[Champion] Jax - Page 39
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United States6012 Posts
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France45622 Posts
That or I'm just that bad. While keeping in mind that picking Singed will always be one of the biggest dick moves you can pull on a Jax, are there any tips, gambits or stuff in general that I can still do use at least make Singed provide some efforts to earn his lead? | ||
Canada3336 Posts
Does the one level make a big difference? Should I be fine versus Rengar post-6 and be able to catch-up in CS? Heavy AD runes with flat MR and Armor, 9/21/0 masteries. | ||
United States416 Posts
On April 23 2013 15:57 Cedstick wrote: Does the one level make a big difference? Should I be fine versus Rengar post-6 and be able to catch-up in CS? Heavy AD runes with flat MR and Armor, 9/21/0 masteries. The level advantage is crucial from lvl 1 and 2. That's when the increase of stats is the greatest % wise from last level (+80 or so hp is a % of your life at lower levels) and you get an extra spell. Thats why you always see people going golems or leeching exp from the junglers in order to hit 2 before their opponent. | ||
Canada3336 Posts
Edit: it was just after level 6 when he started forcing trades. Rather, the particular trades where it felt like MAYBE I could deal with it, but I wasn't. He'd telegraph by just jumping from the bush all the time, but even if I could have my E ready and return damage, if I wanted to keep-up with him I'd have to blow my ultimate at some point. | ||
United States10467 Posts
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France45622 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
Being a level behind isn't such a big deal depending on when it happens, it's more the fact you slowed your own progression so early. Not being able to cs because you died at 1/2 is a big deal because you tend to get zoned out a lot more easily, and your power curve's rise got slowed to the extent that overcoming the Rengar's power is just flat out difficult. For the most part it is really ill advised to get in early duels as Jax (unless they're like Vlad but even then better to get your jungler to come), because unless they do something incredibly idiotic, chances are you're not going to kill them, you might die in the process, and you're just going to set yourself behind because Jax is not that strong early. Once you survive past a certain point with comparable CS, Rengar can't do much at all against you 1v1. Your perception of the matchup is skewed because you died super early, and if you do that in top lane against anyone, chances are it's going to bite you badly later. Against someone like Rengar, he's going to spam his crap all day and zone you out, which is pretty much exactly what happened. Singed vs Jax is just effing impossible. Even with a lot of help, you're going to probably lose badly unless the Singed is extremely, extremely awful. I'm fairly convinced regardless of what you do, the prick is just going to fling you, laugh, and troll away and no amount of effort can overcome that or make his life more difficult. | ||
United States10467 Posts
To the above, yes it does seem more and more like Jax has a bad early game and just comes back once he hits 6. His E is an amazing trading tool if you can get someone to stupidly attack you for two seconds at level 1 but no one ever does that and you'd probably have to run behind them and activate it to make the most use of it. | ||
United States10467 Posts
No sustained damage and the burst isn't much higher. Also you lack sustain. | ||
United States19143 Posts
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United States6012 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
On June 08 2013 14:07 Slusher wrote: is Gunblade Jax pretty much 100% dead with the current botrk? Yup, pretty much. You can get it, but it's not as good as BotRK for the most part. | ||
Canada6208 Posts
On June 08 2013 18:01 ReketSomething wrote: I always get gunblade on Jax. Botrk sucks imo. Botrk is 200g cheaper, gives a ~60% MS swing (-30% on the other guy, +30% on you) for 4s vs the 40% slow of the gunblade for 2s, deals more damage to people due to the AS bonus and passive. All you lose out on is damage on skills and spellvamp. In return for having less sustain and minimally less burst beyond the active, you get higher sustained damage, better chase potential, stronger dueling power and the ability to take down both tanks and squishies. I don't see how gunblade is better. It's just outclassed by botrk since the AP scaling on jax pales in comparison to the passive damage of botrk. | ||
United States4054 Posts
And still AD reds/quints, or hybrid pen? I'd imagine AD quints at a minimum to offset the bad early game. | ||
United States17988 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
You outscale him though. | ||
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United States3125 Posts
And sometimes your team just needs the wards | ||
Switzerland3257 Posts
On July 06 2013 00:48 Flakes wrote: Has anyone tried going (Ruby) Sightstone after BoRK? It seems like it would work really well for split-push Jax: vision to spot people coming, and enough charges left to ward-jump to safety if needed. And sometimes your team just needs the wards interesting point. remember when anyone and his mother bought heart of gold on like any champ? sightstone is the same but gives like double the gold/time. the only reason not to get it is because of early game item timing i think? | ||
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