On November 02 2011 22:35 Sabin010 wrote: Every time a new champ comes out you get to fight in team select over who gets to play said new champ. I just had a kid say if he didn't get dragon bitch he would feed. In times like that my one friend who was born in Brazil types something in Portuguese and people queue dodge fast. Laughter is had by all.
Losing a ranked premade 5on5 because of your own fault is depressing. More depressing if you think your team knows Baron is most important, i try to bait the enemies away, succesfully doing so but dieing, and realizing Baron has the same HP left as when you left because the whole team focussed Singed instead of Baron, the one Singed i did not get baited away. And realizing its your fault because you shouldnt leave Baron alone with your team and one enemy who tries to steal but has no burst to do so.
Go mid morg
-.- Lux dies 3 times in bot lane while you are mid, and accuses you of taking her kills... and then tries to insult you with a poorly phrased form of "you are a bastard child"
Xin is 2-9 and died 3 times when he came to gank. Lux also accuses you of taking his kills.
Shyvana d/c in middle of teamfight, dies in about 0.02 seconds, 4v5 for 15 minutes, comes back right before we lose
Fuck Malzahar dude. This free week can not be over quick enough. I just want to run Cleanse or a fast QSS every game because "Oh lol, you're a carry? Imma blow Flash just to get into Ult range and have it up every single time I see you just because fuck you k?"
Not imba, just annoying as fuck. At least WW's supress doesn't do that much damage.
You can't cleanse suppression.
Valhalla18444 Posts
the only thing that seriously bugs me about solo queue ranked is most people's complete incompetence when there's an irelia on the opposing team. if I as caitlyn (as well as the rest of my team) am way more farmed than anyone else except their fed irelia, and irelia just makes a bee line for me every teamfight while our nasus/gragas/everyone tries to dive their carries who are worth next to nothing, what can I do? not a whole hell of a lot
i tried every way i could think of to explain that if they turn around and get irelia off me, my dps wins the teamfight. but they dont listen and chase annie/trist into their jungle over and over and leave me to die, then wonder why i didnt do much damage in the fight. HOW MUCH DPS WILL I DO WHEN I'M DEAD, SMART GUY?
it seems like most player's thought process against various champs stops at "they deal x kinda damage so i will build x reduction"; they don't consider the enemy champ's role in a teamfight whatsoever and just let them do whatever they want. Assassins (or buff anti-carry types) aren't OP, you just can't be a total retard and expect your carry to deal with that champ themself
On November 03 2011 07:05 Juicyfruit wrote: You can't cleanse suppression.
Are you sure about that? I'm pretty certain I've done it before. I used QSS and was able to run away from a malzahar with his ulti animation still on me.
jesus, i've been playin akali a bit lately trolling in normals with all the snowball items....lol
Malz is akali's worst fucking nightmare,killsyousodead
Why do I never ever see him except on this free week? That ult is just soooooo good, the disable is sick by itself and then the damage just makes it like wow.
On November 03 2011 09:13 sob3k wrote: jesus, i've been playin akali a bit lately trolling in normals with all the snowball items....lol
Malz is akali's worst fucking nightmare,killsyousodead
Why do I never ever see him except on this free week? That ult is just soooooo good, the disable is sick by itself and then the damage just makes it like wow.
Dunno, but I'm pretty sure he's my next buy after seeing so many people melt face with him :D
On November 02 2011 20:37 Shiv. wrote: ''There's no need for CV if everyone buys wards.'' On an unrelated note, Riot are mind-bogglingly stupid fucktards for fucking up the fucking boompje-Mac-client. SORRY WE WEREN'T ABLE TO REACT ACCORDINGLY CONCERNING THE WCG ISSUES, TOO FUCKING BUSY FUCKING UP A MINORITY OF OUR PLAYER BASE FOR NO APPARENT FUCKING REASON HUEHUEHUE. Maphack on a very reasonable cooldown? Who needs that?
am I the only one to notice that low/mid ELO solo que games are literally a waste of time? Every single game is identical. There's a little back and forth early game, then the laning phase ends. Inevitably, sooner or later some retard drifts out into the open and gets caught. It happens EVERYTIME. If said retard happens to be on your team you lose. You can ping on them all you want, they won't listen because they know everything. Then the other team gets a free baron and takes an inhib and the game's basically over. You might as well flip a coin.
