United States37500 Posts
On February 11 2011 16:37 Brambled wrote: Anyone explain Undertow bug? Heard people crying about it.
Q is doubly effective if the axe lands on the target. Works normal if axe simply passes through.
Russian Federation4235 Posts
On February 09 2011 07:10 Mogwai wrote: Olaf is such a bullshit 1v1 champ. I don't think anyone can beat him 1v1 because of how fucking imba his passive + reckless swings is.
I've beaten Olaf many times with equally farmed Kayle in 1v1. She is just TOO FAST and until Olaf lands either of his not-so-easy-to-land slows (axe is the best bet but maybe not enough vs Kayle, red buff and mallet are useless until you get close anyway) he does 0 damage.
Ehhh, Olaf generally rapes Kayle unless the Olaf is really bad from my knowledge.... Only way you'd win is literally kiting...for a longggg time...since you're going to need to burn through 3-4k hp alone. And an Olaf who would miss that many axes doesn't deserve to play Olaf. Like when I play Kayle if i see an Olaf, poppy, akali, trynd, or kass I'm like "crap" because all 5 generally destroy her.
i wonder if extra AD from w applies to sheen/triforce. triforce loaf #1?
Russian Federation4235 Posts
On February 11 2011 23:29 barbsq wrote: i wonder if extra AD from w applies to sheen/triforce. triforce loaf #1?
Triforce on Olaf is ugh. He's not that kind of champ who benefits from a little bit of everything.
Russian Federation4235 Posts
On February 11 2011 22:20 BlackPaladin wrote: Ehhh, Olaf generally rapes Kayle unless the Olaf is really bad from my knowledge.... Only way you'd win is literally kiting...for a longggg time...since you're going to need to burn through 3-4k hp alone. And an Olaf who would miss that many axes doesn't deserve to play Olaf. Like when I play Kayle if i see an Olaf, poppy, akali, trynd, or kass I'm like "crap" because all 5 generally destroy her.
IDK really. If Olaf doesn't ult, you have your slow, your haste and the red buff, so he can't close the gap even if he axes you. If Olaf does ult, you have your haste and your ult to run away until his ult wears off, and yes you kite him for infinity until you burn through his HP (although since you're talking about 4k HP Olaf, you assume fed, and a fed Kayle does a shitton of damage). Remember that we were talking about a hypothetical 1v1 situation. In teamfights, it's an entirely different story.
"If he doesn't ult." lol, if he finds he can't catch you from slows he'll just ult, and he'll chase you down, and you'll die. B/c once he hits you once you're not getting away. Just once.
Is Olaf a serious pick only against certain team comps and/or is he picky about his own teammates? Was kinda suprised when CLG went for him a few times in their ESL games (even if a couple of those were played with super troll builds).
On February 15 2011 05:27 SQWKZ wrote: Is Olaf a serious pick only against certain team comps and/or is he picky about his own teammates? Was kinda suprised when CLG went for him a few times in their ESL games (even if a couple of those were played with super troll builds). Imo olaf is the best jungle in the game, and it looks like Kobe agrees with me. His jungle clear time is absurd, and he has multiple paths that he can take. The great thing about olaf is he is a perfect anti carry: He deals absurd amounts of damage with his e, and you cannot cc him with his ulti. Combine that with a self heal, a passive that makes him MORE deadly as you try to kill him before he kills your carry, and the ability to literally 1v1 in a way that no champion besides fully fed nasus can.
The great thing about olaf is you ensure that ALL teamfire will be focused on you in teamfights, and that frees up the rest of your team to unload while you get attacked. If your tanky enough, you survive and kill the entire enemy team yourself since you cant be ccd. If you die, there goes all the enemy teams focus fire and they get blown up with no cooldowns.
I really think olaf is a vastly underrated champion. You have to pick between killing him and letting the other team's carry rip you apart or ignoring him and letting him rip through your squishies 1 by 1.
Olaf is probably the scariest thing to have to deal with as a ranged carry. He is pretty much unkillable while being a pretty significant wrecking ball in the process.
Imho I think he is one of the best junglers along side trundle, nunu, and shaco.
So what is some of your favorite jungle routes without grabbing blue first? And does building HoG first slow down your jungle a ton compared to wriggles?
