Kayle has been my main champion since I started playing this game (beginning of season 2) and I have ~ 200 ranked games with her I think. I've played her every way I can think of, support, AP/AD jungle, AP mid, AP/AD top, even AP or AD bot. Recently I've been trying a new build on her for top lane and I've been doing pretty well with it.
Masteries: 21/0/9 Runes: Magic penetration reds/scaling AP yellows/scaling AP blues/AP quints
Starting items: dring/2pots. As soon as I have 800 I back for two more drings. Then I grab a blasting wand and sorc shoes. Depening on my matchup or if opposing mid lane is getting fed I build an abyssal scepter. Honestly, in mid game, the burst is just insane. And I've even been maxing E first (yes, E). It doesn't HAVE to push your lane too hard if your opponent is pushing hard himself, and I've found that around level 10-12 teamfights I'm taking off considerable chunks of health from everyone with the E splash.
The build rounds out with nashors tooth after abyssal, then morellonomicon, zhonyas, and a lichbane. People rage me when they see 3 drings but I never run out of mana in lane with them! I can spam skills and farm safely. I know it seems like a troll build but I've played Kayle for so long that I wanted to give something weird a shot, and this turns out to be working for me.
2 Drings and not using E 100% of the time is enough to never run out of mana if your opponent doesn't force you to use W to heal up.
Also you get so much more damage out of maxing Q. +200 damage and 20% slow for ranking it, compared to 40 damage per hit. You have to hit 5 extra times to match the damage you would have gotten from maxing Q, and Q max pushes the lane less hard. I normally only get 2-4 hits in after I land a Q, so hitting 5 EXTRA hits would be tough.
I can sort of see an Abyssal build being alright for top lane, but Hourglass rush is probably better (and more damage besides). Leaving the Lichbane to a last item though just leaves off so much burst. In my opinion, the only reason Nashor's is the first item on mid Kayle instead of Lichbane is that you NEED that CDR more than anything.
On October 01 2013 13:07 Magus wrote: 2 Drings and not using E 100% of the time is enough to never run out of mana if your opponent doesn't force you to use W to heal up.
Also you get so much more damage out of maxing Q. +200 damage and 20% slow for ranking it, compared to 40 damage per hit. You have to hit 5 extra times to match the damage you would have gotten from maxing Q, and Q max pushes the lane less hard. I normally only get 2-4 hits in after I land a Q, so hitting 5 EXTRA hits would be tough.
I can sort of see an Abyssal build being alright for top lane, but Hourglass rush is probably better (and more damage besides). Leaving the Lichbane to a last item though just leaves off so much burst. In my opinion, the only reason Nashor's is the first item on mid Kayle instead of Lichbane is that you NEED that CDR more than anything. Yeah, mana is awesome on Kayle during laning.
What rank are you?(you can pm this) What do you do against the melees that just reach 6 and dive you? Renekton and Jax murder me as Kayle. What if the opponent can't normally hit you but just builds Cowl, Doran's shield, and Spirit Stone and waits for ganks from a ganker that can bypass wards? A Nasus did that to me once and it was very annoying that I couldn't push him out of lane.
Also you do lose 720 gold (.6*1200) when you sell the dorans compared to if you hadn't needed the 3 dorans rings and had just gotten Nashors instead. 480 gold is like 20.6 mana pots or 2060 mana. If all you want is mana you can get more from mana runes and chalice for much cheaper but of course you're looking at the 180 hp and 45 ap as well.
Finally, Nashors is a much better first item for damage than Abyssal or Hourglass. It gives more damage per auto 15+(.15+.4)*(AP) where your AP is 60 from nashors + 45 from dorans + 6 from masteries + 10 from runes. 81 damage per hit
Compared to hourglass 120 AP (.4)*(120+45+6+10) 72 damage
And Nashors gives you the CDR and attack speed.
