The thing I like (in theory) about DRing over Flask is the HP. Flask provides more regen, but GP has plenty of that in his kit anyway if he has mana. The HP (and the AP) make you more resilient against all-ins which is the only way of pushing out a GP with mana.
The thing I don't like about it is a no ward start. Do the DRing advocates here generally start with pots or a ward?
I love the Zeus build. I try to stay clear of top lane, but when I do get stuck with it GP feels almost like a failsafe. Nearly impossible to get murdered in lane with a really solid midgame power spike.
Depends on the lane and our junglers.
Go ward when: it's a lane where I have an advantage and I'm going to try to zone the guy / their jungler is a scary ganker and our jungler has less presence
Go pots when: If it's a lane where I'm going to be zoned / the opponent is probably going to push and I'm going to be forced to farm under tower.
You don't necessarily need the regen from the pots thanks to max-W.
Can you give examples for top lane noobs?
So far the only complaint I have about the Zeusplank build is raging from people who think you're trolling.
Had a game last night where I got ganked early and fell behind a Wukong. No worries, max W and safely farm. Died once but got into midgame with my turret intact and a 15 cs deficit (but 1 kill and assist). Start to gain back lane presence once shiv and wits get built. I start pushing the lane, roam around and get a few kills in their jungle, throw ultis around the map. All of a sudden I'm 4-1-6 with a 30 CS lead over Wukong.
Then my team starts getting caught, baiting in more members and giving up objectives. Baron and an inhib go down and suddenly I get asked if I'm trolling. "WTF is that build?" All chat starts hearing about "this troll gp." Team chat starts hearing "You're not a diamond korean bro!"
In the end we get a teamfight right. I bait their initiation onto me and charge into the backlines, killing their AP carry and zoning their jungler and AD carry singlehandedly. I die, but my team cleans up the fight and rushes the nexus.
The 15-9-6 Jayce (who started the rot by getting caught twice) picked up a triple kill, and proudly proclaims how he "carried" this troll 8-4-14 GP.
Wouldn't call myself an expert but based on my experience
Difficult lanes: Renekton, Jax, Wukong, Darius, Riven
Meh Lanes: Kennen, Elise, Kennen
Easy lanes (1-6 at least): Singed, Nidalee, Udyr, Rice farmers (cho, shen, vlad, etc.)
Difficult -> defintely get pots Meh -> depends on junglers Easy lanes -> probably get wards. depends on opponent jungler
does oranges remove darius passive stacks?
On August 08 2013 10:50 Complete wrote: does oranges remove darius passive stacks? oranges only removes cc it's like cleanse except it also works on suppressions
Ran koreaplank mid against a kha6 (people still play him mid?). Koreaplank #1. GP mid isn't half bad, you actually have decent roaming capability with e passive/active, waveclear fast with shiv, and can setup ganks bot by ulting while your bot engages and then you show up to finish them off.
Or you can start Flask/Pot/Ward and laugh at the amount of healing you churn out (Max W in almost every situation)
In regards to the ''Zeus'' start that is, Gp is probably one of the best champions to have a flask
The mapwide CC on ult is so strong. The slow is everywhere in the target area, not just places hit by the cannonballs which miss always unless they're full HP then they do 1k damage and kill.
RNG is pretty hilarious but a slow anywhere on the map is really strong.
with the price decrease on phage/triforce and the sheen proc buff on triforce, might it be a better 2nd item after shiv if the enemy isn't stacking armor?
I feel Trinity after Shiv would only work if you win your lane really really hard, so you can still farm massive amounts of gold to get those defensive items as soon as possible before teamfights start Shiv+Trinity, while you do good damage, you are still very squishy
I think new phage (haven't tested myself) can be good if you are ahead against certain champs that you really need to stick on to Although even with the changes, I feel IBG would be a better choice than trinity if you are against ad top
Still giants belt after shiv seems more safe and stable choice Once you get your shiv+giants belt+wits end put together, you'll beat anyone top lane as long as you are pretty even
I like Kindlegem after Wits/Shiv, particularly if I need MR. It builds into SV which is OP generally, but also synergises well with GP. I'll sometimes get it before Shiv if I'm against a primarily magic based champ. Boots1, Wits, SV makes it impossible for a magic champ to bully you out.
I still feel like in most matchups if you don't get ahead early, you need to counterbuild defensively before you can finish your shiv/wits core. There's just too long of a period (levels 3-8) where you can be bullied off CS hard and fall behind. I've had the most problems with tanky champs who can outtrade you then sustain through any damage you do pre on-hit item(s).
I had a Shen who absolutely murdered me yesterday. I maintained relevance but I couldn't stop him becoming a monster, flying around the map snowballing the rest of the match. He had some jungle help (and I didn't) but once he got a few tanky items he wasn't concerned with my damage in the slightest.
stxz really countered me hard with nidalee last night but I think that was more due to my inexperience than the matchup being horrible
though sheen rush nidalee is just really hard to play against. Those auto + transform + cougar Q with sheen proc wtf.
Well I gave this Korean Zeus GP build a try.
I like. I like a lot.
I was somewhat pessimistic when I was sat on boots, shiv and a giants belt wondering what wits would really do to help. The dmg spike was WAY bigger than i expected. Also the orange baits can be so hilarious. TF ults in to dive turret when you are on 50% hp? Good fucking luck TF
Edit: So I am clearly inexperienced with this build. Do people play it mainly top or mid? Any matchups I should specifically avoid? I imagine its is still a risky early pick.
On August 24 2013 00:54 chinstrap wrote: Well I gave this Korean Zeus GP build a try.
I like. I like a lot.
I was somewhat pessimistic when I was sat on boots, shiv and a giants belt wondering what wits would really do to help. The dmg spike was WAY bigger than i expected. Also the orange baits can be so hilarious. TF ults in to dive turret when you are on 50% hp? Good fucking luck TF
Edit: So I am clearly inexperienced with this build. Do people play it mainly top or mid? Any matchups I should specifically avoid? I imagine its is still a risky early pick.
One of the points of it is that it's a very safe pick that is harder to counter than most top picks.
depends on your definition of safe...I guess there isn't really (m)any matchups you'll get slaughtered in as long as you know not to play aggressively as GP is a very strong passive farmer, but there's certainly a lot of match ups you can't do anything but farm passively and ult other lanes...
Remember when GP = automatic opponent starts with cloth? Yeah. No one gives GP any respect anymore. Just went vs a gold 1 irelia, im silver 1 on this account so idk if she thought she could straight up crush me in lane or what. Anyways she goes 21/9 masteries and starts with red elixir/1 pot/ward and teleport. She tried to all in me at lvl 2 and died even with red elixir en route to me snowballing and carrying. Good job good effort.
GP = Rodney Dangerfield
More on topic, I'm still taking iceborne over triforce, even after the triforce buff. Rushing an early shroud is great vs a lot of ad lanes which makes the build path for gauntlet much more attractive. You can sit on the shroud while you get shiv/wits and only build it into gauntlet later. I guess vs double/triple ap a triforce might make more sense since the armor on the gauntlet isn't as necessary early.