Whats the ideal mid game composition when they open pheonixes? normally the P seem to expand behind this and get the right compo based on what he sees. Whats should the meching T do in this situation?
When you spot the twilight, and they somewhat go for a blink timing but back off and macro instead, whats the unit compo one aims for? transition to air or go apply the pressure but do I continue building tanks?
When transitioning to air, having vikings then adding BCs slowly the ideal way? What about the ground compo with the BCs when there is about 3~5 of them? hellbat/thors or tanks?
I like to go thor hellbat viking, and get 2 starports while getting an insane number of vikings.
The best thing you can do is take some scv's with you and do a turret hard contain and use the safety of the turrets to just pick at the protoss player, sniping anything you can. And if you can channel your inner maru, a PF wouldn't go astray either. Heres an example
On August 28 2015 13:04 EJK wrote: ejk is back to meching
How do you deal with a Protoss who trys to limit you to two base? He tried doing the Lilbow Colossus all in but couldnt really break through my seige line, so instead he expanded behind it and just camped outside my base, I tried hellion runbys but of course a cannon and a warp in shut them down.
On August 30 2015 06:19 julyterran wrote: How do you deal with a Protoss who trys to limit you to two base? He tried doing the Lilbow Colossus all in but couldnt really break through my seige line, so instead he expanded behind it and just camped outside my base, I tried hellion runbys but of course a cannon and a warp in shut them down.
macro and wait a couple minutes. If the protoss stays there too long you can just crush his army
Mech in TvP is fun, but there are a couple of things that throw me off. 2 base Blink for instance. I typically open with a standard reaper FE into reactor marine and WM drop, so 1/1/1, normally my WM drop and multiprong attack at the nat hits around... 7:30-8:00 if i am not mistaken, so at that point if i scout 2 base blink, how should i react? I tried to got for the 6 tanks and then Hellions, but i feel like, if i don't open up with your BO Bodzilla everything is way to late. So how should i react instead? Because what happens most of the time is, the P runs to the bunker, blinks on top of my tanks and wins, as i don't have the 6 you like to go, but most likely 2-3 which is not enough. Protoss just blinks on top of them and kills the tanks.
On August 31 2015 03:54 AleXusher wrote: Hi, maybe someone here can help me.
Mech in TvP is fun, but there are a couple of things that throw me off. 2 base Blink for instance. I typically open with a standard reaper FE into reactor marine and WM drop, so 1/1/1, normally my WM drop and multiprong attack at the nat hits around... 7:30-8:00 if i am not mistaken, so at that point if i scout 2 base blink, how should i react? I tried to got for the 6 tanks and then Hellions, but i feel like, if i don't open up with your BO Bodzilla everything is way to late. So how should i react instead? Because what happens most of the time is, the P runs to the bunker, blinks on top of my tanks and wins, as i don't have the 6 you like to go, but most likely 2-3 which is not enough. Protoss just blinks on top of them and kills the tanks.
The OP has a video explaining the proper tank response. Pay close attention to his video on blink and his siege tank positioning.
Your problem is that you are not scouting it fast enough if you only see it as you attack at 7:30. Ideally, you should scout this with your reaper at like the 5-6 minute mark when twilight is down.
If you work on your siege tank positioning, you can make it so that they can't kill all of your tanks in 1 blink.
Um if toss opens robo how can you really pressure them? with any decent shuttle + reaver micro he can delay your push, if not kill a decent amount of units before you get to his base.
Not to mention he could also counter your main with 2 zlots + reavers and kill a lot of SCV's than come back to help defend your attack.
On August 31 2015 11:16 johny23 wrote: Um if toss opens robo how can you really pressure them? with any decent shuttle + reaver micro he can delay your push, if not kill a decent amount of units before you get to his base.
Not to mention he could also counter your main with 2 zlots + reavers and kill a lot of SCV's than come back to help defend your attack.
The OP has a video explaining the proper tank response. Pay close attention to his video on blink and his siege tank positioning.
Your problem is that you are not scouting it fast enough if you only see it as you attack at 7:30. Ideally, you should scout this with your reaper at like the 5-6 minute mark when twilight is down.
If you work on your siege tank positioning, you can make it so that they can't kill all of your tanks in 1 blink.
That helps only to 50%
What if the Twilight is proxied, and my reaper won't be able to scout it? I mean i can assume it is blink, based on the amount of stalker i might see, but this hasn't to be true. Also, how do i position the tanks properly? Srsly, i have them at a position where they can shot barely at the stalker if they attack the bunker, which should be ideal, but still, P can simply walk towards the bunker, and blink past it on top of my tank. I still would like to know, how to react, with the WM drop BO, as this has to work as well.
So i rewatched the video, rly great video btw
But having 3 tanks and 2 Bunker vs those stalker, seems never to be enough for me to defend? They dont blink that stupid like that guy in the video, they would to up the main, snipe the tank, destroy the bunker, kill SCVs and get out again, ez. Do you maybe have a replay where you play this against a high Master or even GM and it works? I could need such material.
So if i see 2 gas and go for turrets and there is no oracle hitting, ok, so i know it can be blink proxied, but how do i know, it isn't DTs or proxy immortal?
So i tested a lot with the unit testmap and 2 bunker with marines and 3 tanks in rly good position, is still not enough to rly defend well, i lose always all my tanks to the stalker, is it supposed to be like that? I rly could need some replays, if someone got them
I tried now a lot of stuff with hellions vs Immo and Stalker, i lose every fight, hellions just dont have enough dmg, so i think i need to stick with WM Tank Viking and some hellbats to buffer.
On September 03 2015 08:26 julyterran wrote: Nice game EJK, why do you delay your 2nd and 3rd factories for so long? And what made you switch from 2 Port Banshee?
i have to delay my factories because i dont have the money from the fast 3rd cc. And I am just trying different macro style with double armory and going into sky i nstead of being really aggressive
On September 03 2015 10:58 julyterran wrote: Do you prefer aggressive or sky mech tvp? I've been having a ton of success with 15-16 min +2 pushes at Mid Masters level
uhhh i think sky mech is more solid because pushes usually only work if your opponent isnt doing something optimally such as macro, unit composition, general reaction to mech (and a lot of players because its mech will react imporperly)
I think sky mech beter then aggressive and ive done both in the past
On September 03 2015 10:58 julyterran wrote: Do you prefer aggressive or sky mech tvp? I've been having a ton of success with 15-16 min +2 pushes at Mid Masters level
Can you upload some of this games with this kind of push? I play mech vs protoss since almost my begening in SC2 but all info is always welcome.
Excuse the macro mistakes at the beginning, first game of the day.
His build definitely attributed to his lose which prompted me to rush my attack by a few minutes earlier, but the concepts still the same. I do a build pretty similiar to EJK's except i prefer to go straight into banshee instead of just 2 production buildings for 9 mins.
WAYYYYYY too many tanks man. You should be transitioning out of them way earlier and reinforcing with hellbat thor.
You dont need to rely on tanks lategame, because once you get to 3/3 stalkers do so little, they actually shoot healing laser beams at the BC. They're that bad, and once you yamoto down the robo units they dont have a way to deal with hellbat thor
WAYYYYYY too many tanks man. You should be transitioning out of them way earlier and reinforcing with hellbat thor.
You dont need to rely on tanks lategame, because once you get to 3/3 stalkers do so little, they actually shoot healing laser beams at the BC. They're that bad, and once you yamoto down the robo units they dont have a way to deal with hellbat thor
welll....i do need to survive long enough to get to battlecruisers first man