!!" argument.I haven't seen any other mecha anime's so i have nothing to compare it too.So i'll just state my opionion on it,no comparisons to other animes.
First of all,just a few thoughts towards the people who state that CG is having such a "fresh and unique story".I don't know why most people didn't see this,but CG story seems very similar to the Dune story of Paul Muad'dib Atreides.
They're both relatives to the ruling emperor,Lelouch being a son and Paul's Atreides line being distant relatives.They both have or receive above normal powers,Lelouch receiving Geass,while Paul being the Kwisatz Haderach with the power of foresight.Also,they gather they're own armies,Black Knights for Lelouch and the fremen legions for Paul.
And ultimately they realize the purpose that they have been fighting for,a better world for Lelouch and being the Emperor for Paul.
I don't want to take anything from the guy who made the CG story,it's just that the stories are similar.
Well,getting back to the point.CG strong points are the constant flip of events which keeps the viewer on it's toes,trying to guess what's gonna happen next.Some people call this a cheap trick,i personally loved it.
One of the things that i look for in a anime is first of all,romance.Don't laugh....for crying out loud.Some people seek mistery,others seek good battle scenes in anime's.I just seek good romance.It tends to compensate the blood and gore you find in most anime's these days.
But the amount of unrequited love, or every girl dieing after they confessed the feelings for either Lelouch or someone else it made me puke or literally spit my guts out. It just made me sick . The only good things that saved this "eradicate all love" stuff was the last scene where you see Ohgi and Villeta togeter with her being pregnant,also Tohdoh and his girl being alive.
So that means they will just make babies and multiply like rabbits.So hope remains.
The final conclusion.It's not as good as the hardcore fanboys see it,but not as bad as the elitist squad make it sound like. My opinion is this....it's a good anime and i enjoyed it.Comparing tastes in any matter is pointless,especially with anime.
Gustibus non discutandum.(Tastes are not something to be discussed).
Doesn't matter Gundam is a better Space Opera anime.
>Code Geass Neon Genesis Evangelion, easily one of the most influential animes of the 90s, a fan favorite, one that some people believe to be the greatest anime ever created. But is Evangelion really that good?
No, Evangelion sucks. It sucks alot. Note that I'm not talking about Rebuild right now.
Lets get out of the way things that Evangelion does well. 1.) It looks really really nice. The animation and art in it is great, even to this day. The fights were good, mostly.
However, thats where it all stops. Evangelion's main character, Shinji Ikari, is by far the worst main character ever featured in an anime. All this little bastard does is whine, cry, complain, and masturbate to a chick he put into a hospital. I'M NOT FUCKING MAKING IT UP HE REALLY DID THAT HOLY SHIT THAT SCENE WASN'T AWKWARD AT ALL, WAS IT? Now let me be clear, I really have a problem with characters who start out like that. Some of my favorite anime of all time have MCs who start out like that. But the question is whether or not they develop, and grow into a character past that. Does Shinji follow in the footsteps of Amuro Ray, mature as a character, and become a better person by the end of the series?
No, he does not. All we get at the end of the series is Gainex running out of money, and CONGRATULATIONS. But no, thats not the end of it! Next we get End of Evangelion, with the before-mentioned IM GONNA JACK OFF ON ASUKA WHILE SHES NI A COMA scene, and then everyone turns into orange juice. IM NOT FUCKING MAKGIN THIS UP YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME.
What else do we have? We have Asuka, the "hot" female lead, who Shinji has a crush on. Shes a total, insufferable bitch. No, not a tsundere. Even fucking Louise from ZnT is more tsundere than Asuka. Asuka is just a bitch. And she is for the entire series. She is also a jelly bitch. Jelly of Shinji Ikari, the worst main character who ever main charactered. Oh well, at least she has a real cool fight in the EoE.
How bout Rei? Rei is an inhuman albino. She isn't cute in the least. Shes boring as fuck. What people see in her, I will never understand. But eventually, thousands of little chibi Rei go around turning everyone into orange juice.
On May 03 2012 05:42 Latham wrote: CLAYMORE #126 + Show Spoiler +
Am I reading this right? Claymore is over? like finally finished over? What happened to Pruscilla and Claire? Why let that new abysmal one walk away freely? What happens with the boy/guy and the 2 men (scientist and recruiter)? WTF I AM SO CONFUSE.
Yes what the fuck. Did it get axed because its popularity was dropping? I admit, I started to grow bored with the plot. Super strong unstoppable rebels? Just resurrect a few abyssal ones!
There's so many things left hanging (like Rimuto's head lololol), they better have a sequel or something similar.
On May 03 2012 06:51 Sentenal wrote: >Code Geass Neon Genesis Evangelion, easily one of the most influential animes of the 90s, a fan favorite, one that some people believe to be the greatest anime ever created. But is Evangelion really that good?
No, Evangelion sucks. It sucks alot. Note that I'm not talking about Rebuild right now.
Lets get out of the way things that Evangelion does well. 1.) It looks really really nice. The animation and art in it is great, even to this day. The fights were good, mostly.
However, thats where it all stops. Evangelion's main character, Shinji Ikari, is by far the worst main character ever featured in an anime. All this little bastard does is whine, cry, complain, and masturbate to a chick he put into a hospital. I'M NOT FUCKING MAKING IT UP HE REALLY DID THAT HOLY SHIT THAT SCENE WASN'T AWKWARD AT ALL, WAS IT? Now let me be clear, I really have a problem with characters who start out like that. Some of my favorite anime of all time have MCs who start out like that. But the question is whether or not they develop, and grow into a character past that. Does Shinji follow in the footsteps of Amuro Ray, mature as a character, and become a better person by the end of the series?
No, he does not. All we get at the end of the series is Gainex running out of money, and CONGRATULATIONS. But no, thats not the end of it! Next we get End of Evangelion, with the before-mentioned IM GONNA JACK OFF ON ASUKA WHILE SHES NI A COMA scene, and then everyone turns into orange juice. IM NOT FUCKING MAKGIN THIS UP YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME.
What else do we have? We have Asuka, the "hot" female lead, who Shinji has a crush on. Shes a total, insufferable bitch. No, not a tsundere. Even fucking Louise from ZnT is more tsundere than Asuka. Asuka is just a bitch. And she is for the entire series. She is also a jelly bitch. Jelly of Shinji Ikari, the worst main character who ever main charactered. Oh well, at least she has a real cool fight in the EoE.
How bout Rei? Rei is an inhuman albino. She isn't cute in the least. Shes boring as fuck. What people see in her, I will never understand. But eventually, thousands of little chibi Rei go around turning everyone into orange juice.
its a good thing there are real anime out there to watch like Victory Gundam
On May 03 2012 05:42 Latham wrote: CLAYMORE #126 + Show Spoiler +
Am I reading this right? Claymore is over? like finally finished over? What happened to Pruscilla and Claire? Why let that new abysmal one walk away freely? What happens with the boy/guy and the 2 men (scientist and recruiter)? WTF I AM SO CONFUSE.
Yes what the fuck. Did it get axed because its popularity was dropping? I admit, I started to grow bored with the plot. Super strong unstoppable rebels? Just resurrect a few abyssal ones!
There's so many things left hanging (like Rimuto's head lololol), they better have a sequel or something similar.
it's just the end of the arc, isn't Claire still merged with some awakened being until thats resolveed they wont end it.