[Champion] Gangplank - Page 34
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United States13274 Posts
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Indonesia2978 Posts
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United States18 Posts
On July 28 2013 12:39 commandchild wrote: Ive been building avarice blade first to help with early game, but I wouldnt think the Hydra passive would proc on Q due to it being ranged? If it does my mind has just been blown As I understand it GP's parrrley is coded to be a melee attack. This can also be applied for other situations. You get the extra slow on frozen mallet and extra gold from pickpocket in the utility tree. | ||
38 Posts
On July 30 2013 05:08 WarpStatus wrote: As I understand it GP's parrrley is coded to be a melee attack. This can also be applied for other situations. You get the extra slow on frozen mallet and extra gold from pickpocket in the utility tree. Head literally exploded | ||
United States421 Posts
On July 26 2013 13:43 Complete wrote: renekton is the only completely unwinnable one I've run in to. unwinnable??? Just played against renekton. I destroyed him early because he fought me lvl 1. I went boots for some reason and he had doran blade but I got FB by like 10 hp anyway thx to passive. Later he was annoying, but I thought it was because he was building pure damage, and I screwed up and gave him a kill + they got some objectives. That said he was worthless in teamfights because he would die instantly. I couldn't kill him 1v1 after 6 but he couldn't really tower dive me either because if he dashes in and stuns me, I would just W->E-> and maybe auto->Q->auto and run around and Q him. So I just farmed under tower, throwing out ultis around the map and got farmed and just ended up more useful thx to E and Ulti and being gangplank. | ||
United States1864 Posts
That being said, yes, passive farming, waiting for jungler ganks, ulting other places around the map, and maxing E to be useful in team fights is the way to go against him. | ||
United States421 Posts
And I feel like GP outscales renekton a little bit so turning it into a slightly losing rice lane is to your advantage. | ||
United States421 Posts
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95 Posts
I always start double gp5 - philo, and avarice. After that is where it changes. The items I get are shiv, spirit visage, iceborne guantlet, infinity edge, lw, boots. My first main item is almost always defensive (gauntlet against ad, visage against ap). Then I finish shiv or get the iedge. Then the other defensive item, and finish the offensive build. I got my masteries from tl, its like 0-23-7. adc runes. Skill order is q-w. Then I USUALLY alternate q and w, and get a point of e if i feel i need it. Against tougher lanes max w, against farm lanes max q. I play very passive early game, and just farm, and throw out my ult to try to get assists. I usually take tp also. | ||
Hungary6034 Posts
When I first heard that I shouldn't max Q I was like "lol", then I started to max W, and now I always do that. Sure, if I'm 3-0 at 4 minutes maxing Q is better, but that usually doesn't happen. I'd like to play some more GP jungle as well, but then again, I'm not really sure what should I do. Try to gank with my amazing passive slow (I won't have red all the time), or just farm it up, and hope my team prevails in 4v5? Never tried midplank, but I gue's he always goes for pure damage. I'm not keen on trying it, but man, every time I play GP I wish for a blue buff, and there at least I'd get it. On July 31 2013 04:32 Klonopin wrote: I play gp a lot top, and if i have to pick my champ before i know what I'm against I almost always pick gp. I build the same items but the order is different every game, skill order is different also. I always start double gp5 - philo, and avarice. After that is where it changes. The items I get are shiv, spirit visage, iceborne guantlet, infinity edge, lw, boots. My first main item is almost always defensive (gauntlet against ad, visage against ap). Then I finish shiv or get the iedge. Then the other defensive item, and finish the offensive build. I got my masteries from tl, its like 0-23-7. adc runes. Skill order is q-w. Then I USUALLY alternate q and w, and get a point of e if i feel i need it. Against tougher lanes max w, against farm lanes max q. I play very passive early game, and just farm, and throw out my ult to try to get assists. I usually take tp also. You are either a very good player, or play againts very bad ones, because I everytime I read about bankplank I just can't imagine how the hell does he not roflstomped in lane. You spend 1500 gold on nothing (philo regen is a joke, and 8% crit chance... unless you have crit runes as well, it's nothing, but even then it's a gamble) for a moderate laner at best, and you expect to not get owned. Yes, lvl 1 GP, and even 2 (if you take E at 2) is op as fuck, but then he has a hard time againts most of the other laners. I'd like to see a GP vs Zed, where GP comes back to lane with a philo and an avarice blade - it's like Ezreals who buy tear first. Also, when i'm lvl 3, I have all my abilities, and I think it's pretty important. A second point in either Q, W or E is pretty meh compared to getting your third skill, and E is a great skill anyway, in case your opponent wants to fight you. That 7 seconds at lvl 2 or 3 is retarded, I can't think of many champions that are cool with fighting againts plus 12 attack damage, and not to mention GP's passive. | ||
United States33802 Posts
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New Zealand414 Posts
On July 31 2013 05:59 Requizen wrote: Y'know, its been a while since I played GP, maybe I'll try out that Zeus build tonight. Once you get statik its so fun, well as long as you enjoy being the most annoying lane opponent ever. | ||
95 Posts
