D Ranks Team League Season 2 - Page 52
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United States3126 Posts
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Singapore1042 Posts
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Brazil4644 Posts
if shit keeps going on like this I doubt anyone would be willing to organise a next season. And if we ever get a next season, it HAS to be BO5 because 20 people sign up for the team, but only 3 or 5 consistently play/show up... | ||
Canada4876 Posts
On March 26 2012 01:09 fabiano wrote: yea, why make a big deal of something so little.. if shit keeps going on like this I doubt anyone would be willing to organise a next season. And if we ever get a next season, it HAS to be BO5 because 20 people sign up for the team, but only 3 or 5 consistently play/show up... I disagree with the second comment. imo, if the line ups are announced days ahead of time, all matches should be Bo3 x Bo7 because the way it is, the CWs aren't long enough unless people don't show up on time... Because if there is no ACE in a particular match, then the CW would be the length of a single game, or should if everyone shows up on time. | ||
United Kingdom1666 Posts
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United States175 Posts
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Singapore1042 Posts
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Israel6248 Posts
On March 26 2012 02:39 S2Glow wrote: i can volunteer to be the head of kespa ( managing player to which team etcetc ) heheh... then i put all d- in 1 team ( jkjk ) =P Do it, and start chronicling their exploits. Being the underdog team, they will obviously strive against immeasurable odds but still come out on top. You can then sell the story to hollywood and watch the cash flow | ||
Canada1470 Posts
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Canada4876 Posts
On March 26 2012 02:49 L3gendary wrote: sGs.Newburg didn't show for our pp'ed match :S. You have to show up on the game night with your evidence In case that your opponent does not show at the rescheduled time (and he has requested the rescheduling of the game), you are required to be present on game night. You are also required to provide screenshots with the time included in them regardless of who has requested the change of time. | ||
United States11 Posts
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10097 Posts
On March 26 2012 03:37 newburg wrote: Update: I showed up late ![]() Honestly I think there are a few very vocal people who make things like W/O and PP difficult, and because of that it creates the illusion that most of the league is this way. I'm glad to say with certainty that this is definitely not the case - the majority of players in this league are civil, understanding, and cooperative ^^; Cheers to you all, you know who you are! | ||
United States87 Posts
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United States4330 Posts
On March 25 2012 19:06 Shotcoder wrote: Again with the attitude. Seriously kid, spouting this Holy than thou bullshit is irritating. First I'd like to ask, who here gives a flying fuck you practiced with Light and EG members? Was that relevant at all to the topic of you, a C player at one time or another participating in a "D RANK" League? I really don't see it. If this is how you get your name out there and people to look up to you, awesome. I'm not buying it, since it obviously didn't help you at all. And you sit there and tell eywa how to improve as a player...if you have this vast knowledge why are you "D" after being C two seasons ago? it's not like you suddenly forgot build orders and mechanics. After so much practice with all those EG and Light players you must have created some habits...so must have learned some little tid bits that give you an advantage. You know what you're problem is, it's not that you're merely D/D+. It's that you're scared of losing. Had you the balls that a lot of the better D league players from last season had you'd be playing in that league. You'd be stoked to practice with the likes of Lumire, Dsyxelic, Wallace, DryWater, Fold, S2Glow...but no, instead you make excuses that 2 years of time is enough time to completely deteriorate your gaming capabilities at a mere C- level. You know why I have an attitude on ladder, because people like you spouting off how awesome they are when they win with their proxy gates and cannon rushes. You're not good, you either a caught the opponent by surprise or got a BO advantage, you aren't good, you're just good at all ins, Congrats. If this is anything like C league it was created to have players create groups of friends with people they might normally be in contact with and set up practices to help IMPROVE. How are you helping D/D+ players and even yourself improve when you advocate retarded builds in posts? Here comes the explanation on how they need to defend cheese and transition afterwards and how cheese is part of the game.... Well to be honest playing standard, learning how to play standard and learning slight transitions off of standard are how you learn to become a better player. not getting 12 people to cheese you once a week for a win. And then those people come in