[Champion] Olaf - Page 6
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United States5348 Posts
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United States2707 Posts
Wriggles: Ward every 3 minutes = 75 gold. Have to remember that wards got nerfed, so it technically gives less gold value. | ||
United States473 Posts
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United States2707 Posts
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Russian Federation4235 Posts
On February 15 2011 12:31 barbsq wrote: i really like rushing omen on this guy edit: also, olaf doesnt need wriggles due to the inane aoe dps of undertow, waste of gold imo edit2: i would only ever get wriggles if i was trying to cheese a dragon, but in any serious competitive game, i would gank, and if it was successful, then have my teammates help me do it, the spellvamp lets you easily tank it enough for 2-3 other ppl to bring it down Aiming to max E at level 9 means you will have from 1 to 2 points in Undertow until level 10. Omen was hit by the nerf bat and is considerably less scary with 8% CDR instead of 25%. Since for the first half of the game E is your main DPS source and only benefits from CDR, Randuin's isn't nearly as good on Olaf as it was before the nerf. You do not aim at doing dragon 1v1, you aim at doing it fast and safe, that's what Wriggles is for. Plus, free wards! | ||
United States47024 Posts
On February 15 2011 17:49 BluzMan wrote: Omen was hit by the nerf bat and is considerably less scary with 8% CDR instead of 25%. Since for the first half of the game E is your main DPS source and only benefits from CDR, Randuin's isn't nearly as good on Olaf as it was before the nerf. For the record, Randuin's was never 25% CDR. It was 15% at release and stayed that way until the recent nerf. | ||
5286 Posts
25% would be stupid ppl who saying that either HOG or wriggles is superior end of discussion might be interested to know that ballz and kobe both consistently get both of these items in their olaf games these days. of course there are going to be situations where you want to be tankier ASAP (HoG opening) or want to help take that dragon quicker / have better ward coverage (counterjungling or aiming to be able to take advantage of a successful gank by going to dragon immediately afterwards, which the lifesteal on wriggles would help keeping you high enough HP to attempt). | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
On February 15 2011 18:03 TheYango wrote: For the record, Randuin's was never 25% CDR. It was 15% at release and stayed that way until the recent nerf. Yeah, memory apparently didn't serve me that well. | ||
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
ill prob be switching from treads to cd boots when possible once randuin's cd nerfed note that I play him solotop though since he needs carry level gold not jungle level gold imo | ||
United States5348 Posts
On February 15 2011 17:49 BluzMan wrote: Aiming to max E at level 9 means you will have from 1 to 2 points in Undertow until level 10. Omen was hit by the nerf bat and is considerably less scary with 8% CDR instead of 25%. Since for the first half of the game E is your main DPS source and only benefits from CDR, Randuin's isn't nearly as good on Olaf as it was before the nerf. You do not aim at doing dragon 1v1, you aim at doing it fast and safe, that's what Wriggles is for. Plus, free wards! lvl 2 undertow is all you need, the cdr mechanic of undertow makes for stupid high dps on neuts, it was the same with the old phoenix udyr. granted, i havnt jungled olaf since the recent nerfs/mr buff to minions, but i could jungle wicked fast without wriggles, and saw no need to ever buy one 'for jungle speed'. not to mention that i can usually safely do dragon a bit later on (lvl 9-10 or so) anyways, like i said earlier, i would only ever get wriggles if i wanted to do something like a lvl 6 dragon cheese. edit: also omen is still a superb item on olaf, its just not a broken one anymore | ||
United States2707 Posts
On February 16 2011 02:11 Brees wrote: Ghostblade/randuin's/veil/atma's #1 olaf build ill prob be switching from treads to cd boots when possible once randuin's cd nerfed note that I play him solotop though since he needs carry level gold not jungle level gold imo guide to solotop olaf please | ||
Finland720 Posts
