Looks like we're back to status quo. Hope more of you lurkers unburrow and talk with us. :3 If you have any issues or comments about the new design, feel free to PM Neo. |
On June 11 2013 08:42 Eppa! wrote: I wrote on the official forums back in the day that madreds was a terrible item because it has a random factor, I think morello said it was some sort of fun factor that the jungle was so random.
Also jungle changes are bad for Eve and Rengar. The 2 champions I enjoy playing the most. Not to mention that my team have been practicing solo bot purple side. :S Can I ask why, specifically?
Their first clear is painfully slow, especially rengar, you need madreds before you can jungle at all on rengar at decent speeds.
Also they need to hit their powerlevels at 6.
On June 11 2013 07:14 Lmui wrote: We've improved consistency for abilities that behaved inconsistently when the targeted enemy uses Flash. We’re cleaning up these interactions so that either the ability won’t cast or Flash won’t be used up (it will be one or the other, never both). Jayce's Thundering Blow Singed's Fling Skarner's Impale Volibear's Rolling Thunder
Probably the best change in the patch that I've found.
Poppy E also fucks over your flash if timed correctly, they should fix that too
The Loading Screen no longer appears off-center in your monitor after Champ Select, when in Borderless or Windowed mode. Included a possible fix for an issue that would cause LoL to open in the bottom right of the screen on computers under heavy load
Czech Republic11293 Posts
But doesn't jungle Rengar not make sense in the first place? As you said, he has very bad first clear and unexceptional subsequent clears, his ganks are mediocre pre-level6 too and while they are quite good after lvl6, a lane rengar with his roar can afford to roam after killing a creep wave too. As a splitpusher+assasin mutliclasser, since his effectiveness is entirely dependant on his ability to 1v1 anyone on the enemy team, he is in great need of both experience and gold, something that jungle can't provide for him, given his slow clear time.
Support ashe. Might be a thing.
Taking an adc page with ad runes and marks. volly plus crit (focus?) poke The slow is really strong for gank and anti gank support and the ult is the ult.
Lissandra with the 5s untargetable with Zhonya's seems so crazy (not in a bad way). Even though they toned down her damage, I can't wait to see some more hard engages with her now.
But overall, great patch I think. A lot of things were addressed and nothing seems to jump out at me at being too terrible.
No it does not make sense he is a terrible jungler, but i enjoy playing him there and i can't top lane. I am going to pick up Sejuani now because the amount of viable junglers is so limited right now.
ive seen some rengar players play him in top lane but at the first opportunity get mobility boots and like botrk ghostblade or something and just roam around getting kills
i was gobstacked at how perfectly that playstyle was the antithesis of everything that i like
he got like 17 kills and we still won lolololool
i played afew other games with a similar thing but i wasnt top and ive won and lost some
rengar is amazingly bad at teamfights if you have any detection if he plays glass cannon style
Fixed a bug where Thresh could cast Flash while casting Death Sentence
Riot, I am disappoint. This is like removing ward jumps.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
He can work moderately well in teamfights with large amount of AoE CC support. But yeah, he is almost exclusively a splitpusher and a ganker past midgame.
On June 11 2013 09:26 Chrispy wrote: Fixed a bug where Thresh could cast Flash while casting Death Sentence
Riot, I am disappoint. This is like removing ward jumps. b-b-b-ut it's a "unfun" mechanic. I seriously don't understand why they removed it; I know they want to tone down Thresh's strength but removing stuff like this isn't the way to do it.
The Nashor´s Tooth rework/buff seems nice on Kayle. It only works with the single target part of her e though right ?
On June 11 2013 09:20 Sermokala wrote: Support ashe. Might be a thing.
Taking an adc page with ad runes and marks. volly plus crit (focus?) poke The slow is really strong for gank and anti gank support and the ult is the ult.
I tried/ suggested this like a bajillion years ago with old Ashe. Problem is basically you could just play Lulu, who offers similar levels of poke and more utility. Might be a bit more viable now with new Volley, but it charges up incredibly slowly at lower levels when it matters.
Probably a bit late to the party on this, but I've noticed a lot of top laners in my division now starting 4pot, rejuv bead, and pink ward and it just seems like such a smart start in response to the elixir/potion changes. Was wondering if anyone else has tried/faced vs this start and how does it compare to other starters like 5pot+cloth?
Is there any way to tell who's the enemy team during champ select? Like a third party program or website?
So, i just got horribly raped as jayce against ryze top. Part of the problem was probably that it was blind pick and i had 0 mr. But he still seemed very strong early when compared to what i expected. How are you supposed to play that lane?
He has zero escape. You gank him.
Guys guys guys, I figured out how to buff Skarner
You make his E+ Show Spoiler +.
Straight outta Johto18973 Posts