[Champion] Kayle - Page 3
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493 Posts
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United Kingdom1483 Posts
I actually toyed with fast stinger+vamp instead of full on wriggles on kayle since she wants both AS and cdr but the fact that you can't build the stinger into anything worthwhile kinda ruins that. I don't build wriggles anyway and go for zekes instead. Malady is shockingly bad. Like, it's damage increase is not noticeable at all. Don't get it. Bloodrazor is the standard AD item against hp stacking.. but you're not AD, you're jungle. | ||
United States1898 Posts
On May 25 2012 05:35 storkfan wrote: how about going back to the basics and using bt+pd for damage? i mean that is what does the most damage for the least money I usually get BT as my 3rd Item but IE + PD combo with solo lane farm is easy enough. However BT+PD can be good, I just prefer IE. On May 25 2012 05:39 greggy wrote: This applies to jungle kayle only. I actually toyed with fast stinger+vamp instead of full on wriggles on kayle since she wants both AS and cdr but the fact that you can't build the stinger into anything worthwhile kinda ruins that. I don't build wriggles anyway and go for zekes instead. Malady is shockingly bad. Like, it's damage increase is not noticeable at all. Don't get it. Bloodrazor is the standard AD item against hp stacking.. but you're not AD, you're jungle. Fast stinger sounds pretty meh, 10% CDR isn't much and the stinger is useless. If you want AS better off buying getting WIts or Zeal or a BC if you want to get tanky after damage. BC is imo the best BFS item out of jungle as it is the cheapest, gives you AS and AD as well as an armor shred so your damage spikes up when you get it, just falls off later. Zekes is probably a good option on jungle Kayle. Haven't tried it. Also no one builds MBR on any AD carry. It's just not a good item. If you are going full AD then IE/PD/LW/BT/GA/QSS is pretty much nonnegotiable. People just change up the order they get them. | ||
United States17713 Posts
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United Kingdom1483 Posts
On May 25 2012 05:55 Bladeorade wrote: I usually get BT as my 3rd Item but IE + PD combo with solo lane farm is easy enough. However BT+PD can be good, I just prefer IE. Fast stinger sounds pretty meh, 10% CDR isn't much and the stinger is useless. If you want AS better off buying getting WIts or Zeal or a BC if you want to get tanky after damage. BC is imo the best BFS item out of jungle as it is the cheapest, gives you AS and AD as well as an armor shred so your damage spikes up when you get it, just falls off later. Zekes is probably a good option on jungle Kayle. Haven't tried it. Also no one builds MBR on any AD carry. It's just not a good item. If you are going full AD then IE/PD/LW/BT/GA/QSS is pretty much nonnegotiable. People just change up the order they get them. Stinger is kinda ok in that it builds out of cheap stuff and gives a pretty decent dps boost in the jungle. It's just that that gold would be better spent on recurve bow for wits. In fact rushing recurve bow is my current build of choice on jungle kayle. | ||
United States1238 Posts
100% uptime on E es OP. | ||
United States10467 Posts
Wit's end, Phantom Dancer. Perhaps Madreds would be better than PDancer since I get IE so late. | ||
United States1898 Posts
On June 04 2012 10:33 obesechicken13 wrote: So I used to think E added 40% of AD in damage towards your intended target. Now that I know that's not true I've been trying to stack attack speed to make use of the 60 on hit damage. I do much more damage compared to when I used to go phage first. Kayle has much more fighting ability. Still not enough IMO to fight the big bruisers like olaf toe to toe, but enough to punish them during your ult. Wit's end, Phantom Dancer. Perhaps Madreds would be better than PDancer since I get IE so late. Sigh... On hit/Attack Speed Kayle does a ton less damage then AD Kayle. Perhaps you cannot fight olaf toe to toe when building on hit, but AD Kayle certainly can. Your Q already allows you to kite and as long as you dodge Olaf's axes when he ults he has no chance to ever kill you. Not to mention your build makes no sense. Wits End -> PD? Why would you ever do that :/ I really think people are stuck in the past in regards to Kayle. Try out full AD like the build i describe in the OP. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On June 04 2012 11:10 Bladeorade wrote: Sigh... On hit/Attack Speed Kayle does a ton less damage then AD Kayle. Perhaps you cannot fight olaf toe to toe when building on hit, but AD Kayle certainly can. Your Q already allows you to kite and as long as you dodge Olaf's axes when he ults he has no chance to ever kill you. Not to mention your build makes no sense. Wits End -> PD? Why would you ever do that :/ I really think people are stuck in the past in regards to Kayle. Try out full AD like the build i describe in the OP. You're so dismissive to every one of my posts. I do try full AD kayle. It was one of the first things I tried. I like it, and I like adding some slow to it, but I feel like getting the aspd earlier is pretty big too. