On July 06 2013 00:48 Flakes wrote: Has anyone tried going (Ruby) Sightstone after BoRK? It seems like it would work really well for split-push Jax: vision to spot people coming, and enough charges left to ward-jump to safety if needed.
And sometimes your team just needs the wards
If I was deciding on sightstone, I would get it early rather than after BoTRK. Much like heart of gold, if I was planning on getting the sightstone I'm basically hedging on long term where as BoTRK gives me options to roam and play aggro and I'll unlikely be able to find the space to get 950 for two wards and some health. I do think there's some merit to getting a sightstone though as a rushed item in lane against a passive lane.
In principle I could see sight stone being quite strong on Jax, but realistically it only makes sense to me after getting BotRK and some resists. Unless the laning phase drags out forever and an age. Shame too, being able to have the option to ward hop at all times and troll away would be great.
Watchign that Summer lessons TOP video that's being spammed around made me inspired to try to improve at jax top. A few questions...
What do you max first, in what circumstances? Most guides i'm finding on Solomid seem to disagree (one will say leap first, then empower, some say leap first then counter, some say empower first, etc). I'm sure it has to do with the matchup and the situation you're in (I could imagine if you can't really be agressive maxing Q first might be a misplay), but just curious to hear imput from some top rate jax players
Also, shy said he likes tri force on jax, while almost every guide pimps out BotRK. What are the advantages to each, and how much are you giving up to get tri first?
Also, what do you run on blues? I see some people going for AP/lvl instead of Mr/Lvl to get that extra bit of boost. Is this worth it in your opinion?
It's usually R>W>Q>E because dps>mobility>utility, although against ranged lanes (typically Kennen, Vlad, etc. before) where you need to close in on them maxing Q lets you initiate trades more often. You have less dps but since they tend to disengage asap anyway, most of the time you'll just double-tap minions, Leap, ult proc, and if they don't move you reset your aa with W and keep wailing away. Once they disengage you just wai for Q to be ready again, rinse-and-repeat. This way of trading also works better with Sheen/Triforce. You lack sustain but if you can force trades often you'll wear off the enemy rather quickly. On the other hand you won't be able to stick easily unless you get a phage proc (but the BotRK active has a 60s cd so it's to all-in/guarantee a won trade only).
I never know how to build Triforce properly now though. Phage is the best component stats-wise and utility-wise but it's so damn expensive is really feels like a waste if your opponent gets almost anything else in that price range, urgh. And it's components are rather mediocre. Zeal is inexpensive but it's a dps item. Sheen is good once completed but if you can't build it in one go it really doesn't bring much considering how little use Jax has of the stats.
Typical path would be what, bead+ward+pots -> double dblades -> phage -> sheen -> triforce with boots in there somewhere?
Wouldn't you rather than Wriggles than Sightstone then? Doesn't cost that much more and gives armor, lifeleech, and damage
Wriggles has a CD though. And Sightstone do give HP.
On July 25 2013 14:59 Arisen wrote: Watchign that Summer lessons TOP video that's being spammed around made me inspired to try to improve at jax top. A few questions...
What do you max first, in what circumstances? Most guides i'm finding on Solomid seem to disagree (one will say leap first, then empower, some say leap first then counter, some say empower first, etc). I'm sure it has to do with the matchup and the situation you're in (I could imagine if you can't really be agressive maxing Q first might be a misplay), but just curious to hear imput from some top rate jax players
Also, shy said he likes tri force on jax, while almost every guide pimps out BotRK. What are the advantages to each, and how much are you giving up to get tri first?
Also, what do you run on blues? I see some people going for AP/lvl instead of Mr/Lvl to get that extra bit of boost. Is this worth it in your opinion? Do you know if they have Eng Sub on those Learn to play OGN youtube vid?
On July 26 2013 05:29 nosliw wrote:Show nested quote +On July 25 2013 14:59 Arisen wrote: Watchign that Summer lessons TOP video that's being spammed around made me inspired to try to improve at jax top. A few questions...
What do you max first, in what circumstances? Most guides i'm finding on Solomid seem to disagree (one will say leap first, then empower, some say leap first then counter, some say empower first, etc). I'm sure it has to do with the matchup and the situation you're in (I could imagine if you can't really be agressive maxing Q first might be a misplay), but just curious to hear imput from some top rate jax players
Also, shy said he likes tri force on jax, while almost every guide pimps out BotRK. What are the advantages to each, and how much are you giving up to get tri first?
Also, what do you run on blues? I see some people going for AP/lvl instead of Mr/Lvl to get that extra bit of boost. Is this worth it in your opinion? Do you know if they have Eng Sub on those Learn to play OGN youtube vid? Top lane does, idk about jungle
So, I'm starting to get better of jax, but I'm still confused on when to know how to build him situationally.
-When do you go doran's? I usually build 2 no matter what. I think maybe this is a waste if I'm ahead already because I'm not going to need that extra health right away. Maybe it's always good, and I'm just overthinking it.
-Should I be starting with BotRK? I'm really liking building triforce straight, but, I am really outplaying most of my opponents, so I'm not really sure if it's good or if I just could have built anything
-When should I buy MoM (hexdrinker)? It seems like a good item on jax, but I'm not sure about when to build it.
On July 30 2013 12:57 Arisen wrote: So, I'm starting to get better of jax, but I'm still confused on when to know how to build him situationally.
