If u are able to get Masters with any race you can get Masters with the other 2 races too. Just requires time,
I dunno... like 75% of my games are vZ. a few vP and vZ now and then. I've tried some Terran to test it and while I didn't think it was hard at all IF you have decent unit control I just didn't think the race itself was fun to play. There's not much Blizzard can do, they made a competitive game so their first concern should be the balance at GM level. If the game happens to be unbalanced in the lower leagues.. who cares, those leagues are all about practicing anyway, you didn't lose cuz the other guy played a certain race. You lost because ur worse at this game/matchup then ur opponent.
Terran is pretty boring to play. Its the most basic race in rts.
i started out as terran since thats what i played in BW, but it just didn't seem as fun to me. so i switched to protoss, my secondary race in BW and loved it. A bunch of my friends who previously played SC2 terran said that it was a lot more boring and less challenging, so they switched.
That's weird, I seem to have about 40% of my games vs T.
On December 14 2011 10:57 Kharnage wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 10:52 Zion9 wrote:On December 14 2011 10:46 Kharnage wrote: Can someone list the big pile of nerfs that killed terran for me?
The ones i know of:
blue flame damage reduction (-5 damage to light) rax build time (+5 secs) emp radius nerf (-0.5 radius)
None of these seem too terrible... are there any others? Reaper nerf, Siege tank nerf, bunker build time shitting with Thor for patches These ones are pretty old though right? It's not like in the months following those 'nerfs' anyone switched race. They are a little like mentioning the supply depot first 'nerf'. Is the bunker build time 'nerfed' or returned to it's original value now? I've totally lost track of that one. I guess another question is does anyone think any of those nerfs were unfair or broke the race in some way? At a glance they all look kinda ok. EMP is probably the biggest one but ghosts are still argueably the best unit in the game... When taken 1 at a time these nerfs seem reasonable, but when you take the cumulative effect of the nerfs + buffs to other races it is really disheartening to play the Terran race. An example would be the siege Tank nerf + blue flame nerf + Thor energy re-enable + Immortal range buff + Zealot charge buff = impossible to go mech vs. Toss.
And yes, whenever you win or take advantage of a units' traits as Terran everyone bitches about it whether it be on the ladder or in live report threads.
On December 14 2011 10:14 oniman999 wrote: Part of it is the nerfs. Terran receives a nerf just about every patch. Many of these nerfs are necessary, but it is disheartening when every patch the other guys get better and your race gets worse. It's a psychological thing I think.
protoss has had the same issue, though i want to switch to terran. the thing is that most terrans were there when times were easy, but now that times have gotten tougher and they don't have the rediculous win percentages, the skill level required has been highered and many of them have switched to zerg which at this point is enjoying a fairly high win percentage. Protoss is making a comeback though .
EDIT: also apparently its really boring, which would make it less appealing.
It could be a variety of things.
It CAN be that terran is in fact harder to play, meaning that when it'd be balanced for proffessional play it's weak on let's say diamond level (arbitrary, but you get the point.) and lower.
It COULD also be that Terran has, in fact, been overpowered for a while - on most or all levels. This has led to Terrans being artificially highly ranked compared to protoss and zerg counterparts, and now, after recieving a series of nerfs (which in itself can be discouraging) people are starting to fall in ranks to where they more likely belong, skill wise. This could prompt massive bandwagon jumping. Particularly amongst player that initially chose the race due to previous OPness (percieved or real.)
Or something else entirely.
i actually switched *to* terran from zerg a while ago and ive been alternating between platinum and diamond ever since. im in diamond for good this time i think, but its been pretty frustrating. i think its the hardest race to play at my skill level for sure, but things seem to even out a little in masters/gm.
I switched to zerg because its disgustingly difficult to have the micro required to beat a zerg using terran in diamond. Plus my apm is really low, so i'm not always looking at my army, which makes it frustrating when my army disappears in 3 seconds.
Not to mention how TvP is a joke. Its my best matchup but i always win with timings off 2 base. The moment it gets to the late game, i will never win due to the deathball.
Zerg is much easier to play and macro. You do not have to babysit your army all the time and can focus on hitting those injects + scouting/checking the map.
On December 14 2011 11:01 IMoperator wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 10:53 Luppy1 wrote: It's kinda awkward hearing people say zerg is an easier race. Can anyone give reasons for it?
A lot of diamonds-low masters are always claiming that games are extremely hard for them. I feel that's entirely because they didn't have to pick much skills when playing through the lower leagues. For example, those playing zerg would already face this difficulty through the lower leagues if they are lacking severely in their mechanics. But, terrans only face it at diamond, or even low masters. I think the difficulty of terran that everyone is talking about is probably only applicable at the highest level and it doesn't affect diamond- low master terrans at all. Once zerg knows how to scout and survive the stupid all ins low level terrans do, and they just mass lings and banes it's really hard for the terran to win without really good micro.
