How we going guy's, my names ZizLah and i've been making a series on all the different aspects of Mech TvP.
Pt1 explain's the opening, scouting, how to defend early cheese's and teaches the basic fundamentals of the matchup from a mech perspective.
Pt2 deals with how to respond and punish robo openings, what timings to hit, how to hit them, what unit composition at each timing and has 2 different builds as a response to robo builds. Theres 2 audio build orders in the description for people to listen to and help guide them through the strategy
Pt3 Turning the table on blink. Explains how to recognize it's blink, how to defend it, how to transition and how to run away with the game leaving the protoss player in the dust.
Theres more video's to come, each will contain an overview of dealing with 5 different protoss compositions. robo, blink, HT, Stargate and phoenix collossi.
Hope you enjoy!
Edit: i've put in this one as well for you guys to peruse on. It's a vlog talking about the TvZ mech thats going to win every game forever and ever amen in the future! Hope ya like it~ @10:04 i propose a change to buff zerg that would fix the matchup (imo)
unfortunately i have a fulltime job, a wife and i'm making these video's. I dont really have time for a tournament, but if you want, theres an audio build order in the description to use when anti-robo openings that'll help you learn really easily!
i recommend starting with the mass hellbat drop build, because it's easy to execute and it's insanely strong
Finally, Terrans showing that Mech is viable vs Toss. See GumiHo 2 weeks ago at dreamhack, see Reality today.
Mech + Ghosts is IMAO feels very unexplored too.
I love to see video guides on this strategy, this will encourage to actually try to exploit every possible strat in the game so we could balance things a bit better. Meta has been very fresh lately.
On May 18 2015 19:26 JCoto wrote: Finally, Terrans showing that Mech is viable vs Toss. See GumiHo 2 weeks ago at dreamhack, see Reality today.
Mech + Ghosts is IMAO feels very unexplored too.
I love to see video guides on this strategy, this will encourage to actually try to exploit every possible strat in the game so we could balance things a bit better. Meta has been very fresh lately.
Keep in mind that these progames often showcase a ton of mindgames, and quite awful reactions by protoss (Reality's game today was a strong example of the latter especially)
On May 18 2015 19:26 JCoto wrote: Finally, Terrans showing that Mech is viable vs Toss. See GumiHo 2 weeks ago at dreamhack, see Reality today.
Mech + Ghosts is IMAO feels very unexplored too.
I love to see video guides on this strategy, this will encourage to actually try to exploit every possible strat in the game so we could balance things a bit better. Meta has been very fresh lately.
Keep in mind that these progames often showcase a ton of mindgames, and quite awful reactions by protoss (Reality's game today was a strong example of the latter especially)
That example doesn't mean that mech is less effective. However I recognize that is very dependant on your opponent and of course, the map. But GumiHo played MarineTankRaven straigth for almost all the finals at Dreamhack (no real mindgames most of the time, playing it as a strat from the begging) and even with that PartinG felvery uncomfortable, what a pitty GumiHo didn't really use Ghosts.
Mech is in fact quite powerful, but Bio is much more comfortable due to the high mobility,the low costs, lower riks for Terran.
You way to show your BO is the most rare thing I have ever seen. From here you need to go to YouTube to find the BO in the Description. From there go to dropbox and tan download another audio to HEAR the BO??? WTF? Really? All this stuff for this? Could you please WRITE IT HERE?? I dont think its so difficult. What you did, was ever more difficult. And please post some replays. Not everybody understands your english and its so crazy to be listening if you dont even know from where to beginn.
I also have a lot of issues with poking stalkers or Zealot, Stalker MScore. They dont even try to kill the ebay.REactor on Factory is not finished and you have no time to macro while trying not to die to 3-4 stalkers poking your marines...
Hey buddy, in the first video it states the build order opening, and then in the second video it states how to continue if you've seen a robo!
I'll state it here to make it easier for you
12rax 13scout 18CC 4:00 double gas 5:00 factory 5:30 Factory 6min scan their main base.
For hellbat drop vs a late robo.
6:00 Armory Next 50 gas, Reactor on Factory next 100 gas Starport Next 50 gas Reactor on factory Next 50 gas Reactor on starport
As soon as armory finish's get +1armor, as soon as reactor on starport finish's get 2medivacs
Leave you base at 9minutes, Check for their third base at 10minutes Hellbat drop them at 11minutes
You need to make a bunker to defend the MSC zealot stalker push, but once you do that, they do no damage and the protoss is VERY far behind because his expansion is so late
You do different builds vs different openings. There is no "One build to rule them all" when it comes to mid-game. Everything you do is tailored to what the protoss does.
Avilo in his game, opened reaper expand, with 1 gas, then tried to do the build vs an early robo AFTER doing a widow mine drop as well. Thats 4 major mistakes which ultimately meant his opponent could see everything he was doing, and he hit 3minutes later with LESS units as a result.
You get double techlab openings vs twilight for example. I thought i explained the difference between the 2 builds and when to execute them pretty well, but i guess not if people think every game is HellbatDrop :/
Thats why the video is very specific on how to deal with Robo only openings
On May 20 2015 15:05 Bodzilla wrote: You do different builds vs different openings. There is no "One build to rule them all" when it comes to mid-game. Everything you do is tailored to what the protoss does.
Avilo in his game, opened reaper expand, with 1 gas, then tried to do the build vs an early robo AFTER doing a widow mine drop as well. Thats 4 major mistakes which ultimately meant his opponent could see everything he was doing, and he hit 3minutes later with LESS units as a result.
You get double techlab openings vs twilight for example. I thought i explained the difference between the 2 builds and when to execute them pretty well, but i guess not if people think every game is HellbatDrop :/
Thats why the video is very specific on how to deal with Robo only openings
Well thanks for the insight. I'll probably be re-watching the videos for a while.
my last try: scan at 6 min and I see twilight. bunkers,mines and he didnt attack. double mine drop him and did almost no damage, because there were cannona and units waiting. 3rd was defended with 30% life. he just moves with 6 collosi and 20+ stalkers and my 20 hellbats die... 14 mins
On May 21 2015 06:47 Dvriel wrote: my last try: scan at 6 min and I see twilight. bunkers,mines and he didnt attack. double mine drop him and did almost no damage, because there were cannona and units waiting. 3rd was defended with 30% life. he just moves with 6 collosi and 20+ stalkers and my 20 hellbats die... 14 mins
14 minutes you hit way to late.. Plus you need to react to builds not just sit there can do one build and hope they build a robo...
On May 21 2015 06:47 Dvriel wrote: my last try: scan at 6 min and I see twilight. bunkers,mines and he didnt attack. double mine drop him and did almost no damage, because there were cannona and units waiting. 3rd was defended with 30% life. he just moves with 6 collosi and 20+ stalkers and my 20 hellbats die... 14 mins
14 minutes you hit way to late.. Plus you need to react to builds not just sit there can do one build and hope they build a robo...
I didnt hit at 14 mins. I died. I saw the teilight researching at 6 mins snd build 4 bunkers and 8 mines, marines and medivacs. at 9 min there was no attack so drop 4 + 4 mines at main and 6 mines and 2 hellions at natural and 8 marines at empty 3rd. killed some probes and mining time. Took my 3rd and made 3 more factories for tanks. He came at 13:30 and I died at 14