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On June 04 2012 11:10 Bladeorade wrote: Sigh... On hit/Attack Speed Kayle does a ton less damage then AD Kayle. Perhaps you cannot fight olaf toe to toe when building on hit, but AD Kayle certainly can. Your Q already allows you to kite and as long as you dodge Olaf's axes when he ults he has no chance to ever kill you. Not to mention your build makes no sense. Wits End -> PD? Why would you ever do that :/ I really think people are stuck in the past in regards to Kayle. Try out full AD like the build i describe in the OP. You're so dismissive to every one of my posts. I do try full AD kayle. It was one of the first things I tried. I like it, and I like adding some slow to it, but I feel like getting the aspd earlier is pretty big too. Kayle's dps can be defined in a simple formula. Obviously it's not the only thing that's important, but since I like to not get hit at all by bruisers in top lane, it's sometimes useful to just bring them down as fast as possible. Aspd * (physical_attack_damage + onhit_magic_damage) Physical_attack_damage = (((base_damage_+rune_damage+item_damage)*crit_chance)*crit_damage+((base_damage_+rune_damage+item_damage)*(1-crit_chance))) Base_damage = damage_at_level_0+levels*damage_increase onhit_magic_damage=E_damage+on_hit_items_damage This is just a listing of a bunch of variable but it's useful when trying to determine points where kayle does more damage with on hit than with AD. It pretty apparent that kayle with wits end, greaves, and 2 dblades has the same dps as one with phantom dancer, greaves, and 2 dblades for 700 less gold, and has up to 48 more mr to survive a mage's burst in the midgame. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B9ekUM_l-4IzQm8xNTZpalN0WjA I'm not saying AD kayle isn't stronger late game. Just that on hit kayle has her strengths. One that shouldn't be overlooked is that most of her damage is magic. | ||
United States13736 Posts
Infinity edge phantom dancer and bloodthirster I get but what are the other items there? I've been getting roaming boots instead of as boots starting out and I'm really likeing the speed control I get rolling into other lanes. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On June 04 2012 13:41 Sermokala wrote: IE/PD/LW/BT/GA/QSS Infinity edge phantom dancer and bloodthirster I get but what are the other items there? I've been getting roaming boots instead of as boots starting out and I'm really likeing the speed control I get rolling into other lanes. LW = last whisper GA = guardian angel QSS = quicksilver sash I also like roam boots. The best item in the game. Until about today I liked GA too. After all it is the best item in the game. | ||
United States1898 Posts
On June 04 2012 13:34 obesechicken13 wrote: You're so dismissive to every one of my posts. I do try full AD kayle. It was one of the first things I tried. I like it, and I like adding some slow to it, but I feel like getting the aspd earlier is pretty big too. Kayle's dps can be defined in a simple formula. Obviously it's not the only thing that's important, but since I like to not get hit at all by bruisers in top lane, it's sometimes useful to just bring them down as fast as possible. Aspd * (physical_attack_damage + onhit_magic_damage) Physical_attack_damage = (((base_damage_+rune_damage+item_damage)*crit_chance)*crit_damage+((base_damage_+rune_damage+item_damage)*(1-crit_chance))) Base_damage = damage_at_level_0+levels*damage_increase onhit_magic_damage=E_damage+on_hit_items_damage This is just a listing of a bunch of variable but it's useful when trying to determine points where kayle does more damage with on hit than with AD. It pretty apparent that kayle with wits end, greaves, and 2 dblades has the same dps as one with phantom dancer, greaves, and 2 dblades for 700 less gold, and has up to 48 more mr to survive a mage's burst in the midgame. https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B9ekUM_l-4IzQm8xNTZpalN0WjA I'm not saying AD kayle isn't stronger late game. Just that on hit kayle has her strengths. One that shouldn't be overlooked is that most of her damage is magic. Ah... In the AD build you dont rush PD. Zerkers 2 dblades wits vs zerkers 2 dblades BF sword + 500g I'm not saying that On hit kayle is awful. Just that it is subpar at almost every point in the game but the very beginning item. Most of her damage being magic is irrelevant. All of tristanas damage is magic, all of kogs damage is magic, however this is completely irrelevant to how you build them. I mean I can see the reasoning behind OH/AS Kayle, and I am aware it can work. I just am of the opinion not only are you severely gimping your late game, you are doing it for no gain. This is why I am dismissive. I have played OH/AS Kayle before I switched to full AD. Once I switched to AD I never looked back. It is just so much stronger overall there is no reason to do OH/AS Kayle other than to have fun. Please explain to me the reasoning why you would want to go OH/AS over AD. What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages? I feel like I am explaining myself thoroughly as to why AD is better, but in response I do not get as thorough answers or arguments against things I never claimed. Also thought I should clarify that when I say I am being dismissive I am just using your words, I am not completely dismissing OH/AS Kayle nor trying to be rude. Sorry if it comes off that way. | ||
United States8298 Posts