With the reason that you gave, it still doesn't explain why it's easier. Even after knowing how to deal with a generic all-in, the execution of an all-in is still easier than having to react + exeute to defend an all in. Also, there are so many forms of early aggression terran players can do. Even pro gamers are still losing to all-ins even with the large rush distances on tournament maps.
i originally played Z then switched to R... but i'm actually liking T the most... i somehow feel its easier to macro with T and macro mistakes are not punished as badly as Z or P (forgetting ovies, pylons or injects)
As a protoss in masters, I have 0 problems playing against the standard bio style. I don't get why all these code S terrans have success with it. It does take quite a bit of skill to do it properly and most of my opponents don't understand how play it. I would advise masters terrans to try mech or biomech if you're struggling in TvP. Trust me, you will have a higher win rate with it.
On December 14 2011 10:14 oniman999 wrote: Part of it is the nerfs. Terran receives a nerf just about every patch. Many of these nerfs are necessary, but it is disheartening when every patch the other guys get better and your race gets worse. It's a psychological thing I think.
What nerfs? Protoss lost KA, increased blink research time, warpgate time, ff and archon toilet (on ground units).
Every patch you get a nerf because you started out the beta with the most ridiculous imbalanced things.
Why have I stopped playing this game?
- I'm tired of having to work 2 or 3 times harder than most of my opponents (high diamond level).
- I'm tired of being flamed if I win because I play Terran.
- I'm tired of being called a bad player because I play Terran.
- I'm tired of people calling me a cheesy abuser if I use units like cloaked banshees, or hellions openings.
- I'm tired of people flaming Terran players who win tournaments in situations where clearly the Terran player was the superior player.
- I'm tired of receiving help answer like "LOL DUDE, MAKE MORE MARINES. Can't make more MMM against Protoss? Wow you suck."
There. I said it. The community is very negative toward Terran players in General and this has caused me to stop playing and only watch games.
Going bio or some sort of bio variant gets very boring, and then hitting t and A move.I play terran and I wish mech was viable against Protoss, but not even Goody does mech vs Protoss anymore.
On December 14 2011 11:13 AndAgain wrote: As a protoss in masters, I have 0 problems playing against the standard bio style. I don't get why all these code S terrans have success with it. It does take quite a bit of skill to do it properly and most of my opponents don't understand how play it. I would advise masters terrans to try mech or biomech if you're struggling in TvP. Trust me, you will have a higher win rate with it. Yes, you might have sucess with it in masters. But outside of a timing, mech/bio-mech is not at all viable at the pro level.
I don´t get why people say T us boring though. Ever since launch I have always thought it was the most fun to race.But oh well I felt the same way in BW
On December 14 2011 11:13 AndAgain wrote: As a protoss in masters, I have 0 problems playing against the standard bio style. I don't get why all these code S terrans have success with it. It does take quite a bit of skill to do it properly and most of my opponents don't understand how play it. I would advise masters terrans to try mech or biomech if you're struggling in TvP. Trust me, you will have a higher win rate with it. Honestly, I played Terran for 4 seasons, and bio is the only thing viable short of mass thors. Even that is susceptible to Immortals and Feedback. Siege Tanks just don't do enough damage to zealots to justify getting them. Chargelot Archon will demolish almost every composition other than mass blue-flame hellions. That is why Terrans don't go for Mech or Bio-Mech.
On December 14 2011 11:10 poorcloud wrote: I switched to zerg because its disgustingly difficult to have the micro required to beat a zerg using terran in diamond. Plus my apm is really low, so i'm not always looking at my army, which makes it frustrating when my army disappears in 3 seconds.
Not to mention how TvP is a joke. Its my best matchup but i always win with timings off 2 base. The moment it gets to the late game, i will never win due to the deathball.
Zerg is much easier to play and macro. You do not have to babysit your army all the time and can focus on hitting those injects + scouting/checking the map.
Isn't it the other way round? If a terran army can disappear in 3 seconds, the zerg army can probably disappear in 2? All of the zerg units are so fragile and even a mismicro can mean that you lose half your army. How can it be easier to macro with zerg? With terran, you just hotkey the production facilities and remember to queue them and it's easy to do even during battles. For zerg, you have to base hop and inject to keep up with macro, forcing the zerg player to take his eyes off his fragile army.
This is probably largely due to the nature of TvP right now. Playing Terran within the current meta game is like always fighting an uphill battle. You are required to multitask more efficiently, macro harder and micro like a god just to stay even with Protoss. We've been led to believe by SC2 authorities such as Day9 and Artosis that play styles geared towards macro and strong economies are the most solid strategies but in TvP, letting a game progress towards late game will only result in frustration as you have to play a perfect game just to make even trades.