First of all i REALLY recommend reading TheOddOne's guide
• Skills (for detailed description of skills read: this link):
- Passive Berzerker Rage:
For each 1% of health missing Olaf gains 1% attack speed (aka aspd)
Awesome passive, one of the reasons why Olaf is such a cool jungler (and also why he doesn't like being counter-jungled

- Q Undertow
Olaf throws an axe to a target spot dealing magic damage to every unit it passes through and slowing them. If Olaf picks the axe cooldown (cd) on this skill is decreased by 6 seconds
This skill is a skillshot (which means that it works "on ground", not "on target", his axe flies towards selected area), it passes through everything so you can hit multiple targets with it. After the axe lands it remains on the spot until you pick it up or CD on undertow refreshes. Very good skill mixed with golem buff - since it's base CD is 10 seconds and picking axe decreases CD by 6 seconds with blue buff you can spam axe each ~2 seconds
- W Vicious Strikes
For 6 seconds Olaf gains increased attack damage (based on level of skill AND maximum hp) as well as life steal and spell vamp.
This skill has very cool synergy with Olaf's passive, not only does it multiply your DPS benefits from his passive (since you have aspd from passive and AD from w and DPS = attack speed*Attack Damage) but also lifesteal allows to jungle infinitely without worrying about HP.
Also spell vamp works with smite so make use of it!
- E Reckless Swing
Olaf deals true damage to himself and a target (damage dealt to Olaf is 40% of damage dealt to enemy).
Ok, i could just use 1 phrase to explain why this skill is awesome and everyone would understand: True Damage. True damage is damage that cannot be reduced by armor/mres, so if this skill says it deals 340 true damage to enemy at max level - it just deals 340 damage. This means that if you prioritize this skill at lvl 9 you take ~1/4 amount of hp from squishies. This skill seems to be worse the longer the game drags since it doesn't scale but actually the fact that it will counter enemies stacking armor/mres later in the game makes up for it.
Also Olaf shouts like true berserker while using this skill so i recommend it

- R Ragnarok
Olaf gains passive armor penetration as well as he can use active part of this skill to become immune to disables and gain flat damage reduction.
Oh boy, my favorite "utility" ultimate in this game. It does sooo many things that are cool that most people don't even remember it gives arpen as well. Being immune to disables allows Olaf to initiate so well and make enemies feel helpless when you jump on their carry combined with dmg redux.
Also leveling this skill improves every area you can improve in skill - makes it cheaper, lessens cd, gives longer duration and better stats.
That's it for the introduction.
Here you can read TheOddOne's guide to Olaf:
TheOddOne is now one of the best - if not the best - players playing junglers, so i really recommend his guide.
And here is my (quite old TBH) guide to playing Olaf as a jungler:
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• Summoner spells:
These are my standard jungler spells, i don't think i'd ever swap them with any other.
So why Ghost you ask?
I will skip ghost's "standard" advantages that apply to every champ and explain why it is important for a jungler. Usually when you grab your first lizard (which happens most of the time at lvl 4) you want to look around the map and check for ganks. If you are ganking you obviously want to catch up to enemy so you can hit them with lizard-buffed autoattack, which combined with Q's slow will make enemies move like snails.
Ghost also saves ur ass when enemies counterjungle.
What's so special about Smite?
Well first of all - it does make your jungling faster. It allows you to grab blue lvl 1 with no problem. And the most important part - it prevents buff steals. When you hit 18 level it gives you ~1k damage nuke vs jungle creeps (deals ~700 damage to baron). It is just vital to last hit that Dragon/Baron. If 2 competent teams meet both having a jungler - the one without smite will lose.
• Skill order:
W Q Q/W E E R and then R>E>Q>W.
This is the skill order i use but with Olaf there's so many options - you can start with Q and kill golem np anyway, you can delay your E if you feel like the game will be very peaceful farm-fest. Literally every Olaf's skill is worth leveling.
So why do i use said skilling order?
Well, first 2 lvls are no-brainer, W gives u huge damage boost and allows to heal while jungling, Q allows for very quick clearing of camps with golem. At lvl 3 main focus is still clearing creeps as fast as possible so I take either W or Q - usually Q because it means better slow for gank.
Then from lvl 4 onwards i get E because i want to have lvl 5 E at lvl 9 - this allows Olaf to become serious threat to enemy squishy supports/carries - if you ever get near them you smash them with huge 360 dmg hit.
Then i grab Q over W just because it allows you to get better slows, however taking W over Q will result in better auto-attack DPS and staying power.
• Items:
Start with cloth armor + 5 hp pots (standard opening for most junglers). You want to buy boots before first gank. From then on i upgrade the cloth armor to hog and buy the following:
- mercury threads (Olaf actually doesn't need mercs that much b/c of his ult, though they are still useful for +mres and for times when ur ult is on cd, i dislike zerkers very much, especially on Olaf who has AS from his passive)
- randuins - upgrade your first hog
- negatron (if they have fed caster or many casters might need 2 negatrons)
- chainmail (this is when games usually end)
- if the game drags on you can upgrade your negatrons (on Olaf i usually prefer FoN over Banshees because i need ms so often, however if you don't know which one to choose - Banshees is awesome vs burst and gives you HP to help your EHP, FoN is very good vs poke fights).
- during the game always buy wards. Have 300 gold? Buy 3 wards! Jungler is the one with the best map control so you can ward ezpz, though don't overdo it - you also need to be tanky so you need items.
Now, my item build is very different from build that Lilballz uses (IIRC he goes randuins -> (quite often frozen mallet) -> atma's), however it kinda didn't suit me so i opted for a full-tank Olaf.
Also sometimes i use my "standard crisis jungle tank build" which is:
- as many hogs as you can till 13. minutes (idea shamelessly stolen from discussions in our thread