It feels like a Cleaver as a core dps item would be good for it, since you don't have to commit as much to your offensive kit. Beyond that, phage and Thinking: Dorans Greaves Cleaver Phage (can be gotten before cleaver) Whatever I mean, I guess you can get an IE if you get really fed... but it feels like otherwise you'd be putzing around without your core for too long. Avarice seems not awful either, ghostblade isn't bad. (Or does it no longer extend duration when you have your E on?) The CDR helps you keep E up in addition to the stats being pretty decent for you. | ||
United States13736 Posts
On June 10 2012 01:09 sylverfyre wrote: How are people building Kayle from the jungle? It doesn't seem like there's going to be enough gold available for AD-carry builds to be viable. It feels like a Cleaver as a core dps item would be good for it, since you don't have to commit as much to your offensive kit. Beyond that, phage and Thinking: Dorans Greaves Cleaver Phage (can be gotten before cleaver) Whatever I mean, I guess you can get an IE if you get really fed... but it feels like otherwise you'd be putzing around without your core for too long. Avarice seems not awful either, ghostblade isn't bad. (Or does it no longer extend duration when you have your E on?) The CDR helps you keep E up in addition to the stats being pretty decent for you. Its the same thing as udyr except with a little more ap and cdr like a nashors. kayle's passive and q can shut down and shred the enemy tank while being able to build pure damage and influence the entire battlefield with her splash her heal and her q nuke. She can make herself invincible or the carry invisible for a few seconds with her ults and she has complete speed control allowing for early jungle and ganks being non reliant on boots and midgame tower dives being commonplace and easy to pull off. she can farm quickly and easy with a ton of speed and clearing power in the mid-lategame to help catch up along with some gp10 items. boots of swiftness and her heal speed buff makes her come out of the jungle like a bullet train and make melee champs look downright impotent and ranged champs feel squishy. She lacks the hard cc of the top shelf gankers and is kicking ass on the top lane currently so people don't jungle her. But yeah ghostblade works when her e is on and is a fantastic item to develope to after an early brutalizer avarice blade and a philo stone for gp10 while you grind to an ie and a pd. However I'm LOVEING a nashors in a lane that I know I'm going to do well in early and want to keep my advantage the whole lane phase long. | ||
United States10467 Posts
The main thing was that teleport allowed me to do things when I got to the "ok... so I've pushed the lane up to tower... now what do I do" stage. Went malady first because I didn't want to spend time finding ionic spark, didn't want to rush razors, and wit's didn't protect against riven's physical damage. The magic damage was nice too. The enemy amumu stacked armor and our ap mid was a xerath whose lane opponent fizz got quite fed. Therefore I was the only one who could kill mumu early to mid game. Ghostblade's duration does not extend for attacks that are caused by her E. Instead you can activate ghostblade, autoattack twice in melee range, and then activate kayle's E but then you'll have attacked twice in melee range. | ||
United States1898 Posts
Under "what to do" when pushed to tower you should including diving as Kayle. It's really easy to poke and secure kills when they are under tower. If you really want to do this Malady build you should consider sorc boots. I really don't understand what you have against AD Kayle lol. Do not buy boots of swiftness on Kayle, Ghostblade does not extend duration with her E on. That build you said you do out of jungle is exactly what I recommended earlier in this thread. Zerkers - 2 dorans - Cleaver - Phage. Cleaver is the best BFS item out of jungle as it costs the least and you get more bang for your buck faster. You just will not scale as well into late game. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On June 10 2012 05:16 Bladeorade wrote: What level are you playing at? Under "what to do" when pushed to tower you should including diving as Kayle. It's really easy to poke and secure kills when they are under tower. If you really want to do this Malady build you should consider sorc boots. I really don't understand what you have against AD Kayle lol. Do not buy boots of swiftness on Kayle, Ghostblade does not extend duration with her E on. That build you said you do out of jungle is exactly what I recommended earlier in this thread. Zerkers - 2 dorans - Cleaver - Phage. Cleaver is the best BFS item out of jungle as it costs the least and you get more bang for your buck faster. You just will not scale as well into late game. Pretty low level. | ||
United States1898 Posts
Dyrus playing Kayle top vs Shen right now | ||
297 Posts
AD Marks (obvious) Flat Armor Seal (obvious) AS Glyph (compensate for Kayle's low IAS) Movespeed Quint (help kite and dodge skillshots huehue) For builds, I go 2xDBlade/Zerkers, and after that it usually depends. Against annoying dudes like Vlad I'll go for a fast Bloodthirster before PD. I usually go Zeal, then IE/PD/GA or QSS or LW/etc. | ||
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