[Champion] Nasus - Page 6
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Ireland23335 Posts
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Ukraine34 Posts
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Netherlands814 Posts
So far I have been exclusively laning top 1v2, and doing okay-ish. My CS at level 11 is about their highest x 1.3. (about their mid). Am I doing something wrong? I feel that from levels 1-7 there is not a lot I can do to farm, except pick last hits off under the tower. Together they usually have a bit more cs than I do at level 11. Am I doing something wrong or? | ||
United States9316 Posts
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Marshall Islands3404 Posts
1. TAKE MID NOT TOP VERY IMPORTANT this way you arent just afk farming top vs another guy and letting fate decide who wins based on the 4v4. as mid you have control over dragon fights, skirmishes, and jungle ganks, etc another perk is that its basically impossible to gank you mid when you are that beefy, so you are pretty much guaranteed good farm. I just never use spirit fire at all and q all creeps. 2. start cloth armor + 5 hp pots, ghost + exhaust, 1-8-21 masteries, and 25 armor pen + hp per level seals and mr per level glyphs all this should be obvious, most likely you go vs a ranged carry mid and you are pretty much untouchable to a certain extent. they will even go out of their way to relentlessly auto attack you ive seen since your melee and lose cs as a result. 3. turn cloth armor into HOG when possible then farm merc treads/trinity force in teamfights you dont want to be with your team, coming into the fight at a different angle after some one else initiates, preferably a flank. wither their carry if possible and start q'ing people and shit, only ult when your sure that they wont be able to just walk away/flash use exhaust after wither, not both at the same time obv skill order R>Q>E>W 1 point in W at level 4 enjoy stomping solo queue | ||
Ukraine34 Posts
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Netherlands814 Posts
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Netherlands814 Posts
Also, Tiamat splash kills don't help your Q ![]() | ||
United States13 Posts
If I flanked the enemy team in a team fight, dropping E below a support or carry and hitting Q could literally take off half of their health or more. TLDR: Auto attacking creeps as Nasus is bad. Never kill a creep with an auto attack unless an allied creep is going to kill it. Always kill with Q. | ||
Netherlands814 Posts
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United States6703 Posts
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United States13 Posts
On March 18 2011 02:09 BouBou.865 wrote: TLyoudidn'tread: Is it better to auto attack first, and then Q or Q first? for raw damage output in teambattles. I apologize, I misread what you initially wrote. Using any "On Next Attack" ability does indeed reset your auto attack timer. If you time it right, you can definitely do the following: Auto Attack > SS to basically give yourself a free auto attack. Against jungle creeps / heroes, this is amazing. Late game (and with Trinity Force), your Q will be pretty much one shotting lane creeps anyway, but it would definitely be worthwhile to practice. If you're playing in lower level games, a decent strategy early game is to hide in the brush in top or bottom with your ally (preferably a stunner). When an enemy face checks the brush, Auto Attack, the split second it lands you should hit Q. Your SS will then pop them for bonus damage. It probably won't net a kill, but you'll drop the enemy to half or so. | ||
Netherlands814 Posts
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Netherlands814 Posts
Anyways, how do you beat Malzahar in a solo lane? His magic DoT hits quite hard, and even with defensive masteries and 5 hp pots I couldn't do a whole lot against him. Also, his ult pwned me quite hard. Shoulda gotten QSS for that I guess. Another question: What are key differences between Nasus and Renekton? The most apparent to me was that Renekton is actually very strong early/mid game, whereas Nasus is very meh in those areas. | ||
Hungary4707 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
If you are mid lane, well Nasus shouldn't really be mid lane, you just need to tower hug. If you are top lane, you have some hope here; 1: If he tries to push the lane using malefic visions you are closer to the tower, he uses mana, and he's open for a gank. It will be harder to CS well and you have to watch the missing calls though. 2: If he tries to harass you down with auto hits he will draw creep aggro and push the lane, again opening the lane for a gank. You can auto hit lanes to control how much its pushed since if its pushed too hard he will reset the lane and own you all over again. It's maybe possible you can bush camp so you can't be auto hits since I don't think malz can afford to eat the whither/Q/auto combo unless he has teleport. Oh, take teleport on nasus, makes hard lanes manageable, you can be around the map while still farming like a mofo and you have ridiculous backdoor threats when you 3 shot towers with Q. Winning your lane as nasus should mean equal cs with a high Q count. You almost never expect to get kills until your jungler comes to gank. Nasus is GREAT with jungle ganks since so many champs can't harass him without pushing lane due to mana constrictions and cloth+5 opening, and so he comes into a pushed lane and nasus rolls in with whither for a free gap close+red buff application and still hits like a truck with E/Q and can tower dive with ultimate and second whither. On Nasus vs Renektron: They both heal and have similar ultimates but basically: -Renektron is