The support from Bioware is horrible.! SO be careful with your security questions or something else related to your Acc.! If this continues to be part of the customer-service i will not buy the game!
On December 03 2011 02:57 Riskr wrote: The support from Bioware is horrible.! SO be careful with your security questions or something else related to your Acc.! If this continues to be part of the customer-service i will not buy the game!
So, tell us. Are you having problems with the beta and Bioware isn't replying to your emails/tickets or have you possibly lost your account or something?
yes,i forgot one of the security questions,which will be randomly asked if you wanna login. (i mean cmon,nobody remembers them exactly!..if you know the password). I cant even TRY to login either,just blank screens if i try...yesterday i got the answer that the acc is suspended at least and i have to contact the support. The Customer support´s hotline is currently not available...i tried it today in the morning,it got answered telling me to try it again at 5.00 pm today. I since then tried to get through,even contacting Ea support,wrote a few e-mails which got not replied to... So i think the beta 4 this weekend is gone....even freed up some spare time to play with my 2 cousins... i´m really dissapointed from their support,even knowing that they have started a new company in Ireland with 200 employees for support only.
On December 03 2011 03:52 Riskr wrote: yes,i forgot one of the security questions,which will be randomly asked if you wanna login. (i mean cmon,nobody remembers them exactly..if you know the password). The Customer support´s hotline is currently not available...i tried it today in the morning,it got answered telling me to try it again at 5.00 pm today. I since then tried to get through,even contacting Ea support,wrote a few e-mails which got not replied to... So i think the beta 4 this weekend is gone....even freed up some spare time to play with my 2 cousins... i´m really dissapointed from their support,even knowing that they have started a new company in Ireland with 200 employees for support only.
Well, i hope you understand that this is completely your fault. Second of all, it's a beta weekend. They are busy as fuck right now, like they were last week. (yes, i experienced problems with their support). Have you tried to change your answer(s)? You can do it from your profile, at least i can.
I'm also not completely sure about this, but you don't need to fill the security question line when you login. Might be different case if you are trying to log in for the first time, i can't remember exactly.
this game is so awesome. WoW wont die because of it, but it will still be amazing. I think its hilarious that people think WoW will legit DIE (people on youtube and . I played WoW for 2 years. If your truly into it, there is NOTHING better, your completely sucked in, trying to get that one piece of gear that won't drop
no you have to,and yes it is my fault to some degree,but for those mistakes is the customer support. I remembered the security question but if you got a space between and haven´t entered it you are screwed. yes i agree with you that they are busy etc..but i got some unanswered e-mails from some weeks!!!!!! ago,and i´m not the only one if you read some forums. Nevertheless if you got an Account: NOTE the EXACT spelling of the security question with marks,free space etc otherwise you will regret it. to the one above: Yes i had that feeling with Vanilla and to some degree in BC/WotLK but i was really dissapointet of Cata and the first few i quit. And yes i was in a Hardcore raiding guild etc..have done Rated Bgs etc(the only thing which i was really into after Cata hit) But my opinion to WoW is nowadays,its all about the money,nothing else...
you should treat security questions as secondary passwords btw because hackers can figure normal answers out because of limited options and people that know you in person can because they know you.
On December 03 2011 04:03 Riskr wrote: no you have to,and yes it is my fault to some degree,but for those mistakes is the customer support. I remembered the security question but if you got a space between and haven´t entered it you are screwed.
Hold on. So, i assume you are talking about your first log-in here. So you need to fill the security question line now? If you have logged in before, you are wrong. Because you don't need to fill it if you have already logged in once or so.
So you do remember your security question, but it still gives you an error of some kind? Because i had spaces on my answer, and i had no problems what so ever. Remember that you need to confirm your beta access and do all the preparations before you can log-in. It was a mess, but you should have everything in your mail. From instructions to links.
On December 03 2011 03:52 Riskr wrote: yes,i forgot one of the security questions,which will be randomly asked if you wanna login. (i mean cmon,nobody remembers them exactly!..if you know the password). I cant even TRY to login either,just blank screens if i try...yesterday i got the answer that the acc is suspended at least and i have to contact the support. The Customer support´s hotline is currently not available...i tried it today in the morning,it got answered telling me to try it again at 5.00 pm today. I since then tried to get through,even contacting Ea support,wrote a few e-mails which got not replied to... So i think the beta 4 this weekend is gone....even freed up some spare time to play with my 2 cousins... i´m really dissapointed from their support,even knowing that they have started a new company in Ireland with 200 employees for support only.
It asks the security questions when you try to log on from different IP/computer, but I really don't understand how can you not remember your security questions? Unless you typed something totally gibberish instead of actually giving the right answers which unfortunately is your own problem really. Support is kinda slow during these times usually, but emailing EA is not gonna help it really. Usually my dealing with bioware's support has been pretty good.
I'm wondering how divided the factions are going to be. During my last weekend testing I lost about 11 BGs out of 15(on my jedi shadow), which is not a really a great sample to base anything on but we all know how it's in WoW in some servers.
no,i remembered the security question,or at least i think i do..(and its only the one question i got now,the other 3 i remembered correctly)but maybe i got on the wrong key or got 2 spacebars at the end when i filled it in and now im screwed. I tried to get acces to the acc on the website,but thats not working either and i tried it the whole day. pretty much screwed up if i dont get to the support. And i havent emailed Ea ,its the bioware support as with the form you got on the website,but i cant do nothing. And the first mails which got not answered are from some weeks ago when i first signed up 4 the beta. no im not logging in the first time,perhaps its just me but i got asked the security questions pretty regularly when i logged in. Well I give it up tbh its a great game but with that support i will reconsider the purchase.
