[Champion] Kayle - Page 14
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United States10467 Posts
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297 Posts
On October 19 2013 10:09 Magus wrote: I have a huge Excel spreadsheet I made up for different Kayle build damages with 6 seconds of straight attacking. Greaves are very slightly better than Sorc Shoes until you have 6 items. They're cheaper, push faster, and do more damage overall for most of the game. The only time you'd want Sorc Shoes is if you can literally only throw Q's and not auto at all. I also disagree with ever maxing E first. You'll push faster yes, but even with maxing Q and leaving E at 1 point pushing out a wave is never really an issue for Kayle. You need to get in like 5 auto attacks more than you would normally to make up the damage you lose from maxing E over Q (i.e. if you get in a Q and 2 autos, maxing E you would need to get in a Q and 7 autos to match the damage). It will save you mana though, since E is the only spell that doesn't have a scaling mana cost. Also if you want to play full Burst Mage Kayle you can go Nashor's Lichbane Dcap DFG Void and literally 2 shot carries with no MR. DFG -> E (Lichbane proc) -> Q You can use W for another Lichbane proc and the speed boost to catch them if they survived. Hmmmm, I always liked Zerker Greaves more than Sorc Shoes, even though all the guides said to get Sorc Shoes when possible. Interesting. The issue with E is not pushing, it's pushing fast enough. I would only max E against the utility carry mids that Kayle can't really go aggressive on (Orianna, Lux, Anivia, Xerath, etc). For the most part, they all push pretty fast (except Lux), so I max E just to push the wave back, or even outpush them so I can go roam and/or kill jungle creeps (where E is preferable). I never was a fan of DFG on Kayle and diving enemy carries, it's too Flash-dependent to pull off reliably for my tastes (if Kayle and LeBlanc could swap W's, on the other hand...), and too vulnerable to CC. Still, I can see it working, and really it's just a 1 item difference that won't happen in most games anyways. Seriously though, Orianna is the main reason Kayle is so unpopular in competitive. Forget Morgana, Orianna is Kayle's real nemesis. | ||
Canada450 Posts
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297 Posts
On October 19 2013 15:20 Magus wrote: The only lane I have issue with as Kayle is Xerath. Everything else is fine. Orianna's at my level kinda suck though so... I wouldn't say that Kayle gets shut out against ANY laner, she can farm pretty well in most matchups. But she can't really be aggressive against the long-range mages. Kayle's biggest enemy is the jungler imo, she's easy to camp, and if she gets down a kill things get kinda rough on her. That's mostly an issue on toplane, which snowballs really harshly though. | ||
Australia2470 Posts
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297 Posts
Solo/Lane/Jungle Options Key levels to play aggressive Common matchups What else here do people want to see? Kayle at Mid: Kayle is generally seen as a midlaner. Mid is probably her best lane, because the short distance makes it harder to gank. Generally, Kayle's mid potential revolves around getting into range to use Q and E, and using her ult to negate enemy burst. Here are some common matchups for her. Zed: Zed can't really do much to Kayle, your ult nullifies his ult, and you can harass him at range. However, because he's Zed, he's still able to farm safely. Fizz: The main thing to watch here is the level 6 power spike. If he hits level 6 before you he can easily kill you, so be careful. Otherwise, use your ult to negate his burst, and harass him at range with autoattacks (because he's still a melee with no sustain). Ahri: This is a skill matchup that depends on whether you dodge Charm. If the Ahri plays safe and only uses Charm reactionarily, you can't really open aggression on her. If you can dodge her Charm you destroy her. Run Movespeed Quints and move erratically! Kassadin: Kayle isn't bothered by Kassadin too much because of her sustained autoattack damage, just be sure to fire Qs off quickly. Against Kassadin I would run an AD-heavy runepage to prey on his weak base armor (and avoid his very strong passive). If he plays safe, you can easily shove him out and go roam. Orianna/Lux/Anivia/Xerath: Kayle's nemeses. The long-range utility mages will outtrade you and stop you from returning damage to them. Fortunately, it's not too easy for them to kill you or shut you down. I would max E in these lanes, shove quickly, and go farm wraiths or roam, because it's not productive for you to stay in such a lane. Kayle at Top: Kayle at Toplane might as well be a completely different champion than Kayle at Mid. While Kayle at