designed to be VERY comfortable in the middle of a fight. AoE splash, insane AoE healing and his slice and dice make him a great guy to sit in the middle and AoE with his ultimate up being unkillable, but can chase down runners with Slice/dice and stun. His DPS is not insane but very, very sustained. -Nasus still has great tank and AoE potential, but essentially he doesn't do all that much AoE damage. His E and his W help a lot in initating a teamfight (don't forget the armour reduction of E! you can make your ranged DPS hit harder and make theirs do almost nothing while being forced to use an escape skill or have a fight initiated), but his passive and Q mean you basically want to pick 1 squishy hit his with whither and burst him down, which heals you enough to keep fighting after all the damage you took initiating. You need to be real tanky because you can't do much in an AoE fest like rene who can heal and slice dice away no problem and laugh at the other team for focusing him. TL:DR Rene = AoE Sustained Nasus = bursty/initiating/single target Just for the record, rene rapes nasus in lane real hard. The only good thing is that in order to do that he has to aoe creeps and push the lane, so you can comfortably sit at your tower. The first time I tried to fight back a bit the way I do with shen and malph if they try to bully me and it went horribly wrong. Second time I just farmed and lifestealed his harass and it worked fine, losing very slightly in cs only. Rene is generally stronger than Nasus right now IMO, but against melee heavy teams a farmed nasus can still basically 1v5 like a boss. I wouldn't say nasus is that WEAK to kiting, more like he isn't retardedly strong against kiting like most melee DPS are. His whither and high base movement speed+trinity means he can generally chase down and kill most champs. You just can easily be killed late game if you don't rely on your teammates to do something. At the end of the day you basically go 100% tank before and after trinity force and nobody goes like "LOLOL shen/malph so useless vs kiting". I find Udyr has a LOT more trouble against kiting. You get a movement speed burst but no ranged/best attackspeed/movement speed slow in the game. Also, I find Nasus is actually strongest in the midgame. My 20-25 minute core is something like HoG/Aegis/Sheen/CDR Boots (mercs if they have a LOT of cc for you). Next is trinity and from that core to 5-10 minutes after trinity you're insanely powerful. Your power starts to go down a lot when a: ranged dps gets LW b: AP carry gets void staff I suppose lategame is when tanks in general lose power, you have to be careful about starting a fight when your team isn't ready because you die so much faster. Like I almost question getting Banshees if you are only getting 45 magic resist per 100 you're buying. You also REALLY need randuins on nasus because it helps your initiation, helps you chase down people who hit you, and generally stops the ranged carry from shooting you all the time when your W is on cooldown. I also like to get thornmail because ranged DPS and AP carries with high DPS like malz/vlad are really your main problem. My final items look something like: CDR Boots+Trinity force+Randuins+FoN+Warmogs+Thornmail People want to build damage on him but I find his damage really doesn't fall off later on, while his survivial does. Best thing I can see it to build up a ton of EHP and regen so that most people don't have the DPS to kill you and thornmail means you can punish ranged carries easily. Those malz/vlad with 300 cs become your worst nightmare. But at least you have high movement speed against people who 0 escape. (whither on pool vlad is like huehuehue where u goin?)) and enough hp and regen that hopefully your team can kill them fast enough. The only times I'd suggest damage items are: Last whisper against a REALLY heavy tank team. Like if you want a full damage build it will be something like: Attack speed boots/Trinity Force/LW/BT/Atmas/Warmogs. And while sure you have 45% lifesteal and a ton of AD you're just so squishy and you can't do much with it. In general getting that extra 100 AD doesn't help that much when getting tankier is really important. I'd prefer to just Q people at 40% CDR and possibly some Arpen and be unkillable with >200/200 defense and 4-5k hp with tons of regen than to have good DPS and be slightly tankier than a DPS. Your ultimate gives you tons of bonus AD anyway so its not that important. Although I'd like to note both having someone Soul shroud and Starks are great on nasus. The 10% CDR means you can spare a bluepot to reach 40% and doubling your lifesteal + some arpen + MOAR regen is great. Also you want to sell aegis for like FoN later on so you want someone else to get it, if not just leave it because everyone has so much penetration that late. Your rule of thumb for damage on nasus is: 40% CDR+armour pen+many farm+rest tank. | ||
United States489 Posts
Past 40-45 Min I think he one of the best 2 champions to have (the other being corki). | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
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Chile4253 Posts
On March 27 2011 23:53 Slayer91 wrote: -Nasus still has great tank and AoE potential, but essentially he doesn't do all that much AoE damage. His E and his W help a lot in initating a teamfight (...) TL:DR Rene = AoE Sustained Nasus = bursty/initiating/single target Is it just me who thinks Nasus is awful at initiating and should never do so on most team comps? Nothing against Nasus spearheading the charge into the teamfight... after an opponent is caught out of position by Ashe arrow or blitz grab or Tibbers etc. >> | ||
United States1980 Posts
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