Wither-> Fire-> Ult-> Q-> You have slain an enemy!-> Whack whack-> Q-> You have slain an enemy!
[Champion] Nasus - Page 2
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Canada1681 Posts
Wither-> Fire-> Ult-> Q-> You have slain an enemy!-> Whack whack-> Q-> You have slain an enemy! | ||
United States4051 Posts
I'm well aware that he can be used to great effect, but I can't find a good team to fit him in, nor can I get the style down. I am really good at stacking siphoning damage thought ^^ | ||
Canada1681 Posts
On November 21 2010 07:08 deth2munkies wrote: I can't stand this guy. He's just not bulky enough to be a tank, and does just too little damage to carry (or even really finish off) anyone. I'm well aware that he can be used to great effect, but I can't find a good team to fit him in, nor can I get the style down. I am really good at stacking siphoning damage thought ^^ I like 1v1 top with teleport, just get mad farmed and push the level, when you get the tower you can take over another lane while someone ganks and the other holds top and gets solo exp. Just push around the map getting silly farmed, if you have to teamfight early-mid just bait a little too much, when you get jumped, Ult and survive all their nonsense. Levels and Ult should save you early until the farm kicks in and you can tank anything. edit: I have shite for elo. Hand full of salt and all that. | ||
7579 Posts
I'm afraid of jungle ganks so I rarely push heavily unless I see that I'm in no danger. I go hog merc negatron if needed sheen qss(lol) randuin banshee/triforce/thornmail and cause havoc with q. Really fun! | ||
United States858 Posts
On November 21 2010 10:43 Wala.Revolution wrote: Loving Nasus too. Top solo, get farmed and maybe nab a kill or two - and farm more. I'm afraid of jungle ganks so I rarely push heavily unless I see that I'm in no danger. I go hog merc negatron if needed sheen qss(lol) randuin banshee/triforce/thornmail and cause havoc with q. Really fun! Getting early river wards to watch out for their jungler is really important so that you can be a pain in the ass to lane against and push further than you otherwise would. In a normal 1v1 scenario theres not going to be anyone that should scare you that much so you'll usually be able to siphon strike every single minion almost every wave. The importance of the ward is that it lets you go to the center of the lane and wack every minion with your staff while zoning the enemy champ with the potential of a wither>spirit fire>ult>siphon>siphon>siphon combo. | ||
United States615 Posts
My build: Shield, hog, mercs, sunfire, omen, GA. Farm on SS tends to make me hit hard enough. | ||
United States2928 Posts
I've said it before but (imoimoimo), rushing Sunfire is a noobtrap on many champions, Randuins is better in every way. Exceptions to this rule would be like TL's last newegg match, where they were doing so well early game that Mogwai (as Shen) could afford boots1 and sunfire at level 7. If you can get it that fast, the burning aura is going to shred champions and they could continue steamrolling. Though even in this scenario, I wouldn't get Sunfire on Nasus. Let's compare stats, shall we? Sunfire: 450 HP, 45 Armor, 40 dps aoe* 2510 gold *don't forget this is MAGIC damage, and you're not going to have any mpen. You're never getting the full 40. Randuins: 300 HP, 25 HP5, 90 Armor, 15% CDR,** slow on being hit proc, active slow aoe (with a much larger radius than sunfire burn) 2925 gold, minus whatever HoG earned for you. **the cdr for more frequent SS, SF, and Ult outstrips sunfire's damage by quite a bit. There's no contest here. sidenote: GA is bad on champs with a lot of HP. I haven't bought one on Nasus since the nerf. | ||
United States13274 Posts
On November 23 2010 01:03 myopia wrote: I've said it before but (imoimoimo), rushing Sunfire is a noobtrap on many champions, Randuins is better in every way. Exceptions to this rule would be like TL's last newegg match, where they were doing so well early game that Mogwai (as Shen) could afford boots1 and sunfire at level 7. If you can get it that fast, the burning aura is going to shred champions and they could continue steamrolling. 90% of the reason I went sunfire was to be able to quickly clear the opposing jungle. When you're up by that much, one of the best ways to press such an advantage is to simply cut off whatever sources of XP and gold that you can which lets you pull even further ahead. Shen's great at this because he can dash over walls and thus molest their jungle relatively safely, but he's too slow at killing jungle creeps, so sunfire is sorta the perfect fit for dicking them over like that. | ||
Singapore6122 Posts
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United States615 Posts
I'll give it a try tonight, using the OP's build to the letter. | ||
9871 Posts
Doran's Shield Locket Aegis Triforce GG | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States858 Posts
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United States2928 Posts
On November 24 2010 01:23 Ruken wrote: Even though nasus can spam spirit fire/siphon strike it still only gives him a little bit of health as far as tanking goes. It might not be terrible but It'd probably be more useful on someone else on the team. I've never tried it though. that's exactly how I view Aegis on him. It's is a good item, but you don't buy it on a carry, which is how I play Nasus. Yeah I'm a tank, a pusher, a teamfighter, an anti-dps. Nasus is all these things. But farmed godmode Nasus is so good that dropping 2k on a support item (Aegis) is just gimping yourself imoimoimo. Have your Shen/Janna/Soraka/Rammus/Galio/Malphite/Taric/anyone else get the Aegis. (btw I'm not an Aegis hater I rush it every time I play Shen :> ) | ||
United States858 Posts
On November 24 2010 01:38 myopia wrote: that's exactly how I view Aegis on him. It's is a good item, but you don't buy it on a carry, which is how I play Nasus. Yeah I'm a tank, a pusher, a teamfighter, an anti-dps. Nasus is all these things. But farmed godmode Nasus is so good that dropping 2k on a support item (Aegis) is just gimping yourself imoimoimo. Have your Shen/Janna/Soraka/Rammus/Galio/Malphite/Taric/anyone else get the Aegis. (btw I'm not an Aegis hater I rush it every time I play Shen :> ) I still think Aegis has REALLY good stats though for the price! As Nasus I'm always looking for some early way to get a bit of HP, armor and Mres. More importantly you can get it by 10 minutes into the game as Nasus. 270 health, 30 armor, 39 mres and 8 damage. 1 more Mres than GA lol. I mean for the same price you could almost finish Randuin's which is a really good item then just get a negatron if you need it but I've just always liked Aegis. Maybe I'll try forgoing it like I do when I rush Warmogs first. | ||
United States2928 Posts
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9871 Posts
On November 24 2010 01:23 Ruken wrote: Even though nasus can spam spirit fire/siphon strike it still only gives him a little bit of health as far as tanking goes. It might not be terrible but It'd probably be more useful on someone else on the team. I've never tried it though. dude, look at what locket actually does and do the math. EDIT: I have aegis in that build because it's the most cost and space efficient way of adding both armor and mr to multiply off your considerable health pool. Item space is a concern since I go triforce next (lol <_<). You want to get tanky as cheaply as possible or you'll never move beyond witherbot phase. | ||
United States858 Posts
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9871 Posts
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