Mid revolved around getting into range to trade, Kayle at Top revolves around getting OUT of the Bruiser's range. The general strategy with Kayle here is to use Q, W, and E(aa) to kite enemy Bruisers and outtrade them. Ward the lane bushes if you're having some trouble. Additionally, try not to get caught with E on cooldown at inopportune moments, Bruisers can really punish you when you go for cs in melee range! I'll go ahead and cover some of the more common matchups. WARNING: Top Lane snowballs hard. If you die to a jungle gank, the enemy will get MR and more AD and you will really suffer through the rest of the laning phase. If that happens, just try to farm, Kayle is a powerful teamfight champion later in the game. Jax: If he jumps on you without E activated, you outtrade. If he jumps on you with E activated, he outtrades. His E has a relatively long cooldown, so try to trade with him in those cases. But be warned: after about level 11 or so he can 1v1 you anyways. If you see him activating stun and instantly jumping, get behind your creeps, and after he jumps you can whack him several times. Shen: Boring matchup, Kayle wins, just be sure to shove hard to punish his ults. Renekton: The most powerful toplaner in the game, but Kayle doesn't exactly lose to him. Try to stand aside from your creepline to avoid his Slice/Stun/Nuke/Dice combo. Riven: God I hate his champion. Kayle has an advantage here, but it can be difficult to execute on it. The trick is to play safe and use E and Q when she goes in for lasthits. If you try to open aggression on her, Riven can jump into range and punish you for it. Any Melee without a Gapcloser: Except for Yorick, Kayle poops on all these guys. Jungle: Kayle Jungle is pretty troll IMO, but whatever. 21/9/0 masteries, AS Reds/Armor Yellows/AP Blues/AP Quints, Max E first, focus on clearing camps and getting farm, Meteos style. Good lategame jungler, but relies on your team to bring the CC. Support: Troll pick, only really works with Caitlyn, against Leona or Thresh, or in a 2v1 lane. Max Q and go ham. | ||
904 Posts
But saying it's a troll pick as would a Sona jungle be is going a bit too far. I'd see Kayle as an Evelynn with utility skill a bit weaker on Kayle but you can use them on your allies. Kayle is really strong with double buff, have good burst, decent sustained damage constant slow from red buff on a speed buffed ranged champ with a stronger slow on the Q engage. A melee top laner without a high mobility escape skill WILL die if he doesn't have flash or even with it if he pushes a bit too much and his jungler isn't there to save him to a doublebuff Kayle gank. The weakness of Kayle is being as resistant as a piece of paper so you don't want to go in fight in equal number without your ult to prevent you do to die from a focus fire from 2 guys, when you don't have double buff, farming the jungle and counterganking as soon as you see the other jungler comes into one of your lane is to Kayle advantage because she have quite some utility skills with the heal/speed buff and being a ranged allows you to make plays saving your mates and turn the gank around. To jungle you should max Q first because E gives you less damage on single target and your lvl 1 E with AP scaling already kills the little jungle creeps, it's better for jungle farming and for ganking. I max the heal second because when you don't go for atk speed item but invest in AP item like going for spirit of the spectral wraith or Lichbane or Deathcap you heal for a significant amount and coupled with your ult you can really destroy 2v2 or 3v3 fight in midgame. Then again some game you'll be against a Lee Sin top, Fizz mid so you won't kill someone there and your botlane goes 0-4 in 6minutes so you know you'll get shred to pieces if anyone hits you for more than 4secs. | ||
297 Posts
On October 20 2013 07:51 Iblis wrote: Kayle jungle may not be optimal and is certainly not expected in the current meta which would have a cc bot with high base stats damage in the jungle 90% of the time. But saying it's a troll pick as would a Sona jungle be is going a bit too far. I'd see Kayle as an Evelynn with utility skill a bit weaker on Kayle but you can use them on your allies. Kayle is really strong with double buff, have good burst, decent sustained damage constant slow from red buff on a speed buffed ranged champ with a stronger slow on the Q engage. A melee top laner without a high mobility escape skill WILL die if he doesn't have flash or even with it if he pushes a bit too much and his jungler isn't there to save him to a doublebuff Kayle gank. The weakness of Kayle is being as resistant as a piece of paper so you don't want to go in fight in equal number without your ult to prevent you do to die from a focus fire from 2 guys, when you don't have