Renekton is just a douche champion. I don't even pick Kayle into him, it's a skill matchup that's so much easier for him to play. Same with Riven, though Kayle is supposed to handle her ok, you just have to be willing to give up the occasional cs and not spam your E, or Riven will combo you and outtrade you if you misposition. I've beaten Rivens before, and I think the key is to playing carefully and reactionary rather than going "YOLO HAM DONGER" mode. Use E to auto her when she goes in for cs, and Q/W to run away as she uses Valor and Q. Movespeed Quints are helpful, though it will sacrifice your damage output.
Against Jax, I run Movespeed Quints and play fairly aggressively with Qs, trying to bait his leap. After he leaps, I use W and E to kite him. After he's done trading, I chase after him (keeping a fair distance) and return as many autoattacks as I can. Be aggressive when stun is down, you outtrade him when he doesn't have access to the stun. Jax is beatable, though he has the advantage after he gets some levels. Oh, and if he gets firstblood from a gank you lose hard, so don't get BAITED AND OUTSMARTED.
Regardless, if you trade poorly as Kayle, immediately fire some autoattacks back at the enemy after the trade ends to salvage things, because that's when the enemy Bruiser has burned all his cooldowns and you still have an MF-range auto. You probably already know this, though others might not, but it's a mistake to be passive after the Bruiser finishes his trade, you need to strike back regardless of whether you executed your kiting correctly.
I'm only Gold I though so take my opinions with a grain of salt. Green Pride is a Diamond Kayle fanatic who wrote an excellent Top Lane Kayle guide on Lolking, I follow his advice on the Jax matchup (minus the MS Quints). He lists Riven as a hard matchup, some other people say she's not too bad, it really depends on the player I suppose. Top Lane Kayle does murder Vladimir and Darius though, that's always fun.
On October 03 2013 14:04 HughMyron wrote: Renekton is just a douche champion. I don't even pick Kayle into him, it's a skill matchup that's so much easier for him to play. Same with Riven, though Kayle is supposed to handle her ok, you just have to be willing to give up the occasional cs and not spam your E, or Riven will combo you and outtrade you if you misposition. I've beaten Rivens before, and I think the key is to playing carefully and reactionary rather than going "YOLO HAM DONGER" mode. Use E to auto her when she goes in for cs, and Q/W to run away as she uses Valor and Q. Movespeed Quints are helpful, though it will sacrifice your damage output.
Against Jax, I run Movespeed Quints and play fairly aggressively with Qs, trying to bait his leap. After he leaps, I use W and E to kite him. After he's done trading, I chase after him (keeping a fair distance) and return as many autoattacks as I can. Be aggressive when stun is down, you outtrade him when he doesn't have access to the stun. Jax is beatable, though he has the advantage after he gets some levels. Oh, and if he gets firstblood from a gank you lose hard, so don't get BAITED AND OUTSMARTED.
Regardless, if you trade poorly as Kayle, immediately fire some autoattacks back at the enemy after the trade ends to salvage things, because that's when the enemy Bruiser has burned all his cooldowns and you still have an MF-range auto. You probably already know this, though others might not, but it's a mistake to be passive after the Bruiser finishes his trade, you need to strike back regardless of whether you executed your kiting correctly.
I'm only Gold I though so take my opinions with a grain of salt. Green Pride is a Diamond Kayle fanatic who wrote an excellent Top Lane Kayle guide on Lolking, I follow his advice on the Jax matchup (minus the MS Quints). He lists Riven as a hard matchup, some other people say she's not too bad, it really depends on the player I suppose. Top Lane Kayle does murder Vladimir and Darius though, that's always fun. That honestly sounds about right. Lots of hard matchups. I'm not ok with her just being good against Vlad, Singed, and supposedly Darius and Zed though.
I'm only Silver so I don't really play enough to get good at a bunch of top champions and if I play someone I haven't played in a while I make silly mistakes like forgetting keybinds and basic fundamental strategies of the champs and sometimes forget what to build or how to trade. Therefore I can't learn 8 champions and use them to counterpick with.
