(flat dmg being better for lasthitting creeps 'n stuff)
[Champion] Caitlyn - Page 5
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Netherlands1021 Posts
(flat dmg being better for lasthitting creeps 'n stuff) | ||
United States20254 Posts
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Korea (South)1615 Posts
21/9/0 standard offense tree + sos armor pen reds flat armor yellows mana regen blues flat ad quints ur core is d-sword,serker,bf sword depending on the teamcomp and how good ur early game farm was u can choose to get ie or thirster if they have lots of bruisers and unignorable threats like noc or jax or something get thrister if u can buy thirster in 14 min get thirster if not buy ie get wriggles if ur supporter sucks get wriggles if ur losing ur lane get wriggles if u kill thier tower super early if u buy wriggles than ur getting ie no questions asked b4 10 min,every time ur forced to base and u dont have enuff gold for a big item buy a doran sword if u have more than 1 dorans,do not buy a wriggle dont ever buy more than 3 dorans ur end game dps items should be ie + dancer + thirster but ur opponents are probably pussys and they bought armor u need to understand that carrys end up hitting tanks most of the time,thier carry wont ever buy fucking armor their tanks will and u need to itemize to damage their tanks not their carrys so if their tanks buy armor u need to stop making dancer or thrister after ie and work on your lw zeal is awesome though,u should buy a zeal after ur ie or thirster if ur dead u do 0 dps its not that hard to understand sometimes the enemy team has unavoidable cc like amumu or ww with flash or ashe arrow or something gay u need to buy qss to counter that shit seriously,its not that hard to understand U NEED TO BUY QSS VS UNAVOIDABLE CC AND U NEED TO GET IT QUICK so lets go over this again u start the game with doran sword and u buy wriggle OR 1~2 more doran swords than u buy a serkers(level 2 boots are retardly costeffective) u buy a big fucking sword asap after ur dorans or wriggles than u decided on what ur first big damage item is going to be ie or thrister after that u buy zeal than u ask urself if u need to buy qss or lw in the near future if so u need to start farming for that shit now after that u finish ur dancer than work on ie or thrister w/e u didnt get game should end by now itemizing ad carrys should be fucking easy but ppl are retarded and buy dumb stuff in lane u have the most range out of anybody but kog using W have ur support ward their foward brush and poke the living shit out of ppl U HAVE THE LONGEST RANGE IN THE GAME MAKE USE OF IT u want to push ur lane as cait ward thier sidebrush or dragon so u dont get jungler ganks and dont be fucking retard crazy even if u dont see the jungler from the ward poke the enemy at thier tower or push down tower in teamfights its very simple u hit w/e is closest from max range just do that and u'll be playing ad carrys right 90%of the time if u see a cc'd enemy carry that u can focus than obviously u focus that fucker even if there's a tank close to u if some1 like noc or jax dives u exhaust and put a trap bit behind u and run the fuck away but u dont just run u fucking kite always be moving and shooting people ur not a real sniper u can move the fuck around while u shoot lol is hax like that ps. u can read this guide a billion times but u'll still suck at cait if u dont play her pss guides are only useful for items and theorycraft u need to play the game psss watching streams is probably the best way to learn pssss ima start streaming within 3 days and u can request cait and ill help psssss im da best and kiruur should marry me already | ||
Germany8679 Posts
Shouldn't it be post post post post post scriptum if anything? You forgot about the skill order. | ||
Netherlands1021 Posts
I need my fiber so I can start streaming! | ||
Netherlands814 Posts
On September 12 2011 17:56 Therealdevil wrote: Added your rant(pointers) to the OP. I need my fiber so I can start streaming! As in fiber optic cables for bandwidth, or fiber so you don't have to crabwalk to the toilet every five minutes? | ||
Netherlands1021 Posts
On September 12 2011 18:26 BouBou.865 wrote: As in fiber optic cables for bandwidth, or fiber so you don't have to crabwalk to the toilet every five minutes? Fiber optic My current upload speed is 120kb/s Makes me lagg when i stream more then 600x400, which is butugly. | ||
Korea (South)1615 Posts
On September 12 2011 17:48 spinesheath wrote: post scriptum scriptum scriptum scriptum scriptum? Shouldn't it be post post post post post scriptum if anything? You forgot about the skill order. so straight foward i didnt bother but since we have our fair share of retards on tl..... wqeqqr after that max r>q>e>w | ||