So, runes? I ended up slotting arpen marks, flat armor seals, scaling mres glyphs, and flat hp quints. What alternatives are there for these? I don't have a too broad of a selection of runes yet, and I'd like to know what's good to invest IP in. I can maybe see mixing some amount of ad into the reds, but not much else there. Even if Olaf gains some penetration naturally, it seems better to stack than something like attack speed. For seals, hp or dodge worthwhile? CDR blues actually seem really tempting, allowing for a bit more E spam. Are the flat or scaling ones the norm? Move speed, arpen, or something else entirely for quints? I'm generally fond of hp regen quints, but that feels more like a laneolaf thing. I will also be playing with him on Treeline, so can I go mana regen yellows/blues for the lane thing, or should I just be real conservative with abilities? | ||
Russian Federation4235 Posts
On February 17 2011 22:22 SQWKZ wrote: I'll be continuing with some stupid questions in this topic. So, runes? I ended up slotting arpen marks, flat armor seals, scaling mres glyphs, and flat hp quints. What alternatives are there for these? I don't have a too broad of a selection of runes yet, and I'd like to know what's good to invest IP in. I can maybe see mixing some amount of ad into the reds, but not much else there. Even if Olaf gains some penetration naturally, it seems better to stack than something like attack speed. For seals, hp or dodge worthwhile? CDR blues actually seem really tempting, allowing for a bit more E spam. Are the flat or scaling ones the norm? Move speed, arpen, or something else entirely for quints? I'm generally fond of hp regen quints, but that feels more like a laneolaf thing. I will also be playing with him on Treeline, so can I go mana regen yellows/blues for the lane thing, or should I just be real conservative with abilities? Flat blues are strictly better for junglers because of how CDR works. The benefit for each point in CDR is better the more you have (in vacuum, you do infinite damage with 100% CDR). Since you get the blue buff in the very beginning of the game, the extra 6% are great. Furthermore, flat CDR is easier to max because you know exactly what items you need to get to 40%, regardless of your level. Scaling CDR is more cost-effective on casters that start thinking about CDR after level 10. Flat CDR may still be better, but don't justify being the most expensive runes in the game (along with dodge seals). | ||
United States473 Posts
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Hungary4707 Posts
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United States1557 Posts
2) Ideal times to gank with Olaf in terms of levels? 3) How does Olaf fare against other junglers? | ||
Hungary4707 Posts
On March 23 2011 13:30 Misder wrote: 1) Current builds on Olaf? I've been hearing that vamp scepter can be good if the only goal is to clear creeps. 2) Ideal times to gank with Olaf in terms of levels? 3) How does Olaf fare against other junglers? 1) I don't know about vamp scepter :\. My build as Olaf: Wriggle's - heart of gold - mercury thrads - giant's belt- negatron OR chainmail - finish sunfire cape OR finish banshee's veil - finish the other - atma's impaler - infinity edge 21/0/9 aspd marks - armor yellow - cdr + mres blues - apen quints W-Q-Q-E-E-R max first: R-E-Q-W 2) peak times: -you can gank well at lvl4 with double buff and boots if you don't miss your axe throws OR don't risk and start counterjungle against certain slower/weaker junglers -at lvl6/7 after HoG you can have some unfair kills by diving with your ultimate -lvl 9/10 right after maxing E, especially with the giant's belt, you are the strongest character in the game. You can even 1 v 2 people. Search for conflicts. Search for the other jungler. Look for ganks and make them counterganks. -after the maxE peak time, your power levels decrease somewhat (opponents will have more HP), and you need other damage than just E that's why I buy atma's impaler. You are still very strong but don't rambo that much anymore. 3) against Rammus: You counter him well, period. Your E is his bane (low HP + high armor tank). Counterganks, counterjungling from lvl5+, nerfed powerball means he can hardly run away if you hit him with Q. A lot of times I don't pick Rammus, waiting for him to get picked and counter him with Olaf. against WW: After your first clear, buy wards, and clear his jungle as much as you can. Abuse that you are faster. I wouldn't 1v1 him, you can probably kill him if he's low(rarely low by himself, usually low after gank attempts and goes back to jungle to regenerate), but if not it takes long time and his teammates can arrive in time. You can run away from him with Q if there is any problem. You can duel him though if he skips on HP items (BR rush) against Udyr: He is fast too. So don't counterjungle much. If there would be any problem, you can just run away with Q though. At lvl 9, you are stronger than him. against Nunu: Really dangerous game. You need a lot of assistance from your teammates. He can kill you when you get low at your red. Cv at beginning if he has bought wards, cv again if he has put them down or not. Till you are 6, he can kite you. Don't counterjungle him, except if you are 100% sure he is far away. The problem is, that you need to use your ulti to kill him and you can't use it to run away afterwards. Play safe and wait till he gets mediocre after his crazy earlygame. | ||