I think Kayle can handle a lot of matchups top and survive. Even ones like Garen and Riven are doable but they require you to play really scared and to not make any mistakes. Most of the champions that go top do it because they are excellent duelists. Kayle doesn't have the base stats or strong dueling abilities needed to let her fight a lot of them head on so she just relies on fighting them when it's opportunistic. Kayle's Q and W and E aren't strong dueling abilities by any means and her ult is about as strong as Jax's E when you're just concerned with dueling.
- When the enemy is walking away, and has no gap closer, but is not going towards a brush and is slowed
- When they are level 5 so they're not strong enough to dive you and kill you under minions
- Or when your jungler is ganking
- When you have a ton of minions
- When they are under tower and unable to fight you without losing most of the minion cs
- They're too low to fight you but they still come in range for you to attack them because they want to CS
And it's just so hard because if you get a single lag spike, or you walk slightly too close to Garen/Nasus, or you get in Range for Jax/Lee/Riven/Renekton to initiate, you automatically lose the trade.
- If the enemy loses their gap closer it's because they misplayed
- Winning from level 1-5 means nothing if they win the rest of the laning phase (75+% of it)
- Unreliable and their jungler could be ganking you
- How do you get a ton of minions in the first place? You need to win a trade and start outpushing.
- This puts you in a position to get ganked. Again, how do you get to this position in the first place?
- How did you get them low in the first place?
Imo, these days unless you're counterpicking you should put Kayle mid or bot if your team needs an AP and your team is ok with it. Maybe it'd be ok to go top if you could swap with your mid after a certain time, eg if you wanted to swap with Morde, Swain, or Vlad.
zhonyas? abyssal? on kayle?
what division does this actually work in
On October 03 2013 15:21 FinestHour wrote: zhonyas? abyssal? on kayle?
what division does this actually work in
I think zhonyas is really good on kayle. would definetly not get it first though.
If you get Zhonyas you are more likely to save your ult for your team. And Kayle isnt exactly the longest range mage, so you are kinda likely to get jumped on in team fights.
Getting Zhonya's on Kayle is basically just saying "Now I'm invincible for 5.5 seconds whenever I feel like it. Deal with it." Also Hourglass is shit-tons of AP so it's not like you're losing out if you're forced into buying it against a heavy AD team.
As for MR, I tend to buy GA instead of Abyssal. It's just a lot more useful.
My usual final build is Nashor's Sorc's Lichbane DFG Dcap GA.
If you were going to swap something out for a situational item, I'd probably switch out the Dcap. You have so much burst from Q and Lichbane and you can make up the damage you lose from switching out Dcap by just hitting them with more autos. Also not sure how the damage would compare if you switched out Dcap or Boots to buy a Void Staff. I am too lazy to do the math on that.
Also I'm Silver 1 playing against high Gold to low Plat, so take my advice with however much salt you feel that warrants.
On October 03 2013 14:49 obesechicken13 wrote: That honestly sounds about right. Lots of hard matchups. I'm not ok with her just being good against Vlad, Singed, and supposedly Darius and Zed though.
Eh...Kayle can survive pretty much every lane in the game, which is more than you can say for most toplaners. And when Kayle wins, she snowballs really hard, as ranged toplaners can harass under tower a lot better than melee ones, not to mention the dive potential Kayle has. Finally, Kayle has excellent damage and utility as far as toplaners go, and she has excellent base stats and stat growth (look her up...she's tankier than Irelia at 18!).
And Kayle's matchups aren't HARD, per se, they just require an initial investment of knowledge and planning. For example, when many newer players start to lose a trade, they passively slink away and try to farm. If you do that with Kayle, you'll die very quickly, you absolutely NEED to retaliate: get your distance and hit them with E/aa as they run. Also, you need to get in the habit of aggressive warding. Kayle pushes fairly hard, so obviously you should ward against enemy junglers. If you're playing against Renekton or Rengar in particular, or any Bruisers you find problematic, you should ward a lane bush too! In short, think about what you can do, and what the enemy can do, and plan accordingly, whether at Top or Mid.
