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So because it's Jar Jar directing again and based on what he did in E7(copying E4) I say this will happen: Rey will try to find the good in Kylo(Luke & Vader motive from E6) Rey will kill Palpatine, either with a help from Kylo or not, I say Kylo will die before Palpatine and then she finishes the job. Thus proving Rey is the strongest force user ever as she managed to beat the Emperror. (corresponds with E6 ending and the agenda they're pushing in the movies) Palpatine will bring some hidden fleet or do some different trick and kills every old character while destroying Millenum Falcon. This is new and I don't give this too much, but it would graciously end all the old characters(mostly Leia). Most probably they somehow manage to lure FO ships to fight the Imperial ships which would destroy both factions. Not sure what creature will replace Ewoks but I say that there will be some kind of it and they will help with the victory(because Ewoks were in E6 and animals are important(E8 & the Casino thing) We already saw a sand planet(E6), a barge with our heroes being attacked by persons with jetpacks(E6, Boba death moment) while trying to flee the enemies(E6) (Edit> this was in some show, not sure if this is part of both the trailers already linked in this thread, cantry to find it if requested)
I would love to be wrong. Please, prove me wrong. But these are my predictions based on the teasers I saw.
So, according to all the leaks and rumors you're not that far off...
Rey will try to find the good in Kylo - yeah, but it won't go well. Basically, she'll beat him in a duel for the third time, no surprise here, which will make him rage more and want to kill her until they find palpy and join forces and he'll die.
Palpatine will bring some hidden fleet or do some different trick and kills every old character while destroying Millenum Falcon. This is new and I don't give this too much, but it would graciously end all the old characters(mostly Leia). Most probably they somehow manage to lure FO ships to fight the Imperial ships which would destroy both factions. - Palpatine has super secret huge fleet shown in the trailers. Rebels and FO band together to fight them. Lando, Chewie, C3PO and R2D2 die on the falcon (a point in test screening when people started walking out). Palpatine destroys the fleet with force lightning.
Rey will kill Palpatine, either with a help from Kylo or not, I say Kylo will die before Palpatine and then she finishes the job. Thus proving Rey is the strongest force user ever as she managed to beat the Emperror. - pretty much this, Kylo dies and Rey finishes palpy with the help from force ghost Luke and Leia or something. Then she destroys palpatine's fleet with force lightning.
Ewoks were in E6 and animals are important - there is a charge on horseback on the outside of a star destroyer in the trailer... Nuff said.
Oh, and for the big reveal. Rey is somehow descendant from Palpatine but at the end she takes the name Skywalker, because reasons (and movie title must make some sense after all Skywalkers are dead).
In any case, even if 10% of it is true the movie is gonna blow real hard...
I got curious about people walking out of test screenings and looked it up, suggestion was that was just a hoax to try to discredit the movie. Which sucks because I love me some drama and could barely care about Star Wars, haha.
On November 29 2019 21:47 Turbovolver wrote: I got curious about people walking out of test screenings and looked it up, suggestion was that was just a hoax to try to discredit the movie. Which sucks because I love me some drama and could barely care about Star Wars, haha.
Lucasfilms doesn't seem to do test screenings, there simply are a lot of very angry star wars fans who still haven't accepted that they disliked a star wars film / that no new star wars film will ever be able to replicate the feelings of the OT because they are idealised. Now i have read the leaks, one because i don't care about spoilers at all and also because i don't care too much about star wars either, these films are all about the same to me in their quality (outside of the prequels, they are hot garbage). Some of these plot points i find absurd, others are exactly what i would expect from a fairytale for children. Maybe at some point the 20+ year old children can come to this mindset as well and don't feel the need to procclaim that they childhood got destroyed because they didn't like the new installment of a franchise movie. A lot of kids right now build their own memories of sw, with the sequels !