Germany8679 Posts
On September 12 2011 21:44 locodoco wrote: so straight foward i didnt bother but since we have our fair share of retards on tl..... wqeqqr after that max r>q>e>w And here we are at the only point that is actually worth a discussion: E or W. E's cooldown goes from 20 sec down to 8 sec at rank 5. That's huge. W's cooldown goes from 18 sec down to 10 sec at rank 5. That's not too bad either. Additionally, the slow duration goes up from 1 to 2 seconds, but that shouldn't matter too much. All the other stats can pretty much be ignored for this. I would say that it is more useful to be able to set up 3 traps in 16 seconds, so I max W over E. It fits her playstyle: Siege the enemy base. | ||
Netherlands1021 Posts
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United States1817 Posts
Fishnet is primarily an escape move, which should only need to be used once in a while, so the reduced cooldown isn't super important. However, being able to place cupcakes down more often (and stronger cupcakes) let's you zone your opponent more effectively (the traps hurt more, and you can replace them quicker) which is generally more useful then having a mini-dash on a shorter cooldown. | ||
Korea (South)1615 Posts
u should always have 3 cupcakes down anyways dont see how cd would help | ||
Netherlands1021 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
On September 12 2011 22:20 STS17 wrote: I agree, max cupcakes over the fishnet. Fishnet is primarily an escape move, which should only need to be used once in a while, so the reduced cooldown isn't super important. However, being able to place cupcakes down more often (and stronger cupcakes) let's you zone your opponent more effectively (the traps hurt more, and you can replace them quicker) which is generally more useful then having a mini-dash on a shorter cooldown. By the time you're maxing your second skill, you're thinking about teamfights, and not just laning anymore. As an AD carry I'd rather have the shorter net cooldown to better kite someone who's diving me, rather than the shorter CD snare to to chain off some teammate's CC that I might not actually be able to reach anyway. EDIT: has anyone considered leveling them evenly? It keeps their CDs virtually the same, which means that as far as defensive CC goes, you could use your own nets to lead into a W snare when kiting someone. | ||
United States33802 Posts
Second, I know it's not terribly efficient, but I try to level up W and E evenly, until I feel I need one more than the other. If I'm getting ganked a bunch, I go E because it's a much better GTFO option. If I'm mostly 1v1'ing (especially against melees), W is much better because it's so easy to zone people exactly where you want them, and to give you safe spots where you can trap chasers. In an ideal situation, I take E more, since the mobility is great and it's very unlikely that you need to slam down 3 traps really quickly like that. If you just remember to hit W when it's off CD, it's never really too hard to keep 3 down at once. Also, I've kind of gotten into the habit of going Blade -> Boots -> BFS -> Zeal -> IE/BT -> PD. I thought it was really good getting that extra speed earlier, but I have to go back and agree that upgrading the BFS is much better, as you need the extra damage. Honestly, though, I feel that the Bloodthirster has more to offer than IE. Yes, the crit is nice and you don't need to farm IE after every death, but for the most part, Cait farms so easy that you generally don't need to worry about it, and I don't feel she benefits from crit as much as other champions until she gets more of it. The lifesteal sustain is just, in my opinion, way too good to pass up for a chance of extra damage. I could be wrong, though, and I end up getting IE anyway, just usually after PD. | ||
Germany8679 Posts
With Cait, you typically want to set up 3 traps near an enemy turret and whittle it down safely. Being able to set this up in 16 instead of 40 seconds seems pretty huge to me. I also prefer to lock down enemies with traps over E-ing away. Better control of teamfights, better for focusing people down, and the enemy can't just switch to another target (assuming it's a melee). Kinda worth a mention: Both Westrice and Chaox have Cait guides on Solomid and both max W over E in their skill orders. | ||
China26351 Posts
