With the new investigator Mogwai find (the unraveling of Philosopher's stone), how do you guys approve of my Nasus playstyle: -Solo Top, ghost/TP -Start regen pendant + 1 HP pot -Go back when you have enough for Philosophers stone. Build: Philo ->boots 1 -->sheen-->merc-->aegis-->glacial shroud/negatrons-->finish Bveil/Frozen heart-->Finish triforce-->Haven't quite settled on the last item. GA/Thornmail if they're physical heavy, Sunfire/Warmogs otherwise? maybe GB is pretty good, gotta test that out.
TL;DR: Regen pendant into Philo rush, good idea or not?
On May 23 2011 00:55 BouBou.865 wrote: With the new investigator Mogwai find (the unraveling of Philosopher's stone), how do you guys approve of my Nasus playstyle: -Solo Top, ghost/TP -Start regen pendant + 1 HP pot -Go back when you have enough for Philosophers stone. Build: Philo ->boots 1 -->sheen-->merc-->aegis-->glacial shroud/negatrons-->finish Bveil/Frozen heart-->Finish triforce-->Haven't quite settled on the last item. GA/Thornmail if they're physical heavy, Sunfire/Warmogs otherwise? maybe GB is pretty good, gotta test that out.
TL;DR: Regen pendant into Philo rush, good idea or not?
This is basically what I do with solo top. Except: -You probably shouldn't be getting philo stone if you're getting mercs. Either get CDR boots, and philo stone, or just get mercs and a brutalizer. Philo stone is good in lane but overall not THAT useful, and some lanes don't need it that much. -Banshee veil in melee is meh. It's really easy to break your spell veil before you even think of initiating and all you really gain for the extra 2000 gold is 400 health. You pretty much always want a force of nature or a QSS. You have more than enough mana after glacial shroud+sheen. Final build should be something like: Frozen Heart+Warmogs+FoN+Triforce+Boots+Thornmail/GA/LW/GB Boots can be CDR or mercs, you can kinda drop mercs if you feel you can get away with it or otherwise drop your brutalizer or finish ghostblade. I'm thinking that you should make a giants belt before finishing FoN, but I don't think you'll have the space. Your ult puts you over 3k hp anyway though.
On May 23 2011 02:36 Slayer91 wrote: -You probably shouldn't be getting philo stone if you're getting mercs. Either get CDR boots, and philo stone, or just get mercs and a brutalizer. Philo stone is good in lane but overall not THAT useful, and some lanes don't need it that much.
Philo is basically free and gives great lane sustainibility. I don't see how can advocate against it lol. Like with 1/2 philo you can force the other player to just afk farm against you, which is exactly what you want because you get so frikkin much out of afk farming as Nasus. Also at what point do you get Bruta?
After either just before or after glacial, usually before sheen. I don't think sheen is all that amazing until you get a lot of CDR because of the wasted stats.
I guess philo is good, I dunno, guess I should use it more. No reason not to on nasus.
So, in what part of the game does using E to farm creeps and getting 1-2 Q procs in better than just using Q to farm?
You use E in really hard lanes or 1v2 lanes - say, if you're against a Vlad, you probably want to take 2 levels of Q, 1 level of W, then max E so by 9 you can still get creeps without being zoned. Also, if you're playing a more roam-heavy style of Nasus (heresy, I know.) or you're getting put into teamfights in the lane a lot, consider getting more ranks of E as well.
Actually vlad isn't all that scary early game. You can just start regrowth, get a philo and then some magic resist. You actually hurt him quite a bit if he gets too agressive with your whither+hit him and Q him.
On May 25 2011 05:56 Slayer91 wrote: Actually vlad isn't all that scary early game. You can just start regrowth, get a philo and then some magic resist. You actually hurt him quite a bit if he gets too agressive with your whither+hit him and Q him. and then you max E so that when he hits level 9 and enters ezwin homode you can still kill things and get cs. I don't know how it actually plays out maybe if you get neg cloak on first b you can still farm and dont afraid but that's the reasoning behind it.
You max E regardless because:
1. With max e you can throw down e and then 1 hit all caster minions to quickly farm/clear waves 2. Your mana pool is too small earlygame to keep up with a maxed q's cooldown anyway + extra q damage from lvls is negligible 3. Maxed E by the time of teamfights gives you a lot of utility with all of the reduced armor you will do against the opponents team
Really you don't want to use E much in laning. It helps in 1v2 though or against champs that just are pushing the lane hard. Your mana is for your q, usually, because you want a farmed q by teamfights. It's generally later in laning when you already have lvls + more items that you can keep up with a higher q lvl, and at that point champs can usually push lanes really quickly so E comes into more use there to stop the push.
Regarding maxing E: We had this discussion a few pages back; answer is that it depends.
The only situation I can think of where you shouldn't is like when you're bot with a soraka vs a lane combo that can't harass you enough, so you can just max q, be fed mana by soraka, and just afk farm all day.
edit: or vs a really weak lane where you can solo and shrug off any harass, so just get a chalice and afk farm. 1v2 you will need SF for the fast creep clearing so can't lvl q. ;o
I'm of the opinion that you shouldn't be playing nasus if you have to max E and farm Q with an 8 second cooldown. If you can't afford the mana of level 3 or 4 Q then how come you can afford to use E on every wave?
I'd much prefer to farm Q under tower than to push my lane and go out of mana for probably a similar cs. You can pretty much spam Q at level 3 and not have mana problems. 5 Is still fine if you're pushing hard enough to go back every once and in a while.