Honestly, Kayle's laning is the least of my concerns unless I get ganked a lot and start feeding. Where I derp is when it comes to teamfighting...positioning with Kayle can be tricky.
Imo, these days unless you're counterpicking you should put Kayle mid or bot if your team needs an AP and your team is ok with it. Maybe it'd be ok to go top if you could swap with your mid after a certain time, eg if you wanted to swap with Morde, Swain, or Vlad.
Kayle Mid is honestly better than Kayle Top, but Kayle Top can work well in certain teamcomps, and scales really well.
As a side note, playing Kayle Top a lot made me a better Kayle Mid player.
My Top Lane champion rotation consists of kind of weird champs, like Irelia, Udyr, Kayle, Lissandra, and I'll probably bring Olaf back in if he's any good after the changes. I also like Elise and Vladimir.
Been grinding Kayle a lot these days, some new observations.
1) Top or Mid, ALWAYS start Flask/Ward/Pot, srsly. Junglers have a hardon for you, cause you're squishy and invariably push huehue.
2) Ahri is a popular mid, you should know how to fight her. It basically revolves around your ability to dodge her Charm. When you want to open aggression (again, BEWARE THE JANGLER), run at her, anticipating the W, then sidestep as soon as you see it fired. Then use your W, Q, and autos to hit her a few times.
3) Movespeed Quints can be invaluable against skillshot mids. Also against jungler ganks. Yesterday I had a hilarious chase sequence where a Lee Sin was desperately trying to get behind me to ult, but couldn't cause I moved faster than him! Some people may call me a noob for using Movespeed Quints (cause SSONG used AP Quints), but I've always been more successful with Movespeed.
4) For whatever reason I find it easier to stutter-step with her default skin than with Aether Wing Kayle (their autoattack animations are different). Might be psychological though. Still working on mastering stutter-stepping in general.
On October 06 2013 18:01 HughMyron wrote: Been grinding Kayle a lot these days, some new observations.
1) Top or Mid, ALWAYS start Flask/Ward/Pot, srsly. Junglers have a hardon for you, cause you're squishy and invariably push huehue.
2) Ahri is a popular mid, you should know how to fight her. It basically revolves around your ability to dodge her Charm. When you want to open aggression (again, BEWARE THE JANGLER), run at her, anticipating the W, then sidestep as soon as you see it fired. Then use your W, Q, and autos to hit her a few times.
3) Movespeed Quints can be invaluable against skillshot mids. Also against jungler ganks. Yesterday I had a hilarious chase sequence where a Lee Sin was desperately trying to get behind me to ult, but couldn't cause I moved faster than him! Some people may call me a noob for using Movespeed Quints (cause SSONG used AP Quints), but I've always been more successful with Movespeed.
4) For whatever reason I find it easier to stutter-step with her default skin than with Aether Wing Kayle (their autoattack animations are different). Might be psychological though. Still working on mastering stutter-stepping in general.
1) Agreed 2) I think you meant the E? if the W starts firing on you, I don't believe you can sidestep anymore. Unless you meant to avoid the champion leash range for her Foxfire. 3) I prefer AP here as wel. 4) I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this as well. Aether Wing Kayle is really awesome but the auto animation is TERRIBLE. Base Kayle has a much more crisp animation but I blinged out on Aether Wing so w/e. =\
On October 07 2013 00:31 KissBlade wrote:Show nested quote +On October 06 2013 18:01 HughMyron wrote: Been grinding Kayle a lot these days, some new observations.
1) Top or Mid, ALWAYS start Flask/Ward/Pot, srsly. Junglers have a hardon for you, cause you're squishy and invariably push huehue.
2) Ahri is a popular mid, you should know how to fight her. It basically revolves around your ability to dodge her Charm. When you want to open aggression (again, BEWARE THE JANGLER), run at her, anticipating the W, then sidestep as soon as you see it fired. Then use your W, Q, and autos to hit her a few times.