here thinking they're fucking badasses because they went undefeated vs a bunch of D players. Listen every one of you D players in this league. You want to get wins or do you want to get better as a player? One is a fucking lot harder but one is a lot more rewarding than the other and gets you those wins without looking like a dick every week. Want me to explain my attitude back in 09' compared to my attitude now? Back then I was a D+ player who wanted wins without the ladder effort and practice effort. And I would rage every time I lost because I thought I deserved that win. but you know what else came with that? after raging so much, I eventually sat down and stop bitching about losing and laddered my ass off. You remember TSL2? yea first season at C rank, you remember ISL2? Yea C+..You know why because that was my goal. And my goal now? Qualify for ISL3 and win C league and eventually hit B-. And you know what. I achieved every goal I set for myself in BW so far. I'm going to achieve these. That the fucking attitude you're talking about? THe one that got me from being in a better version of this league to where I am now, playing against some of the best foreign BW players in things like GC, ISL, and CL? I'm sorry that this attitude offends you, but it's who I am, and obviously people accept me for it. You know the reason? I ladder, I practice, and I improve...hell I'm coaching TAKK and advise them on builds. Ask them what they think of me. I bet you get positive feedback from most of them. I'm not here to make you happy, I'm here to be the best fucking BW player I can be, and if that means raging at a couple people to motivate myself then so be it. I love how people like you bring that up as if it's supposed to strike fear into my heart. Like I'm supposed to cower because I was and still am BM at times. I bet you never rage quit a game. I bet you never BM'd a player in ladder. May he who is free of sin cast the first stone my son. I will gladly go through all 500+ replays from this season and pick out every single one I was BM in and post it here because I could care less. Back on topic. When I signed up as a coach. I had the understanding all players were D/D+ and MAYBE low C-. Not previously C rank players, or even smurfs. And I also was under the assumption this league was geared toward creating an atmosphere for learning and fun. Not asshattery. I'm no longer extending my coaching to just TAKK. Any D ranks player looking for practice. I will attempt to help you become a better player. simply send me a PM with your Skype or your ICCup account and I will take time out of my schedule to watch replays, VODs, practice BOs, Practice Micro, or simply talk you through something. I'll do my best to help you improve as a player so you won't need ridiculous cheeses to win games vs your peers. Here's an Ultimatum for you reaver. You play in D league until ASL ladder starts up. you finish in ASL ladder above 50% or above C- while actually trying: You drop out of DRTL and Join my team in CRTL. You don't do that? I drop this whole thing right now. How will I see if you're actually trying? Shimys know how to send me your reps. Why make this Ultimatum? I know multiple players who are doing the same thing because they are the fringe players. If they feel comfortable playing C- players they know they don't belong in this league and they feel they are depriving other D players that privilege of playing player their level. Disclaimer: Shimy told me not to post anything to anger you because you're casting ASL. Well He's the organizer and I am merely a sponsor, whatever I said in the post is my own thoughts not his. So if I understand this correctly. You have a lot of hate for really no reason, and you haven't changed at all the past several years. Look at your own posting history in the CPL threads and on the Team 14 thread. It follows just about the same pattern here. I don't know how you're taking my posts so negatively when I've put a lot of thought into what I'm typing to not make it sound that way, but you're intentionally doing so. You're saying I'm cheesing every game I play in and that I'm BM'ing people. You can look at the VODs I've posted, and talk to people I've played.I haven't cheesed or BM'd any of my games, and they can support that. I'll send you my replay pack if you'd like. As for being scared of losing. That is the weakest argument point in your post. I don't think anybody that plays BW is scared of losing, or they would never play. Are you scared of losing? Of course you would say no. It's a silly argument. As for your last paragraph, it's not structured very well and I'm not sure how to respond to it. PM me if you wish to discuss, there is no need for your biased, angry posting here. Good luck in your future games. I hold no ill will towards you or towards anybody. I wish you the best in the ASL games! | ||
Canada1470 Posts
On March 26 2012 03:37 newburg wrote: Update: I showed up late ![]() It's all good man. I just want to play the game. :D No fun in taking walkovers. | ||
United States4330 Posts
Edit: Oh I see. There are .rar inside of .rar's haha. So I heard you like .rar inside of your .rar so I put a .rar in your .rar so you can .rar while you .rar | ||