You can't disenfranchise your core demography just because the original was a fairytale for kids and you want another fairytale for kids. If your core demographic grows up with you, you're just an asshole for tossing them aside, because they're the one's that have the most invested in it. If you can't mature your tale with more complexity and sanity, just because it's too contrived, you just have a bunch of bad storytellers / written yourself in too many corners. There has been so much nonsensical, unnnecessary bullshit in the last 6 movies, it's such a hot mess to detangle it all. It may just be a byproduct of an era though, this too much inexplicable random bullshit.
On November 29 2019 21:47 Turbovolver wrote: I got curious about people walking out of test screenings and looked it up, suggestion was that was just a hoax to try to discredit the movie. Which sucks because I love me some drama and could barely care about Star Wars, haha.
Lucasfilms doesn't seem to do test screenings, there simply are a lot of very angry star wars fans who still haven't accepted that they disliked a star wars film / that no new star wars film will ever be able to replicate the feelings of the OT because they are idealised. Now i have read the leaks, one because i don't care about spoilers at all and also because i don't care too much about star wars either, these films are all about the same to me in their quality (outside of the prequels, they are hot garbage). Some of these plot points i find absurd, others are exactly what i would expect from a fairytale for children. Maybe at some point the 20+ year old children can come to this mindset as well and don't feel the need to procclaim that they childhood got destroyed because they didn't like the new installment of a franchise movie. A lot of kids right now build their own memories of sw, with the sequels !
That;s not the issue, the issue is the movies are bad SW movies. That's why their income from the box office isn't growing or stable but is falling down.
E.g. Rey - many people defend her with "SW fans hate females" - which isn't simply true. When they decided Revan was male and Meetra was female, there was a cute enrage that Revan should be female. And lives until now(canon was decided after the games). That's just one example telling that it's not about Rey being female but being bad written character.
And we can continue, but many stop at Rey because Rey is a bad character and she's the main character. Jar Jar was a bad character, young Anaking was a bad character. But they learned from this. What did they learn from E7? Luke is jerk for w/e reason, his "I will find good in everyone" is gone for w/e reason, his will to teach is gone for w/e reason and he dies with a rather stupid death(still Han's was more stupid). Oh the irony, that they let Leia survived and Carrie passed away Rose is another stupid character...
Those movies aren't for children per se, most of the SW fans are adult children in the end. The movies don't have to be extra adult, but FFS at least present us with some character development. And I don't call a development the fact, that Rey knows how to use force without previous training, knows how to pilot MF better than Han without any training ,bests everybody with training WITHOUT her having any training. My biggest issue with the new movies is Rey, she's so bad character it's not even funny.
On November 29 2019 21:47 Turbovolver wrote: I got curious about people walking out of test screenings and looked it up, suggestion was that was just a hoax to try to discredit the movie. Which sucks because I love me some drama and could barely care about Star Wars, haha.
There won't be any drama. People will go to see it anyway. FFS I know about 8 people who were disappointed from E7 and E8 and yet they already bought the tickets. So nothing will change, it won't do the best numbers, but still good numbers. The biggest drama will be butthurt babies on the internets who will go and see in cinemas and then they will be disappointed the same way they were disappointed after E7/8 but hey, you gotta spend the monies!
Disney makes G-rated movies for kids in order to push their merchandising. Disney does not care about their artistic integrity because that gets in the way of making billions of dollars. Star Wars is a boring, creatively bankrupt franchise that Disney spent way too much money on and will therefore keep churning out milquetoast movies for in order to recoup their investment. Star Wars fans are either children or manchildren that don't realize how absolutely bland and uninteresting the Star Wars setting is and that everything released after ROJ was created solely in order to squeeze as much money out of them as possible.
On December 05 2019 08:20 Erasme wrote: IDK at least the new movies will elevate the prequels to a masterpiece
If you think any of the new movies are worse than the prequels you need to sit in a room and try to watch those awful prequels again. At least they use sets and stunt performers in the new ones and the directors actually understand how action scenes should be filmed.
On December 05 2019 08:20 Erasme wrote: IDK at least the new movies will elevate the prequels to a masterpiece
If you think any of the new movies are worse than the prequels you need to sit in a room and try to watch those awful prequels again. At least they use sets and stunt performers in the new ones and the directors actually understand how action scenes should be filmed.
