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so i m done with the 3rd book, and i am really really really dissapointed. After a couple hundred pages of describing how the starks got diminished to nothing, there was so little left of them that Martin couldnt really hurt them any further. The Riverlands and the North are both in uncapable hands (Frey and Bolton) so they wont really mean a force to be reckoned with. Though it appeared like he doesnt have to do anything wiht those, because the Game of Thrones was seeminly restarting with Highgarden wanting imnotsurewhat, Sunspear's Oberyon Martell got introduced who quickly became one of my favorite caracters, lord Tywinn keeping King's Landing in Lannister hands and Littlefinger plotting thefckknows what in the Vale.
Well in a couple of chapters he quickly killed two of the awesomest caracters, Tywinn and Oberyn for no reason really, and made Tyrion do stupid and retarded things. When you're borther is risking his life and everything to help you escape death, and even has the honesty to tell about his past sin, which was commanded by their lord father, he lies to him, swears to kill him next time he can.... like seriously? then he kills their father too, why not.
The death of Oberyon was the lamest thing ever. He did the same fucking duel 200 pages back (beric vs the hound), when the guy whom you cheer for should be the underdog but turns out that totally rapes the 'bad guy" just so when he's totally won the fight the other kills him. Like WTF, why. You could say, that Tyrion needed to be rescued by Jaime, because he had to kill his father and create a power vacuum in King's landing, since the king is 8 and Martells hate Tyrells. But seriously, couldnt he find another way to kill him? Tyrion's storyline would have been interesting to go the Sunspear or w/e, now he goes to the free citys or whatnot, idk right now honestly.
Other fronts, Danny's line in the 3rd book wasnt utterly boring, unlike in the 2nd, so that's cool. though i would have expected her to gain more by sacing 2 major cities but w/e.
Jon getting chosen as the Lord Commander, is completly irrational and stupid, fairy-tail like, one thing you couldnt say for the rest of the books...
It's kinda getting boring that Davos almost is condamned to die in every one of his chapter, but no biggie, i hope they kinda spice it up, now that Stannis has a king to sacrifice.
What i like is that Littlefinger appears to be one of the major players in this whole thing, being responsible for the outbreak of the war and all, though i really hope he doesnt plan on just getting the Vale, whose lords hate him anyways probably, but has some other thing in mind, idk, with the Martells or something.
The end left me wondering if Varrys is just as big of a player as he is, since Tyrion kills his father with his help though he says not to, but what Varrys says hardly matters, what he makes you do is what matters, so idk, those 2 have awesome potential in them, though i kinda knew it from the start.
And one thing, if you have to bring back one of the characters WHY THE FUCK DO U BRIN CAT BACK? sriously, i was glad she died, she's the first women to die in this fckin war and conspirations, and fairly annoying otherwise too, and no, she ought to live to fuck things up in the future. I expect her to bring Berric's death and probably a dozen others's too, judging from her portfolio this far.
Varys is in league with the Targaryens and Illyrio Mopatis. Arya saw Varys and Illyrio beneath the Red Keep when she was chasing cats (GRRM confirms that fact here: http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/Entry/1214/)
Maybe Varys saw some use for Tyrion for the Targaryen claim or so. Obviously, killing Tywin Lannister would help as well, since that leads one major player without really strong leadership (even if Cersei thinks she can do it, lol).
On June 09 2011 00:54 betaV1.25 wrote: But its clear that Melisande is wrong about a lot of things. (for example she thinks that stannis is the prince that was promised and gives him lightbringer, how ever, according to the last targ (by name for sure atleast) on westeros that happens to be a measter lightbringer is supposed to generate heat and the sword of stannis doesnt.
And what about blood magic? The magic that the red priests use doesnt feel the same as the dragon magic, neither does the magic that the warlocs use.
