[Champion] Jax - Page 43
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United States19143 Posts
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United States816 Posts
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United States2405 Posts
On August 28 2013 03:24 Slusher wrote: when I am ahead on Jax (I'm talking like a full 1500g of items ahead) how do I put pressure on the tower vs tops who can't be dove. In this scenario I was vs a Trynd but could be say kennen as well, looking for tips. If the champ in question also has good waveclear in addition to strong anti-dive, then you can't really put pressure on the tower. Tryndamere and kennen both fall under this category, so there really isn't much you can do to these champs. If you notice that they try to waveclear as soon as they see you leave lane, you can just hide in the bush and wait for them to clear, then freeze the lane by your tower, at which point they can't do anything since you're 1500g ahead and can easily go all-in for a kill as soon as they come near you. edit: kennen can't really wave-clear fast until he gets level 4/5 in his W, which won't be until level 12-13, so in the early-game kennen is susceptible to lane shoving. The best way to harass under tower is to walk up, hit with an empowered ult proc, then quickly jump away to a friendly minion. If you do it right you only take one tower shot. | ||
United States19143 Posts
^top lane Kennen should be W max vs. melee. | ||
Australia20 Posts
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United States19143 Posts
Q:2LS 1AD R:AD Y:AR B:MR/lvl I could see aspd reds being good though, I also really want to try split pen reds but that would require me to be manly enough to open dblade and I just am not that manly. I do split pen on alternate maps where you can open with 500g+ of items and it's pretty nice. | ||
United States2382 Posts
I rushed the old phage>tri a lot (in games where I could harass) because it was phenomenal for trading, but I feel like it's a lot better for guys like Udyr or something that orb walk a ton now, you know? I usually start cloth 5 in most cases unless it's a faceroll lane, then I'm picking up 2 doran's and boots my first back, then going straight for BotRK from there. I feel like I'm without sheen for a long time though and I feel like that's such a good item on jax. Do you guys just straight up rush the BotRK or do you do something different? | ||
Australia2470 Posts
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United States109 Posts
as for itemizing I rush TF, then either go for randuins or a witts end if I need more mr, then go zypher, ga. the items feel pretty solid, anyone else run witts on jax? | ||
France45622 Posts
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United States2405 Posts
The CDR alone on SV heavily outweighs anything Wit's End can offer. But even on top of that everything on SV is useful. | ||
United States2382 Posts
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France45622 Posts
I tend to spend a lot on pots though. | ||
Canada10567 Posts
Lifesteal quints help a lot if you can afford it. | ||
United States816 Posts
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United States7572 Posts
Wouldnt it be better to just pick up a hydra and get the mega fast waveclear he is missing? With that kind of pushing power he becomes a split push terror with his crazy dueling potential. | ||
Austria1544 Posts
atk speed, slow (something he doesnt have) and lifesteal. Basically it comes down to botrk or gunblade, and I like the buildpath of botrk better. The thing is, he doesn't 100% need either item, but if you have the luxury to build 2 offensive items I'd go triforce botrk. Usually I built triforce than at least one tank item (either spirit visage or randuins depending on enemy team etc.). Simply because a Jax with 2 big items is a major threat. If your good enough that you are never out of position in teamfights you can go full glass cannon and rely on the ult for all your defensive needs, but personally I'm not good enough for that ![]() | ||
France45622 Posts
There are also a bunch of annoying lanes for Jax where he can't freely jump at his opponent and hit him until he gives in, or he gets harassed a bunch, or the opponent has sustain, etc. and BotRK's sustain was the solution to keep him in lane and allow him to rely on base damage to win the trades. Basically, pre-Triforce buff BotRK was the staple, safe option, and Triforce was the superior burst/damage option that you couldn't run into every lane but would prioritise every time you could. The new build-up is a lot smoother and the new Phage passive also eases his mana costs/mobility (don't need to burn Q anymore to reach someone, esp. melee champs, last hit a creep with your 2nd hit then run at them) which helps his trading and early power a lot. | ||
Australia2003 Posts
Sure, TF/BotRK is awesome, but Nashors/Zephyr (to semi-randomly pick two items) trucks people pretty stupid hard as well, as does IE/Shiv or WE/IBG etc. It might be just my experience but I feel like he rewards players that can build adaptively because of this. | ||
United States1864 Posts
There's still a lot more options on him than normal champions have though, and I'd at least say that the 'bad' purchases aren't as bad as 'bad' items are on others. | ||
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