3) Movespeed Quints can be invaluable against skillshot mids. Also against jungler ganks. Yesterday I had a hilarious chase sequence where a Lee Sin was desperately trying to get behind me to ult, but couldn't cause I moved faster than him! Some people may call me a noob for using Movespeed Quints (cause SSONG used AP Quints), but I've always been more successful with Movespeed.
4) For whatever reason I find it easier to stutter-step with her default skin than with Aether Wing Kayle (their autoattack animations are different). Might be psychological though. Still working on mastering stutter-stepping in general. 1) Agreed 2) I think you meant the E? if the W starts firing on you, I don't believe you can sidestep anymore. Unless you meant to avoid the champion leash range for her Foxfire. 3) I prefer AP here as wel. 4) I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this as well. Aether Wing Kayle is really awesome but the auto animation is TERRIBLE. Base Kayle has a much more crisp animation but I blinged out on Aether Wing so w/e. =\
What I meant was move erratically to dodge the Charm. I find it's easier to dodge skillshots when you anticipate them.
On October 07 2013 03:56 HughMyron wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2013 00:31 KissBlade wrote:On October 06 2013 18:01 HughMyron wrote: Been grinding Kayle a lot these days, some new observations.
1) Top or Mid, ALWAYS start Flask/Ward/Pot, srsly. Junglers have a hardon for you, cause you're squishy and invariably push huehue.
2) Ahri is a popular mid, you should know how to fight her. It basically revolves around your ability to dodge her Charm. When you want to open aggression (again, BEWARE THE JANGLER), run at her, anticipating the W, then sidestep as soon as you see it fired. Then use your W, Q, and autos to hit her a few times.
3) Movespeed Quints can be invaluable against skillshot mids. Also against jungler ganks. Yesterday I had a hilarious chase sequence where a Lee Sin was desperately trying to get behind me to ult, but couldn't cause I moved faster than him! Some people may call me a noob for using Movespeed Quints (cause SSONG used AP Quints), but I've always been more successful with Movespeed.
4) For whatever reason I find it easier to stutter-step with her default skin than with Aether Wing Kayle (their autoattack animations are different). Might be psychological though. Still working on mastering stutter-stepping in general. 1) Agreed 2) I think you meant the E? if the W starts firing on you, I don't believe you can sidestep anymore. Unless you meant to avoid the champion leash range for her Foxfire. 3) I prefer AP here as wel. 4) I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this as well. Aether Wing Kayle is really awesome but the auto animation is TERRIBLE. Base Kayle has a much more crisp animation but I blinged out on Aether Wing so w/e. =\ What I meant was move erratically to dodge the Charm. I find it's easier to dodge skillshots when you anticipate them.
Right I figured as much. Ahri's E is actually her charm. Her W is her Foxfire.
Decided to get off my ass and grind some more Ranked, and Kayle carried me to Platinum!
Srsly tho I'm addicted to Movespeed Quints on her. Sure, they mean less damage in trades, but if they help you get that one extra autoattack off, they mean more damage in a trade!
Has anyone tried double Doran's (Ring into Dagger) on her top? A D4 guy from my old Ranked 5's team highly recommended it to me, and it felt pretty strong. Start flask/ward/pot, back and buy a ring for mana, and a blade for sustain and become an immovable rock in lane. After that, you can go straight Nashor's into a boots and a defensive item of your choice. Kayle is an insanely effective splitpusher midgame, and transitions into a really good teamfighter later on.
On October 16 2013 12:54 ticklishmusic wrote: Has anyone tried double Doran's (Ring into Dagger) on her top? A D4 guy from my old Ranked 5's team highly recommended it to me, and it felt pretty strong. Start flask/ward/pot, back and buy a ring for mana, and a blade for sustain and become an immovable rock in lane. After that, you can go straight Nashor's into a boots and a defensive item of your choice. Kayle is an insanely effective splitpusher midgame, and transitions into a really good teamfighter later on.