On July 31 2013 05:14 Volband wrote: You are either a very good player, or play againts very bad ones, because I everytime I read about bankplank I just can't imagine how the hell does he not roflstomped in lane. You spend 1500 gold on nothing (philo regen is a joke, and 8% crit chance... unless you have crit runes as well, it's nothing, but even then it's a gamble) for a moderate laner at best, and you expect to not get owned. Yes, lvl 1 GP, and even 2 (if you take E at 2) is op as fuck, but then he has a hard time againts most of the other laners. I'd like to see a GP vs Zed, where GP comes back to lane with a philo and an avarice blade - it's like Ezreals who buy tear first. Also, when i'm lvl 3, I have all my abilities, and I think it's pretty important. A second point in either Q, W or E is pretty meh compared to getting your third skill, and E is a great skill anyway, in case your opponent wants to fight you. That 7 seconds at lvl 2 or 3 is retarded, I can't think of many champions that are cool with fighting againts plus 12 attack damage, and not to mention GP's passive. I rarely (ie.never) die in lane 1v1, and very rarely 1v2 if I get ganked. I've personally played against zed, rumble, and akali and they just can't kill you with w max and tank masteries, and then rushing the appropriate defensive item. Philo regen also is not a joke. It lets you q minions almost forever. And avarice builds into the core item shiv. If you are going to buy a shiv anyway you might as well get the avarice blade asap to get as much extra gold from it as possible. I also don't understand why you say he has a hard time in lane? I specifically pick gp when I am against a hard top laner because I know I won't die and I scale better then they do. I've had people beat their heads against me all lane and they can't stop you from farming. If they want to fight just w and walk away. Chug a potion, and keep q'ing minions. You have to understand my mindset though, I am taking tank and utility masteries and tp. There is no way I can kill them even if I wanted to early game. Each item you complete though gives a definite power spike. You can start fighting as soon as you complete IBG or SV and winning trades. And that early game passivity pays off with an absolutely monstrous mid and late game. | ||
Hungary6034 Posts
EDIT: All right, I tried it, and it's just as BS as I always thought it is. No. Decent. Player. Watch. You. Do. This. Yes, if they pick Cho, or Nasus they can't really do much, but the 90% of the top laner champs have to rape your ass with it. If someone manages to not kill you at least three times with champs like Zed, Renekton, Jax, Rumble, etc. then they are bad. You can get away with one gp/10, but I state again: investing 1500 gold into nothing againts such brutal champions is wagering your game on the assumption that they are bad. 1500 gold is a brutalizer and more. 1500 gold is a Haunting guise and more. It's a cutlass and more. It's hp, penetration, damage, sustain, everything - and more. On the other hand, you get a beastly 7 health regen/5, and 8% critical chance, so in average, your every 11th attack will do double damage - which is not too scary, especially since you don't have any offensive items, nor armor penetration from the masteries. Every decent top laner (again, not talking about cho's and the likes) would either kill you or zone you, and if they push the lane, every decent jungler would just dive you over and over again. I might give it a shot vs vlad, because when he starts to get dangerous, you can already afford some magic resist. It almost felt like playing Poppy. | ||
95 Posts
I started 0-1 due to a zac lane gank. but from then on was pretty smooth sailing. I literally DO NOT fight them in the early game. Just w and drink a pot and walk away. I went q-w, and then max w with extra points in q, no points in e until i had to. I also never go past the midpoint in the lane, at least until I have my first item. Just push the wave into your opponents turret with ult and go back if the wave is pushing unfavorably. It worked exactly as I said it does. As soon as my ibg was done I could out-trade him. He stopped trying to fight me at that point. In the first team fight I had ibg and a bf sword. The game was relatively close at that point. By the surrender we were up 15-20 kills. I was 1-1-2 by the time I went to the first team fight. I ended the game 9-3-15. Its not particularly fun playing like a bitch for the first 20 min. But when it starts coming together you can carry games. I'm 11-4 using this build, 6.2 kda. | ||
United States2300 Posts
On July 31 2013 06:44 ZataN wrote: Once you get statik its so fun, well as long as you enjoy being the most annoying lane opponent ever. He plays Teemo, Garen and old Master Yi. | ||
United States33802 Posts
These are all true | ||
New Zealand414 Posts
You'll fit right in. Lol the baits are so good, sit around at low hp, bait em in heal, ult aa q aa GG SON. Also I am very confused by this guys GP build. Why would you play passive for the first 20 minutes? GP is very strong 1v1 early. You can dominate people at level 1, if you can push someone out of lane you can roam for ganks, or straight up push the tower and make them lose waves. Or you straight up kill your opponent. I can't figure out why you would play passive. Actually I had a two lanes vs a malph and I found him hard to kill early. Dat passive. Still you can freefarm and be super annoying. | ||
6318 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
Secondly, since you're using your ult to farm, you can't use it to help other lanes. One of the big strengths of early game Gangplank is that he can help snowball bot lane with his ult. Thirdly, not only are you allowing your opponent to just free farm, but allowing him to dictate the lane. He can either repeatedly shove in the creeps and slowly take down your tower, or freeze the lane and prevent you from farming. A much easier solution is to just use a flask start and you should be fine for mana. | ||
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