- 2-3 negatrons
The idea of this one is to have as many "small pieces" of tank-stats to have cheap and efficent tanking but at the cost of utility.
• Masteries
I use my standard jungler masteries - 1/14/15.
Offensive Tree: improved Smite (aka Plentiful Bounty 1/1)
Defensive Tree: Strength Of Spirit 3/3, Harden Skin 3/3, Defensive Mastery 2/2 as well as all the requirements.
Utility Tree: Good Hands 3/3, Improved Ghost (aka Haste 1/1), Awareness 4/4, Meditation 2/3, Utility Mastery 2/2, Quickness 3/3
• Jungling order:
I start with blue buff (big golem), hit once and before 2. hit use W (so i can heal 5 more hp lol) and use health pot after u get hit by golem. Use W when it's up and try to time smite so that u deal last hit with it, iirc you should deal ~540 damage to golem, because it has negative magic res (this is important part if you are not sure if enemy jungler didn't ward your blue, even though if he did and your team didn't cover you you're dead probably

Then i move to wolves, wraiths (ask mid to not steal XP if he is nearby, this one is important because if he steals XP - you won't hit lvl 4 at lizard), then big golems (smite them), then recall and buy boots + potions and go kill lizard (recalling before lizard is important because this way you have lizard longer compared to recalling after lizard. Not recalling at all makes it impossible to gank).
• Ganking:
Now you have cleared you jungle, hit lvl 4 and it's time to look at the minimap. Check out the lanes - if either lane is pushed out towards your tower (so if you go from the river side you "take enemies from behind") - that's your prey.
It is important to pay attention to enemy summoner spells before ganking. If you gank someone soloing top and he has ghost+flash - they will almost surely escape (unless they are hitting your tower at this moment). However if you have no better choice for ganks it may be still very good to just run in there and force them to use their summoners, this will surely help your ally.
Also when ganking top/bot - don't just rush in there if there's no need. You can sit in brush and see if enemy pushes further. If he does - you can use ghost and go in (preferably if he is near bush you may be able to hit him with Q for the slow). Once you hit them with lizard buff and your ally is competent/not nearly dead you are guaranteed to kill enemy.
Some important stuff about ganking:
It is NOT always the best idea to gank:
- If your allies pushed the lanes - it is a waste of time, you are better off farming jungle.
- If you are not sure if you or your lanemate won't die - don't gank (say if your ally has 100 hp vs lvl 6 nidalee with ghost/flash, she WILL get a kill on an ally if he tries to help you). If your ally is on low HP just let him back off and hold his lane.
- If your allies are doing just fine and enemy plays very safe - you're better off staying in jungle.
So what does the "perfect gank prey" look like?
Like that Ashe

