[Champion] Nasus - Page 4
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9871 Posts
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Khul Sadukar
Australia1735 Posts
I usually pretty mediocre with him, but this game i was tower diving like crazy, getting kills and getting away. Killing the panth jumping in and the TF trying to gank haha. | ||
United States2007 Posts
Been maxing Q and E kind of evenly. I need the extra points in Q because I'm not great at farming yet. I haven't been getting a solo lane because it seems a lot more games lately don't have junglers with the nerf or maybe its just my ELO. My game is inconsistent. I don't really even dominate and sometimes I feed a bit. I haven't quite worked out when to initiate. I seem to think my team is with me and I try to lead the way and get caught sometimes. I think the build is decent but my gameplay needs works. Any extra tips would be helpful. I'm liking playing nasus. Tanky but gives me hope I could carry some games if I get early kills and branch out items. | ||
Netherlands1384 Posts
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United States47024 Posts
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United States858 Posts
On February 01 2011 23:21 Bloodash wrote: can anyone give me pointers for how strong my Q should be at certain points, like the 10 and 20 minute mark? I believe I was sitting around 170 bonus and they told me I should have double that at 15 minutes in ( I understand this differs as you solo/face ranged opponents in lane) First it's important that we define "bonus damage". What this really means is the second number in the parentheses displayed in the siphon strike tool tip. For example, when it says "Nasus's next attack will deal 110 (112 + 225) physical damage." 225 divided by 3 is the number of times you've actually used siphon strike to score a killing blow on a minion/champion. That's the number we want and that's your bonus damage. Too many people use siphon strike on a minion and see they did 400 damage and say "I have 400 bonus damage you guys all suck at farming Nasus's Q!" I haven't played too much Nasus since the buff, but from what I've played you should aim for around 150 bonus damage by 10 minutes. Bear in mind these numbers are only if you have a solo and if you're controlling the lane. You should get around 300 bonus damage by 20 minutes. It's been my experience that most people stating you should have like 200 bonus damage at 7 minutes in are usually playing at such a low level that their opponents are terrible and don't know how to pressure Nasus at all. Sometimes vs a good opponent you can get those kind of numbers but that's only in rare cases. | ||
United States858 Posts
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Netherlands1384 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
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Canada1086 Posts
I pretty much build him exactly the same though. Tons of fun getting Triforce and FoN and just chasing down squishies. Totally agree about not needing any more damage beyond sheen/triforce unless of course your team is lacking in which case Ghostblade is pretty badass (zoom zoom zooooom). Also, I know Frozen Mallet is a little redundant with triforce but it is really fun sometimes. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
You don't need boots at all in lane, you are tanky enough with SoS and dorans shield that you can just last hit without worrying too much about harass. Boots should only be used to try to get kills. Mallet again is not necessary with whither anyways. I honestly don't see dorans as a dead end item since 90% of the games you won't need the space that badly anyway. You can sell it lategame for like 200 gold loss after a huge gain in most normal games. | ||
United States1356 Posts
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Ireland23335 Posts
I've gotten close but by then the game is ending and people are focusing you. CDR seems to be more important than AD though later on so maybe something like frozen heart is a good idea. with triple pots as much as possible. | ||
Canada1086 Posts
On February 09 2011 03:23 Slayer91 wrote: You're too valuable to your team to be a chaser IMO. Don't bother with FoN for that reason, if you need MR get a banshee veil. The more enemies aronud the more your leech with your ulti and them ore AD you get. You don't need boots at all in lane, you are tanky enough with SoS and dorans shield that you can just last hit without worrying too much about harass. Boots should only be used to try to get kills. Mallet again is not necessary with whither anyways. I honestly don't see dorans as a dead end item since 90% of the games you won't need the space that badly anyway. You can sell it lategame for like 200 gold loss after a huge gain in most normal games. I've had several games where the other team has a well played carry that was very good at poking and only getting close at the right time (Ashe and Kassadin being common examples). Being able to shut one down early and still make it out to fight the rest is definitely worth it imo. Standing around their tanky characters to get some extra damage doesn't really mean much as they have armor/MR anyways. All the while, the guys that are actually doing damage are dancing outside of range. I guess you can catch a few of their squishier melee characters but I'd rather leave that to my carries. I will always take BV on a squishy character over FoN, no question. On a tanky character though, I think FoN is really comparable to BV since the regen bonuses will make a difference in a teamfight whereas it's unlikely you'll get more than one blocked spell during that time. I usually go treads with cleanse/ghost so that blocked spell isn't that valuable to me. Plus the speed bonus is a huge plus (our playstyles are different so that probably accounts for our preference in item). I do understand the mana/hp bonus from BV is there; it makes it a close call for a tank. And you're right about mallet, usually triforce + omen are more than enough after wither. It has been a while since I picked it up tbh, it's just a fun item that goes well on an off-tank. As for Doran's, it isn't the fact that it takes up a slot or whatever, it's that the 475 gold can go to getting sheen or boots quicker and I find that's a lot more useful. Again, it is a really good item for what you pay and I'm probably in the minority with this preference as a lot of people still opt for Doran's ______ first. | ||
Ireland23335 Posts
Banshee gives you HP and mana as well remember. FoN gives some more MR as well, but HP regen isnt that amazing on nasus imo. If you can justify chasing a carry away during your ultimate then sure I guess, but normally your 15 seconds should be spent well. | ||
Netherlands814 Posts
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Denmark9110 Posts
On February 14 2011 21:17 BouBou.865 wrote: Been trying out Nasus. If I face something like Ashe on top (1v1), I feel helpless. If I walk into range to last hit, I get one or more arrows in my face. If I try to hit her she just runs back. I don't have enough mana to spam my E all the time, and I can't prevent her from last hitting everything in sight. Any tips? At top, use bushes to zone him, use E to farm if he has mp5 runes for volley spamm and some ashes dont take E early so that makes for some potent zoning But sometimes the farm at the early levels dont matter that much, sicne at lvl 5 ur lvl E kills ranged minions by itself | ||
Germany1471 Posts
On February 14 2011 22:22 Iplaythings wrote: At top, use bushes to zone him, use E to farm if he has mp5 runes for volley spamm and some ashes dont take E early so that makes for some potent zoning But sometimes the farm at the early levels dont matter that much, sicne at lvl 5 ur lvl E kills ranged minions by itself Depends. Nasus either levels Q to farm it asap or E to farm in case he can´t lasthit in his lane. | ||
England2167 Posts
I'd recommend watching this vid on Nasus if you would like a few pointers on (a) playstyle. TreeEskimo talks about his skill build (which I actually don't follow, myself, but then I'm a noob, so.. I tend to max whither or Q first as they suit me a bit better) and also goes into a bit about positioning in team fights. One thing that I thought was particularly good was how he would be content to just zone the DPS out from the team fights and not waste time chasing them. I think this is something that a lot of people, myself included, would do well to learn and remember. It's so easy to just get tunnel vision on that low health MF or Ashe and completely forget about your team. | ||
United States2791 Posts
Edit - His build isn't too different than what is in this thread. DShield, TriForce, Mercs, Aegis are all good items on nasus. Although he runs exhaust for his 2nd summoner. | ||
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