If a robotics bay is spotted, the Zerg should not start the lair any later than 7:20. This is for the simple reason that there is a possibility the Protoss can immortal all-in.
you mean robotics facility........right? rofl (robo facility = where you build robo units from, robo bay is the upgrade one/requirement for collosi --)
On March 14 2013 05:52 blade55555 wrote:Because we zergs like to write guides and help our fellow zergs out. Protosses aren't as nice, neither are terrans :D probably because in wol there aren't many foreign terrans >_>
Thanks! Just what I needed!
Can't watch any replay. Are they from beta?
On March 14 2013 06:30 Beakie wrote: Can't watch any replays. Are they from beta?
They are and ah I didn't test one as it said it would disconnect me from bnet to watch and just tested it doesn't work. Hm that blows will put up new replays asap once I get more games xD
This is fantastic, big shout out to blade and those who helped him put this together, the accessible format/table of contents makes it so much easier to read. Excellent overview :D
Thank you for these Blade, good work! =)
Very nice guide. I know a lot of Zergs are having major problems against protoss, so this will help them out. Engaging a late game protoss composition is really hard; zergs needs to split their hydras and corruptors when engaging them just like terran had to do since ever.
On March 14 2013 05:49 Advantageous wrote: Where is protoss? why all zerg?
Protoss had the most comprehensive SC2 guide on this site >.>
Wow this is just sweet! :D Thank you !
what about ultra/muta to fight voidray ht composition ? muta are fast and can be microed to dodge the storms + they regen fast. I feel like hydra ultra is don't efficient at all due to hydra blocking way too much the ultras...
On March 14 2013 09:12 Insoleet wrote: what about ultra/muta to fight voidray ht composition ? muta are fast and can be microed to dodge the storms + they regen fast. I feel like hydra ultra is don't efficient at all due to hydra blocking way too much the ultras...
if you keep going mutas into the lategame, you will probably be facing a pheonix based air composition, not voidray
On March 14 2013 09:12 Insoleet wrote: what about ultra/muta to fight voidray ht composition ? muta are fast and can be microed to dodge the storms + they regen fast. I feel like hydra ultra is don't efficient at all due to hydra blocking way too much the ultras...
No muta don't fight mass voids very cost effectively imo and it's just not that great as a counter to templar/voidray either. Swarmhost/hydra/ultra is a much much stronger composition vs voidray/templar.
Protoss and Terran need one of these posts, +1
Thanks so much for this blade, great guide! (as always)
One question about infestors, when you're using them with SHs and hydras vs toss, what exactly are you doing with them? Is it fungaling to root the whole army in place, chain-fungals on the voids or throwing down ITs at big engagements?
A very nice and complete guide for Zerg matchup, thanks Blade55555 You are one of the few zergs that made me think swarm host is interesting to watch
Really nice work. It reads well and has valid points.
Thanks for this, will help me get into multiplayer again after I finished campaign!
Thank you SO much for this. Haven't been keeping up with HOTS at all since beta, and thus had no idea what the current meta for zerg was.