On July 31 2013 07:27 Complete wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2013 05:43 krndandaman wrote:On July 31 2013 04:21 ReketSomething wrote:I still think bead + 5 isn't as good and is only good if you value a early ward as Jax. Jax doesn't push that hard pre-6 anyways. Locket seems interesting though. It always makes me happy when I see triforce on Jax despite it maybe not being the best build  #s2jax4ever According to koreans trinity force is a must-buy on jax, why do you say it's not the best item for jax? botrk is better and you have to go tanky after that.
i like how one of the best if not the best top laner in the world (shy) thinks trinity is better than botrk and you can just one-liner NOPE that kind of credibility
I was buying BotRk everytime for the sustain but then I got bored of having so little burst and to rely on a 60s cd active to catch people so I just went "fuck it" and tried to get triforce to work off of 1-2 dblades worth of sustain.
It still feels super awkward to build with the phage cost and the way sheen's components don't give you much ('cept the ability to spam a combo with Q and W 2 times more). That or I can't manage my wave/health good enough to get enough gold for a straight-up phage or sheen in one back.
Thanks for the advice. I'll experiment more with cloth 5 and dblade starts on Jax. Just as a random side note, I was watching godJJ's stream earlier this morning and I'm pretty sure their team had a Jax that rushed Trinity and was getting pretty fed. I could be mistaken on this one as I was mainly noting what was going on in bottom lane.
On July 31 2013 07:41 Slayer91 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2013 07:27 Complete wrote:On July 31 2013 05:43 krndandaman wrote:On July 31 2013 04:21 ReketSomething wrote:I still think bead + 5 isn't as good and is only good if you value a early ward as Jax. Jax doesn't push that hard pre-6 anyways. Locket seems interesting though. It always makes me happy when I see triforce on Jax despite it maybe not being the best build  #s2jax4ever According to koreans trinity force is a must-buy on jax, why do you say it's not the best item for jax? botrk is better and you have to go tanky after that. i like how one of the best if not the best top laner in the world (shy) thinks trinity is better than botrk and you can just one-liner NOPE that kind of credibility
a) not everybody cares about the pro scene. I don't know or care who that is or what he said. b) he asked why he said its not the best item and I answered. Learn to read before you bring sarcasm in to the conversation, idiot.
On July 31 2013 10:15 Complete wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2013 07:41 Slayer91 wrote:On July 31 2013 07:27 Complete wrote:On July 31 2013 05:43 krndandaman wrote:On July 31 2013 04:21 ReketSomething wrote:I still think bead + 5 isn't as good and is only good if you value a early ward as Jax. Jax doesn't push that hard pre-6 anyways. Locket seems interesting though. It always makes me happy when I see triforce on Jax despite it maybe not being the best build  #s2jax4ever According to koreans trinity force is a must-buy on jax, why do you say it's not the best item for jax? botrk is better and you have to go tanky after that. i like how one of the best if not the best top laner in the world (shy) thinks trinity is better than botrk and you can just one-liner NOPE that kind of credibility a) not everybody cares about the pro scene. I don't know or care who that is or what he said. b) he asked why he said its not the best item and I answered. Learn to read before you bring sarcasm in to the conversation, idiot.
The point is one of the best players in the world (whether you know who he is or not is irrelevant) clearly thinks that the item is worth buying against other top players. Dismissing it with an offhand line isn't really adequate for the discussion because there's clearly value in the item.
On July 31 2013 10:15 Complete wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2013 07:41 Slayer91 wrote:On July 31 2013 07:27 Complete wrote:On July 31 2013 05:43 krndandaman wrote:On July 31 2013 04:21 ReketSomething wrote:I still think bead + 5 isn't as good and is only good if you value a early ward as Jax. Jax doesn't push that hard pre-6 anyways. Locket seems interesting though. It always makes me happy when I see triforce on Jax despite it maybe not being the best build  #s2jax4ever According to koreans trinity force is a must-buy on jax, why do you say it's not the best item for jax? botrk is better and you have to go tanky after that. i like how one of the best if not the best top laner in the world (shy) thinks trinity is better than botrk and you can just one-liner NOPE that kind of credibility a) not everybody cares about the pro scene. I don't know or care who that is or what he said. b) he asked why he said its not the best item and I answered. Learn to read before you bring sarcasm in to the conversation, idiot. Except you didn't even give a reason, you gave a conclusory statement that another item is better, so therefore you can't buy the first item as your damage item. Okay, that teaches nothing -- you said one item is better because it's better.
If you gave an explanation of why you think bork is better, I don't think Teut would have made a sarcastic comment. Sure, you'd still be at odds with a top player, but at least you'd have a real reason.