That's an incredibly juvenile reason to boycott the purchase of a game. A game that has potential to be the greatest MMO ever made and the greatest Star Wars game ever made. All this rant does is perpetuate the 'crybaby' visage of gamers; if you have a genuine problem with the response time, send feedback reports to Bioware. They are doing a beta because they want to make the game as great as possible. Just don't come to a forum like TL and needlessly bash on what is no doubt going to be an amazing game.
sry was thinking in my nature language after the odyssey. I have the right to rant about bad support,and no in my opinion its not juvenile...ask yourself if you got hacked etc..and you are in a "hostile" situation,and cant get that straight,its your purpose to do so. And i have said the Game is great but the support is poor,dont come in to TL and judge people cuz of your own personal opinion. sincerely Riskr
I'm curious how many of you have thought some about the strategies involved in the teamplay PvP games? I started thinking about them a bit more today with some ideas to try out with a group.
Void Star Offense:
Split your team into 7 and 1. With the 1 being a class that can stealth. Overload one side with 7 and sneak the stealth one to the other side. Don't try to arm the bomb until the defenders all go to the action on the other side. Most teams will think you are zerging full-on one side and not defend the other side at all - plus most people don't like to defend without seeing a threat for a few seconds, they'll get bored and join in on the action.
Another idea is trying to secure a position where you have a perimeter setup in the arch around the bombing zone. Near the doorway, if you look on the ground you'll notice an arched tileset and some pillars. Try to occupy that area and push any defenders away from getting closer. Hold your ground and don't let them through. Once you kill 2 or more within a short time span, it will be a while before they respawn, so that's your chance to send ONE person to arm the bomb. Everyone else holds their ground with the perimeter to not let the bomber get pushed away.
Defense: Probably safest to start off 4 / 4 left and right side. Easiest way to communicate this is whoever shows up in the top 4 player slots on your team (I assume its the same for everyone) is group A, the rest are group B. So you can call out "A left, B right" or "all left / all right" or whatever.
Save your pushback attacks for when someone is arming the bomb. You don't want them on cooldown when you need to interrupt someone arming the bomb.
Should be obvious, but do not get lured away from the bombing area. Your priorities are staying alive until ample reinforcements come and disrupting people trying to arm the bombs.
---- This is all theoretical and I do not claim to be a pro or anything. Just makes sense to me. Anyone thought about some of these tactics yet? I think it would be interesting to come up with some ideas.
On December 03 2011 04:29 Riskr wrote: no,i remembered the security question,or at least i think i do..(and its only the one question i got now,the other 3 i remembered correctly)but maybe i got on the wrong key or got 2 spacebars at the end when i filled it in and now im screwed. I tried to get acces to the acc on the website,but thats not working either and i tried it the whole day. pretty much screwed up if i dont get to the support. And i havent emailed Ea ,its the bioware support as with the form you got on the website,but i cant do nothing. And the first mails which got not answered are from some weeks ago when i first signed up 4 the beta. no im not logging in the first time,perhaps its just me but i got asked the security questions pretty regularly when i logged in. Well I give it up tbh its a great game but with that support i will reconsider the purchase.
Not meaning to disregard your support issues but in the interests of getting all information out there I had a similar issue (Couldn't get the specific spelling of my secret questions right and it locked me out of the account) and called support from an international number dreading a long wait and lots of issues after having read your posts. The queue was over in about 5 seconds they asked stuff like what's the first line of your address and the phone number you registered with and gave me the exact spelling and punctuation after I was able to tell them what I thought the answer was (Turned out I'd put a Mr. in front of a name).
All in all I had an excellent experience. Maybe you just had bad luck? Or I had extremely good?
Star Wars The Old Republic 1080 - Jedi Knight Sentinel - Nar Shaddaa
Star Wars The Old Republic 1080 - Jedi Knight Sentinel - Nar Shaddaa
Some questing in the pvp zone Nar Shaddaa. I have a couple videos of this area to upload, all level 23+. We are getting closer and closer to release and personally I just cant wait :D Enjoy the video
Pre-ordered the game, hoping it's not a mistake. Guild is going too, should be fun.
Don't like the lack of LFG tool if there's not going to be any kind of respeccing or multispeccing IMO.
Making it prohibitively expensive to fill alternate roles your class archetype is otherwise able to goes against the grain of making you build your own groups.
On December 03 2011 20:00 AutomatonOmega wrote: Pre-ordered the game, hoping it's not a mistake. Guild is going too, should be fun.
Don't like the lack of LFG tool if there's not going to be any kind of respeccing or multispeccing IMO.
Making it prohibitively expensive to fill alternate roles your class archetype is otherwise able to goes against the grain of making you build your own groups.
There is a LFG list in the /who. I mean it doesn't auto-group you, but anyone can find anyone else if they really want to. Also, the good old fashion chat was fine for me to find a group!