Canada36 Posts
On March 26 2012 05:09 L3gendary wrote: It's all good man. I just want to play the game. :D No fun in taking walkovers. ###### | ||
United States14276 Posts
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United States2316 Posts
On March 26 2012 04:56 Psyonic_Reaver wrote: + Show Spoiler + On March 25 2012 19:06 Shotcoder wrote: Again with the attitude. Seriously kid, spouting this Holy than thou bullshit is irritating. First I'd like to ask, who here gives a flying fuck you practiced with Light and EG members? Was that relevant at all to the topic of you, a C player at one time or another participating in a "D RANK" League? I really don't see it. If this is how you get your name out there and people to look up to you, awesome. I'm not buying it, since it obviously didn't help you at all. And you sit there and tell eywa how to improve as a player...if you have this vast knowledge why are you "D" after being C two seasons ago? it's not like you suddenly forgot build orders and mechanics. After so much practice with all those EG and Light players you must have created some habits...so must have learned some little tid bits that give you an advantage. You know what you're problem is, it's not that you're merely D/D+. It's that you're scared of losing. Had you the balls that a lot of the better D league players from last season had you'd be playing in that league. You'd be stoked to practice with the likes of Lumire, Dsyxelic, Wallace, DryWater, Fold, S2Glow...but no, instead you make excuses that 2 years of time is enough time to completely deteriorate your gaming capabilities at a mere C- level. You know why I have an attitude on ladder, because people like you spouting off how awesome they are when they win with their proxy gates and cannon rushes. You're not good, you either a caught the opponent by surprise or got a BO advantage, you aren't good, you're just good at all ins, Congrats. If this is anything like C league it was created to have players create groups of friends with people they might normally be in contact with and set up practices to help IMPROVE. How are you helping D/D+ players and even yourself improve when you advocate retarded builds in posts? Here comes the explanation on how they need to defend cheese and transition afterwards and how cheese is part of the game.... Well to be honest playing standard, learning how to play standard and learning slight transitions off of standard are how you learn to become a better player. not getting 12 people to cheese you once a week for a win. And then those people come in here thinking they're fucking badasses because they went undefeated vs a bunch of D players. Listen every one of you D players in this league. You want to get wins or do you want to get better as a player? One is a fucking lot harder but one is a lot more rewarding than the other and gets you those wins without looking like a dick every week. Want me to explain my attitude back in 09' compared to my attitude now? Back then I was a D+ player who wanted wins without the ladder effort and practice effort. And I would rage every time I lost because I thought I deserved that win. but you know what else came with that? after raging so much, I eventually sat down and stop bitching about losing and laddered my ass off. You remember TSL2? yea first season at C rank, you remember ISL2? Yea C+..You know why because that was my goal. And my goal now? Qualify for ISL3 and win C league and eventually hit B-. And you know what. I achieved every goal I set for myself in BW so far. I'm going to achieve these. That the fucking attitude you're talking about? THe one that got me from being in a better version of this league to where I am now, playing against some of the best foreign BW players in things like GC, ISL, and CL? I'm sorry that this attitude offends you, but it's who I am, and obviously people accept me for it. You know the reason? I ladder, I practice, and I improve...hell I'm coaching TAKK and advise them on builds. Ask them what they think of me. I bet you get positive feedback from most of them. I'm not here to make you happy, I'm here to be the best fucking BW player I can be, and if that means raging at a couple people to motivate myself then so be it. I love how people like you bring that up as if it's supposed to strike fear into my heart. Like I'm supposed to cower because I was and still am BM at times. I bet you never rage quit a game. I bet you never BM'd a player in ladder. May he who is free of sin cast the first stone my son. I will gladly go through all 500+ replays from this season and pick out every single one I was BM in and post it here because I could care less. Back on topic. When I signed up as a coach. I had the understanding all players were D/D+ and MAYBE low C-. Not previously C rank players, or even smurfs. And I also was under the assumption this league was geared toward creating an atmosphere for learning and fun. Not asshattery. I'm no longer extending my coaching to just TAKK. Any D ranks player looking for practice. I will attempt to help you become a better player. simply send me a PM with your Skype or your ICCup account and I will take time out of my schedule to watch