Yeah it's a pretty solid start imo. IIRC Vileroze used to do something similar on occasion in LCS, but that was Kayle Mid.
I prefer Kayle Top tbh. More action and violence. Kayle Mid is pretty good too, but her matchups are more tight and drawish unless you're playing against an assassin.
On June 24 2013 05:12 Bladeorade wrote: If someone wants to write the AP Guide I'll post it in the OP since AD Kayle has fallen way out of favor
Oh, I'd be willing to write it up haha. I'm only a Platinum, and I was hoping someone like Duocek or Z German or another Solo Queue Kayle Superstar could write it, but I'll do it if nobody else will. I've played Kayle regularly since Open Beta, and she's always been my favorite champion.
Here's a brief miniguide for me to organize my thoughts. I'll flesh this out after my exam I guess.
Overview: Kayle is a relatively simple champion to pick up, and it is easy to use her skills and learn to lasthit effectively with her. However, in order to master Kayle you will need to master stutter-stepping, positioning in teamfights, and executing good ultimates. Kayle is an excellent champion to play against assassins like Zed or Fizz, because you can effectively stop them from killing their intended targets. I recommend picking Kayle when your team already has reliable methods of initiating.
Abilities: P: Autoattack people to stack a shred on them, skill is not as bad as people say it is. Q: Powerful nuke on a low cooldown, and has a substantial slow on it. Max this first in most lanes. W: Heal is relatively weak early on, but the speed boost can help you E: Makes you ranged and your sword throws fire at people (makes no sense to me, but hey, this is League). This skill determines Kayle's power in lane. When it's down, you're really quite weak. Try not to spam this spell, use it when you want to trade or if you need it to lasthit/push. Max this first in farmlanes. R: Some people think this is a bad Zilean ult. They're wrong. Don't use this ult to save low-health people, use it to block large sums of damage on targets that the enemy has already committed on. For example, your Karthus is running into the middle of a fight, and the enemy is trying to blow him up. Ult him, watch them waste a few thousand damage on him before they stop focusing him, and laugh. This skill takes a lot of practice to use effectively.
Masteries: 21/9/0, 21/0/9, 30/0/0 are all viable. I'll put up mastery links later. The only constant is that you want to go ham on the offense tree.
Runes: Attack Speed Reds: AS for better pushing and more autoattacks, and these are the primary choice. Hybrid Pen is the best choice for earlygame damage against champions. Magic Pen is marginally better lategame (thanks to PhoenixVal for the calculations behind this!)
Armor Yellows: Textbook choice on pretty much all champions, Kayle likes these too because she will invariably take creep aggro while autoattack harassing in lane. mp/5 Yellows or HP/Level are viable against Kayle's lane counters (Orianna, Lux, Anivia, etc). You have no way to open aggression on these guys unless they're stupid, so you can use the Yellows of your choice.
Flat MR Yellows: Also the textbook choice against a magic damage foe to mitigate some of their damage. MR/Level is viable if you're not afraid of magic damage early. Flat AP is an option if you want to go full aggro in lane, or if they have one of those teams with negligible magic damage.
Flat AP Quints: Textbook Quints for Kayle, they buff your damage substantially. Movespeed Quints are my favorite, however, because they help quite a bit in lane positioning, dodging skillshots, evading jungler ganks, and getting off that autoattack that you wouldn't have got otherwise.
Skilling Order: R>Q>E>W in most cases, R>E>Q>W in farmlanes or if you have a disadvantage against the enemy laner and can't trade effectively against them.
Item Build: Kayle's build options are pretty limited. She's really only viable because Nashor's Tooth is one of the game's most efficient items, and she can effectively exploit it, so you have to have Nashor's. Anyways: Starting Items: Flask/Ward/Pot (most cases) or Doran's Ring/2 Pots (Yolo Ham Aggro, or a weak ganking jungler). Textbook Build: Boots, Nashor's Tooth, Lich Bane, Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff, Zhonya/QSS/GA.
