[Champion] Gangplank - Page 35
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United States302 Posts
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United States4109 Posts
I'm not too sold on early avarice, might as well work on parts of zeal if you can't afford it yet Ninja tabi is pretty good top too if you are against ad top. | ||
United States421 Posts
Starting doran ring feels good. You can q creeps all day and have mana leftover for liberal oranges. Thoughts on doran ring starts? | ||
United States1864 Posts
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United States12704 Posts
![]() Speaking of AP and trolling... since the barrage slows do people build liandry's when doing ap gp? | ||
38 Posts
On August 01 2013 03:00 Complete wrote: I honestly can't tell if you're trolling, lol. Honestly I could see it. He makes good use of those stats levels 1-5 and it would be the only ap item he builds. | ||
United States421 Posts
![]() Main issue w/ GP is the fact that he's gated by mana. MP5 + Mana back on kill is basically perfect for Qs. I liked it against singed because I needed a lot of sustain to stay in lane to prevent tower going down. Used to go flask and pots but those run out and I never ever want to go back against singed because he never goes back. You can stay in lane longer than a proxy singed which is funny. I just don't know if it's strictly worse than a charm start. Feel like the HP and better mana regen is worth it. I dunno how much the AP helps but I typically go W max anyway (Except against proxy singed) | ||
France1934 Posts
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United States12704 Posts
What are the other alternative starts? cloth+pots, flask+pots, boots+pots? against an ap or mixed opponent hp sounds like a good thing. | ||
United States421 Posts
With someone like GP I really like to stay in lane as long as humanly possible, and typically I'm allowed to do so because GP is a very safe laner that is hard to kill but who also has limited kill potential besides lvl-1 fuckups. This means that once you burn through your pots you're done, which is where DRing is clearly superior. I really don't like DBlade starts and feel iffy about DSheild starts. I was actually inspired by Korean Nidalees who started chalice then would go full bruiser (or at least they used to). I don't like going full chalice on GP because he is not as mana dependent as Nidalee. The MR might be nice but I feel like w/ GP you really need to get something going by the midgame because he is outscaled by several top laners, and DRing seems to be just enough to satisfy his mana/survivability needs. You can get merc treads or start building for your spirit visage if you really want the MR, allowing you to actually start building for the mid/late game. | ||
United States1864 Posts
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10417 Posts
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United States421 Posts
Math + Show Spoiler + Flask = 60 * 3 = 180 mana For Dring you gotta use creeps per second. Using this website, I estimate the max CS is about 12 creeps / min, but we'll take 9 creeps / min and say we miss some creeps. 9 creeps / min = 0.75 creeps / 5 sec DRing = 3mp5 + 4 mana / creep *(0.75 Creeps / sec) = 6 mp5 So DRing will produce as much mana as flask after 150 seconds or 2.5 minutes. This assumes that A) You don't go back and B) Flask's mana regen is not wasted (it's probably not cause it's GP). Looking at HP Doran Ring gives 60 hp whereas Flask gives you 360 hp over 36 seconds. Finally, the only edge that DRing gives you is the AP. In conclusion: Flask is slightly better and a little cheaper. Should probably get flask unless you're planning on staying in lane and never going back. Maybe vs, as 5hit says, farming lanes like singed, shen, or malphite DRing could outperform Flask. Edit: Can't do math | ||
United States1864 Posts
Also, your math is way off. Assuming 9 creeps a minute that's 3+3=6mp5. That's 72 mana a minute. That gets you 180 mana in 2.5 minutes. I still prefer flask because it's cheaper, I can start with a ward, and my general play style/experience with GP doesn't really require extra mana past what a flask gives. Also, 360 health from the flask is huge (assuming its not a 100->0 allin), plus there will be wasted mana with the mana regen if you're at full mana. I can see it if you plan to stay in lane for a long time and want to spam oranges for health, though. | ||
United States421 Posts
And it's K after enough soloQ you develop thick skin ![]() Yeah flask looks like it mostly outperforms DRing. The extra HP from oranges does not make it to 360 health until you use it 15 times.... and flask gets you that HP waaay faster. But because it outperforms flask in 2.5 minutes, I would think DRing is superior in the aforementioned farm lanes. I do find mana to be the main problem I encounter with GP esp. if I'm in lane long enough. + Show Spoiler + Also your ults are better AP GP OP | ||
United States18 Posts
On July 31 2013 19:57 kongoline wrote: k i tried korean build and had to play vs rumble it was most unpleasant lane ever, i was constantly pushed to the tower couldnt shove back and he could rape me everytime we 1v1, dont think i can enjoy playing relatively weak champion, passively farm under turret for 20minutes just to have average results later(why not play nasus then?), not my style of play Did you rush wit's and max w? I have found rumble to be pretty annoying in the past as well, but the last time I went against one using the k build it went smoothly. I would only trade at level 1/2 and after wits. You should always be able to farm well against him til you reach that point. After wits I remember trading with him and just killing him. If you don't want to commit don't because his sustain doesn't match yours. Look for trades anytime you have orange and similar hp. Note that I do use barrier as my summoner skill despite recommendations to use ignite. I find it to work really well with GP for the baits. So I would try going wits->giants->statik as recommeneded. If you run into trouble go wits->SV. Really Ahead wits->statik. | ||
United States19573 Posts
Its on par with the Riot squad skins. | ||
United States302 Posts
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United States421 Posts
Feel like he should need that to sustain in lane. Against shen 1-5, you should be able to sit in creep wave and auto-q-auto if he comes for CS. | ||
Poland680 Posts
I ended the game with 9/1/smth record, and kinda didnt knew what to buy next... GP has so much possibilities in itemization. Final build was Tabi,Shiv,IG,Sunfire, doran s. but they surrender and I wasnt decided on next item. I love gp | ||
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