Thx that site looks pretty sweet! concerning Crossfit there's this german series called "natural bodybuilder meets X" and their most recent one was Crossfit it has eng subtitles too! These workout look really intense for beng only 9-12minutes long!
I gotta question though how effective the "crossfit pullups" are. I saw a vid of a guy doing 100 of those but they look hilarious.
How effective they are at what?
Crossfit is a competition. Depending on your level, it's a competition against yourself, against the people at your box, your local area, or even at a national or worldwide level with lots of money on the line. The kipping pullup (or butterfly pullup or whatever you call it/do) is a great tool that can be used to measure your conditioning, shoulder stability, coordination, technique, planning and state of mind. They're as effective a tool to use in competing as the points are in any other event.
For developing back strength like a regular pullup? No, they're not comparitively "effective" - but that's not why you're supposed to be using them. You're doing crossfit to be in shape and get better at crossfit. You do strength training to get better at being strong.
As far as creatine, I never noticed a difference with it. Doesn't make me bloat, doesn't give me anything extra at the gym. I've used it two different times, the first for 3 months straight, the second cycling 1 month on/1 month off for 8 total months. Nothing. I do like to take a caffiene tab about 20 minutes before my workout though, especially if I'm recomping/maintaining or doing keto at the time (lol never cut in 4 years of lifting)
HIIT is fun. I actually like to just take simple exercises (chinups, KB swings, Jumping Rope, pushups, etc - but no burpees, god damn I hate burpees) and make circuits. You could also do sprints (100m repeats, 400m repeats, hill sprints, etc) and there's always sports (rugby, basketball, racquetball are three I've done) that work like HIIT and have the extra benefit of being fun.
There's a quote on a local gym's facebook page that says "We lift heavy things to get stronger. For conditioning, we lift heavy things faster." and that's true too - so don't overthink this.
Butterfly and kipping pullups are different. This video explains some differences (briefly). Strict are used often too, even in competition.
As for that German video, the last guy made his life harder by cleaning the bar before every front squat. No clue why he did that. The coach even said (at least once) to stop dropping the bar. And he wasn't even doing proper cleans, he just put the bar up in rack, which probably didn't help him any come time for ring dips.
edit: Looked up Elizabeth, it's just cleans. He was doing squat cleans, and bad for cleans at that :\
On October 10 2013 10:45 GoTuNk! wrote: its obviously Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts with uneven feet
Just purchased a squat/bench single ply suits, nationals dont have raw division and I plan to win this shit. Also got some very stiff knee wraps.
Why would you want uneven feet?
Anyone who's not one of the best olympic lifters in the world? You wouldn't.
Dmitry Klokov? The rules do not apply.
My best guess is He's just trying to better target one side. Maybe he feels his pull is off in one direction. Maybe Vitruvian is right. The world will never know, unless you want to go to one of the seminars he's doing and you speak Russian.
One of them is ten miles from my house. Six months ago there wasn't even a gym there. Gotta love Crossfit.
I think i read somewhere he is just a bit unbalanced and been training that way for so long that it's what works for him. a lot of elite level lifters have these oddities, look at naim's hips when he stands up with a clean, super weird but it's what worked for him.
Thx that site looks pretty sweet! concerning Crossfit there's this german series called "natural bodybuilder meets X" and their most recent one was Crossfit it has eng subtitles too! These workout look really intense for beng only 9-12minutes long!
I gotta question though how effective the "crossfit pullups" are. I saw a vid of a guy doing 100 of those but they look hilarious.
How effective they are at what?
Crossfit is a competition. Depending on your level, it's a competition against yourself, against the people at your box, your local area, or even at a national or worldwide level with lots of money on the line. The kipping pullup (or butterfly pullup or whatever you call it/do) is a great tool that can be used to measure your conditioning, shoulder stability, coordination, technique, planning and state of mind. They're as effective a tool to use in competing as the points are in any other event.
For developing back strength like a regular pullup? No, they're not comparitively "effective" - but that's not why you're supposed to be using them. You're doing crossfit to be in shape and get better at crossfit. You do strength training to get better at being strong.
