United States37500 Posts
Played about double digit worth of games with Devourer Kayle and here's what I found most successful.
EQWEER, R > E > Q > W AS/Flat Armor/CDRpL/AS 21/9/0 Ranger's > Devourer > Stinger > Nashor > Hurricane > BotRK > GA. Fit in Zerker's where you see fit. It's basically something you resort to finishing if you die early on and/or forced to base early. More AS/MS never hurts, so it's technically not a bad early buy.
Opening route is Gromp (smite), Blue (used both pots), Scuttle, Red (smite). Rocks if you're healthy enough, otherwise base for Ranger's. You have to kite a lot at Blue and Red, especially during the first round. Do Scuttle if you're low on hp and/or when you need to let a pot run its full duration.
Idea behind this is just all AS and CDR. CDR is probably more important because you want to have E perma-on in team fights. Every offensive item has AS, so you'll be hitting like a mack truck. GA gives you the opportunity to ulti an ally if you want but if you want to 1v9 mode, go into a fight and start chunking things with E. Q the main target you want to kill first, W for the MS first, health as a secondary. With GA and ulti at your disposal, you let GA pop once your QW are on cooldown (E is always on if you're full build). Once you revive, ulti yourself and do another rotation of your skills and you should be able to heal back to full with AoE BotRK life steal while killing the entire enemy team. Also, don't be afraid to channel your inner Udyr. Pushing a lane by yourself is fine as long as you let your team know to defend a turret as four. You mow town turrets easily after 2 AS items. I prefer Elixir of Wrath as final item.
I've been doing the start quite differently from you.
1xCrit+8xAS (LIMITED RUNE PAGES) / Armour / FlatCDR / AP 21/9/0
Gromp->Blue->Wolves->Birds->Red(->Crab) EWQ -> R > E > Q > W
You finish just under lv 4, and with ~700 gold at ~3:45. You can add a crab after to get Lv4 and ~825g at ~4:12.
Kite blue a lot. Kite wolves a bit (they block each other from chasing you) and punch little wolves once each after E wears off to kill them. Punch two little birds with E on and then hit the big one and the splash will be enough. You're pretty low when you start the crab but decent HP by the end of it because of W spam during blue buff (two W's during crab kill). Could possibly do a lv4 half-HP gank if you needed to.
Build-wise I've also been going for Blue smite to gank better before I get devourer and CDR boots instead of Zerks (with one more 10% CDR item or blue buff you hit the 37.5% you need for permanent E). Haven't tested much in real games yet so build stuff I'm less confident on (Essence Reaver probably isn't as convenient as it is in bots games) than the early jungling.
really like your build neo. I have been trying out scaling cdr with scaling ability glyphs I think it might be a bit better but not much. I tried gunblade over botrk and find botrk is much better in both sustain and damage
United States37500 Posts
Moved on to other Dev Junglers this week but when I get back to Kayle, I'll probably test out Wit's+Lucidity vs Nashor's+Zerker. The main reason you get Nashor's (and complete it as your first AS item) is obviously for the CDR. But Wit's is probably the better item if you can ignore the CDR on Nashors (from Lucidity). You'll be 5% CDR short but I think the MR shred from Wit's makes up for it.
Too bad none of the elixirs give CDR any more. If you manage to be a bigger carry than your Mid, you could always hog Blue to get closer to 40%.
Gunblade is cute on paper but leave it for hybrid champs like Akali who have no use for AS. Botrk > Gunblade by far.
United States37500 Posts
Played a few more Jungle Kayle games this weekend with Wit's+Lucidity and I think it trumps my original build going Nashor's+Zerkers. I think around level 11, you end up with about 25% CDR (which translates into ~2s cooldown for your E between Righteous Fury finishing and the next time you can cast it again). Not perma-on but it's close enough. I definitely do see Wit's as a superior offensive option over Nashor's obv, so the latter is cut.
I'm not sure if there's any reason to add in AP items at all (e.g. Deathcap, Zhonya's, Void?). I can usually six item (meaning full item slots, swap Ranger's for Skirmisher's, upgrade trinket and boots) around 30 mins. If I do cut an item, I can't see any of the offensive items going out, so I might consider Zhonya's when GA is down? Every other item has pretty essential utility stats otherwise. AS, CDR, Life Steal. I can't see extra AP is an upgrade. o/
I've had (and seen) a lot of success with AP Jungle Kayle (still with devourer). A large reason for this is the full, massive Rylai's slow that ALL OF KAYLE'S AUTOS PROC (thanks to Righteous Fury).
This shit is bonkers guys. If you need full tips on how to do it, Alex Ich in particular is having a lot of success with it. Mostly AS runes with some scaling health, 30-0-0 masteries, and then a quick nashors into rylais into full AP. It's pretty terrifying.
First of all, you don't need to kite blue that much since you can bug it. It is very easy to do a full clear of 6 camps before backing.
Secondly, Wit's End is awesome.
Thirdly, E > W > Q with Stalker's is probably better since the heal helps you with sustain. You are not going to build much AP anyway so Q isn't that great.
On July 22 2015 02:27 Sufficiency wrote: First of all, you don't need to kite blue that much since you can bug it. It is very easy to do a full clear of 6 camps before backing.
Secondly, Wit's End is awesome.
Thirdly, E > W > Q with Stalker's is probably better since the heal helps you with sustain. You are not going to build much AP anyway so Q isn't that great. How is it relevant if you are building ap or not?It just gives flat change same as w.It is more slow+dmg vs more heal+speed.
