On May 13 2012 17:57 lbmaian wrote: Impressed with Flash's skill after such a short period of time.
But that game was defined by KR's mistakes, rather than any genius move on Flash's part. I hope this isn't indicative of KawaiiRice's skill level or his training habits.
though, that's what flash is known for
you make one miniscule mistake and he'll take the game away from you no matter how far ahead you are
On May 13 2012 18:59 xiZE wrote: Who is who? I dont understand these names
barcode is supposedly Flash, or an account shared by KT players, and the chinese characters are KawaiiRice. Think the first two characters are phonetically pronounced 'ke ai' which sounds like kawaii, and the last character is the one for rice (not sure, only did a few years of saturday chinese school for fun, sorry if I'm wrong, not chinese)
EDIT: after asking a friend, apparently the characters mean 'cute rice', and 'kawaii' = cute in japanese. Therefore 可爱米 = kawaiirice in chinese
Then how have we come to the conclusion that the llllllllll is Flash and not someone else? just because it was on the facebook page? And how was KawaiRice to know it was Flash?
On May 13 2012 01:39 Whatson wrote: I really like how Flash's APM rose from like 50 to 250 by the end of the game.
That's definitely how Flashes APM works. Even in Brood War his APM always started out incredibly low and gradually increased until the end of the game.
That's not true, he always has the apm spam that every pro does at the start.. watch one of his fpvods on youtube
From this game Flash impressed me with his army positionning always agressif, but his maccro was not outstanding. I'm not sure they will dominated like some think they will, because the game being easier mechanically also mean the game is different, and maybe harder in some other ways.
On May 13 2012 19:56 ShakkaFL wrote: I like the fact that he does not rely on siege mode for his siege tanks. Showing alot of promise. Can't wait for next week :D.
True, sometimes I felt his action were kinda dangerous, running his marine in the tank line, but well he ended up winning.
idk if this is really flash, but he plays like a BW terran
certain trademarks seem to be an inability to stop gas from stockpiling, making a hilarious amount of medivacs, doesn't feel the need to siege his tanks when playing aggressively, making funny trades and going CC first. despite that he still won because his macro, positioning and general decisions were just way better than an NA grandmaster.
KWR should take a long hard look at himself. Been playing for 2 years and get beaten by someone who is clearly trying to grasp certain fundamental sc2 terran concepts...
On May 13 2012 20:08 shadymmj wrote: idk if this is really flash, but he plays like a BW terran
certain trademarks seem to be an inability to stop gas from stockpiling, making a hilarious amount of medivacs, doesn't feel the need to siege his tanks when playing aggressively, making funny trades and going CC first. despite that he still won because his macro, positioning and general decisions were just way better than an NA grandmaster.
KWR should take a long hard look at himself. Been playing for 2 years and get beaten by someone who is clearly trying to grasp certain fundamental sc2 terran concepts...
what are you talking about?
it's like playing Michael Jordan in half-court game (here known as "basket") and saying yeah nba basketball is his game how the hell can i lose in basket on my own court, guy barely knows the rules?!? because he's a god, that's how.
On May 13 2012 20:08 shadymmj wrote: idk if this is really flash, but he plays like a BW terran
certain trademarks seem to be an inability to stop gas from stockpiling, making a hilarious amount of medivacs, doesn't feel the need to siege his tanks when playing aggressively, making funny trades and going CC first. despite that he still won because his macro, positioning and general decisions were just way better than an NA grandmaster. KWR should take a long hard look at himself. Been playing for 2 years and get beaten by someone who is clearly trying to grasp certain fundamental sc2 terran concepts...
Is my sarcasm meter broken? Because this is an absolutely ridiculous thing to say.
In other news, our mystery lllllllllll man has been spotted on bomber's stream moments ago. He lost but showed some nice moves. edit: I didn't realize this, but apparently there are now tooonsss of top korean accounts with this name or very similar....