On February 15 2011 05:56 Brambled wrote: So what is some of your favorite jungle routes without grabbing blue first? And does building HoG first slow down your jungle a ton compared to wriggles? Midway down page 3 is my guide starting at little golems.
As for hog vs wriggles: I always get wriggles. Lifesteal and free wards makes a big difference in determining the outcome of the laning phase. I value being able to stay in the field very highly. Wriggles+olaf passive means that no matter how low you are, you can find a small camp and instantly be back to half health. You can then take that gold and invest it in defense.
I am a staunch Heart of Gold advocate on the basis that 1) Olaf needs health, especially early; 2) Olaf is a faster jungler when low on health, so wriggles won't really speed you up; 3) it's 75 gold for a ward you can afford that ok? and 4) faster boots, faster olaf Of course, Wriggles is fantastic if you're heavily counterjungling, so...
Russian Federation4235 Posts
Wriggles allows dragon like half an hour earlier than HoG. Pretty much sums it up. It would be different if you maxed W first, but every Olaf maxes E first which is coincidenially totally useless vs creeps. The argument that being high on health slows your jungle is irrelevant because you deal 400 damage to creeps. If anything, jungling on 10% HP is just stupid since you might even get killed by a random Ezreal ult.
1) Soloing dragon is rather risky. Definitely easier with Wriggles, but still not something you want to plan your build around. 2) 200 health is quite respectable. Without health you're a bit of a glass cannon. 3) HoG means later items are faster and gives you a reliable source of income during a period when you probably will be deferring farming for ganking 4) Your E will do 340 damage to creeps. Respectable, IMO. 5) It's far easier to get dragon by ganking bot, then getting mid/bot to help you take it. 6) Randuins on Olaf? Still godly. 7) I would rather clear the jungle about 1.5 times as fast than worry about random ezreal ults killing me.
United States47024 Posts
On February 15 2011 10:46 Tooplark wrote: 3) HoG means later items are faster and gives you a reliable source of income during a period when you probably will be deferring farming for ganking To be fair, the gold generation should be almost a non-issue when comparing the items. The rate at which Wriggle's generates wards is almost the same in gold value as the rate at which HoG generates gold.
On February 15 2011 10:46 Tooplark wrote: 1) Soloing dragon is rather risky. Definitely easier with Wriggles, but still not something you want to plan your build around. 2) 200 health is quite respectable. Without health you're a bit of a glass cannon. 3) HoG means later items are faster and gives you a reliable source of income during a period when you probably will be deferring farming for ganking 4) Your E will do 340 damage to creeps. Respectable, IMO. 5) It's far easier to get dragon by ganking bot, then getting mid/bot to help you take it. 6) Randuins on Olaf? Still godly. 7) I would rather clear the jungle about 1.5 times as fast than worry about random ezreal ults killing me. Im sorry, but you cant honestly tell me that hog allows olaf to jungle faster than wriggles. Secondly, any income that you generate on HoG should get put into wards, not items. As jungle, you have the primary responsibility to ward drag and baron. Wriggles does it for free, not to mention faster jungling with wriggles means faster gold income. HoG is a great item on olaf, no doubt. However, i think its a better second item than first.
Wriggles is probably the best item any jungler can get. The value>gold ratio is amazing.
So I having been rushing Frozen Mallet as my first item but I don't feel really dangerous before I finish it. Afterwards I feel good once I catch someone but I still feel really squishy with Just Mallet and Wriggles.
I think obvious answer would be for me to rely on undertow for the slow I guess and build something in the middle of phage and mallet completion?
i really like rushing omen on this guy
edit: also, olaf doesnt need wriggles due to the inane aoe dps of undertow, waste of gold imo
edit2: i would only ever get wriggles if i was trying to cheese a dragon, but in any serious competitive game, i would gank, and if it was successful, then have my teammates help me do it, the spellvamp lets you easily tank it enough for 2-3 other ppl to bring it down
On February 15 2011 12:13 Brambled wrote: So I having been rushing Frozen Mallet as my first item but I don't feel really dangerous before I finish it. Afterwards I feel good once I catch someone but I still feel really squishy with Just Mallet and Wriggles.
I think obvious answer would be for me to rely on undertow for the slow I guess and build something in the middle of phage and mallet completion? I hate frozen mallet until laaaaaate game. I go wriggles>boots2>hog or phage or negatron (in some order) >BV>then finish randuins>mallet