You can buy an early Doran's Blade, another Doran's Ring, or even an early Seeker's Armguard as you see fit. For boots, do Zerker Greaves if you need them for pushing or sustained damage, but Sorc Shoes are preferred for more burst. Nashor's Tooth is everything Kayle needs. Sheen and then Lich Bane come next because they trivialise your mana costs and help you push and burst people/towers. Rabadon's Deathcap for monster AP, though you can move up Void Staff if against a tanky team. Void Staff is fairly self-explanatory, you get it against teams with a lot of MR. The final item is usually Zhonya's Hourglass for even more AP and the active, but there's room for Guardian's Angel or Mercurial Scimitar if you want to use them. To be honest, Zhonya's is sort of weird on a champion that likes to autoattack, so don't feel like you have to use it.
I'll do the rest later.
New York City13113 Posts
On October 16 2013 12:54 ticklishmusic wrote: Has anyone tried double Doran's (Ring into Dagger) on her top? A D4 guy from my old Ranked 5's team highly recommended it to me, and it felt pretty strong. Start flask/ward/pot, back and buy a ring for mana, and a blade for sustain and become an immovable rock in lane. After that, you can go straight Nashor's into a boots and a defensive item of your choice. Kayle is an insanely effective splitpusher midgame, and transitions into a really good teamfighter later on. Does this set you too far back? You're 850gold farther from Nashor's Tooth -- do you make up for it with subsequent amazing lane presence?
On October 19 2013 07:38 GrandInquisitor wrote:Show nested quote +On October 16 2013 12:54 ticklishmusic wrote: Has anyone tried double Doran's (Ring into Dagger) on her top? A D4 guy from my old Ranked 5's team highly recommended it to me, and it felt pretty strong. Start flask/ward/pot, back and buy a ring for mana, and a blade for sustain and become an immovable rock in lane. After that, you can go straight Nashor's into a boots and a defensive item of your choice. Kayle is an insanely effective splitpusher midgame, and transitions into a really good teamfighter later on. Does this set you too far back? You're 850gold farther from Nashor's Tooth -- do you make up for it with subsequent amazing lane presence?
Honestly, if I went for a Flask start, I would buy one Doran's item maximum. If not, I usually like to get 2 Rings for the sustain.
I think Doran's Blade could also be handy in the Kassadin matchup, but that's about it IMO, I don't like it. Still, to each his own.
On October 19 2013 07:06 HughMyron wrote:Show nested quote +On June 24 2013 05:12 Bladeorade wrote: If someone wants to write the AP Guide I'll post it in the OP since AD Kayle has fallen way out of favor + Show Spoiler + Oh, I'd be willing to write it up haha. I'm only a Platinum, and I was hoping someone like Duocek or Z German or another Solo Queue Kayle Superstar could write it, but I'll do it if nobody else will. I've played Kayle regularly since Open Beta, and she's always been my favorite champion.
Here's a brief miniguide for me to organize my thoughts. I'll flesh this out after my exam I guess.
Overview: Kayle is a relatively simple champion to pick up, and it is easy to use her skills and learn to lasthit effectively with her. However, in order to master Kayle you will need to master stutter-stepping, positioning in teamfights, and executing good ultimates. Kayle is an excellent champion to play against assassins like Zed or Fizz, because you can effectively stop them from killing their intended targets. I recommend picking Kayle when your team already has reliable methods of initiating.
Abilities: P: Autoattack people to stack a shred on them, skill is not as bad as people say it is. Q: Powerful nuke on a low cooldown, and has a substantial slow on it. Max this first in most lanes. W: Heal is relatively weak early on, but the speed boost can help you E: Makes you ranged and your sword throws fire at people (makes no sense to me, but hey, this is League). This skill determines Kayle's power in lane. When it's down, you're really quite weak. Try not to spam this spell, use it when you want to trade or if you need it to lasthit/push. Max this first in farmlanes. R: Some people think this is a bad Zilean ult. They're wrong. Don't use this ult to save low-health people, use it to block large sums of damage on targets that the enemy has already committed on. For example, your Karthus is running into the middle of a fight, and the enemy is trying to blow him up. Ult him, watch them waste a few thousand damage on him before they stop focusing him, and laugh. This skill takes a lot of practice to use effectively.