Not a fan of wit's end tbh.Kayle seems to be pretty broken though.You just need someone to go in like a retard so you don't have to instantly ult yourself.
or you can go in like a retard because you do massive stupid damage
On July 22 2015 04:54 nafta wrote:Show nested quote +On July 22 2015 02:27 Sufficiency wrote: First of all, you don't need to kite blue that much since you can bug it. It is very easy to do a full clear of 6 camps before backing.
Secondly, Wit's End is awesome.
Thirdly, E > W > Q with Stalker's is probably better since the heal helps you with sustain. You are not going to build much AP anyway so Q isn't that great. How is it relevant if you are building ap or not?It just gives flat change same as w.It is more slow+dmg vs more heal+speed. Not a fan of wit's end tbh.Kayle seems to be pretty broken though.You just need someone to go in like a retard so you don't have to instantly ult yourself.
I think Wits' End gives more damage as a single item since it's 42 magic damage, attack speed, and MR shred. You could get a dcap, but it's far more expensive and takes a bit more time to ramp up. Wits' End is simple, immediate, raw power - which I think is more suitable at least for some situations.
United States37500 Posts
I've been liking Lucidity+Wit's immediately following Devourer. The nice thing is that it's a very simple build path and you can usually back and have enough for 1 or 2 Daggers.
I'll probably try Rylai's again but it felt subpar to rush it instead of the usual AS items. Sure, it gives AoE slow but it noticeably reduces your ability to 1v3/1v4 compared to when you have Wit's/Hurrican finished. I wouldn't even put it ahead of GA for reasons I've stated previously in this thread. I guess it's a nice 6th item if GA is down. Health + AoE slow.
Devourer->Wit's->Nashor's is the most damage. Her itemization path going the devourer route is pretty unfriendly for Dcap, and the Rylai's slow is kinda overrated on her, I think. I mean, it's nice, but in a teamfight situation, the highest DPS is most likely what you want. I'd take it sparingly as a last item when I didn't need GA, had to get something defensive, and their damage was mixed.
Wit's End as an item on regular champs is shit because you won't stack it quickly enough and the base damage isn't enough. It's terrifically efficient in the rare situation you get 5 AAs off. Sated Kayle doesn't have that issue. You get efficient stacks in two or three AAs and have insane base damage on those AAs.
Each Runaan's bolt also gives you one stack of Wits' End, FYI. You just need 1-2 autos to fully stack it for the most part. It's a great item.
From what I have seen the best is devourer>nashors>hurricane>rylai with cdr boots at some point.Don't think dcap is a good item dunno why you mention it even.
On July 23 2015 11:06 Sufficiency wrote: Each Runaan's bolt also gives you one stack of Wits' End, FYI. You just need 1-2 autos to fully stack it for the most part. It's a great item. But it'll only steal mr from the primary target?
I didn't know Rylais got changed to 40% slow on AoE abilities. Will that trigger on Kayle's main target? I'm not entirely convinced it's better than the 30% from Mallet if it doesn't slow your primary target. Ok, did some thinking. It will trigger on the main target. Now I have to compare the stats.
+100 ability power +400 health
+30 attack damage +700 health
I'd probably get the Rylai's and cry about missing 300 health. Edit: In case anyone else missed it, slows no longer stack :/
Another question. If you're doing on-hit kayle, all your damage is magic except your base autos, runaan's 10 damage, and blade of the ruined king. What if you skipped blade for void staff or something else?
Options: Void Staff, Death Cap, Ludens, Lich Bane, etc... Devourer, Nashors, Wit's End, Rylai's, Boots, Last Item. Nvm, there are 6 items already: Devourer, Nashors, Wit's End, Rylai's, Runaan's, Boots
@Neo, getting lucidity doesn't put you at 40% CDR. Even 35% CDR gives you this noticeable downtime on your E (theoretical .4 seconds) which can mess you up in teamfights. If you're not used to it, you'll run into the enemy melees trying to auto them with your non-flamed up sword. If you are used to it, you miss out on a couple autos.
I wouldn't delay devourer either since it buffs all your on-hit by 50% when finished, and it's a stacking item, so it's better to finish it earlier. It's also a jungle item, so if I assume you're in the jungle, you've tied up a lot of gold in your machete that isn't put into combat stats, and you won't get that investment back until you've finished your jungle item.
Lucidity/Nashor's/5% in masteries is 40%.
I think both Rylai's and Runaan's are replaceable depending on the game. Nashor's/Wit's/Devourer are core though, and Runaan's is probably the best teamfight item. Lichbane is really underwhelming with such low ap. Void is mostly outclassed by the EHP and additional pen of Abyssal.
On July 24 2015 04:44 Caiada wrote: Lucidity/Nashor's/5% in masteries is 40%.
I think both Rylai's and Runaan's are replaceable depending on the game. Nashor's/Wit's/Devourer are core though, and Runaan's is probably the best teamfight item. Lichbane is really underwhelming with such low ap. Void is mostly outclassed by the EHP and additional pen of Abyssal. Neo's skipping Nashors and relying on 15% from runes.
Had a game today where I felt more underwhelming. Still felt stronger than the melee bruiser class, but much less powerful than I had in previous games. Maybe I jumped the bandwagon on sated.
I started playing again, Kayle is still strong as AD or AS. So much has changed in the 2 years I havent played jeez I'll update this guide if there is any interest