Honestly, BotRK+Trifroce is best if possible (which is even what Shy and Flame said in the top lane lesson). It gives you the ability to burst squishes extremely quickly while also sticking to them.
I never said my opinion on which the best item is, I commented what somebody elses opinion is. I even told you guys to read his post and you still failed. Stop bickering at me.
On July 31 2013 11:11 Complete wrote: I never said my opinion on which the best item is,
On July 31 2013 07:27 Complete wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2013 05:43 krndandaman wrote:On July 31 2013 04:21 ReketSomething wrote:I still think bead + 5 isn't as good and is only good if you value a early ward as Jax. Jax doesn't push that hard pre-6 anyways. Locket seems interesting though. It always makes me happy when I see triforce on Jax despite it maybe not being the best build  #s2jax4ever According to koreans trinity force is a must-buy on jax, why do you say it's not the best item for jax? botrk is better.
why do you say it's not the best item for jax?
No dude. He never said what the best item is, only that botrk is better. That doesn't mean it's the BEST item. This absolves him of any retardedness.
On July 31 2013 10:15 Complete wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2013 07:41 Slayer91 wrote:On July 31 2013 07:27 Complete wrote:On July 31 2013 05:43 krndandaman wrote:On July 31 2013 04:21 ReketSomething wrote:I still think bead + 5 isn't as good and is only good if you value a early ward as Jax. Jax doesn't push that hard pre-6 anyways. Locket seems interesting though. It always makes me happy when I see triforce on Jax despite it maybe not being the best build  #s2jax4ever According to koreans trinity force is a must-buy on jax, why do you say it's not the best item for jax? botrk is better and you have to go tanky after that. i like how one of the best if not the best top laner in the world (shy) thinks trinity is better than botrk and you can just one-liner NOPE that kind of credibility a) not everybody cares about the pro scene. I don't know or care who that is or what he said. b) he asked why he said its not the best item and I answered. Learn to read before you bring sarcasm in to the conversation, idiot.
This is pretty hilarious.
What a joyful clusterfuck we have here. Instead of discussing non related semantics we better talk about jax. Is building rageblade (+ tri +botrk, rest defensive) still viable on him?
Any thread Slayer is posting in is going to have whiny bullshit, it's been that way in GD too! I think XilzDark got him ragey.
Anyways, I really do think Triforce tanky is still the route to go with Jax, and with Shy saying that too I'm likely to agree with him. It's just too easy to have sheen procs that way, and his damage is much higher imo.
On July 31 2013 21:46 Uldridge wrote: What a joyful clusterfuck we have here. Instead of discussing non related semantics we better talk about jax. Is building rageblade (+ tri +botrk, rest defensive) still viable on him?
3 offensive items is really pushing it as a Jax. You can get away with something like Wit's End because its a hybrid item, but if you get rageblade as your 3rd you probably have to win early.
New York City13113 Posts
The video describes Shy's build as Doran's -> Phage -> Boots -> Sheen -> Triforce -> Merc Treads -> BotRK
Earlier, the commentator asks Shy why he doesn't go for BotRK first, since many people like it, and he just says Trinity Force is too good on Jax and that it feels right. But he goes on to say that BotRK is very important and still core on Jax because of the life steal.
From the video it seems like the dblade is his starting item, and Phage the next one. I know you aren't supposed to push as Jax so it's not that bad not to have wards, but it's still not much sustain, especially considering that you won't be able to auto as easily as a marksman to make the on-hit sustain beat potions/flask.
Trinity force is still a great item, it just costs a lot. Shy played a lot of Jax in S2 where consistent DPS was very strong for bruisers and Jax was squishier and had a lot more DPS and dueling power. In S2 everyone built Triforce into GA (or gunblade). Triforce and GA were both stronger items, phage was a lot cheaper so you could buy it earlier in lane. In S3 most people build Jax a lot tankier, going Botrk into warmogs/randuins. As for Botrk, Bilgewater Cutlass is just such a strong item in lane.
Anyways, after playing a lot of S2 Jax, getting a Botrk really doesn't feel right. Triforce and maybe Gunblade makes you a 1v1 monster against anyone and is honestly just a lot more fun and feels a lot more correct. The problem is often times in teamfights you get bursted in 1 second and don't do any damage, so Botrk is more popular with tank items.
Rageblade/nashors with Trinity/Gunblade is really troll dps in normals (especially no CC enemy team) if you are 10-0-0 and then you can proceed to 1v5 enemy team.
edit: And starting with Dorans is bad; theres no way you can last unless you have TP. I think he means that you can buy Dorans as an early item. Dorans is basically Core on Jax and you almost always should get 1 or 2 despite having money for a mid sized item. I read in a high ELO guide a while back that if you have 1200, dont buy sheen (age of trinity) and instead buy 2 dorans pots and wards.