Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. |
On May 16 2013 21:38 nafta wrote:Show nested quote +On May 16 2013 21:36 Dark_Chill wrote:On May 16 2013 21:19 nafta wrote: If you max q and they have a graves/vayne/ez/cait how do you land a q without ultimate?Unless the enemy ad walks into it you can't do it.I've played her a few times and in teamfights/skirmishes she is amazing but her laning is really bad. Well, if they're in a fight, they have to move out of the way and waste time, lowering their dps. I think TL has been pretty clear on how pretty much all of Nami's moves are counter-initiation. Initiating a fight with Q will always be hard, but hitting a Q when stuff's already happening is way easier. That's my whole point.Why max q when it is unreliable?Don't you max what is strongest in lane on every champ ever?Maxing q pretty much makes her useless if you don't have ult or varus unless they are bad really. That's one of the main reasons she isn't played much.You can't solo win lane by poking or just killing.
It's not unreliable though, it's just not used as initiation because it's easier to dodge. Q is also her only skill that goes down in cd and stays in mana when leveling. Just to be clear, I'm not advocating Q max. I haven't tried it, and I haven't seen other people try it. It doesn't sound that bad to max though.
Pootie too good!4331 Posts
I have never seen a Nami Q before. Why is it so hard to hit? Is it like Rupture? Or Brand W? What"s so easy about it to dodge/hard to it?
On May 16 2013 22:04 JonGalt wrote: I have never seen a Nami Q before. Why is it so hard to hit? Is it like Rupture? Or Brand W? What"s so easy about it to dodge/hard to it? It takes 3 years to reach its destination.
It is like rupture, but slower and smaller.
Not to mention the huge bubble that flies at you kinda gives it away.
What do you guys think about the state of Jayce right now, he's been perma banned/f-picked in ogn. Nerf inc? (partialy founded by me owning face with him during free week)
Co-op vs. AI
Fixed a bug that caused Co-op vs. AI games on Twisted Treeline to award more IP/XP than intended for games under 20 minutes Fixed a bug that caused Co-op vs. AI games on Twisted Treeline to award less IP/XP than intended for games over 20 minutes RIP the best way to level smurf-accounts. Don't understand that change, since smurfs are really toxic for new players and the 3v3 Co-op levelers weren't actually hurting anyone. Sure there are exceptions, but most people don't actually care if someone on their team doesn't want to powerlevel. Plus you usually had 1 or 2 people with you, so you could still finish games quite quickly, even if the last member didn't want to powerlevel with you.
On May 16 2013 22:23 nanospartan wrote: What do you guys think about the state of Jayce right now, he's been perma banned/f-picked in ogn. Nerf inc? (partialy founded by me owning face with him during free week) im not sure, look at renekton there was time he was picked/banned every game and now hes not played that often even without nerfs, guess he should be nerfed considering everyone else "good" also got nerfed but then we end up in circle of never ending nerfs
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Czech Republic11293 Posts
On May 16 2013 22:23 nanospartan wrote: What do you guys think about the state of Jayce right now, he's been perma banned/f-picked in ogn. Nerf inc? (partialy founded by me owning face with him during free week) I have the same opinion on him as OGN does: very good first pick and a very good ban. Because he can both top and middle lane he should almost never go unpicked/unbanned imo.
The problem with Jayce is that muramana gives him too much sustained damage in teamfight for the amount of poke/disengage he brings IMO
Sometimes Riot's nerf/buff rationality confuses me. Nerf some things because they're too annoying to play against in solo queue (AP Trynd, Nunu top, Rumble), but then buff Akali, who is a legitimate solo queue terror against teams with poor coordination, even with her nerfs two patches prior. I can see her getting nerfed again in the next patch or two.
The interaction between Jayce's ranged W and muramana is just too strong. The ability to trigger muramana 4 times inthe span of about a second is pretty insane damage.
I'll bet money that Akali won't get any significant buffs or nerfs for a while now.
Edit: Riot doesn't want to destroy champions completely and they went overboard with the last Akali nerfs so now they're compensating with these small buffs.
Riot probably has more pressing things to nerf in terms of tournament play than to deal with soloq akalis
So I finally bought 3x lifesteal quints. These things are too silly really, being able to skip 2nd dorans/vamp scepter while still having enough sustain in lane on ad's is just silly strong, those few minutes earlier on first big item are pretty obscene lol.
Sorry if it's been discussed but is Diana's W change just a nerf because people have been saying it is yet I'm pretty sure you're gonna get double shield anytime you us WR resulting in a beefier shield, right? Like I know they nerfed the value but double stack should make up for it or am I just stupid?
It depends on how fast your orbs blow up, really - so if you use Diana for initiating which is not uncommon then it's probably a small buff - in 1v1 skirmishes etc. it seems like a nerf to me.
That would be true but they also nerfed the AP ratio on it by lot.
Collecting hipster credit now:
Nami was always (or always should have been) a R>Q>E>W. You use E on yourself to set up a Q, and just run in and cast W on either yourself or your AD and let it bounce around.
The important thing is that Nami is *not* Soraka. Soraka is a healbot, or rather, can be played as a healbot (which isn't really optimal honestly, battlemage Raka is hella fun to play). Nami is not a healbot, and should never ever be played as such. It would be like maxing... (insert useless or suboptimal skill here) first.
EDIT: Also, I'm trying to pick up some AD. What's the argument against taking lifesteal quints with tele/flash and starting longsword and backing ASAP for a vamp sceptre (probably around 3 or 4 minutes)? With vamp + lifesteal quints, you can outsustain most enemy bottom lanes. It's a bit of a farm-y lane, but you can usually get a pretty stupid advantage in CS.
I am personally not a huge fan of ignite except against guys like Swain/ Mundo, and teleport is useful in the regard that it means that as long as your team drops wards appropriately the AD carry is always with them, and having it can really catch the enemy team off guard. For example, I can afk farm bot while my team is top, and when the enemy team is obviously going to 5man me, I just tele top and we get a free tower or Baron.
On May 16 2013 23:17 ticklishmusic wrote: Collecting hipster credit now:
Nami was always (or always should have been) a R>Q>E>W. You use E on yourself to set up a Q, and just run in and cast W on either yourself or your AD and let it bounce around.
The important thing is that Nami is *not* Soraka. Soraka is a healbot, or rather, can be played as a healbot (which isn't really optimal honestly, battlemage Raka is hella fun to play). Nami is not a healbot, and should never ever be played as such. It would be like maxing... (insert useless or suboptimal skill here) first. Maxing her heal is like maxing Taric's heal. I mean sure, you're getting more healing... but his other skills are much better to max prior. Same for Nami, people don't realize how good Q and E are, I see so many solo queue Namis focusing on W.