Do i really have to wait another month to read that freacking boooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
Does Melisandre believe Stannis is the promised prince? I've always been under the impression that she is basically using stannis for her own gains (it's been a while since I read the books though, rereading them now)
Also I hope they get the dragons right. CGI often looks bad to me. I usually like animatronics better
On June 09 2011 01:55 hasuprotoss wrote:Varys is in league with the Targaryens and Illyrio Mopatis. Arya saw Varys and Illyrio beneath the Red Keep when she was chasing cats (GRRM confirms that fact here: http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/Entry/1214/)Maybe Varys saw some use for Tyrion for the Targaryen claim or so. Obviously, killing Tywin Lannister would help as well, since that leads one major player without really strong leadership (even if Cersei thinks she can do it, lol). i surely hope he's not devoted to the Targeryan cause, that would simplify him a lot. And he put out the word to kill the last remaining Targaryen, which almost succseeeded, it s kinda stupid to say he knew it would not kill her, and make the dothraki more weary
On June 10 2011 04:19 Geo.Rion wrote:Show nested quote +On June 09 2011 01:55 hasuprotoss wrote:Varys is in league with the Targaryens and Illyrio Mopatis. Arya saw Varys and Illyrio beneath the Red Keep when she was chasing cats (GRRM confirms that fact here: http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/Entry/1214/)Maybe Varys saw some use for Tyrion for the Targaryen claim or so. Obviously, killing Tywin Lannister would help as well, since that leads one major player without really strong leadership (even if Cersei thinks she can do it, lol). i surely hope he's not devoted to the Targeryan cause, that would simplify him a lot. And he put out the word to kill the last remaining Targaryen, which almost succseeeded, it s kinda stupid to say he knew it would not kill her, and make the dothraki more weary
I thought he sent out the message to have Sir Jorah not kill her after Viserys died, and the wine seller who tried to poison her was sent out by someone else.
On June 10 2011 08:03 happyness wrote:Show nested quote +On June 10 2011 04:19 Geo.Rion wrote:On June 09 2011 01:55 hasuprotoss wrote:Varys is in league with the Targaryens and Illyrio Mopatis. Arya saw Varys and Illyrio beneath the Red Keep when she was chasing cats (GRRM confirms that fact here: http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/Entry/1214/)Maybe Varys saw some use for Tyrion for the Targaryen claim or so. Obviously, killing Tywin Lannister would help as well, since that leads one major player without really strong leadership (even if Cersei thinks she can do it, lol). i surely hope he's not devoted to the Targeryan cause, that would simplify him a lot. And he put out the word to kill the last remaining Targaryen, which almost succseeeded, it s kinda stupid to say he knew it would not kill her, and make the dothraki more weary I thought he sent out the message to have Sir Jorah not kill her after Viserys died, and the wine seller who tried to poison her was sent out by someone else.
That's just speculation though, no? I'd say that Varys is more than likely not committed to any one side. His statement to Ned that he serves the realm seems the most honest to me.
To all who are sad that all the "good" guy characters are getting killed off, I think you have to realize that this series is quite an "epic" so to speak. Its a 7 book series. And from what it looks of it, it's only going to get worse. Winter is coming.
But look at the last book title, "A Dream of Spring". So don't let the valleys get you down, every tale will have a satisfying ending. Not necessarily a happy one. As much as I hate it when a character I like gets killed off, you have to realize this series would not nearly be as interesting without all the intrigue and the deaths.
So stick with it guys, read it even if you hate it. Because in the end you know you'll love it.
+ Show Spoiler +Not saying you can't hate it at the same time btw hehe
On June 10 2011 08:19 GGQ wrote:Show nested quote +On June 10 2011 08:03 happyness wrote:On June 10 2011 04:19 Geo.Rion wrote:On June 09 2011 01:55 hasuprotoss wrote:Varys is in league with the Targaryens and Illyrio Mopatis. Arya saw Varys and Illyrio beneath the Red Keep when she was chasing cats (GRRM confirms that fact here: http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/Entry/1214/)Maybe Varys saw some use for Tyrion for the Targaryen claim or so. Obviously, killing Tywin Lannister would help as well, since that leads one major player without really strong leadership (even if Cersei thinks she can do it, lol). i surely hope he's not devoted to the Targeryan cause, that would simplify him a lot. And he put out the word to kill the last remaining Targaryen, which almost succseeeded, it s kinda stupid to say he knew it would not kill her, and make the dothraki more weary I thought he sent out the message to have Sir Jorah not kill her after Viserys died, and the wine seller who tried to poison her was sent out by someone else. That's just speculation though, no? I'd say that Varys is more than likely not committed to any one side. His statement to Ned that he serves the realm seems the most honest to me.
Yes it is. It's just the talk with Illyrio in the tunnels that Arya overheard showed that Varys is working with Illyrio for some reason, and the only one I can think of is to prepare for a Targaryen take back of the crown, because Illyrio could have killed the Targaryens long ago if he wanted to.