Masteries: 21/9/0, 21/0/9, 30/0/0 are all viable. I'll put up mastery links later. The only constant is that you want to go ham on the offense tree.
Runes: Attack Speed Reds: AS for better pushing and more autoattacks, and these are the primary choice. Hybrid Pen is the best choice for earlygame damage against champions. Magic Pen is marginally better lategame (thanks to PhoenixVal for the calculations behind this!)
Armor Yellows: Textbook choice on pretty much all champions, Kayle likes these too because she will invariably take creep aggro while autoattack harassing in lane. mp/5 Yellows or HP/Level are viable against Kayle's lane counters (Orianna, Lux, Anivia, etc). You have no way to open aggression on these guys unless they're stupid, so you can use the Yellows of your choice.
Flat MR Yellows: Also the textbook choice against a magic damage foe to mitigate some of their damage. MR/Level is viable if you're not afraid of magic damage early. Flat AP is an option if you want to go full aggro in lane, or if they have one of those teams with negligible magic damage.
Flat AP Quints: Textbook Quints for Kayle, they buff your damage substantially. Movespeed Quints are my favorite, however, because they help quite a bit in lane positioning, dodging skillshots, evading jungler ganks, and getting off that autoattack that you wouldn't have got otherwise.
Skilling Order: R>Q>E>W in most cases, R>E>Q>W in farmlanes or if you have a disadvantage against the enemy laner and can't trade effectively against them.
Item Build: Kayle's build options are pretty limited. She's really only viable because Nashor's Tooth is one of the game's most efficient items, and she can effectively exploit it, so you have to have Nashor's. Anyways: Starting Items: Flask/Ward/Pot (most cases) or Doran's Ring/2 Pots (Yolo Ham Aggro, or a weak ganking jungler). Textbook Build: Boots, Nashor's Tooth, Lich Bane, Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff, Zhonya/QSS/GA.
You can buy an early Doran's Blade, another Doran's Ring, or even an early Seeker's Armguard as you see fit. For boots, do Zerker Greaves if you need them for pushing or sustained damage, but Sorc Shoes are preferred for more burst. Nashor's Tooth is everything Kayle needs. Sheen and then Lich Bane come next because they trivialise your mana costs and help you push and burst people/towers. Rabadon's Deathcap for monster AP, though you can move up Void Staff if against a tanky team. Void Staff is fairly self-explanatory, you get it against teams with a lot of MR. The final item is usually Zhonya's Hourglass for even more AP and the active, but there's room for Guardian's Angel or Mercurial Scimitar if you want to use them. To be honest, Zhonya's is sort of weird on a champion that likes to autoattack, so don't feel like you have to use it.
I'll do the rest later.
I have a huge Excel spreadsheet I made up for different Kayle build damages with 6 seconds of straight attacking. Greaves are very slightly better than Sorc Shoes until you have 6 items. They're cheaper, push faster, and do more damage overall for most of the game. The only time you'd want Sorc Shoes is if you can literally only throw Q's and not auto at all.
I also disagree with ever maxing E first. You'll push faster yes, but even with maxing Q and leaving E at 1 point pushing out a wave is never really an issue for Kayle. You need to get in like 5 auto attacks more than you would normally to make up the damage you lose from maxing E over Q (i.e. if you get in a Q and 2 autos, maxing E you would need to get in a Q and 7 autos to match the damage). It will save you mana though, since E is the only spell that doesn't have a scaling mana cost.
Also if you want to play full Burst Mage Kayle you can go Nashor's Lichbane Dcap DFG Void and literally 2 shot carries with no MR. DFG -> E (Lichbane proc) -> Q You can use W for another Lichbane proc and the speed boost to catch them if they survived.