5286 Posts
the current build for olaf these days seems to have wriggles have much higher priority than HoG (i see games where oddone and co don't get HoG at all). boots are a throwup, depends on the usage of ur ult and shit. mercs, swifties, and to some extent zerks are all viable on olaf. olaf can gank at any time really, even an off-tempo level 2 gank. it all depends on your useage of undertow, how much cc ur and ur enemy team's laners have, where the lane is pushed to, etc. his dps is insane with blue buff (and after he starts levelling e, without). olaf can take a standing 1v1 fight with any jungler as soon as he has blue buff. against nunu, if you use brush correctly, he cannot lay a finger on you. the cooldown mechanic of undertow makes it so that your dps is #1 with blue buff. don't get into kite wars with nunu though, as freelander says, you will lose them. people like arpen marks quints on olaf because he benefits from more armorpen (the way flat arpen works, it gets better with more flat arpen, and thus the synergy with his ult / q) and he gets inherent aspd with his passive early game. Also, the attack speed is not super useful for your first runthrough because your q will be doing more than half the damage with blue buff (and having that additional arpen helps more with q vs the wraiths than aspd would). So arpen marks quints, armor seals, and mres/level glyphs are good. rule of counterjungling, if you think your teammates are in a decent position (at least compared to their lane opponents) to help you and/or you can overwhelm the enemy jungler should he come out, you can probably do so. counterjungling (and preventing counterjungling vs u) is helped greatly by the presence of a cv on your team so you can cv key areas on ur jungle and theirs. | ||
United States5348 Posts
since brees hasnt really responded and is temp-banned atm, ill answer this for now, since i fancy myself a halfway decent solotop-laf, tho tbh its really easy basically i go 21-9-0 or 0-21-9 with apen marks/quints and mp5pl blues/yellows, tho im sure this is very flexible, xcept i wouldnt skimp on the mp5 yellows, those are kinda important for axe spamming. im sure hp quints, aspeed runes in general, hppl runes, etc are all quite good on him as well. for skills i go qwqe, r>q>e>w, importance of w and e is interchangeable, w will give you better lane-staying power, e will give you better trololol-break-stuff-and-go-apeshit power, so balance accordingly. as far as items go, basically what brees said, go bruta/hog, then gb, omen, veil, atmas, afterwards, get whatever the hell you want that more or less fits olaf in terms of what you do in lane, is really ez, throw axes at them and heal on the creeps with w, e them if they get too close. note that iirc e does not draw creep aggro, something cool to note. They also 'fixed' double hits with axes, but like 1 out of 50 times ill still get a double hit, so i dunno. Farming is also really easy, just throw axes back and forth across the wave, cs wicked ez | ||
Netherlands136 Posts
Also, if you can I reckon it would be good to throw the axe and when it is on its way immediately activate W to benefit from the spell vamp, and then beat on creep for life steal. But I reckon you don't get much lifesteal from last hitting creeps, but simply beating on creeps has the problem that it pushes the lane. Regarding jungling runes, I take it you guys recommend Armor Pen marks because his passive provides enough attack speed? (Edit: Nvm found the answer to this in a previous post) And does Spirit Visage increase the health gained from life steal and spell vamp? That would make SV a nice cheap package of health, CDR and Mres, especially since besides Randuin's your builds don't have much CDR in them. And I think there are plenty of casters who would benefit more from blue buff than Olaf would, so you can't rely on that for marvelous Reckless Swing spam. RAAARGH. | ||
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