I've always felt that Varys is purpose driven, while a character like Littlefinger is more of the person to be sneaky and conniving for the hell of it. But who knows, it will all come to light eventually(or maybe not)
On June 10 2011 04:19 Geo.Rion wrote:Show nested quote +On June 09 2011 01:55 hasuprotoss wrote:Varys is in league with the Targaryens and Illyrio Mopatis. Arya saw Varys and Illyrio beneath the Red Keep when she was chasing cats (GRRM confirms that fact here: http://www.westeros.org/Citadel/SSM/Entry/1214/)Maybe Varys saw some use for Tyrion for the Targaryen claim or so. Obviously, killing Tywin Lannister would help as well, since that leads one major player without really strong leadership (even if Cersei thinks she can do it, lol). i surely hope he's not devoted to the Targeryan cause, that would simplify him a lot. And he put out the word to kill the last remaining Targaryen, which almost succseeeded, it s kinda stupid to say he knew it would not kill her, and make the dothraki more weary
Do you remember how Drogo constantly refused to go to Westeros? What prompted him to finally change his mind?
Dany almost getting assassinated. I'm fairly certain Varys called for the assassination because he wanted to incite just that response. We don't know what safeguards he had to make sure she didn't actually die, but him and Littlefinger are pretty much expected to have these complex intricate plots that all go according to plan.
On June 06 2011 22:33 Acrofales wrote:Show nested quote +On June 06 2011 18:35 WhiteDog wrote:On June 06 2011 07:32 Geo.Rion wrote:so, situation report nr 2., about 3/4 of the 3rd book. I should start off by stating my concerns about the future of the HBO show. IN many cases a show is carried by good actors, and because people grow emotionally etached to some of the caracters and follow them even if nothing happens. Why is this a problem, well let's see, the starting cast of the 1st episode + Show Spoiler +Danaerys Vyseris - DEAD Khal Drogo -DEAD Ser Jorah
Eddar Stark -DEAD Catelyn Stark - DEAD Benjen Stark - DEAD or missing Robb - DEAD Bran - crippeled Jon Sansa Arya Theon Greyjoy -DEAD or captive, couldn't figure out Jory (capt. of guard) DEAD Ser Rodrik ? (the master-of-arms) DEAD
king Robert - DEAD Cercei - Jaime - suffered mutilation Joeffrey -DEAD Tyrion - suffered mutilation the Hound - suffered mutilation As it stays from the 20 most important starting caracters half is dead some more suffered great physical damage, and those left alive and somewhat healthy are almost esxclusively women. Let's be honest, the majority of the readers/viwers of this kind of series are boys/men. As it stands, there are hardly anyone who could have a role which is close to you, with which you can connect. maybe Jon, but all the others have something really off with them (like being a dwarf or a cirpple). I had the wrong impression this series is mostly about the Starks, well i couldnt be more wrong, they died out. Ofc there are the girls, but they dont carry the name, and Rickon who is 4 and out somewhere. Obviously a 4 year old canot have any significant role. Bran canot have children for sure, unless some northen senanigan heals him. Btw Catelyn was the biggest spoiler ever, like every time he sensed it if sg is amiss, even if there wasnt anything pointing to it even for her, like the trap for Robb or the detrimential defence at the Mill of his brother. I m actually really glad she died for once Well basically, the serie goes from a Stark centered storyline to a Lannister centered storyline between book 3 and 4, putting Tyrion aside (because he is there since the beginning and fade away at the end of book 3 like the Starks). So I also think that S1 & 2 will be damn good, but S3 and 4 will be tough for the show. Also Catelyn did not die. Only good characters dies in SoIaF, shitty sansa and shitty catelyn will stay till the end for the love of the lolz. Catelyn is dead, albeit resurrected. I don't see her playing a major role in the story except for ambushing Freys, Boltons and Lannisters when she can until someone slaughters the camp and burns all the corpses. As for only good people dying... Joffrey, Viserys, Gregor Clegane (I seriously doubt Cersei's Frankenstein has much to do with Gregor) and Tywin, to name a few, are all dead.
I think by good characters he means the ones that we like and enjoy reading about, not necessarily good as in good vs evil. Like Tywin was evil but still an enjoyable character to read about, whereas Cat and Sansa are "good" characters but oh my god I hate reading about either of them.
