Caitlyn is the sexy sheriff of Piltover whose range can only be rivaled by late game Tristana and Ezreal. I like to pick her because its relatively safe to be aggressive with her due to the traps you can place and slowing people down whilst getting knocked back. Combined with her range its quite hard to get a hold of her without popping a flash. And I haven't even mentioned her amazing voice!
Most of this guide will be written from the European meta game in mind so bear with you silly Americans. (I will talk a lot about dual laning with a support, not so much about soloing)
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![[image loading]](
Activation: Every 6/7/8 attacks
Damage: 150% to champions 250% to minions
This kind of cool gimmick Caitlyn possesses can be quite helpful when fighting bottom lane, its insanely easy to cs from the bushes and therefor easier to get your head shots off. If you're a lucky guy then you'll get a crit off on your headshot and ruin your oppositions life. This happens all the time in lategame ofcourse. (With IE this gives you a whopping 300% damage shots)
Now let us talk about how headshot makes no sense at all. How can you get a headshot every 8/7/6 attacks? It makes no sense at all! Does it mean Caitlyn isn't even trying and just pops a proper shot every so often? I doubt it. Anyways lets get on with the rest of her skills.
![[image loading]](
Piltover peacemaker
Manacost: 50/60/70/80/90
Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6
Physical damage: 20/65/110/155/200 (+1.3 per attack damage)
Range: 1300
Now this move is one of my favourites. During the laning phase this move deals insane damage and is quite hard to dodge. It takes 1 second to charge this move up and deals less damage as it passes through targets (15% per target down to a minimum of 40%)
If your terrible with this skill just wait till they walk into your traps to make it easier for you.
![[image loading]](
Yordle snap trap
Manacost: 50
Cooldown: 20/17/14/11/8
Magical damage: 80/130/180/230/280 (+0.6 per ability power)
Cast range 800
Activation range: 150
This trap is so fun! Together with Taric or Janna's help it is easy to use it to get kills early. Not to mention, it stops those annoying supports like Sona from harassing you if you place them in the bushes! Its an amazing tool, really. You can even use it to check bushes so you won't have to face check them. Talk about a multiple purpose tool.
Also if your wondering what Yordle's are, no one is exactly sure but I can tell you that Corki, Tristana, Poppy, Veigar, Heimerdinger, Amumu are Yordle's. Some say they're small furries but then why isn't Kennen one of them? It makes no sense I tell you.
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90 caliber net
Manacost: 75
Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10
Magical damage: 80/130/180/230/280 (+0.8 per ability power)
Cast range: 800
Knockback range: 400
Slow duration & percentage: 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2
This is purely a escape mechanism, or you can chase people by jumping over obstacles (small ones) Using this to jump through stuff like Karthus his slow will still slow you down, unlike Akali who can just troll through everything with her jump.
![[image loading]](
Ace in the hole
Manacost: 100
Cooldown: 90/75/60
Physical damage: 250/475/700 (+2 per bonus attack damage)
Range: 1900/2050/2200
Projectile speed: 3200
Standard long range ultimate, can be intercepted by the enemy (including copies/clones etc.), nothing special to see here, move along.
Summoner spells
Must need, I feel no need to explain why because its obvious, not to mention that this is still the strongest summoner spell in existence.
This is what I always get as my second spell. Mostly due to personal preference but I feel that you get a major advantage when you don't have to walk a minute to your lane to continue farming when you return to base due to unforeseen or foreseen circumstances. Also being able to join a fight soon around mid game whilst you farm on the other side of the map is a pretty useful capability.
A strong spell for bottom lane, you should get this if you don't like teleport. It turns the tide when tristana/corki jumps on you.
You can definitely get ghost, i just don't think its such a useful skill to have, you won't be doing much chasing anyway.
Runes & Masteries
I just get standard AD runes and masteries.
21/0/9 taking all the obvious stuff. I prefer greed over mana regeneration and buff duration in the utility tree but that's your own choice. As for runes I get:
9 armor penetration red's
9 dodge runes or
9 manaregen runes or
9 flat armor runes
9 flat or lvl Magic resistance
3 armor penetration or
3 flat damage
The reasoning behind flat damage quints is to increase the window of time you have to lasthit a creep so you have more time to harass, position etc.
For lasthitting the 9 armor penetration reds are enough to give the creeps "0" armor, making armor penetration quints only slightly better against heroes then the flat damage, which are better for cs.
Item build
I always start with a Doran's blade, I saw someone mention boots 3 pots in the general thread. This is very doable if you have Soraka or Janna in your lane for damage/heals, but Doran's makes it easier to last hit creeps which is quite important for an AD carry.