E is easily nasus' worst skill. It does decent damage if you have like jarman on your team but usually its just to add extra punch to that Q you hit when they are withered and can't get out in time. Nasus would be worthless without Q, W, and R, but E isn't really a big deal. You can get some levels in it vs say, jarman, so he can't ult you and survive, but usually I just don't worry about it too much. I almost never use it in lane because it pushes it and you don't get Q farm.
Usually Nasus is pretty bad unless you have a really farmed Q OR the team is some kind of melee heavy team which nasus happens to rape really hard.
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
you never use E in lane unless you get into a fully committed fight
On May 23 2011 00:55 BouBou.865 wrote: With the new investigator Mogwai find (the unraveling of Philosopher's stone), how do you guys approve of my Nasus playstyle: -Solo Top, ghost/TP -Start regen pendant + 1 HP pot -Go back when you have enough for Philosophers stone. Build: Philo ->boots 1 -->sheen-->merc-->aegis-->glacial shroud/negatrons-->finish Bveil/Frozen heart-->Finish triforce-->Haven't quite settled on the last item. GA/Thornmail if they're physical heavy, Sunfire/Warmogs otherwise? maybe GB is pretty good, gotta test that out.
TL;DR: Regen pendant into Philo rush, good idea or not?
I've really enjoyed doing the philo stone opening. It's everything Nasus needs early game, whether he's forced to spam E to protect his tower, or he has the freedom to pump Q and power it up. Plus, having the flexibility to choose between Eleisa's Miracle + Ninja Tabi, and Shurelya's Reverie + Mercury Treads really opens the character's mid-game up.
Commenting on your item build: Personally, I've been getting Aegis before Sheen since, imo, Nasus can't really assist in ganks too well, but it's important he survives them and doing so without popping your ult is important-- especially since having Teleport instead of Exhaust or Cleanse makes you an easier target than a Doran's Shield Nasus. Agree?
I don't really like Banshee's Veil on Nasus, and prefer Force of Nature or Quicksilver Sash instead. Is there a good argument for Banshee's Veil on Nasus?
Imo, Frozen Heart is situational and shouldn't be considered core. If you're exclusively picking Nasus vs Phys DPS teams (makes sense), it's definitely an option, but I think I prefer Randuin's Omen as a source for armor and attack speed slow. It's a bit more expensive tho, and FH comes with mana and more CDR.... Thoughts? Vs more AP heroes, neither are something I'd get.
Triforce is obviously good for him.
On the occasions I don't need a 6th tanky item, I like getting Stark's. It compliments your role as Aegis holder pretty well, and it builds on the benefits that Triforce and your Passive gives you. I dunno if you've considered it, but to me it seems good on Nasus.
Thornmail/GA are options for 6th items that I haven't had the chance to test, so this is just theorycrafting: Thornmail seems good vs lategame phys DPS, but by the time you're buying your 6th item, I'm not sure GA would make much of a difference. You revive without your ult and they can just focus you down again. You can get better MR from Quicksilver Sash (which would also save you from the CC that's allowing you to get focused), and Thornmail seems a better deterrent to phys DPS than the 60-something armor you get from GA. Wondering if anyone with experience has some opinions on these.
CDR boots>Ninja tabi pretty much always I'd say. 15% cdr is a lot harder to get than some ranged AD survivability (e.g randuins/thornmail).
Thornmail I've found very effective lategame when ranged carries are the things that can kill you. GA If its a situation where one fight will change the game and it's not happening yet, but consider LW if you find you need damage to kill tanky guys because diving carries will get you killed anyway. It makes you do MUCH more damage and also lifesteal more.
I also almost always sell aegis, better to let your support get it really lategame if your team really needs it. My end game items end up to be: CDR Boots/Randuins/Triforce/Warmogs/FoN+1 more depending on what I need.
Morello "Agreed. We're working on him pretty soon, we're evaluating cool ways to do those Nasus/Veigar farm skills and make the character consistent.
That mechanic has to go, at least in its uncapped state; it makes characters unbalancable and too many best case/worst case differences."
It's ok, as long as they make his E teleport you to the centre of where you cast it.
It's a pretty terrible skill atm anyway.
They're gonna just make it another tear of the godess though which sucks. =/
On June 16 2011 23:28 Ruken wrote: Morello "Agreed. We're working on him pretty soon, we're evaluating cool ways to do those Nasus/Veigar farm skills and make the character consistent.
That mechanic has to go, at least in its uncapped state; it makes characters unbalancable and too many best case/worst case differences."
On June 17 2011 00:09 Iplaythings wrote:Show nested quote +On June 16 2011 23:28 Ruken wrote: Morello "Agreed. We're working on him pretty soon, we're evaluating cool ways to do those Nasus/Veigar farm skills and make the character consistent.
That mechanic has to go, at least in its uncapped state; it makes characters unbalancable and too many best case/worst case differences."
oh god WHAT ARE YOU DOING RIOT mmmm i'll be sad to see it go but I do kinda agree with what he says.
On June 17 2011 01:11 sRapers_ValkS wrote:Show nested quote +On June 17 2011 00:09 Iplaythings wrote:On June 16 2011 23:28 Ruken wrote: Morello "Agreed. We're working on him pretty soon, we're evaluating cool ways to do those Nasus/Veigar farm skills and make the character consistent.
That mechanic has to go, at least in its uncapped state; it makes characters unbalancable and too many best case/worst case differences."
oh god WHAT ARE YOU DOING RIOT mmmm i'll be sad to see it go but I do kinda agree with what he says.
How? In what way is Nasus or Veigar OP.
In theory they can become the strongest champions in any game, in practicality they never ever do. Both are very mediocre champions.