As far as creatine, I never noticed a difference with it. Doesn't make me bloat, doesn't give me anything extra at the gym. I've used it two different times, the first for 3 months straight, the second cycling 1 month on/1 month off for 8 total months. Nothing. I do like to take a caffiene tab about 20 minutes before my workout though, especially if I'm recomping/maintaining or doing keto at the time (lol never cut in 4 years of lifting)
HIIT is fun. I actually like to just take simple exercises (chinups, KB swings, Jumping Rope, pushups, etc - but no burpees, god damn I hate burpees) and make circuits. You could also do sprints (100m repeats, 400m repeats, hill sprints, etc) and there's always sports (rugby, basketball, racquetball are three I've done) that work like HIIT and have the extra benefit of being fun.
There's a quote on a local gym's facebook page that says "We lift heavy things to get stronger. For conditioning, we lift heavy things faster." and that's true too - so don't overthink this.
Butterfly and kipping pullups are different. This video explains some differences (briefly). Strict are used often too, even in competition.
As for that German video, the last guy made his life harder by cleaning the bar before every front squat. No clue why he did that. The coach even said (at least once) to stop dropping the bar. And he wasn't even doing proper cleans, he just put the bar up in rack, which probably didn't help him any come time for ring dips.
They're different in execution, but the concept is the same - get my head above the bar faster and with less effort from my back and arms than a strict pullup would allow.
and the point that strict are used in competition has nothing to do with the effectiveness of kipping/butterfly pullups.
No they all have different effectivenesses (wat), but my point was that in competition sometimes the workout is specifically called for strict just to make things a bit harder.
I dont see how the benefits of butterfly/kip pull ups outweigh the cons. Fucking SLAP tears waiting to happen. Plenty of other ways to accomplish the same thing without risking destroying your shoulders. know i feel about the term squat clean.
The sport is called “Weightlifting”. Something deep inside of you will boil the next time a person says “oly”. “Clean” does not mean clean or power clean, it means “Clean”. “Squat Clean” is a redundant term and should not be used in front of fellow weightlifters, as you will receive very strange looks, and be assumed a CrossFit spy. Anyone who giggles at the word “snatch” is immediately reprimanded for their lack of maturity and blatant disrespect for the sport. Attempted “Squat Jerks” are to be met with surprise and awe at the ability to simply try such a movement in America, even if it is missed.
On October 11 2013 07:18 decafchicken wrote: I dont see how the benefits of butterfly/kip pull ups outweigh the cons. Fucking SLAP tears waiting to happen. Plenty of other ways to accomplish the same thing without risking destroying your shoulders. know i feel about the term squat clean.
The sport is called “Weightlifting”. Something deep inside of you will boil the next time a person says “oly”. “Clean” does not mean clean or power clean, it means “Clean”. “Squat Clean” is a redundant term and should not be used in front of fellow weightlifters, as you will receive very strange looks, and be assumed a CrossFit spy. Anyone who giggles at the word “snatch” is immediately reprimanded for their lack of maturity and blatant disrespect for the sport. Attempted “Squat Jerks” are to be met with surprise and awe at the ability to simply try such a movement in America, even if it is missed.
On October 11 2013 09:50 tofucake wrote: In this case the sport is crossfit, not oly lifting. Crossfit has squat clean and power clean. Your quote even addresses that.
It's just a term crossfit stole and basterdized :-(
Also, Chile is steamrolling Colombia on WC qualis, 3-0 as visit, victory secures qualification and yields me 20 bucks on my bet ;p
Break 150kg bench? GL HF.
Drove all the way to the gym to get a lift in. Left at 6:35, got there at 6:50. Did a 5 minute warm up only to find out the gym closes at 7 on fridays rather than 8.
Managed to pull 10 reps of deadlift at my expected weight for today - I've been doing 5 sets of triples lately, and I jut did these with no more than a breath in between. I was nervous I wouldn't be able to finish beforehand, so I guess I know it's just my brain holding me back atm.
3x5 squat @135 lbs 3x5 bench @95 lbs a couple of light weight deadlifts just to make sure my form isn't getting worse (it's not, I think any form problems are from weight so I might have to just stall for a while) 3x8 pull ups
I have a slightly better video but the issue is that I feel like an idiot (when I was coming up on the last rep I just stopped short and almost couldn't get the weight up).
Main things I noticed -chest not up -still a bit of butt wink -bad back angle/not vertical bar path?