When I go back to base the first time I like to grab 3 Doran's blades in total and then Beserker's greaves. Beserker's has priority if your low on money.
When you get those items your next goal should be Infinity's Edge because it stacks nicely with your Headshot and its just the core item Caitlyn's damage is based on.
After you finish Infinity's edge you're going to want to go for phantom dancer or just zeal when you feel you need to make banshees first. After Phantom Dancer most people run Bloodthirster for damage, I don't, I grab The Black Cleaver, because you really can't ignore tanks like some carries can, and this helps you melt them faster.
As for your 6Th item (By now you have Beserker's, Infinity's Edge, Phantom dancer, Black cleaver and banshees.) This is mostly your own choice, but I say, get damage.
Play style
Most of the time I pick trap as my first spell because the level 1 Q damage is not big enough to justify not picking a disable for level 1 fights and bush checking purposes.
As the game start just go to your lane after you walk around blue a bit protecting your poor little jungler. (you could even help him out a bit as long as you don't miss more then 1 creep.) You'll spend most of your time (trying to harass) harassing your opponent, depending on what support player he has for assistance your gonna want to target him or his support player. Be sure to keep 1 trap in the jungler-come-from-there bush and use the other 2 to further your harass or just destroy/kill your opponent. If the opposing support player is being annoying from the bush just pop a trap there and kill him.
As you wander into the middle of the game you'll have probably destroyed your tower a while ago, this is something that just happens when your Caitlyn. Just try to find as much farm as possible, farming the jungle you should do while standing in bushes, obviously. Caitlyn can easily solo red etc. without effort when you stand in the bush and have 3 Doran's blade's for regeneration. If the other tower's are not yet down go to those lanes take the towers, money for your team is good, be sure to keep your teleport for getting to your team quickly when necessary, don't use it to farm anymore. When you get IE you'll notice that squishy's die so fast its funny.
Around late game your only purpose in this game is auto attacking, not dying and catching stranglers with your ultimate.
Best type of allies in the lane
Pretty much anything that can stun can help you hit your traps and net you some kills. (not netting with the 90 cal net of course this was meant in the figurative sense)
Obviously some heroes are better at this then others. I'd like to point out that Janna and Taric both posses amazing abilities to help you stay in the lane, deal damage and give you a amazing advantage.
Who/what you want to avoid
Caitlyn's biggest weakness is when someone jumps on her, its really hard for her to get out of melee range, this is why its crucial that you stay at a good distance from people who can jump on you during team fights. Heroes like Tryndamere and Akali are very hard to stop for our cute little sheriff, they're rare picks in higher rated games though so not that big of a problem, but they still exist to make your life harder.
Caitlyn doesn't have much strange builds or weird masteries/runes but shes fun to play as an AD hero but she has all kinds of cool gimmicks you will learn to use in all kinds of ways when you get better with her. Getting farmed feels very satisfying and wins you games quite easily, and its not that hard to get farmed with her range and skillset.
Just one last thing you guys should keep in your mind when you play her:
Steal kills with your ultimate. Your a carry so just do it.
Loco's pointers:
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On September 12 2011 10:33 locodoco wrote:
zz u guys suck so ima teach u how to cait
standard offense tree + sos
armor pen reds
flat armor yellows
mana regen blues
flat ad quints
ur core is d-sword,serker,bf sword
depending on the teamcomp and how good ur early game farm was u can choose to get ie or thirster
if they have lots of bruisers and unignorable threats like noc or jax or something get thrister
if u can buy thirster in 14 min get thirster
if not buy ie
get wriggles if ur supporter sucks
get wriggles if ur losing ur lane
get wriggles if u kill thier tower super early
if u buy wriggles than ur getting ie no questions asked
b4 10 min,every time ur forced to base and u dont have enuff gold for a big item buy a doran sword
if u have more than 1 dorans,do not buy a wriggle
dont ever buy more than 3 dorans
ur end game dps items should be ie + dancer + thirster
but ur opponents are probably pussys and they bought armor
u need to understand that carrys end up hitting tanks most of the time,thier carry wont ever buy fucking armor their tanks will and u need to itemize to damage their tanks not their carrys so if their tanks buy armor u need to stop making dancer or thrister after ie and work on your lw
zeal is awesome though,u should buy a zeal after ur ie or thirster
if ur dead u do 0 dps
its not that hard to understand
sometimes the enemy team has unavoidable cc like amumu or ww with flash or ashe arrow or something gay
u need to buy qss to counter that shit
