@DannyJ It is great to not be addicted to sugar. I watch my coworkers and friends struggle to turn down donuts and pop all the time. It's not too bad once you abstain and then feel what it's like to try a donut again. Literally sickening. My biggest problem is when they're offered for free
Watching the Rugby World Cup. Rugby players have such amazing skills and bodies. Strength, endurance and explosiveness. It's basically the whole package.
On September 18 2015 20:13 Malinor wrote: Yeah well, working as a consultant, I just cannot lift consistantly. Therefore, my numbers are just embarassing
Running is just so much easier to organize and it is also very rewarding right now.
I joined a weightlifting club a while back though and I have started to learn the Clean & Jerk :-)
But I really miss being strong.
Being strong is probably the thing that I will miss the most when I'm dead.
On September 21 2015 02:36 Malinor wrote: Watching the Rugby World Cup. Rugby players have such amazing skills and bodies. Strength, endurance and explosiveness. It's basically the whole package.
and don't forget to mention that they are the closest in the world to come close to a hulk-a-like figure.
Skill position players in American football probably have the most strength, endurance, and explosiveness. Most of the best natural athletes (elite SPARQ scores) end up playing football in the US.
Rugby players tend to have tree-trunk blocky legs and thick torsos.
On September 21 2015 03:22 farvacola wrote: I'd take JJ Watt against literally any rugby player in the world, hands down.
For five minutes of a contest of straight up strength and athleticism, yeah. But in rugby you've got people his size that play for 80 minutes straight along with having incredible ball skills and game sense. USA rugby team actually has a guy that used to play in the NFL (tight end for the Eagles I think) that can't crack his way into the starting lineup yet due to skills and conditioning. Also, keep your eyes on Jarrod Hayne this year on the 49ers. One of the top rugby league (slightly different code of rugby) players decided to give the NFL a go. Had a great pre seasonal and first game (despite dropping his first kick return)
It's the week before meet week! How do people usually go about during this week? Go for PRs? Just hit 170*4 for Squats today. Friend told me my estimated max is 190. Should I go 170/180/190 for the meet?
Btw testing DLs this Friday. Supposed to do 170 for 1-4 reps. Think it's okay to try 180 if it feels good?
On September 21 2015 08:46 IgnE wrote: No NFL team would want that dude on their team. He looks like a slightly more athletic Andre the the Giant.
He's actually got pretty good feet and hands lol. Yeah probably not NFL material, but a lot of NFL guys wouldn't make it on a professional rugby side either.
Fuck guys, 2 cycles of Candito and no deadlift gains to speak of. Still stuck at 170kg. I expected at least 4 plates after this cycle. This is a disaster considering I can squat 170kg for 4 reps
The crazy thing is that I pulled 160kg with really fast speed, but struggled with 170. Seems like a mental barrier to me too
Only took 15 months, but I'm finally back in the 130's. Feelsgoodman. Rugby game saturday and then I fly to london for a week and then I start my new job when I get back.
Only took 15 months, but I'm finally back in the 130's. Feelsgoodman. Rugby game saturday and then I fly to london for a week and then I start my new job when I get back.
Saw that post on reddit and thought that guy looked familliar haha. Nice snatch!
saw it on instagram earlier, but nice snatch decaf.
Hit a 200 lb bench for 3x3 yesterday. Also hit 185 for 5x5 on sunday; 185 for 1 was my all time PR before starting texas method.
295 for 3x3 squats tonight with no problem. Felt heavy as hell on my back, but almost no work at all out of my legs. Had to take video to make sure I wasn't cheating depth it felt so easy. Deadlift triples for 135/225/295x2/335/365/385 afterwards. Double overhand to 365, hook grip for 385 though I'm not sure if I needed it. Little bit of back rounding on the 2nd and 3rd rep of 385, but I hit all three clean and it's an all time PR. Felt pretty good - everything is on track for 225/315/405 by the end of the month. Actually could probably hit them all now for singles, but I'm not changing anything since what I'm doing now is working.
Biggest rugby match of the season on saturday. Will pretty much determine if we're the 1 seed or the 3 seed when playoffs roll around in two weeks. Should be fun.