On November 03 2011 08:43 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: the only thing that seriously bugs me about solo queue ranked is most people's complete incompetence when there's an irelia on the opposing team. if I as caitlyn (as well as the rest of my team) am way more farmed than anyone else except their fed irelia, and irelia just makes a bee line for me every teamfight while our nasus/gragas/everyone tries to dive their carries who are worth next to nothing, what can I do? not a whole hell of a lot
i tried every way i could think of to explain that if they turn around and get irelia off me, my dps wins the teamfight. but they dont listen and chase annie/trist into their jungle over and over and leave me to die, then wonder why i didnt do much damage in the fight. HOW MUCH DPS WILL I DO WHEN I'M DEAD, SMART GUY?
it seems like most player's thought process against various champs stops at "they deal x kinda damage so i will build x reduction"; they don't consider the enemy champ's role in a teamfight whatsoever and just let them do whatever they want. Assassins (or buff anti-carry types) aren't OP, you just can't be a total retard and expect your carry to deal with that champ themself
Pretty much this.
Thats why I have started to play beefy types myself, actually. I think Shyvana is legitimately my favorite champ... initiate the teamfight with her Ulti, QW a squishy, then run back and peel peoples off your carries. All the while you are doing AoE damage to their entire team.
You die pretty well 9 times out of 10, but you also win the teamfight 9 times out of 10 because the champs that to the most damage get to deal damage the entire fight. I just realized that everyone understands how to play a carry, but pretty well half the people who play LoL have no idea how the hell to do much else. Map Awareness? Nah. Team communication? Nah. Understanding Roles in a teamfight? Maybe. Understanding the other teams champs roles in Teamfights? Good friggen luck with that.
On November 03 2011 07:03 Requizen wrote: Fuck Malzahar dude. This free week can not be over quick enough. I just want to run Cleanse or a fast QSS every game because "Oh lol, you're a carry? Imma blow Flash just to get into Ult range and have it up every single time I see you just because fuck you k?"
Not imba, just annoying as fuck. At least WW's supress doesn't do that much damage. Haha ikr. I'm trying out malzahar myself (he's so fun, gonna get him next :D), and in normals every game I'm mid malz vs malz. funny seeing them trying harass me eating my malefic visions while I ignore them and farm up and eventually zone them out. Its as if they don't even know how malefic vision works let alone how easily they get zoned when they have no mana and zero farm.
On November 03 2011 08:43 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: the only thing that seriously bugs me about solo queue ranked is most people's complete incompetence when there's an irelia on the opposing team. if I as caitlyn (as well as the rest of my team) am way more farmed than anyone else except their fed irelia, and irelia just makes a bee line for me every teamfight while our nasus/gragas/everyone tries to dive their carries who are worth next to nothing, what can I do? not a whole hell of a lot
In general, I've had problems with people blowing their skills without thinking when I play a ranged AD. Had one game where I was Kog, all Alistar ever did was headbutt the first person he ran across and blew his pulverize immediately... not to protect me, he'd just dive their team. -.-
I started the game 4-0-1 too, and I could blow up their entire team if he protected me for 5 seconds... sigh.
-.- sometimes I think this game gives me cancer... bot lane shen: 1/6, kat 1/8... 22 min... how is that even fucking possible... i actually dont understand how fast they died...
I just played a game where my team's annie kept using her ult without stun. If she at least stunned THEN used ult then I wouldn't mind, but she just kept fucking using her ult without any kind of stun AND she kept whiffing it. Holy god how do you miss the annie ult like 3/4 times.
Needless to say, we lost.