seriously,its not that hard to understand U NEED TO BUY QSS VS UNAVOIDABLE CC AND U NEED TO GET IT QUICK
so lets go over this again
u start the game with doran sword and u buy wriggle OR 1~2 more doran swords
than u buy a serkers(level 2 boots are retardly costeffective)
u buy a big fucking sword asap after ur dorans or wriggles
than u decided on what ur first big damage item is going to be ie or thrister
after that u buy zeal
than u ask urself if u need to buy qss or lw in the near future
if so u need to start farming for that shit now
after that u finish ur dancer than work on ie or thrister w/e u didnt get
game should end by now
itemizing ad carrys should be fucking easy but ppl are retarded and buy dumb stuff
in lane u have the most range out of anybody but kog using W
have ur support ward their foward brush and poke the living shit out of ppl
u want to push ur lane as cait
ward thier sidebrush or dragon so u dont get jungler ganks and dont be fucking retard crazy even if u dont see the jungler from the ward
poke the enemy at thier tower or push down tower
in teamfights its very simple
u hit w/e is closest from max range
just do that and u'll be playing ad carrys right 90%of the time
if u see a cc'd enemy carry that u can focus than obviously u focus that fucker even if there's a tank close to u
if some1 like noc or jax dives u exhaust and put a trap bit behind u and run the fuck away
but u dont just run u fucking kite
always be moving and shooting people
ur not a real sniper u can move the fuck around while u shoot
lol is hax like that
ps. u can read this guide a billion times but u'll still suck at cait if u dont play her
pss guides are only useful for items and theorycraft u need to play the game
psss watching streams is probably the best way to learn
pssss ima start streaming within 3 days and u can request cait and ill help
psssss im da best and kiruur should marry me already
zz u guys suck so ima teach u how to cait
standard offense tree + sos
armor pen reds
flat armor yellows
mana regen blues
flat ad quints
ur core is d-sword,serker,bf sword
depending on the teamcomp and how good ur early game farm was u can choose to get ie or thirster
if they have lots of bruisers and unignorable threats like noc or jax or something get thrister
if u can buy thirster in 14 min get thirster
if not buy ie
get wriggles if ur supporter sucks
get wriggles if ur losing ur lane
get wriggles if u kill thier tower super early
if u buy wriggles than ur getting ie no questions asked
b4 10 min,every time ur forced to base and u dont have enuff gold for a big item buy a doran sword
if u have more than 1 dorans,do not buy a wriggle
dont ever buy more than 3 dorans
ur end game dps items should be ie + dancer + thirster
but ur opponents are probably pussys and they bought armor
u need to understand that carrys end up hitting tanks most of the time,thier carry wont ever buy fucking armor their tanks will and u need to itemize to damage their tanks not their carrys so if their tanks buy armor u need to stop making dancer or thrister after ie and work on your lw
zeal is awesome though,u should buy a zeal after ur ie or thirster
if ur dead u do 0 dps
its not that hard to understand
sometimes the enemy team has unavoidable cc like amumu or ww with flash or ashe arrow or something gay
u need to buy qss to counter that shit
seriously,its not that hard to understand U NEED TO BUY QSS VS UNAVOIDABLE CC AND U NEED TO GET IT QUICK
so lets go over this again
u start the game with doran sword and u buy wriggle OR 1~2 more doran swords
than u buy a serkers(level 2 boots are retardly costeffective)
u buy a big fucking sword asap after ur dorans or wriggles
than u decided on what ur first big damage item is going to be ie or thrister
after that u buy zeal
than u ask urself if u need to buy qss or lw in the near future
if so u need to start farming for that shit now
after that u finish ur dancer than work on ie or thrister w/e u didnt get
game should end by now
itemizing ad carrys should be fucking easy but ppl are retarded and buy dumb stuff
in lane u have the most range out of anybody but kog using W
have ur support ward their foward brush and poke the living shit out of ppl
u want to push ur lane as cait
ward thier sidebrush or dragon so u dont get jungler ganks and dont be fucking retard crazy even if u dont see the jungler from the ward
poke the enemy at thier tower or push down tower
in teamfights its very simple
u hit w/e is closest from max range
just do that and u'll be playing ad carrys right 90%of the time
if u see a cc'd enemy carry that u can focus than obviously u focus that fucker even if there's a tank close to u
if some1 like noc or jax dives u exhaust and put a trap bit behind u and run the fuck away
but u dont just run u fucking kite
always be moving and shooting people
ur not a real sniper u can move the fuck around while u shoot
lol is hax like that
ps. u can read this guide a billion times but u'll still suck at cait if u dont play her
pss guides are only useful for items and theorycraft u need to play the game
psss watching streams is probably the best way to learn
pssss ima start streaming within 3 days and u can request cait and ill help
psssss im da best and kiruur should marry me already
Edit: Added rune choices, took away flat AD again shortly after due to spines theorycrafting on page 2.