Hello Fellow Fantasy Lovers,
I know this is kind of off topic but can anyone link me to a good forum where I can find a new series? I feel like I've exhausted every great fantasy author. Tolkein, Goodkind, Jordan, Martin, Sanderson, Farland, Erikson, Rothfuss, a few others that dont come to mind right away. If you know any great ones you can just message me Dont want to get to far off topic
On June 10 2011 08:38 Mylkal wrote:To all who are sad that all the "good" guy characters are getting killed off, I think you have to realize that this series is quite an "epic" so to speak. Its a 7 book series. And from what it looks of it, it's only going to get worse. Winter is coming. But look at the last book title, "A Dream of Spring". So don't let the valleys get you down, every tale will have a satisfying ending. Not necessarily a happy one. As much as I hate it when a character I like gets killed off, you have to realize this series would not nearly be as interesting without all the intrigue and the deaths. So stick with it guys, read it even if you hate it. Because in the end you know you'll love it. + Show Spoiler +Not saying you can't hate it at the same time btw hehe Whaaaa? I always thought the series was supposed to be 6 books, where did you see a 7th book announced?
On June 11 2011 02:31 pred470r wrote:Show nested quote +On June 10 2011 08:38 Mylkal wrote:To all who are sad that all the "good" guy characters are getting killed off, I think you have to realize that this series is quite an "epic" so to speak. Its a 7 book series. And from what it looks of it, it's only going to get worse. Winter is coming. But look at the last book title, "A Dream of Spring". So don't let the valleys get you down, every tale will have a satisfying ending. Not necessarily a happy one. As much as I hate it when a character I like gets killed off, you have to realize this series would not nearly be as interesting without all the intrigue and the deaths. So stick with it guys, read it even if you hate it. Because in the end you know you'll love it. + Show Spoiler +Not saying you can't hate it at the same time btw hehe Whaaaa? I always thought the series was supposed to be 6 books, where did you see a 7th book announced?
Dance with Dragons (July) The Winds of Winter A Dream of Spring
It's on the wikipedia page. Who knows when we'll see the last few entries considering how long it took to get Dance
Dance with Dragons (July) The Winds of Winter A Dream of Spring
It's on the wikipedia page. Who knows when we'll see the last few entries considering how long it took to get Dance
I wouldn't be too worried, he got the first 4 books out reasonably fast. Game of Thrones came out in 1996 and Feast for Crows came out in 2005, thats a book every 3 years which is not bad for books of this length.
The reason everyone was upset about the length of time on DwD was the constant annouced dates that kept getting pushed back must of been 4 or 5.
Dance with dragons got split into two books cause the manuscript was so big hence the 7 books and the push date of the release.
On June 11 2011 04:04 Corona` wrote: The reason everyone was upset about the length of time on DwD was the constant annouced dates that kept getting pushed back must of been 4 or 5.
Dance with dragons got split into two books cause the manuscript was so big hence the 7 books and the push date of the release.
Actually FfC was split in two with the second part being DwD. I think that's why people are mad; he had already written like 400 pages for DwD when FfC came out and it still took this long.
a question here, now that i ve watched ep 8, i was kinda left wondering if Syiro Forell dies or not. I mean he should have, as he was cool and male, so Martin probably hated him from the start, but it's not explicitly said he does.
So any info about Syrio?
On June 11 2011 04:25 Cylon wrote:Show nested quote +On June 11 2011 04:04 Corona` wrote: The reason everyone was upset about the length of time on DwD was the constant annouced dates that kept getting pushed back must of been 4 or 5.
Dance with dragons got split into two books cause the manuscript was so big hence the 7 books and the push date of the release. Actually FfC was split in two with the second part being DwD. I think that's why people are mad; he had already written like 400 pages for DwD when FfC came out and it still took this long.
Well, technically it was DwD that was split since that is what the book was called, but then he called the first part FfC.
On June 11 2011 04:35 Geo.Rion wrote: a question here, now that i ve watched ep 8, i was kinda left wondering if Syiro Forell dies or not. I mean he should have, as he was cool and male, so Martin probably hated him from the start, but it's not explicitly said he does.
So any info about Syrio?
Nope. Some people think he is Jaqen H'gar, but if one inspect the details of that, the theory comes off as very thin.
On June 11 2011 04:35 Geo.Rion wrote: a question here, now that i ve watched ep 8, i was kinda left wondering if Syiro Forell dies or not. I mean he should have, as he was cool and male, so Martin probably hated him from the start, but it's not explicitly said he does.
So any info about Syrio? There's no further mention of him in the books, but I suppose every fan secretly hopes he'll pop out of somewhere and be like: "The first sword of Braavos does not die so easily boy".
There's even a crazy theory out there that Syrio and Jaqen are 'Tyler Durden'-esque personas created by Arya's demented mind as a coping mechanism.