Lol ahahahah Sets and stunt performers over story and characters.. ? Congrats on the priorities my man The prequels have a story that somewhat holds up, with characters that arent total dumbasses (except the jedis in the 2nd) ewan mcgregor is better alone than anything in the new universe But i'd agree with you, the fact that they used a green screen is definitly why the prequels are worse than the new ones
On November 29 2019 21:47 Turbovolver wrote: I got curious about people walking out of test screenings and looked it up, suggestion was that was just a hoax to try to discredit the movie. Which sucks because I love me some drama and could barely care about Star Wars, haha.
Lucasfilms doesn't seem to do test screenings, there simply are a lot of very angry star wars fans who still haven't accepted that they disliked a star wars film / that no new star wars film will ever be able to replicate the feelings of the OT because they are idealised.
Dustin Browder dealt with this issue when he worked on Red Alert 2. Lots of hard core Red Alert 1 fans were very hard to please. He actually pulled it off and RA2 became more popular than RA1.
SC2 had a similar problem with SC1 fans remembering how they felt playing SC1 as opposed to remembering exact details. DT rushes and zergling rushes mucked up Vanilla SC1 and Brood War when it first came out. Remember the Academy was 200 minerals when SC1 first came out?
I think a big reason why Blizzard went with Browder on SC2 was his success with RA2.
All this said, i think the 1977 movie was the best of the series. The Disney Star Wars movies have slowly gotten worse. Rogue-1 was pretty good. Then, the movies started getting worse. It sort of reminds me of EA taking over an independent mid-sized game studio like Westwood. The first game, C&C Generals, is pretty good. Then the games start slowly getting worse.
The OT worked so well because it was basically your standard fairy tale but in space. Farmboy discovers he's descendant of a knight, meets an older knight and becomes his squire to train and save the princess from clutches of evil sorcerer and his dark knight enforcer. It's a story everyone has heard a thousand times over and something that's ingrained in us so much that we like it no matter what.
The prequels expanded on that by showing us the colorful glory days. Unfortunately it was riddled too much with boring politics and flashy CGI for the sake of flashy CGI since it was a fad in the movies back then. Still, the core held true to the usual fairy tales of knights in training, forbidden love between the princess and a knight leading to his downfall in the end, etc.
This new trilogy has very little of that. In the beginning I was kinda intrigued with Rey being this orphan with potential, but it soon became super boring with her just easily overcoming any obstacle set before her. It was completely ruined when it was revealed she's a nobody without any ties to the actual heroes we used to love. Then there was this strange connection she had with the evil knight Kylo, but that arc was also ruined. There are some kernels of good story here and there in the NT, but they're never expanded upon or made into the core of the story as they should. That's why it's just an incoherent mess with bland characters no one cares about.
I guess the worst thing in NT is that there are no stakes at all. Kylo was set up as the villain but got defeated during his first encounter with Rey. Then there was Snoke, but we all know how this ended up. Now it's going to be Palpatine, but it's the last movie so it's not like he's going to be triumphant... Kylo has had so much potential when they set him up, looking all ominous, stopping blaster shots in the air and all that jazz. But then he just gets dismantled by a newbie and all that build-up is gone. Compare that to Vader who was the ultimate badass for the longest time, destroying everything and everyone in his path.
On December 05 2019 17:21 Manit0u wrote: The OT worked so well because it was basically your standard fairy tale but in space.
in 1977, it was only 4 years since the last man walked on the moon. There was genuine hope that further amazing breakthroughs in human space exploration would occur in the near future. A good % of people believed the upcoming Space Shuttle would make space travel a common occurrence.
Space was a frontier of new hope in 1977. Now, its a brick wall that can't be penetrated. Unlike Von Braun's lofty hopes the SPace Shuttle ended up never going more than 400 KM off the surface of the earth.
There was a universal love for Space as a new frontier for exploration that does not exist today.