replays, VODs, practice BOs, Practice Micro, or simply talk you through something. I'll do my best to help you improve as a player so you won't need ridiculous cheeses to win games vs your peers. Here's an Ultimatum for you reaver. You play in D league until ASL ladder starts up. you finish in ASL ladder above 50% or above C- while actually trying: You drop out of DRTL and Join my team in CRTL. You don't do that? I drop this whole thing right now. How will I see if you're actually trying? Shimys know how to send me your reps. Why make this Ultimatum? I know multiple players who are doing the same thing because they are the fringe players. If they feel comfortable playing C- players they know they don't belong in this league and they feel they are depriving other D players that privilege of playing player their level. Disclaimer: Shimy told me not to post anything to anger you because you're casting ASL. Well He's the organizer and I am merely a sponsor, whatever I said in the post is my own thoughts not his. So if I understand this correctly. You have a lot of hate for really no reason, and you haven't changed at all the past several years. Look at your own posting history in the CPL threads and on the Team 14 thread. It follows just about the same pattern here. I don't know how you're taking my posts so negatively when I've put a lot of thought into what I'm typing to not make it sound that way, but you're intentionally doing so. You're saying I'm cheesing every game I play in and that I'm BM'ing people. You can look at the VODs I've posted, and talk to people I've played.I haven't cheesed or BM'd any of my games, and they can support that. I'll send you my replay pack if you'd like. As for being scared of losing. That is the weakest argument point in your post. I don't think anybody that plays BW is scared of losing, or they would never play. Are you scared of losing? Of course you would say no. It's a silly argument. As for your last paragraph, it's not structured very well and I'm not sure how to respond to it. PM me if you wish to discuss, there is no need for your biased, angry posting here. Good luck in your future games. I hold no ill will towards you or towards anybody. I wish you the best in the ASL games! See this was originally about something completely different but since you wanted to bring this to a personal level lets do it. And this sir is why you will always be subpar at this game and whatever you try to achieve in life. That amount of strawman arguments you pulled from my wall of text is astonishing. Instead of validating yourself you invalidate your opponents argument through strawman arguments that actually have no correlation to the original topic. I don't have a lot of hate for no reason, if you read the paragraph at all it's because I want to win every game. And when I don't it upsets me. Not Hate, Upset at myself for losing. I don't know what you read but I said nothing about hate. You inserted the word hate to make me look inferior to yourself. If you look through the CPL and Team 14 threads that is two accounts of BM. You want me to bring more? Like I said I don't care. If you took any time to read and analyze my post you would see this attitude is what has lead me to improve and people like to to not only stagnate but "deteriorate" in skill level( rofl still hilarious). Nowhere in my post did I say you cheesed and BM'd I said two different things. First, You cannot bash me for bring BM because I no for a fact you are not 100% clean of the crime yourself. You can claim you are with specific VODs of games and specific replays. But If we had access to the thousands of games you've played I'm 100% sure I'd find at least a dozen games you BM'd in. Please remove the halo, you're no saint. Secondly, I said you're condoning cheese in a league that's based on improving, THAT DOESNT IMPROVE ANYONE. at all. Scared of losing? Hell yea I'm scared. You no how fucking terrified of losing vs LRM)Dragon in ISL3 qualifier 1? How about Bibiane the very next round? You know what's it's like to stare at a B level player in a Best of 3? I guess because you don't have these pressures you aren't scared of losing. My last paragraph was structured just perfectly. You participate in ASL. You achieve C- or 50% winrate by actually trying you drop out of DRTL and join my CRTL, if you don't, you enjoy your time in DRTL. I didn't know that was hard to comprehend. I hope that clears up any misinterpretation you had of my previous post. If any D player is seeking me out for coaching like I said before, my information is ICCup Account: dM-NoisE and Skype NoisE.bsg . edit: Sorry for bringing "Drama" to DRTL, I just think it's hilarious a C ranked player is playing in the league. | ||
Korea (South)1556 Posts
edit: Sorry for bringing "Drama" to DRTL, I just think it's hilarious a C ranked player is playing in the league. You are not excused. You have nothing to do with this league anymore, so please leave. PM me if you have a problem with my skills, or lack of. Psyonic: Focus on the game, and PM shotcoder if you want to continue this - for 99,9 % of the threads viewers - irrelevant bm:ing. Lets talk about happy stuff! | ||
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