Weight definitely looks too heavy for, try to deload and work on form. Harden your abs and keep your chest up! Wouldn't say Buttwink too big of a problem most likely flexibility issues and it's really hard to prevent buttwink on Higbar/atg squat anyway.
2 other things I noticed:
Any way to set up your rack higher? Unracking looks extremely uncomfortable because the bar is so low.
Not sure how to express this but don't try to sway or rotate so much with your upper body while standing. (probably because the weight is too heavy)
On October 12 2013 08:32 MtlGuitarist97 wrote: 3x5 squat @135 lbs 3x5 bench @95 lbs a couple of light weight deadlifts just to make sure my form isn't getting worse (it's not, I think any form problems are from weight so I might have to just stall for a while) 3x8 pull ups
I have a slightly better video but the issue is that I feel like an idiot (when I was coming up on the last rep I just stopped short and almost couldn't get the weight up).
Main things I noticed -chest not up -still a bit of butt wink -bad back angle/not vertical bar path?
those j hooks are set up way too low.
chest up chest up chest up. I'd like to see you do five more reps at the same weight where the only thing you think about is keeping your chest up.
@asnsensation I don't think there's any cause for a deload here. Never going to get better if you don't try to progress, and there's nothing in this video that would indicate immediate injury.
You're probably right, I just had the impression it was too heavy for him because just standing and holding the weight looked very unstable and if he can fix the chest up problem without deloading it's good for him.
On October 12 2013 08:38 AsnSensation wrote: Weight definitely looks too heavy for, try to deload and work on form. Harden your abs and keep your chest up! Wouldn't say Buttwink too big of a problem most likely flexibility issues and it's really hard to prevent buttwink on Higbar/atg squat anyway.
2 other things I noticed:
Any way to set up your rack higher? Unracking looks extremely uncomfortable because the bar is so low.
Not sure how to express this but don't try to sway or rotate so much with your upper body while standing. (probably because the weight is too heavy)
Not swaying at the beginning, mostly setting up the bar in the right position on my traps + adjusting my leg positioning (you can't see the upper part of my torso though so there's no way for you to really know that). I guess that would be one effect of having the J-Cups set way too low XD
Although I do think that the J-hooks may be set a bit too low. It feels like a half good morning when I unrack so it may be better to just set it a bit higher for squatting. In regards to the weight it may be a bit heavy since I just started squatting so I wouldn't be opposed to just sticking at 115 or something for a while, but I think I'll just err a bit on the more conservative side when I continue to squat (probably gonna stall at this weight one more day and then go up 5-10 lbs if the form looks good).
those j hooks are set up way too low.
chest up chest up chest up. I'd like to see you do five more reps at the same weight where the only thing you think about is keeping your chest up.
Meh the issue is that if I set them any higher it makes benching a bitch and a half, but I could always readjust in between exercises so it's not the end of the world. Seems like that is the better option in this case.
In regards to keeping my chest up, will the also help fix the bar path problem?
Edit: I also saw a video saying that Goblet Squats are a good ancillary exercise to add to fix any problems with barbell squats. Would it be retarded to add 3 sets of goblet squats to the end of my workouts?
Lol dude, moving jhooks takes two seconds, they are made to be adjusted. Also you're having to adjust the bar on your shoulders so much after unracking because of how low the hooks are set up. I agree with phyre, weight is fine, just need to stay a little more upright.
I make guys do goblet squats if they're not flexibile enough for real squats, or they just need to train the movement pattern more. It wouldn't be the worst thing you could do, but it might not help much, either. Make sure you're using the right cues while you do them for your type of squat, or it could even be counter productive.
Moving the Jhooks between bench and squat is definitely worth it. That's what they're made for, and you'll have a much more stable, solid position when you take the bar out to begin squatting to show for it. Then you'll just have to adjust your feet, not your shoulders (with a heavy weight, you won't be able to do much to the shoulders).
I wouldn't worry about sticking with this weight next time. Go up 5 lbs. Chest up.
I don't think the weight is too heavy, you just need to make sure the bar is properly secured in position, it's less of an issue now but at higher weights you'll find the bar starts sliding down your back with each rep.
You want to make sure your chest is up when you get into position to unrack the bar and tighten your back by putting your hands as close together as they'll go