On December 05 2019 17:21 Manit0u wrote: The OT worked so well because it was basically your standard fairy tale but in space.
in 1977, it was only 4 years since the last man walked on the moon. There was genuine hope that further amazing breakthroughs in human space exploration would occur in the near future. A good % of people believed the upcoming Space Shuttle would make space travel a common occurrence.
Space was a frontier of new hope in 1977. Now, its a brick wall that can't be penetrated. Unlike Von Braun's lofty hopes the SPace Shuttle ended up never going more than 400 KM off the surface of the earth.
There was a universal love for Space as a new frontier for exploration that does not exist today.
Then again not every space movie in the 70 had SW success. Space opera was a novelty but OT had also amazing storytelling/editing which added to good acting, great script, great visuals and great music. The new trilogy does have good music and visuals. :S
On December 05 2019 08:20 Erasme wrote: IDK at least the new movies will elevate the prequels to a masterpiece
If you think any of the new movies are worse than the prequels you need to sit in a room and try to watch those awful prequels again. At least they use sets and stunt performers in the new ones and the directors actually understand how action scenes should be filmed.
Lol ahahahah Sets and stunt performers over story and characters.. ? Congrats on the priorities my man The prequels have a story that somewhat holds up, with characters that arent total dumbasses (except the jedis in the 2nd) ewan mcgregor is better alone than anything in the new universe But i'd agree with you, the fact that they used a green screen is definitly why the prequels are worse than the new ones
I mean, ultimately film is a visual medium. When so much of a movie is okay for the time (now bad) CGI, it makes it tough for me to take a film seriously in 2019. Infinite money combined with Lucas' laziness "vision" to create something that aged very poorly. A New Hope's miniatures and matte paintings look like a movie more than 40 years later. The droids and not. And it certainly didn't help the actors' performances.
If a movie looks bad, it needs a great script or compelling performances. PT has neither of those. For every Ewan McGregor there's three Haydens and Samuels and Natalies.
I'm also not sure I would agree the story of the prequels holds up at all (first movie is pointless, second movie is nonsense, third movie's opener makes very little sense without external context, Anakin is never actually a good dude onscreen), but I don't think that discussion would go anywhere.
On December 05 2019 17:21 Manit0u wrote: The OT worked so well because it was basically your standard fairy tale but in space.
in 1977, it was only 4 years since the last man walked on the moon. There was genuine hope that further amazing breakthroughs in human space exploration would occur in the near future. A good % of people believed the upcoming Space Shuttle would make space travel a common occurrence.
Space was a frontier of new hope in 1977. Now, its a brick wall that can't be penetrated. Unlike Von Braun's lofty hopes the SPace Shuttle ended up never going more than 400 KM off the surface of the earth.
There was a universal love for Space as a new frontier for exploration that does not exist today.
Then again not every space movie in the 70 had SW success. Space opera was a novelty but OT had also amazing storytelling/editing which added to good acting, great script, great visuals and great music. The new trilogy does have good music and visuals. :S
The visuals in the new Disney movies and the prequel trilogy are top notch. They are not leaps and bounds better than anything else that exists. However, the OT , and particularly the 1977 and 1980 movies, had visuals that were more than an order of magnitude better than anything else. The unprecedented, unmatched visuals gave the '77 and '80 movies a kind of legitimacy other space based TV and movies couldn't touch.
After the '77 movie Star Trek TV episodes were met with a certain nostalgic sneer that didn't exist until the audience saw that something much better visually was possible.
I wonder if the level of polish and fidelity of those early Star Wars movies impacted Blizzard's founders in their decision to make games with great polish. Blizzard founders were in their teenage and childhood years during the OT.
On December 05 2019 23:50 KelianQatar wrote: Don't worry, the Mandalorian and Baby Yoda will save the entire franchise!! I think they saw how baby Groot pulled at fans' heartstrings!
i think this is a great way to get more women interested in Star Wars.
The OT has had tons of influences in all areas of humanity. That's why Star Wars became such a big thing. It gave millions of people of all ages things to dream about.