double buff, farming the jungle and counterganking as soon as you see the other jungler comes into one of your lane is to Kayle advantage because she have quite some utility skills with the heal/speed buff and being a ranged allows you to make plays saving your mates and turn the gank around. To jungle you should max Q first because E gives you less damage on single target and your lvl 1 E with AP scaling already kills the little jungle creeps, it's better for jungle farming and for ganking. I max the heal second because when you don't go for atk speed item but invest in AP item like going for spirit of the spectral wraith or Lichbane or Deathcap you heal for a significant amount and coupled with your ult you can really destroy 2v2 or 3v3 fight in midgame. Then again some game you'll be against a Lee Sin top, Fizz mid so you won't kill someone there and your botlane goes 0-4 in 6minutes so you know you'll get shred to pieces if anyone hits you for more than 4secs. Hmmm, interesting. I used to jungle Kayle, but it really puts pressure on the rest of your team to bring the utility that a jungler usually would bring. It's definitely playable tho in my opinion too. | ||
Australia2470 Posts
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Canada450 Posts
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297 Posts
Maybe that's the smart thing to do if you're not against an assassin mid though. | ||
297 Posts
I prefer AP Quints against Zed though because he can disengage pretty easily from fights with his shadow thingy, so you really can't get into an extended trade with him if he plays more passively. In other matchups I always run Movespeed. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On November 03 2013 12:30 HughMyron wrote: ZzPhoenix (D1) is playing Kayle with Movespeed Quints and 9/0/21 masteries, Flash/Teleport. It's an interesting setup, to be sure, and it's certainly working for him. I prefer AP Quints against Zed though because he can disengage pretty easily from fights with his shadow thingy, so you really can't get into an extended trade with him if he plays more passively. In other matchups I always run Movespeed. I bet he's doing teleport quints just to survive laning rather than to get kills. Is he going top? Or who is he facing mid? I've done the flash teleport setup before. | ||
297 Posts
On November 03 2013 13:36 obesechicken13 wrote: I bet he's doing teleport quints just to survive laning rather than to get kills. Is he going top? Or who is he facing mid? I've done the flash teleport setup before. He's doing it against everyone from Zed to Orianna. He mostly uses his Teleport to shove mid and clear jungle to rack up a cs lead (he maxes E), then teleport bot lane to counter the enemy roam. | ||
United States10467 Posts
On November 03 2013 14:38 HughMyron wrote: He's doing it against everyone from Zed to Orianna. He mostly uses his Teleport to shove mid and clear jungle to rack up a cs lead (he maxes E), then teleport bot lane to counter the enemy roam. Oh. That's interesting. | ||
297 Posts
I think in Season 4, people are saying that midlane will be more about roaming because there will be more objectives to contest, so Kayle will pretty much have to max E if she goes mid, or risk losing in waveclear+roam battles. Top Lane Kayle should always max Q though. | ||
New York City13113 Posts
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Australia1822 Posts
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New Zealand414 Posts
On November 05 2013 07:21 Thereisnosaurus wrote: I keep having great games as jungle kayle. If you can get your spirit of the wraith running and mobi boots, you can get around the map like a demon and farm insanely quick. I've been experimenting with runing very, very agressively on her and it works quite well- like not even taking armor runes, hybrid pen marks, ap quints, ap per level seals and glyphs. You burn camps down so quickly, between heal and vamp you just don't take damage and your ganks go from solid to terrifying. You melt like wet paper, but if you go rageblade as a second item the 40% sv+ lifesteal when your guinsoo's triggers combined with the time your ult gives you to make use of it generally means you can outduel anyone by that point. My Jungle kayle is little different, similar though. I got movespeed quints + hybrid pen reds, flat armour/mr. Run a mastery page similar to a kennen page, ap with bit or arpen + ad throw in. I go SotEL/Mobi boots > Nashors >Lichbane>hourglass if it gets this far. My build used to be Sotel>nashors>liandrys but I stopped cos I was looking for better burst, I have been looking at Spectral Wraith but I never build it on any jungler cos I thought it was bad. is SotSW good on kayle? | ||
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