- Your Q has longer range than your auto, try to always get as many autos in and Q at the end, however your Q takes time to charge up so if you can hit multiple people or it's a sure kill then just use it. Q also does more damage than auto. - Caitlyn is an extremely standard AD carry. You need to be able to animation cancel/orb walk very well with her. There's no Tris Q or Ashe slow to bail you out of microing. In lane you need to get as much out of your autos as possible. Last hit and auto the shit out of your opponents. This might be preference but even though I right click to last hit with some champions I NEVER right click with cait. ALWAYS attack move click creeps and champions. - People are generally too passive with her in lane. You can hide in bush for more crits, but staying outside of the bush will allow you to auto people more often. You can seriously kill everyone with pure autos pre-6 as long as your support knows what's going on. Caitlyn actually requires a decent amount of micro and reaction time. You need to click fast to kite and hit your targets. Everything else about her is extremely standard. I run the exact same setup as locodoco except for wriggles. Btw once I was at base alt tabbed out then when I tabbed back locodoco died to one of my traps I placed randomly 20min ago to give me free gold, thnx loco. | ||
Korea (South)1615 Posts
On September 12 2011 23:43 zulu_nation8 wrote: Some things I learned that may seem obvious but are harder to execute: - Your Q has longer range than your auto, try to always get as many autos in and Q at the end, however your Q takes time to charge up so if you can hit multiple people or it's a sure kill then just use it. Q also does more damage than auto. - Caitlyn is an extremely standard AD carry. You need to be able to animation cancel/orb walk very well with her. There's no Tris Q or Ashe slow to bail you out of microing. In lane you need to get as much out of your autos as possible. Last hit and auto the shit out of your opponents. This might be preference but even though I right click to last hit with some champions I NEVER right click with cait. ALWAYS attack move click creeps and champions. - People are generally too passive with her in lane. You can hide in bush for more crits, but staying outside of the bush will allow you to auto people more often. You can seriously kill everyone with pure autos pre-6 as long as your support knows what's going on. Caitlyn actually requires a decent amount of micro and reaction time. You need to click fast to kite and hit your targets. Everything else about her is extremely standard. I run the exact same setup as locodoco except for wriggles. Btw once I was at base alt tabbed out then when I tabbed back locodoco died to one of my traps I placed randomly 20min ago to give me free gold, thnx loco. whats ur name in game? and 1 more thing after u get zeal ur autos do more dps than Q if u got thirster first over ie its okay to use Q until u get dancer | ||
United States33802 Posts
On September 12 2011 23:34 spinesheath wrote: Of course we aren't specifically talking about laning when we discuss which ability to max second. With Cait, you typically want to set up 3 traps near an enemy turret and whittle it down safely. Being able to set this up in 16 instead of 40 seconds seems pretty huge to me. I also prefer to lock down enemies with traps over E-ing away. Better control of teamfights, better for focusing people down, and the enemy can't just switch to another target (assuming it's a melee). Kinda worth a mention: Both Saintvicious and Chaox have Cait guides on Solomid and both max W over E in their skill orders. Good point there. Indeed, three traps can shut down a turret choke pretty effectively. There are, however, champions that they're just plain not good against. Anyone who can just 'port over them, like Ez or Trist, will just laugh when you try to put them down. In that regard, I feel that Net is much better. Like I said in my post, I don't always do one or the other, I think it's one of those things that varies based on the match and you need to be able to call an audible on. Traps are more useful in a variety of situations, but sometimes Net will save your life. | ||
United States47024 Posts
On September 12 2011 23:34 spinesheath wrote: Kinda worth a mention: Both Saintvicious and Chaox have Cait guides on Solomid and both max W over E in their skill orders. You mean Westrice? And I was under the impression that Chaox's Solomid guides were all semi-troll, given that when asked about whether he actually used the Irelia setup in his guide, his answer was along the lines of "hell no", and given that he suggests Zeal before completed BF item in every one of his ranged carry guides. | ||
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