-When do you go doran's? I usually build 2 no matter what. I think maybe this is a waste if I'm ahead already because I'm not going to need that extra health right away. Maybe it's always good, and I'm just overthinking it.
-Should I be starting with BotRK? I'm really liking building triforce straight, but, I am really outplaying most of my opponents, so I'm not really sure if it's good or if I just could have built anything
-When should I buy MoM (hexdrinker)? It seems like a good item on jax, but I'm not sure about when to build it.
botrk is the better laning item, triforce is the better item. Get whichever will help you farm.
Dblade is situational, but 99% of the time get one. Two if you're losing. You shouldn't be lacking for slots, and as top lane, cheap efficient stats are the way to go.
hex is if you're up against an AP lane, and it's somewhat even. Probably the single strongest anti-ap laning item for a bruiser. MoM is a 6th slot I-can't-sell-hex item.
Hey guys, so I was brushing up on some top laners while playing with some friends in normals, and I ran into a Jax vs Yorick match up. Now I know laning against yorick is one of those where I just need to farm/live through it, taking the cs I can get under my tower. The matchup went about as good as it could have for me, was tough early but I lived and then he died to zac gank while he was under my tower. However I'm not the most familiar with tops, and I had no idea what item to start in such a lane. I didnt want dshield since a lot of Yorick's damage is coming from the ghouls, so I ended up just starting rejuve bead with a ward and some health pots, then going for a quick vamp into botrk and following it up with a warmogs. What would you guys recommend for starting items in such a lane?
New York City13113 Posts
On July 26 2013 05:29 nosliw wrote:Show nested quote +On July 25 2013 14:59 Arisen wrote: Watchign that Summer lessons TOP video that's being spammed around made me inspired to try to improve at jax top. A few questions...
What do you max first, in what circumstances? Most guides i'm finding on Solomid seem to disagree (one will say leap first, then empower, some say leap first then counter, some say empower first, etc). I'm sure it has to do with the matchup and the situation you're in (I could imagine if you can't really be agressive maxing Q first might be a misplay), but just curious to hear imput from some top rate jax players
Also, shy said he likes tri force on jax, while almost every guide pimps out BotRK. What are the advantages to each, and how much are you giving up to get tri first?
Also, what do you run on blues? I see some people going for AP/lvl instead of Mr/Lvl to get that extra bit of boost. Is this worth it in your opinion? Do you know if they have Eng Sub on those Learn to play OGN youtube vid? Yes they do. Just click on CC on the bottom right.
On July 30 2013 19:14 vvSiegvv wrote: Hey guys, so I was brushing up on some top laners while playing with some friends in normals, and I ran into a Jax vs Yorick match up. Now I know laning against yorick is one of those where I just need to farm/live through it, taking the cs I can get under my tower. The matchup went about as good as it could have for me, was tough early but I lived and then he died to zac gank while he was under my tower. However I'm not the most familiar with tops, and I had no idea what item to start in such a lane. I didnt want dshield since a lot of Yorick's damage is coming from the ghouls, so I ended up just starting rejuve bead with a ward and some health pots, then going for a quick vamp into botrk and following it up with a warmogs. What would you guys recommend for starting items in such a lane?
Against Yorick, it really is a survive long enough to completely outtrade him and win lane really hard. Start something like cloth 5 or flask 3/4 pots or ward pots and then survive. I haven't experimented with the new Dorans shield as Jax in top lane, but armor is pretty good against Yorick where as onhit isn't. It doesnt seem good to start Dorans shield against Yorick (non auto attacker champ).
If you are hanging on tightly, build Dorans Blade which is always good and otherwise rush for Bilgewater. As Jax, once you hit 6 and have Bilgewater, you have pretty good trading potential and should trade often with Ult Proc W AA reset. Since you are much stronger, depending how you lane Bilgewater can help you secure a kill if hes running away. Especially if you are a kill up, I can't imagine you losing once you get Bilgewater.
As for later game itemization, I can't help you much. I am currently debating between items and I think if you are playing to win as Jax now you just build off tank with Botrk and then Randuins, Warmogs, and other tanky items. Unfortunately that is not as fun and satisfying (and you feel like you do no damage) so for the satisfaction of Jax, Gunblade + Trinity is great although some games you will feel like you die in 2 seconds. Gunblade + Trinity is also extremely snowbally and fun but if you aren't fed, and die instantly, you will feel useless.
// Gold 1 Player with lots of Jax games
Been trying the bead+5 pots+ward opener, and I kinda like going 1-2 dblades, triforce, then locket off of that initial bead. It's obviously not as good as Randuin's, but it's alot cheaper (around 1600 gold) so you get a nice mix of stats earlier plus it helps the team. If I'm not ahead by the time I usually complete Randuin's fights can get a bit annoying too.
I still think bead + 5 isn't as good and is only good if you value a early ward as Jax. Jax doesn't push that hard pre-6 anyways. Locket seems interesting though. It always makes me happy when I see triforce on Jax despite it maybe not being the best build 
On July 31 2013 05:43 krndandaman wrote:Show nested quote +On July 31 2013 04:21 ReketSomething wrote:I still think bead + 5 isn't as good and is only good if you value a early ward as Jax. Jax doesn't push that hard pre-6 anyways. Locket seems interesting though. It always makes me happy when I see triforce on Jax despite it maybe not being the best build  #s2jax4ever According to koreans trinity force is a must-buy on jax, why do you say it's not the best item for jax?
botrk is better and you have to go tanky after that.