Shamelessly stolen from the LoL tutorial thread

• Runes:
Ok so i'm still poor so i don't have dedicated jungler page. I use:
- ArPen reds
- Mp5/lvl yellows
- flat cdr blues
- hp or move speed quints.
I feel like ArPen is somewhat a waste for jungling but at the same time it sure does help with ganking.
Mp5s are there for mid and lategame when you will be giving blue to champs that need it more.
Flat cdrs are cool on Olaf because they - combined with randuins and blue buff allow for maximum E spam at lvl 9+.
For quints i feel like HP quints are "jack of all trades master of none" - you can use them for every champ, but they aren't the best pick for any champ.
MS quints are cool choice for Olaf since he kinda lacks a good way to get close to enemy compared to Udyr's ms boost from BEAR STANCE or mumu's bandage.
I'm almost sure that these aren't optimal runes but i don't know what to offer so feel free to tell me what runes would you use.
Well i think i've covered everything i need, if this guide needs something, feel free to post about it.
I'm open to criticism and suggestions so i await

Here's Ghen's guide to Olaf:
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Click to link to original post
On December 07 2010 06:57 ghen wrote:
Ok, I've got my olaf groove back. I had a long stint with Rammus which obliterated my good vibes with the bromeister.
First off, buy brolaf. Derp Bro.
Skill order I've been using: WQWEER R>E>W>Q
Masteries, 1/8/21 is preferred, but it gets me killed too much so I go 1/14/15. If you're not a baddie try out the first one.
Next I go cloth+5 hp, start big wolf. Kill big wolf and run to blue golem. Golem should spawn about a second before you arrive. Doing this gets you a faster jungle from using spawn times more efficiently, plus as an extra olaf bonus you start with more attack speed on golem which helps a lot.
Go big wolf -> golem -> wolves -> wraiths -> lizard -> small golems -> gank
You should be able to use your last HP pot to get almost full HP for your gank attempt and it comes so fast that people just aren't expecting it. I try to ping the target as I'm finishing golems so that the lane partners know what's up.
Item order:
HoG -> merc treads -> chainmail / negatrons / giants belt as needed based on the enemy -> build out items
For magic resist I prefer FoN over banshees
For armor I get randuins if laning phase is still going on (slow game) or sunfire if groups have started forming. I prefer sunfire overall as it is a superb farming item to make up for olaf's single target tendencies.
If I'm building HP first (IE: Don't know who's dangerous yet) I usually end up with a frozen mallet as my 3rd item.
Ok, I've got my olaf groove back. I had a long stint with Rammus which obliterated my good vibes with the bromeister.
First off, buy brolaf. Derp Bro.
Skill order I've been using: WQWEER R>E>W>Q
Masteries, 1/8/21 is preferred, but it gets me killed too much so I go 1/14/15. If you're not a baddie try out the first one.
Next I go cloth+5 hp, start big wolf. Kill big wolf and run to blue golem. Golem should spawn about a second before you arrive. Doing this gets you a faster jungle from using spawn times more efficiently, plus as an extra olaf bonus you start with more attack speed on golem which helps a lot.
Go big wolf -> golem -> wolves -> wraiths -> lizard -> small golems -> gank
You should be able to use your last HP pot to get almost full HP for your gank attempt and it comes so fast that people just aren't expecting it. I try to ping the target as I'm finishing golems so that the lane partners know what's up.
Item order:
HoG -> merc treads -> chainmail / negatrons / giants belt as needed based on the enemy -> build out items
For magic resist I prefer FoN over banshees
For armor I get randuins if laning phase is still going on (slow game) or sunfire if groups have started forming. I prefer sunfire overall as it is a superb farming item to make up for olaf's single target tendencies.
If I'm building HP first (IE: Don't know who's dangerous yet) I usually end up with a frozen mallet as my 3rd item.
Also looking forward to more Olaf guides by other TLers
